REPORT HoB The Environmental Status 2014 of the Heart of Borneo Main author: Stephan Wulffraat GIS production: Khairil Fahmi Faisal; I Bagus Ketut Wedastra; Aurelie Shapiro Photos: as credited in captions. Published: January 2014 by WWF’s HoB Initiative Any reproduction in full or in part must mention the title and credit the above-mentioned publisher as the copyright owner. © Text 2014 WWF All rights reserved ISBN 978-602-19901-0-0 WWF is one of the world’s largest and most experienced independent con- servation organisations, with more than five million supporters and a global network active in more than 100 countries. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environ- ment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by: conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. THE ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS OF THE HEART OF BORNEO V Introduction The island of Borneo, encompassing parts of HoB is also known for the cultural and linguistic Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei, is recognized diversity of the several ethnic groups of as a global conservation priority, yet over the indigenous peoples collectively known as Dayak. last few decades the lowland portions of the Local people depend on the forest for a variety island of Borneo in Indonesia has suffered of resources including: food, medicinal plants, from deforestation, forest fire, and conversion non-timber forest products for trade, wild game, to estate crops. The central upland portions of fish, construction materials and water. The the island are more remote and generally less traditional management practices of the Dayak suitable for industrial exploitation – these areas communities have contributed to sustainable are relatively intact. management of natural resources of the area over the last centuries. The urgent need to address the lowland conservation issues notwithstanding; initiatives The ultimate measure of the success or failure to take advantage of the opportunity represented of conservation initiatives will be the ecological in the intactness of central areas have gained health and sustainability of institutions which traction in the last ten years. In February support that ecological health. Therefore the 2007, the governments of Brunei Darussalam, development of a monitoring framework Indonesia and Malaysia signed the Heart of which could characterize both the ecological Borneo (HoB) Declaration which commits the health and conservation status of the HoB was three governments to a single conservation initiated in 2007.The objectives then were: (1) vision to ensure the effective management of Develop a set of practical indicators that might forest resources and conservation of a network be representative of the ecological status of the of protected areas, productive forests and other HoB and could be monitored at appropriate sustainable land uses in the upland HoB. The time intervals; (2) develop a larger set of major partners in this process are the local indicators that are representative of the overall and national government, in particular the conservation status of the HoB and (3) analyze agencies involved in land use planning, but the data for those indicators to assess the overall participation from the industrial sector (timber, ecological and conservation health of the HoB. oil palm, mining) is considered crucial. The environmental status of the Heart of The initial delineation of the Heart of Borneo Borneo (HoB) was measured for the first time encompassed all the interior highlands and in 2008 with historical data and spatial as well mountains of the headwaters of the major rivers as field data from 2007. A comprehensive set of Borneo. Later boundaries were expanded of indicators was developed that proved to be to include the foot hills and important intact informative while at the same time practical adjacent lowlands. enough to provide a useful overview of the status. The indicators consisted of three types: This interior area, known as the Heart of Borneo biological indicators, the major ecosystems and (HoB), comprises the upstream sections of all selected keystone species; threat indicators and the major river drainage areas of the island. The conservation management indicators. tropical rainforests of the HoB cover almost 30% of the third largest island in the world and form These indicators were measured for the second one of the largest contiguous forests remaining time in 2013, using data from 2012 and 2010. in all of Southeast Asia. Most of the original These assessments are used for monitoring, forest ecosystems and wildlife of Borneo is still followed by evaluation of effectiveness and then present in HoB and the preservation of this formulation of adaptive management. region is being given the highest conservation priority by WWF. THE ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS OF THE VI HEART OF BORNEO Contents Introduction ............................................................ VI Executive summary ................................................ 2 Overall Status of The Ecosystems .......................... 4 Overall Threat Status .............................................. 20 Overall Conservation Management Status ............ 28 Comparison With (the environmental status for) the Whole of Borneo ............................................... 32 the Environmental Status Per State and Province 36 Putting the Heart of Borneo on the Map ................ 47 THE ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS OF THE HEART OF BORNEO 1 Executive summary Size of HoB: • Endemic groups of key plant families are doing well with most of the histori- The total area of the HoB is 23.4 million cal locations still present. hectare. The total forest cover of the HoB is 17.4 Key land uses: million hectare, almost three-quarters of • Almost 3 million ha of the Heart of the HoB. Borneo is inside protected areas (na- tional parks, nature reserves), which Forest cover of the HoB per state/ is 12.6% of the HoB, and 17% of its province: forests. • Brunei- 0.63 million ha • The extent of established oil palm • Sabah- 1.81 million ha plantations in the Indonesian part of • Sarawak- 1.83 million ha the HoB was 1.03million ha in 2012, • East Kalimantan- 7.99 million ha and another 0.33 million ha of forest inside concessions are about to be • West Kalimantan- 2.92 million ha converted to oil palm plantations. The • Central Kalimantan- 2.43 million ha land use planning has allocated 0.25 million ha inside the HoB for future Key ecosystems: conversions. • Lowland rainforest- 3.54 million ha • 0.49 million ha timber plantations • Upland rainforest- 7.78 million ha were already established in the Indo- • Montane forest- 5.30 million ha nesian part of the HoB in 2012, while • Peat swamp forest- 0.41 million ha there were another 0.077 million of natural forestsinside concessions to be • Heath forest- 0.18 million ha converted. • Smaller areas of freshwater swamps, limestone forest, mangroves • 4.4 million ha of the Indonesian part of the HoB is inside active logging Key species status: concessions. Another 1.8 million ha of forests are allocated to future logging • The elephant population is estimated concessions. to numberabout 2200 individuals, distributed over 2.23 million ha, with • A total area of 2.1 million ha of the fair connectiviy. hoB is inside mining concessions, but this includes exploration concessions. • An estimated 80% of the historical lo- The actual area that will be exploited cations of banteng distribution within is only a portion of this. the HoB are still occupied. • Clouded leopards still have almost 17 Comparison to Borneo as a whole: million ha of habitats available that • 8.3% of the the total area of Borneo is are suitable for viable populations. inside protected areas, compared to • The orangutans have a distribution of 12.6% of the HoB. 3.3 million ha within the HoB. • Oil palm and timber plantations com- • Probably less than 25 individuals of prise 32% of the Indonesian part of the Borneo rhinoceros are remaining. Borneo, versus 9% of the Indonesian part of the HoB. THE ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS OF THE 2 HEART OF BORNEO • 22% of the Indonesian part of Borneo is inside logging concessions, but the • Although the total population of percentage for the HoB is 31%. Bornean elephants is still good, the • The extent of mining concessions in distribution of this population de- Borneo is 4.5 million ha, and almost creased between 2007-2012. half of this is within the HoB. This • The orangutan distribution decreased makes a ratio of 6% for Borneo versus by 14% between 2007-2012. This 18% for the HoB. occurred mainly in West Kalimantan Overall rate of deforestation: and in Sabah. The standardized annual rate of defor- Projections for the future: estation of the HoB between 2007-2012 The projections with the current defor- was 2.19%. The standardized annual rate estation rates for 2020 indicate that way of deforestation for the whole of Borneo conversion rates for particularly lowland (2007-2012) was 4.68%. rainforest and heath forest but also many Key ecosystems/species suffering of the other ecosystems are too high to be deforestation: able to reach the conservation goals. It is however still possible to reach the goals There are still considerable large areas for most of the ecosystems if serious con- remaining of most of the ecosystems of servation interventions are applied. the HoB. Forest conversion however still continued to occur, though deforestation Main drivers of deforestation: rates for the HoBwere considerably lower than for the whole of Borneo. • Industrial conversion of forests into oil palm and timber plantations is the • Lowland rainforestwas one of the eco- major driver of deforestation. systems affected most by forest con- version between 2007-2012. Defor- • Uncontrolled conversion by local com- estation rates were particularly high in munities needing land for subsistence Sabah and Central Kalimantan. agriculture occurred in areas without concession holders and a large portion • Most of the heath forests of the HoB of these are actually protection forests.
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