Thursday, February 9, 1961 THE BCCA RATON NEWS 3 Party Prizes Horse Honors Won jl^gl J# STAR DECORATOR'S SERVICE Are Unusual llri"lP^ P.O. BOX 871 BOCA RATON, FLA. Y F°r Estimates Call Boca 3103 or Residence 4783 By Miss Coughlan 3jC! Unusual prizes are promis- Kirsch DRAPERY HARDWARE ed for the "bunco" party Boca Raton was well re- SPECIALTY - CUSTOM RODDING tation over fences; third in sponsored by the Boca Raton Quality Service- VENETIAN BLINDS Robt. A. Motzw presented in the Bethesda Championship English plea- Circle of the Morning Star Memorial Hospital Women's sure hack type; sixth in Ju- Auxiliary to be held tomor- •Auxiliary benefit horse show nior Working Hunting Stake row at the Deerfield Beach held last Thursday, Friday and sixth in Green Open Woman's Clubhouse on Hills- and Saturday. Working Hunters. boro Boulevard in Deerfield Miss Penny Cdughlan, 16, "Where Fashion Takes Form Beach. who recently won the Junior Mrs. Mary Day, riding in Mrs. Domina Jalbert, pre- From the Right Foundation" Working Hunter Champion- a horse show for the first shipof Show in Miami, rode time in 10 years, showed sidentof the entire auxiliary, away with the same title at her championship style by said the prizes will delight the horse show held at the taking third place in the everyone attending. Country Club of Florida, Adults Amateur thiee-gaited The party will start at 8 Village of Golf. Delray and sixth place in the Ama- p. m. Mrs. Florence Caul- Beach. teur three-gaited champion- field and Mrs. John Bozzone ship. Mrs. Day rode Leather- are in charge of prizes. Riding her own horse, wood Supreme, owned by Irish Holiday, Miss Cough- Members of the Junior Vince J. Fiorino of Palm Circle will help serve re- lan won several honors. A- Beach. m mong the many were first in freshments. pleasure horse English hack Huge crowds turned out Mrs. Edward Bushy of Del- for the-.benefit affair which Mrs. James Fuller, right, was hostess for cocktails at her home Monday for host- ray Beach will conduct the type; first in Junior Working esses of the Fiesta del Corazon Heart Fund Ball to be held Friday, Feb. 24, at the hunter hacks; first in equi- will swell die building fund. bunco game. Boca Raton Hotel and Club. Chatting with her were, left to right, Mrs. Lewis Ge- Proceeds benefit the Mor- rardis, Mrs. John DeWees and Mrs. Harold Szitzgable. -- Colony Studio Photo. ning Star School, Michigan visitors Mrs. Fuller Entertains Garden Club Adopts Honored at Party For Chairmen of Ball Workshop Theme GOWNS Mr. and Mrs. John Olsson "White Caps, " Crescent entertained at a dinnerparty The "Fiesta del Corazon" Gladdon Pickett, Delray Design, will be the theme . fine selection in their home honoring Mr. Heart Fund Ball Friday, Feb. Beach. of a Boca Raton Garden Club and Mrs. Kenneth Edwards 24, at the Boca Raton Ho- Mrs. William Talbot, Mrs. workshop to be held tomor- and children, Margaret and tel and Club is receiving the C. P. Prosser, Deerfield row at the Scout Hut from Kenneth Jr., of New Boston, enthusiasm of area residents. Beach; Mrs. Clark Schwa- 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Mich. Mrs. James W. Fuller, derer and Mrs. Edward Mc- Members are asked to VISIT OUR Mrs. Edwards is the Olssons' who with her husband is Donnell, Pompano Beach. bring white chrysanthemums daughter, Virginia. chairman of hostesses.en- Also Mrs. Harold Reid, and line material. Others attending were Mr. tertained her committee and Mrs. Harold Switzgabl€i All Garden Club mem- Whirlpool* BRA SPORTSWEAR and and Mrs. A. L. Muller, Mr. the committee chairmen for Mrs. Robert C. Marmaduke, bers are asked to collect and Mrs. Marion Edwards, the fourth annual ball for Mrs. Myron Walker, Mrs. L. items for the rummage sale Fine cotton broadcloth/ Exclusive "Stay There" SHOE SALON Ralph Edwards and Mr. and cocktails at her home on Bert Stephens, Mrs. Newell to be held Feb. 17 and 18 Banlon elastic back holds garment gently, Mrs. J. M. Everett, all of Monday. Wallace, Mrs. Ralph Tyner next to Kwik-Chek in the firmly in place - no riding - no sliding. Boca Raton, Mr. and Mrs. Excellent response t o Jr., Mrs. John C. DeWees, Royal Palm Shopping Pla- $2.50 R. T. Coggins and children, ticket sales was reported by Mrs. William G. O' Donnell, za. As soon as rummage is Steven, Melinda of Pompa- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reid Mrs. Jay MacL.ar.en, Mrs. collected, members are ask- Expert fitting by Ann Myers no Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Hirsh, ticket chairmen for M. Jamison Steinbaugh and ed to call Boca Raton 8741 Edwin Coggin and children, the $50 per plate benefit Mrs. Horatio Ebert, Boca or 4648. Orchid Square Ph 3345 Boca Raton Cindy, David, Edwin Jr. dinner dance. Tickets are Raton. and Carolyn of Deerfield being distributed by Mrs. Also invited Monday were Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fuller's hostess committee, Mrs. James F. Caldwell and Olsson and son, Jlmmie, opposite First Bank of Boca Raton who also will help with Mrs. Wilson E. Cole, ball of Lantana, and Mr. and table reservations, makings general co-chairman; Mrs. CHRISTIAN de PARIS SI S.I. 1st Ave. Mrs. Philip Powell and up tables for the gala party, William F. Reich Jr., Mrs. daughter, Karen, of Stuart. and are helping to sell John Weir, Mrs. Milton N. tickets on the 1961 Corvette Weir Sr., Mrs. Knox B. Sports Car, a donation to Phagan, Mrs. Lynn E. Al- Salon de Coiffure ANTIQUES the Heart Fund Ball. drich, Mrs. Mark Lasker, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mrs. Hirsh, Mrs. Thomas F. Reich Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Jr. and Mrs. W. P. Contrary to rumor our prices are ^ Matonal John Weir are co-chairmen Bebout, committee serving of prizes and tickets for the with their husbands; and Mr. NOT EXPENSIVE! A representative Week Ends" Outdoor Antiques Market sports convertible. Tickets and Mrs. Richard A. Porter, sample of the quality work done in our 2l4 are $5 each, tax deductible. chairmen of the permanent HIBISCUS COURT MOTEL ~ 5 N. Federal Hwy. The car will be awarded at Heart Ball committee. new salon includes the ball, and the winner Area residents who wish U.S. 1 — DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA North of Delroy Drive-In Thec.re need not be present. to attend the charity event VISITING DEALERS WILL EXHIBIT ANTIQUES FOR SALE Miss Margaret Bo denstein, can contact Mrs. Hirsh, execu tive secretary ' of the Boca Raton 6270; Mrs. Fuller, WELCOME VISITORS - ADMISSION FREE Heart Association of Palm 5050; Mrs. Bebout, 8621, or Oil or Creme SHAMPOO with Beach County, was among Mrs. Porter, 8966. Hair Styling 3-50 the party guests on Monday. Proceeds from the ball HAIR CUTTING for Styling 2.50 JAN., FEB., MARCH—Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays—10 a.m. fo 7 p m benefit the work of the Heart PERMANENTS including Hair Area hostesses are Mrs. Cutting for Styling, Treat- You Will ENJOY A VISIT ' William G. Weiss, Mrs. A. Association of Palm Beach County. ment, starting as low as 20 00 Don Beveridge, Mrs. Robert HAIR COLORING starting at 10.00 E. Lee Jr., Mrs. John Gar- 5 week RINSES 5.00 "Antique Wonderland Shoppers Paradise" van, Mrs. Carl Gezelschap, Engagement Mrs. N. W. Jeran and Mrs. Is Announced Expert Hair Styling. Coloring OPENING SATURDAY, FEB. II Mr. and Mrs. Willis J. Manning, 4949 N.W. Second and Permanent Waving on Avenue, Boca Raton, an- nounce die engagement of tinted and bleached hair. their daughter, Beatrice BARRETT SCHOOL of DANCE Diane, to Howard Mutizer, All Brands of Coloring Are Used in our Salon son of Mr. and Mrs, Dale Mutizer of Warsaw, Ind. in their NEW LOCATION in Boca Raton The bride-elect was gra- •duated from Seacrest High School and is employed at 103 Royal Palm Road 1259 E. Las Olas Blvd. a local furniture store.' Boca Raton 9229 Ft. Lauderdale JA 2-3073 11 W.PALMETTO POD. Her fiance was graduated from Warsaw High School, attended the University of Teaching The Finest In Indiana and is employed at the First National Bank in Pompano Beach. AUCTION CLASSIC BALLET A late May or early June wedding is planned and will GILBERT MATHER ESTATE Also Featuring take place at the Advent Brandywine Meadow Farm AND West Chester, Pennsylvania Lutheran Church in Boca OTHERS Raton. STARTING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th. TAP • BALLROOM Personals Two Sales Daily - 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ed- wards and children of New * ACROBATIC Boston, Mich., have been swept up in a whirl of acti- vities while visiting here. THi STUDI© WILL Bi QVEU ¥OR ENROLLMENT They were honored at dinner ON TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ONLY' last Wednesday night by Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Coggin; a barbecue cookout Friday night by Mr. and Mrs. Ma- TUESDAY 2 to 6PM rion Edwards; boat rides and deep sea fishing trips by the BETTY BARRETT A. L. Mullers and Capf. Marion Edwards, and were SATURDAY MEMBEH €Hi€CETTS also entertained at a party ANTIQUE ITALIAN WALNUT AND hosted by Mr. and Mrs. R. J. MARQUETRY SCRUTOIRE COUNCIL OF AMERICA Coggin. Folding flap encloses writing section with four drawers. Plain cabroile legs 10AM to 2PM FORMERLY ASSOCIATED WITH Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stokes inlaid with figures, foliage anddra_gons of Winfield Park have as COLLECTION OF OLD BOOKS MARBLE TOPPED SEMANIER CHICAGO CIVIC OPERA BALLET house guests Mr. and Mrs. Includes among others: One of a matched pair of Louis XV Fred Rich of London, Eng- * works of Lord Byron in Eight Volumes chiffoniers, inlaid with a floral maf- Pub.
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