TRANSACTIONS of the BRISTOL AND GLOUCESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUMES 121–130 (2003–2012) COMPILED BY SUSAN VAUGHAN, B.A. EDITED BY SIMON DRAPER ISBN 978 0 900197 85 7 ISSN 0068–1032 i-iv_001-124_BGAS_Index to vols 121-130.indd 1 12/02/2014 10:28 i-iv_001-124_BGAS_Index to vols 121-130.indd 2 12/02/2014 10:28 Introduction This general index covers volumes 121–130 (2003–2012) of the Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society and Historic Churches and Church Life in Bristol: Essays in Memory of Elizabeth Ralph (2001, ed. Joseph Bettey). It includes all significant persons, places and subjects with the exception of the summaries of accessions from Gloucestershire Archives and the subjects of books reviewed. Volume numbers are shown in bold type with page numbers following in normal type, for instance 121.38. Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics or by (illus.) where figures are scattered throughout the text. The letter ‘n’ following a page number indicates that the reference will be found in a note. Alphabetization is word by word. Women are indexed under their maiden name, where known, with cross-references from any married names. Generally places within historic Bristol and Gloucestershire are arranged by modern civil parish. Certain sites, hamlets and former civil parishes are cross-referenced to their present parish; e.g. Apperley, see under Deerhurst; Stratton, see under Cirencester. Places outside Bristol and ancient Gloucestershire are followed by their present county or administrative area. i-iv_001-124_BGAS_Index to vols 121-130.indd 3 12/02/2014 10:28 Abbreviations Aberdeens. Aberdeenshire Lincs. Lincolnshire b. born Lt. Lieutenant B.G.A.S. Bristol and Gloucestershire Lt.-Cdr. Lieutenant Commander Archaeological Society Lt.-Col. Lieutenant Colonel B. & N.E.S. Bath and North East Somerset Ltd. Limited Beds. Bedfordshire m. married Berks. Berkshire M.P. Member of Parliament Bt. Baronet Middx. Middlesex Bucks. Buckinghamshire Mon. Monmouthshire C century Montgom. Montgomeryshire c. circa n note Caer. Caerphilly N. Som. North Somerset Cambs. Cambridgeshire N. Yorks. North Yorkshire Capt. Captain Neths. Netherlands Ches. Cheshire No./Nos. number/numbers Co. Company Northants. Northamptonshire Col. Colonel Notts. Nottinghamshire d. died Oxon. Oxfordshire Derbys. Derbyshire P.O. Post Office Dr Doctor Pembs. Pembrokeshire E. Sussex East Sussex R.A.F. Royal Air Force E. Yorks. East Yorkshire R.C. Roman Catholic ed./eds. editor/editors Rep. Republic Edin. Edinburgh Revd Reverend f facing Rt. Hon. Right Honourable fl. floruit S. Glos. South Gloucestershire Flints. Flintshire S. Yorks. South Yorkshire G. London Greater London Salop. Shropshire Gen. General sen. senior Glam. Glamorgan Som. Somerset Glos. Gloucestershire St/SS Saint/Saints Hants. Hampshire Staffs. Staffordshire HCB Historic Churches and Church Life U.S.A. United States of America in Bristol W. Isles Western Isles H.R.H. His/Her Royal Highness W. Mids. West Midlands Herefs. Herefordshire W. Sussex West Sussex Herts. Hertfordshire W. Yorks. West Yorkshire Hon. Honourable Warks. Warwickshire illus. illustrated Wilts. Wiltshire J.P. Justice of the Peace Worcs. Worcestershire jun. junior YMCA Young Men’s Christian Lancs. Lancashire Association Leics. Leicestershire i-iv_001-124_BGAS_Index to vols 121-130.indd 4 12/02/2014 10:28 General Index to Volumes 121–130 A417 (road) abbeys/religious houses cont. assessment 121.288 Tewkesbury HCB.26; 121.263n; 122.11, 190; 123.9; Wantner’s itinerary 129.241 126.17; 127.320 abbeys/religious houses Tintern 127.24, 219, 220 Bangor Iscoed 129.132, 133 Waltham HCB.11 Bath 129.188 Westbury-on-Trym 130.155, 158 Berkeley 130.143, 157–8, 159, 160–1, 167, 168 Westminster 122.130; 127.224, 227, 229 Bishop’s Cleeve 125.97 Wilton 130.181 Bristol, see friaries; preceptory, Templar; St Augustine’s Winchcombe 121.287; 122.11, 14–15, 22, 23; 124.28; abbey; St James’s priory; St Mary Magdalene 125.366; 127.257, 258, 260, 261, 263, 264–5; 129.259 nunnery under Bristol; see also Westbury-on-Trym Withington 127.201 Canterbury Worcester 128.147–60 Christ Church HCB.79; 122.10 see also hospitals, medieval; minsters St Augustine 127.231 Abbot’s Barton, see under Gloucester Chepstow HCB.27 Abbots Leigh (N. Som.) Cirencester HCB.11; 121.274; 122.25; 127.310, 311; Baker, William, of HCB.100 129.249 church HCB.98 Croxden 126.153 dovecote HCB.99, 100, 102, 104 Croxton 125.15 Leigh Court HCB.14, 99 Dingle 127.225 Leigh manor HCB.13–14, 15, 98–108 Dore HCB.21 Norton family 122.154, 158 Edington HCB.106, 107 quarry HCB.105 Ely 124.76 Radford, mill HCB.14, 98, 101, 105 Evesham 122.22; 124.77; 128.154, 155 Stoke Leigh HCB.13 Eye 122.9 woodland HCB.13, 98, 99, 100, 102 Eynsham 126.133 Abbotsbury (Dorset), Strangways family 122.154 Flaxley 122.174; 126.188 Abingdon, Master Henry HCB.48 Glastonbury HCB.37; 124.136; 127.225; 129.147, 153n; Ablington, see under Bibury 130.166–7 Abonae, see Sea Mills under Bristol Gloucester, see Blackfriars; Greyfriars; Llanthony Abraham of Warwick 122.132 priory (Secunda); St Oswald’s priory; St Peter’s Abraham son of Abigail 122.132 abbey Abrams, Miss – (fl.1781) 121.255, 257, 258, 259, 260–1, 262 Hailes 122.22 Ackers Hereford 127.220 Benjamin St John, sheriff 128.224 Horsley 125.360 Major Charles Penrhyn, sheriff 128.224 Kempsey 130.164 Acle (Akel; Akeley; Oclee) Kenilworth 124.11n Reginald de, sheriff 128.209, 210 Keynsham 122.10, 11; 127.15 Reynold 124.20 Kingswood 122.185; 123.167; 124.15 Aclea, synod 130.155, 169 Langdon 126.153 Acom, William de 126.142 Leicester HCB.11 Acton Llanthony Secunda, see Llanthony priory (Secunda) John de, sheriff 128.210 under Gloucester Philip 122.22 London Acton Turville, Ralph family HCB.1 Clerkenwell 126.126, 127, 128 Adam (abbot of Dore) HCB.21 Greyfriars 126.155n Adam (servant of Henry Benne) 127.261 St Bartholomew HCB.11 Adam of Grenville 124.20 see also Westminster Adam the reeve 122.144; 124.66 Margam HCB.26, 27 Adam, Neil, Archaeological Review 125.344, 353; 126.180; Merton HCB.11; 124.12 127.306, 307, 309 Monmouth HCB.27 Adams Newent 121.282; 130.326 Alfred 124.199 Northampton 122.137, 145 Emma, m. Joseph Perry Distin 124.134, 188, 198–200, 201, 202–3 Osney 126.139 Francis 124.135n Pershore 122.22; 123.97; 130.165 Kezia, m. Henry Rowe 124.199n Plympton HCB.11 M. 128.26 St Albans 126.141n S. 128.25 St Osyth HCB.11 Samuel 129.212 Stanley HCB.25 Stephen HCB.185 Stow 126.133 Thomas 128.178 Templecombe HCB.80, 81, 84 William HCB.27 i-iv_001-124_BGAS_Index to vols 121-130.indd 1 12/02/2014 10:28 Adderley Almondsbury Adderley, – (fl.1775) 127.274, 275–6 Albright Adey (Ady) family Elizabeth, see Morley Daniel I 127.293, 294 Henry 123.126 Daniel II, sheriff 127.293, 294; 128.220 Alcossebre (Spain), trade 130.202, 211–12 Revd Edward 127.294 Aldborough (N. Yorks.), glass vessel 126.98 John (c.1640–1713) 127.293 Alderley, sheriffs from 128.221, 222, 223 Revd John (1793–1867) 127.294, 295–6 Alderney (Channel Isles), trade 130.209–10 Lucy, m. William Pratt 127.293, 294 Alderton Thomas 127.294 church, excavation 123.149 William Thomas 127.294, 294n Dixton 128.222 Adlestrop Aldred (under-king) 124.19n; 125.97 charter 128.154 Aldred, David Daylesford A History of Bishop’s Cleeve and Woodmancote, reviewed church, assessment 125.341 129.269–70 Hastings house 123.15 & Curr, Tim, In and around Bishop’s Cleeve through Time, Admington (Warks.), tax 127.264 reviewed 129.269–70 Ady, see Adey see also Dyer, Christopher, & Aldred, David Ælfhere 124.76–7 Aldridge, Widow 123.145 Aelfric 123.97 Aldsworth, sheep from 124.12 Ælfric cild 124.76, 77 Aldworth family 130.216, 221 Ælmund ingelding (Ælmundo ingeldinc) 130.165 Robert 130.216–17 Æoport, see Over under Highnam Alexander I 128.26 Æthelbald (Athelbald), king of Mercia 128.148; 130.153, Alexander 167, 172 – (steward, fl.1725) 124.120 Aethelberht, king of Kent 129.127, 129, 130 Mary, Archaeological Review 122.174, 180; 125.346; Æthelflaed 127.185 see also McSloy, Ed, Alexander, Mary, & Kenyon, Æthelmær 124.77 David Æthlmund Alfeizerão (Portugal), trade 130.201, 212 battle of Kempsford 130.176–81 Alfred, king of Wessex 122.9; 128.154–5 identity 130.151–76 Alfred, bishop of Worcester HCB.15 Æthelred, king of Mercia 129.122; 130.165, 171n Alfred son of Selwyn HCB.23, 24 Æthelred II, king of England 124.76 Alfrick (Worcs.), ‘Oak’ conference 129.132, 135 Æthelred, ealdorman 130.159–60 Alkington Æthelric 130.151, 155–9, 165–7, 168, 169, 173, 174–6 Berkeley estates 121.221, 226 Æthelstan 128.175 Damery Camp 121.267 Æthelweard 130.160n, 175n, 177n Goldwick, Cornock family 124.210 Æthelwine 124.76, 77 Michaelwood 121.226 Æthelwold, bishop of Winchester 124.76 Whitehall Cottage, watching brief 121.267 Æthelwulf, king of Wessex 130.177 Alkmund, St, see Ealhmund, St Aetna (bombship) HCB.172 Allen Agar, Thomas 121.224 Denise, on glass objects from Tewkesbury 122.76 Ager, Barry, ‘Kingsholm, Gloucester, burial B1 revisited’ George Saxon 129.232 130.107–31 J.R.L., ‘A Post-Roman Pottery Assemblage from Hills aggers 128.233; 129.66 Flats, South Gloucestershire: Agincourt, battle of 125.25 Trade and Communication by Water in the Severn Agnes la Poer HCB.23 Estuary’ 121.201–12 agriculture James HCB.114, 120 Bronze-Age–Anglo-Saxon 125.111–18 John 122.163, 165, 166 Iron-Age 121.79, 89–90; 123.43–4, 48, 49; 125.75–8 Leigh, on finds from Romano-British 123.80, 82–4; 125.236 Coln Gravel (Fairford) 126.59 Anglo-Saxon 121.79, 89–90 Dymock 125.228 medieval 123.115–17 Michael J., see Lovell, Julie, Wakeham, Gail, Timby, see also animal bones; crop-processing; field systems; Jane, & Allen, Michael J.
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