![On of Natioiialism](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
• V Y -, /. • • jT ' V ■ ' ........... .-'-I'.' . j^,r'i^«*6 k. ■ - ■ ' ____ -■/ . \ . * . I ■ t OtB Dofljr Ntt PpoM Rob pMaaMaHaaMHij^ PAGE SnCTEEN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2«, 1981 la rO M Weak Badte • W e a r y 88^ m ' Mra. BHaabath Ubert o f Oxford lean Lafion. aecordlar to PraiteU 10,4. ^ atreet la In N ew Raven today at- B. Miaar, localt chaiaiaot of Vol-. About Town Kiwui^ Adds Largdd Grpup Legion Giving TRUSS H TTH I tendlnjr the v o tu n ^ r aiMaory tura 170. f coiihdl meeting o^the Connecti­ Mr*. Anna. U Benktwll o f 378 cut Canoer Society. Mra. Ubert la Purchaaa of tha pack, .. Miaar By AKRON OMdnateO Bxparta M m ih eUer^^'A City 4>f Village Charm Sclwol *trf*t rtporU that aha haa Held army chairman In thia area, Polio Device •aid, la oaly part-of A profram of Alee AMeeUaal Sopporta. Btao- fivo crocuaea ready to bloom ti^ and 13 regtona o f the atate will tie the 40 aad 8 ip tupptylaff iteina Oe Ilealary. aad - aU ^pea a t day. daffodila with full buda and repreaentcd. ' Dr. Alfred U^Burg- auch aa cniticbaa, hos^tal bada. aad T O L LXXI. NO. 12t A8fi|OOBa «■ u > aargteal appltaiara 'PWvato IN . M a n c h e s t e r ; c o n n „ W e d n e s d a y , f e b i u j a r y 27.3952 fiyactntlM popping out o f the dorf of th%r State Department of Htfgan to Present Equip* othar horpital fumltiira. (TWENTY PAGES) P B I C B F I V E ground. Realth and preaident d f the Onocfr t Voitura 370 of tha 40 and 8 am- tfag Boam. Society, and Charlea H,' Waltera at ment to Nurses; Sub* bracaa Hartford county. Aid to Cpl. Robert K . Olafflti of IS Oak Hartford, who haa been drafted aa chlldraa la' Ita baalc program. Q i I m ’ s H m i m m i Orove atreet haa returned to Fort campaign chairman for the third seriptions Pay Cost IJ» S* iSoclcS t P»fey Sfatcr Cctii into Stronf Arm Act Belvoir. Va.. after apending i time, will he preaent to diacuaa a h ^ ^rloogh at hla home. He plana for the annual April fund A polio p*ck. darlgtied to fa- la the aon o f Mr. and Mra. Robert drive. - — clUtate application of heat to the C. Olaon. 1 bodiM o f vtcUniB o f polio and ei^ l- ORDERS TAKEN FOR Tax Due in ~~~* t The choir of the Concordia Ld- lar diaaaaea, will be preaented to Mother CabrinI Mothera Circlet theran Church will meet tomor tka Mancheiter. Visiting Nuraea SHOE REPniR, on SHOWER, WEDOmO vrill meet tomorrow n^lht at a:.W row evening after the Lenten aervr Aaaociation by Cheater Hogan, Ships D eal at the home o f Mra. Hiarold Man ice. All who wiah to aing in the commander of th^ Dilworth-Osr> ter.' M Delmont atreet. t-rnten cantata, "Calvary," are nell-Quey Post, Amerleaii Legion, u i ANNIVERSARY urged to attend. at 8 p. m. today at the American Washington, Feb. 27—</P) \ St. Mary'a Guild Will meet tsagion Home.-30 Leo^^ard atreet. 10:30 a. m.. Thuraday in tne j,-„nl< J. Manafleld Marine U-OIPIT —Senator Nixon (R., calif.) The pack will be made avaUable i p U Oulld roQlJi. Tht m tm bjri will Corps Leagiip Atixillary wiH meet CAKES Mid today the government is to any Mancheater. reaident who bring aandwlcheA and ..the hoatrl fnr ite monthly' buaineaa seaaton' WSM8 R by t a e vIelUhir nuraie O R FRUIT aeeking-to collect $1,436,000 Of Natioiialism eaaea. Mra. Claj^ton AHIaon. Mra. | tomorrow at 8 p. m. at the Arm y of taxes on charter fees Allen Hotchklaa and Mra. H erbert! and Navy aub. ' upoh authoriaation by a doctor. Frmaer. will aerve tea. coffee and | ____ _ The polio pack, valued at 1139, Abo, Cohos Doeonrtod figuring in ship' deals from deaaert A demonstration will be i _ _ ^ ^ waa purchased w i a a # pid^eda TEL * f l which a group of public given at 3 od o ck and members' S n » r /olu Church o f sale o f magaxine aubacriptlona 2 04 figures netted 3 1-4' million keeping a Lonely Vigil by Dead Master by a e 40 and 8 Volture 370, Amer- Acheson Is E. u„«l t. >h«r <r,.na. f “ dollars. ^ ^ rend Nixon made Uie statement at I'" sr..'s hearinga by the Senate invesUga- it?M t*^h^ ^ n *1 m tia led into"iX,' pm ' •'''"’'ma LeClaire. 140 Bla- Praised for WHA'TS THE REAL niiuB tlona subcommittee which ia In- Is Fos|ered ON rOUR HOUSE? ' qiiiring Into the legality and Virginia, where he la a Junior. , j /_________________ Va«TI Bad o«r eompela SAVE 30% OR MORE propriety o f the entire deal In aur- Lisbon Job The, Manchester Choral Society »Pfiralaera waO qaallflad plua government oil tankers. P a rtie s M p VOS. PravM factory looHiodf plus low ovorhood and vel* will fehearae thiil evening at 8 WSCS Sees Film Nixon aaid $1,436.000* ia the Washington, Feb. 27—<JP) o’clock in the Second Congrega­ Ramembar, tSaM li prodoctloo imiircs tho otmest io satbfoetioo amount which would have been Herald Ahoto. wm% — Secretary of State Ache* Bonn, Germany, F e ln ^ — tional Church. obSgatlwa w kn yo« call collectable If the group had not Tilled ‘Prejudice’ Richard J. Dillon, governor of the New England District of Kiwania Internationai. Monday in- . mmj «on retumied todax irom. Lis?, ducled-vUta,largest post-war: group- to membership-' In ■ th e.local ‘Kiwania - Olu b .^ "Governor DtltOK'ehariM' B- .bpera.ted five tankera through a — U - S, High Comn^* Anderaon-Shea AuxlMarj', No, . ... U... .. .. membera to carry on the work of the club with the same degree o f excellence which it had cn- dAEVIS BHALTW Panamanian aubaldiary exempt bon and received conttratuli'i' filoner John J. McCltiy"todij^ 2048. VFW,- will meet at 8 o'clock------ inaamiicb aa >e have done lt.j„y,.,| the paat. The group v/hich took-part in the Induction ceremony were (from left to right) 8118 This Is The Place For from U. 8. taxes. tiops from President TVuman predicted “general' disaster^ tonight at the poat home, M an-! unto the least of these, (tiy bretJr- t Stanley N. Baldw'm. George 1-. French, Gllfo:’d RouT-ke. G overnorR lcriara"X ."D ilIdh,^y OwOT. preaident Oft the face of the recorda for the “accompHshipents” at u n leM 08* 'V cheater Green. .Mra. Dora Modoan I of the local club, Philip Jenkina, and Richard Law. reviving (zennan ren, ye have done It unto me,” was | "' “ “ ' ' ‘ ’ aecured by the subcommittee, the meeting there of the tionalism is halted. He Re­ and Mra, Dorothy Miller will serve graphically and forcefully pre- | Reupbolsteriri^ Remodeling or there might be some question as to refreahmenU. North Atlantic Treaty Or­ cused most of West (Ger­ aented In the popular film, "Pre- who waa liable in event the gov­ ernment aecured a tax Judgment. ganization (NATO). many’s politicuil parties and Judice,'' last night at the all-group Ticket returns' on the Italian ' Postpone Action on Jarvis^ Manchester New Cnstom Built Fnrnitnre TTle five shipa were eventually Mr. Truman, greeting Acheson ^ ’en some cabinet ministers H A L E 'S personally at the airport, said the Flood Relief benefit dance held ' WSCS meeting o f the South IVa Invita rompartooa, aompiuv prires, fabrica, wnrlcmaaalUp. aolrt to firms owned by Stavros Alton Clyde, Jr., haa hem able to haag by hla haada la midair of fostering the revival; Saturday at the Italian-American Methodist Church. You will be roBvIared that here your dollar goea further. Niarehos, a Greek citizen. since he wns n month old. Now |4 moatha old. he’s Joined In the Lisbon' conference was the “ moat Club may be made at the club to­ ■uccesafur held thus far It was McCloy’s sharpest < In the film, .loe Hanson settles Date Book net by hls^aeven-wreks-old sister, Msrice Ann. Helping ia the per- morrow at 8 p./m. The drive, which Grant Five and Deny Three Headquariers The^aalea recorda Indicate that " I think we have accomplished with hla wife and small aon in a ALL W ORK FULLY GUARANTEED formanee are their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alton C. Johnson, Sr_ of warning to date against the waa-auppoaed tp have ended today, { ' NIarchoa' companies assumed all in the laat few days the things we thriving progressive community, Tonight i Minneapolis. (A P W lrep h ^o). trend to nationalism. haa been extended for two weeks, FOR tax liabilities along Wfith the have been working for the . lasT where he has recently secured a Th^ question of whether Alfxan* • third floor of a building at 122 Daughters of Isabella Fashion < NO MISLEADING ADVERTISING ■hips. , quarterly report I Job aa production m anager Life der Jarxda* apart nrrent hmiae at ftR Center atreet. Buslnesn Zone three or four years,” Mr. Truman to the state department, TTie meeting of the Holy Fam- j Show at St. James' School Hall. Deaiee Avoiding Tax ' said. seema to he running smoothly, un­ Dlscu.sslon-group.,.. League of. ______ NO H1GH*PRESSURE SALESMEN ^ m m e n t ln g on another aanoct ., lly. Mothera Circle achednied for w..,.w,„ ■ E. Stanley 'Klein'.' New York fi­ He congratulated both Achemfi tomorrow night haa been post­ til Joe becomes Jealou.i of hia aa- Women Voters,, at home of Mrs.
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