SUPPLEMENT-.V REf!ORT ALPINE AREA ľ E LEPH ON ES1 G OVE RNMENT O F VICTO RIA 2 6 7 131 1, 2 6 7 1098 IN R EP'L Y PLll:A8E Q U OTIC LANO CONSERVATION COUNCIL 464 ST. KILDA ROAD. MELBOURNE. VICT <. •RIA. 3 0 04 REPORT SPECIAL INVESTIGATION ALPINE AREA This supplement and the abridged report are published to allow all who are interested in the use of public land the opportunity to comment by making written submissions to the Land Conservation Council. All such submissions must reach the Secretary no later than Friday, 10 December , 1982 . These submissions will be considered by the Council befor e Proposed Recommendations are made on the use of public land in the study area. Availability of Submissions Submissions received by the Council will be available for inspection at the Council ' s offices 10 days after the closing date for submissions. ~- I. KUNARATNAM Secretary Land Conservation Council ERRATUM P.17 - 4th para. should read "The table also shows the volume of sawlogs that the mills at the different centres are currently entitled to draw from publie land, including the Alpine area, each year . SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT f or the ALPINE AREA SPECIAL INVESTIGATION Land Conservation Council Melbourne : October , 1982 55173/82 E E6T6 T fy~l O N8SI ( iii ) C01'~TENTS Page Foreword iv Land Conservation Act 1970 - Extract v Introduction i x Acknowledgements X PART 1 LAND USE 1. Public Land Use 1 2 . Conservati on 3 3 , Timber Production 6 4 . Recreation 8 5 , Cattle- grazing 1 0 6 . Mineral Expl or a tion and Mining 11 PART II REVISED INFORMATION 7 . Environmental Studi es 13 8. Hardwood Production 17 9 . Recreation 24 10 . Cattle- grazing 29 11 . Water Utilization 30 12 . Mineral Exploration and Mi ning 31 PART III BLOCK DESCRIPTIONS 1. Skene , Buller, Li col a , Bar kly , Bennison , Moroka 37 2 . Cobbler, Tea Tree , Dargo 43 3. Bogong, Dartmouth , Pi nnibar 47 4 . Cobungra, Baldhead, Be nambra , Nunniong 52 5 , Buckwong, Suggan Buggan , Reedy , Wulgulmerang 57 APPENDICES 1. Joint Ministerial Press Statement 61 2 . Vegetation of Alpine and Sub- alpine Open Areas 65 3 . Mining Tenements on Publ ic Land 77 4 . Mineral Exploration Techniques 86 5. Apparent Consumption of Sawn Timber in Victoria 87 MAPS A. Public Land Use In package B. Forest Types and Utilization In package C . Mineral Exploration Li cences Page 12 D. Descriptive Blocks Page 36 (iv) FOREWORD The Land Conservation Act 1970 established the Land Conserv­ ation Council , whose function is to ' carry out investigations and make recommendations to the Minister with respect to the use of public land in order to provide for the balanced use of land in Victoria '. This supplementary report and the earlier resources report (now available in reprinted form) describe and assess the natural resources of public land in the Alpine area and prov­ ide a factual basis on which members of the communi ty may base their submissions to the Council . It ensures that all those persons and bodies who have an interest in the future use of public land in this area can obtain and study the basic information , which the Council itself will study , and so make informed and constructive suggestions to the Council for its consideration. In making these repor ts available, t he government hopes that all i nterested par;ies will be able t o participate in an in­ for med fashion in the process of considering how publ ic lands should be used . It is hoped that, i n making submissi ons, members of the community will use as a basis the information provided by this study . The Council will make its recomm­ endations only after due consideration of those submissions . Demands for land for various purposes are many and varied, some of which are compatible and some conflicting or com­ peti ti ve . It is therefore important that the decisions made are based on factual evidence , not on subjective cri teria. Submissions are now invited and should reach the Secr etary of the Land Conservation Council within 60 days of the pub­ lication of this report , as notified in the Victorian Government Gazette . All submissions received by the Council will be available for inspection at the Council ' s offices 10 days after the closure of the submission period . S . G. McL . DIMMICK Chairman Land Conservation Council 464 St . Kilda Road MELBOURN,E 3004 (v) LAND CONSERVATION ACT 1970 EXTRACT Public Land Section 2 . (1) " Public land" means - (a) land which is not within a city town or borough and is - ( i) unalienated land of the Crown includi~g land permanently or temporarily reserved under section 4 of the Crown Land (Reserves) Aat 1978 , State forest and parks within the mean­ ing of the NationaZ Parks Act 1975; (ii) vested in any publi c authority (other than a municipality or a sewerage authority within the meaning of the Sewerage Districts Act 1958) ; or (iii) vested in the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works ; and (b) any other land which the Governor in Council declares under sub- section (2) to be public land for the purposes of this Aat . "Reserved forest " and " State forest " have the same meanings as in section 3 of the Porests Aat 1958 . (2) The Governor in Council may on the recommendation of t he Minister made after consultation with - (a) any Minister of the Crown in whom any land is vested ; or (b) the Minister responsible for a public authority in which any land is v ested - by proclamation published in the Government Gazette declare any such land to be public land for the purposes of this Aat . Functions of the Council Section 5. (1) The Council shall - (a) carry out investigations and make recommendations to the Minister with respect to the use of public lanq in order to provide for the balanced use of land in Victoria; (vi) (b) ma ke recommendations to the Governor in Council as to the constitution and defi nition of water supply catchment areas under the Soil Conservation and Land Utilization Act 1958 ; and (c) advise the Soil Conservati on Authority concerning policy on the use of land (whether public land or any other land however vested) in any water supply catchment a r ea . (2) In making any r ecommendation the Counci l shall have regard to the present and future needs of the people of Victoria in relation to - (a) the preservati on of area s whi ch are ecologica lly significant ; ( b) the conservation of areas of natural interest beauty or of historical interest ; (c) the creati on and preservation of areas of reserved forest ; (d) the creation and preservation of areas for national par ks ; (e) the creation and preservation of areas for leisure and recreation , and in particular of areas close to cities and towns for bushland recreation reserves ; (f) the creation and preservation of reserves for the conservation of fish and wildlife; (g) the preservation of species of native plants; and (h) land required by government departments and public authorities in order to carry out their functions . (3) Where the Council recommends the alienat ion of any land the recommendation shal l include the Council ' s opinion as to the best method of alienating the land to ensure the most satisfactory use and management of the land in the public interest . (4) Any person or body may make submissions to the Council as to how any public land can be better used to meet the needs of the people of Victoria and the Council shall consider any such submissions before making any recom­ mendation under paragraph (a) of sub- section (1) Investigations, notices and reports Section 9 . (1) The Co uncil shall not make any recommendation under this Act in relation to any district or area without a prior investigation of the district or area . (vii) (2) Before cornmencing any investigation under paragraph (a) of sub- section (1) of section 5 the Council shall pub­ lish a notice in the Government Gazette , in a newspaper circulating throughout the State and in a newspaper circulating particularly in or in the vicinity of the area or district to be investigated stating that an in­ vestigation of the district or area described in the notice is to be carried out for the purposes of this Act. (3) On completing an investigation of a district or area under paragraph (a) of sub-section .(1) of section 5 the Council shall - (a) publish a report of the investigation; (b) give notice in the Government Gazette of the publication of the report, the address where copies of the report may be obtained or inspected and stating that any submissions to the Council in relation to such report will be considered by the Council if they are made within 60 days of such notice; and (c) publish notice in a newspaper circulating throughout the State and in a newspaper circulating partic­ ularly in or in the vicinity of the area or district investigated of the publication of the report, the address where copies of the report may be obtained or inspected and stating that submissions may be made to the Council and the date before which they should be made. (4) The Council shall consider any submissions in relation to such report made by any person or body within 60 days of notice being given under paragraph (b) of sub- section ( 3 ) • Notice to be given to public departments and authorities in certain cases Section 10. (1) Not earlier than 60 days after notice being given under paragraph (b) of sub-section (3) of section 9, the Coun­ cil shall send a copy of its proposed recornmendations to - (a) the Council of any municipality in the municipal district to wh.ich the recommendation relates is situated; (b) any other public authority or government department that in the opinion of the Council has an inter­ est in the area of the proposed recommendat~on; and (c) any person or body who made a submission under sec­ tion 9 - (viii) and shall consider any submissions received within 60 days of the sendin~ of such copy to the council , authority, department , person or body or in the case of a public authority or government department within such longer period as may be agreed upon between the Minister and the Minister admini steri ng that department or responsible for that authority .
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