History of College disasters - page 8 Four person rule is not enough - page 15 Volume 5 An independent The Virginia publication at the College Issue 4 of William and Mary. October 7, 2009 2008 Collegiate Network Established 2005 Informer Paper of the Year www.VAInformer.com Benefactor of Miller Hall discusses healthcare Alum, healthcare CEO opposes public option T.D. Crowley surance company to compete with private Contributor insurers. Mr. Miller called the public op- tion supported by the Obama administra- Alan B. Miller came out strongly against tion “very similar, if not exactly the same” the prospect of a public option for health- as the Clinton plan, which was roundly de- care reform Saturday during an hour-long feated in Congress. He expressed concern forum sponsored by Americans For In- that with an endless supply of taxpayer source: wm.edu formed Democracy and hosted by Miller revenue to support it, and said that such a in the new building that bears his name. plan could undercut private insurers while Mr. Miller, a William providing poor service for consumers. Plans unveiled for Richmond and Mary graduate Questioning the statistic that 45.7 mil- and CEO of hospi- lion Americans are without health insur- Road apartments tal management firm ance, Mr. Miller said that the number of Health Services In- American citizens who are both uninsured Will Clements Craftsman site. The press release claims corporated, empha- and could not obtain coverage if they Editor in Chief - VIO that “the College has been working with sized his support for so chose is closer to 16 million. He sug- the William & Mary Real Estate Foun- greater government gested that 12-14 million of those could An architectural drawing was revealed dation to expand options for students regulation of health- MILLER obtain coverage if Congress allowed the last Friday by the William & Mary Real close to campus.” care but suggested purchase of health insurance across state Estate Foundation detailing plans for The plan schedules building to be that the infrastructure and expertise of lines, which would substantially increase apartment style student housing and complete by the fall 2011 semester, private insurance companies could not be competition between insurers and could shops across from Blow Hall on Rich- and construction to begin this summer. easily duplicated by the government. lower premiums. mond Road. According to an Octo- According to the College’s statement, Beginning his remarks by stressing the Mr. Miller also championed a cap on ber 2nd William and Mary News press “the project has been several years in “extremely complicated” nature of prob- punitive damages in malpractice lawsuits. release by Brian Whitson, “a project to the making.” 12,000 square feet of re- lems within American healthcare, Mr. Mill- Not only do high premiums for malprac- bring much-needed student retail and tail space on the first floor will likely be er proceeded to speak about the reforms tice insurance force doctors to charge housing close to the William & Mary occupied by stores and restaurants that proposed by the Clinton administration in campus is moving closer to reality.” would provide students with increased 1994. Under the Clinton plan, the national DONOR SPEAKS ON HEALTHCARE The plans for the three story build- entertainment opportunities. The plans government would have created its own in- continued on page ten ing include student friendly retail stores emphasize outdoor seating for a restau- on the first floor with 14 apartments on rant and a “breezeway” that will allow the second and third floors. The pro- direct access to Richmond Road from posed dorm would accommodate 56 the parking lot. This month the plan Administration makes final speech students. The new dorm will be locat- will be submitted to the Williamsburg’s ed at property acquired by the College’s Architectural Review Board for ap- code change requested by FIRE Real Estate Foundation last year: the proval. Taylor Building and the former Master Elizabeth Hexter list of examples of harassment. Contributor FIRE did not contact the administra- tion of the College directly about imple- According to the Foundation for Indi- menting the final changes. However, the vidual Rights in Education (FIRE), the College was already in the process of Reveley: William and College is on track for a “green light” reviewing the website prior to FIRE’s designation. The “green light” designa- suggestion to revise it. According to tion is given to colleges and universities University Relations, President Reveley Mary must support itself with free-speech-friendly policies. This asked that this process be expedited and Mason Watson designation would reflect the recent the decision has been made to remove Editor at Large “The more out-of-state changes to the College’s speech code the examples in question from the web- students we have, the better for both student and faculty conduct. In site. In a recent interview, President Taylor we’re off financially.” a recent news article, FIRE stated that The administration has already made Reveley spoke honestly about his low all the College had to do was make a several changes to policies regarding expectations for continued state support change to its Office of Equal Opportu- speech in the code of conduct recently, for the College of William and Mary. “We nity website and it would be promoted including eliminating a ban on anony- have been privatized release that, including this new cut, the to “green light” status. According to mous postings and modifying an in- de facto,” he said. “I state has reduced its support for the Col- College Spokesman Brian Whitson, the ternet usage policy that prohibited any don’t think that’s go- lege’s operating budget by $16.6 million administration has decided to make that “unsolicited messages which contain ing to change.” Mr. since 2008 – nearly 32% of the budget. change. profane language or which pander to Reveley explained As Mr. Reveley told The Virginia Informer, The College’s Office of Equal Op- bigotry, sexism or other forms of dis- that the state gov- “every time you turn around you’re being portunity maintains a page on “discrim- crimination.” ernment’s empha- sliced.” ination” that, according to FIRE, “ex- Former Student Assembly Student sis on low taxation The effect of these cuts, which were plicitly includes protected expression as Rights Secretary Braum Katz (’10) first means that budget REVELEY announced midway through the fiscal examples of harassment.” FIRE is in brought the issue of free-speech-stifling cuts – such as the $6.7 million cut in the year, is to seriously destabilize the Col- complete agreement with the definition policies to the administration’s attention College’s operating budget announced lege’s financial plans. The administration of harassment given on the website, but in the Spring of 2008 after the contro- this September – will probably not be re- must come up with a plan to deal with takes issue with the examples of harass- versy over the Sex Workers’ Art Show. versed any time soon. the budget cuts by the time the Board of ment provided on the website, claiming In the aftermath of the show, it became This most recent budget cut is the fifth that they do not match the definition. the College has endured in the last few REVELEY DISCUSSES FINANCES FIRE suggested that the administration FINAL FIRE CHANGE MADE years. President Reveley noted in a press continued on page ten leave that definition up, but remove the continued on page ten CONTENTS Want to get every issue of The Informer in the mail? News................................ 2 New WMTV programming E-mail [email protected] with your name and Features............................ 5 address, and we will send you an order form and your first Page 4 issue FREE! Arts & Culture.................. 11 Opinion............................ 14 Page 2 The Virginia October 7, 2009 News Informer Former Rector Powell to kick-off “Ethics Week” Hart Moore tors and as Rector of Assistant News Editor the College, a position he stepped down from On Tuesday, November 3rd, Mi- this summer. Among chael Powell (’85) will be returning other notable achieve- to his alma mater at the request of ments, Mr. Powell the Honor Council to give a speech has chaired the Fed- kicking off the Honor Council’s eral Communications Ethics Week. Commission from Ethics Week is hosted annually by 2004 to 2005. Most the Honor Council, and it serves to recently, Mr. Powell foster student familiarity with the spoke to students dur- School’s Honor Council and Honor ing the 2007 Convoca- Code. According to Skyler Halbrit- tion Ceremony. er (’11), a member of the Council, Mr. Powell’s tenure “Ethics week is a means of reach- as Rector was marked ing out to the William and Mary by controversy. Fol- community and inducing a dia- lowing the resignation logue between students and Council of former President members about the College’s honor Gene Nichol he faced code.” insinuations from A number of other Ethics Week some students that he events include a guest author, as violated the Honor well as a mock Honor Council trial, Code by mis-charac- which will serve to familiarize stu- terizing the Board’s dents with Honor Council proceed- decision not to renew ings. Mr. Nichol’s contract Mr. Powell, the son of former as unanimous. source: wm.edu Secretary of State Colin Powell, Mr. Powell ad- Ethicist-in-chief: Michael Powell served as Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission and graduated in 1985 as a brother of dressed town hall Rector of William and Mary. He will return this November to speak at the Honor Council’s Ethics Week.
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