*r- 7 v>r»* > ^-:: . r- -W THi: WBATHER Forecast of O. 8. Weather Boreoa AVERAOB daily cnCCLATION far the Moeia ot Deeembar, 1$M Inercastag rIowItacBS tonight, toL lowed by snow Toeaday; riatag tam 6.179 peratnrea late tonight and Tanadny. Member of Dm Audit Boieoa et Clreatattaas MANCHESTER — A VJTY OF VILLAGE ( HAKM PRICE THREE CENTS (lAtaeined Advertising on Page 12) MANCHESTER CONN„ MONDAY, JANUARY 23,1939 VOL. LVin., NO. 96 One Saved; One Lost HEALTH PLAN CIVILIAN EVACUATION HEAVY SEAS DEUY SENT SOLONS ARRIVAL OF PLANE ' B Y ROOSEVELT. OF BARCELONA RULED: SINKING SURVIVORS Report, Prepared By Com- mvie r ic Ans to leave 1 mittee Named In 1935, A tsso Baytown Not Expected Takes Nine Baths I Includes Proposal For LoyalisU Proclaim '‘State ^ United States Officials Ar- | Married to Prince At New York Until After Compulsory Insurance. ranging To Summon i War” Throaghoit G«r- 4 O’Qock This Afternoon; erument Spain h Lmk Washington, Jan. 23 — (API — Cnnser Omaha To Re* Drop Search For Misnng. President Roosevelt submitted to Congress for "careful study” today move Men From Danger Stand Defense Of Ca^iifc a comprehensive report recommend- New York. Jan. 23.—(AP)—Buf- Rebel Armies Within tS feted by heavy seas, the tanker Rsso ing a long-range 1^50.000,000 Fed- Mr and Mrs. Donald Miller (above) of Uncoln, Neb., were Zone; Embassy Expected eral-state program'to Improve the Baytown moved alowly up the coast pass iigora on the British Imperial Airways flying boat Cavalier, nation’s health. Which sal down at sea 322 miles o(! the Jen ey coast. teward New York today with the 'The objective of a national Maes Of Gtp On CanM. dent of a dry goods Blorc. waa mlsBlng after Mr®, MlUcr and nine To Be Shifted Elsewhere. 10 aurvlvora of Saturday's 10-hour health program," Mr. Roosevelt others had been saved by a tanker. Two other peraon* were alao siege of horror occasioned when the said, "Is to make available In all mlMlng. parts of our country and for all Hendaye, Prance (At tba SponlBi. Bermuda-bound Imperial flying boat Barcelona, Jan. 23.—(AP)—Unit- groups of our people the sclentlflc Frontier), Jan. 33. — (AP)— ’Ah Cavalier sank with the lose of three ed Statea authorities decided today Uvea, after completing about half knowledge a.'d skill at our com- Spanish govemmant today ordsi|^ mand to prevent and care for sick- to remove Americana from the Bar- of It# trip. evoouatton ot the dviUon popuM* The high acaa and strong winds ness and dUablllty: to safeguard celona area aa the Spanlah govern- Uon ot Barcelona and pradotmod^ '($ 8 VESSELS IN DISTRESS dalayed the arrival of the rescue mothers. Infanta and children; and ment threw all Its resoiircea Into a to offset through social Insurance "atate of arar**- morttal tata'^ vessel more than 12 hours. laat-atand defense of Its capital. Originally scheduled to dock early the loss of earnings among workers throughout government Spain tar-'B this morning, the Esso Baytown who are temporarily or permanently The United States offlclala here lost atond defente of tha copltol. DURING ATLANTIC GALES arranged to summon the 7,050-ton Insurgont armies drove to wit radioed the Standard Oil Company disabled." of New Jersey. 4$» owner, that it The report, prepared by an Inter- United Statea cruiser Omaha which about IS mllaa of Bareekam oa would probably not arriveruntll after Departmental Committee named In la at Vlllefranche, on the Frencn coast, and Inland oolumna ropo 4 o’clock thla afternoon. 1935, Included a proposal for com- Riviera, about 12 hours sailing dis- advancea *i ' lives Of More Than 300 The eablnat ot Govemmant fw < To Abandon Search pulsory health Insurance, which la SEVERE SUDDEN tance from northeast Spain. Meanwhile. Commander John S. Walter D. Thuraton, American mler Juan Negrtn declared that tts opposea by the American Medical mintatera themsalvea would ramflita. Bayllsa of the Coast Guard Indicated Aasociation as a step toward social- charge d’affaires said hs would call that further search for the three Seamen And Passengers In the capiUL ised medicine. for the Omaha tonight. Vice Ikinaul L missing personr would be abandoned DROP PRODUCES Douglas Flood notified Americana to The neoroat Iasu"gaat To Offset Bamings' Loss pushed port Bltgao, about l i ^ ss futile. He said five cutters Mr. Roosevelt said one of the ob- Imperilled h Storm In be prepared for the ahlp. Ha said 1^ which remained at the scene of the Prlotjeea Marta aouthwoot of Borcekma ~ tragedy at dark last night had ”hove jectives of a national health pro about 30 would leave. ooid by Insurgsnta to ho ^ gram was to ’’offset throu$ih social STATEJHIVERS (United States offlclala In Barca*. to In a gale" and that learch at- Which 12 Persons Killed. I mllea from the dty. In the - tempts were practically out of the Insurance the loss of earnings Iona were said to have a lUt ot 100 Rome. Jan. 38.—(AP) — King aeeUoo, the Inaurganta wara question because of the jad weather. among workers who are tempo- civilians, mostly Puerto BUcana and Vittorio Emanuels gave hia young- big off tha Lartdh-Bareataam Mesaagea from the Eseo Baytown Ana Sheridan rarily or permanently disabled. Weatherman HcMt Out Re- Filipinos, beside, about Ml wounded daughter, the dkrk-«y«() M n - way. Oao eolunm WM oald .. Indicated that the survlvora. while Senator Wagnei (D-NY) haa said BULLETIN! American veterans of the S ponian L ^ Mario, In manrtaga today to on tha outoMrta of Ptera. whtah;)*-. suffering from exposure and deep he would Intrpduce a bill to provida London, Jon. 2$. — (AP) — Hollywood, Jan. 23.—(AP) —Ann government’s pHnea LouU of Bourhon-Parmo. about 30 mllaa from BoredoM. shock, were braving the rttum trip Sheridan, the red-haired vamp, the first 830,000,000 to start ths Twelve ships, buffeted by moun- lief •Prospect Within 24 who have been mustered out of the a# iiia nneo- Praia Oa PatataSaoBy aa well as could be expected on the tainous seas on the Atlontle, Army but have not yet been able to big-game hunUng edon 01 the ootm- opened a new vista of movie clean- health program, ’ which by 1949 1 Oanerallaalmo Proamfa a n storm-tossed tanker. Their condi- would cost the Federal gevemment sent distress colls today os gales leave Spain). )sovereign-------- ------------------------- du)ws of Pormo. praooad on poratatantty tai tha ai tion was described as "satisfactory liness today by taking nine shower and the staus 8850,000.000. killed It persons on the south- Hours; Bitter Cold Feh Leove From OaMetae Tha ceramony to tba PauHna p«ign to Uka tba grant aooatol as poosible.’’ baths—seven hot and two cold — The Inter-Uepartmental Commit- west eoost of England and Im- The Americana will leavi from chapel of the Qulrinole palace woo i qffilch became tba capital after Two Coast Guard cutters, the at a coat of 81,668. tee report outlined a five-point pro- perilled the lives of several bun. Caldetaa, where United States operformed f l l -by Court------- Cheptato. Mon-1—y, government mtamd flnt Manhattan and Calumet, waited at dred sesunen and passengeta. Over Large Area Of U. S. cialB have taken a villa. iP?"signor Oluaeppa--------------- Baceorlo,------- 1. w y ota*- qtid than from ’Valeneta^' t)M Battery to take relatives and offi- Miss Sheridan also, struck a new gram which, besides health Insur- Two of the vessels wWeb sent fashion note. She stood In the ance, called for; With the SpanUh government un-lbraM ^ • ?*^*S[* escape tha Inourgant roenoea. B d ^ cials down the bay to meet the res- S08 calls later raportod they " T ^ $ n d Volenoto romoto to shower, with utmost caution. In a Care of the- medically Indigent. ire re temporarily out of dasMT. der a drastic decree of a “full atotalal family, cue ahlp and escort It to Its North By ARSOCtATBD PBERR river pier. silk swim suit-held up with ad- New' hospitals where needed or They srere the $A$2 las Nether- at war" os Generollaalmo rrantaaeo \ rtgua _________ piMM subsldlsatlun of existing bospltaia. A eavara and sudden drop in tem- Franco’s Insurgent armlea praaaafl ooU n l^ffbyn m ^ Sixty police officers, two polios hesive tape. loads etaomar Porytaan wMh _ ,'aolona thina tboen th------- emergency sqpads and two ambu- Cinema ladles have used tape be- A national program of matamai erew'tif t l, sod tha X.3$8-ten perature which produced the win- _____ataadlly_ d____ e a r to It. capit^caplUl, the fore to anchor evenings gowns and iM tle mtaiilona aad a • law otbar lowtog rapeotatl air mlda laneos were ordered to ataad by and child wnUare. Brltlab ateosaer Teritags wtth a ter’s coldest weather #o far left United" Statea ambaosy also waa whleh kUM 4t I horary. Miss Sheridan Is the flrst erew of $$. guaata attaadaq. when the boat docks. DlaghOsUc and treatment cantars. Connecticut ebiverlng and numb to- pected to be removed. Tha prtocaaa ta 34 yaart old. Tha (tnona. ,* To Soot ta Heopltala. to rely on It In water. She said The American Medical Aooocla- Flood and Vice (Jpnaul John it worked flne, and If It hadn’t, her London, Jan. 28—(A P)—808 alg day. bridegroom ta-$$. _Thalr wataW Monnwhlle, tba Ihaurgaot oMtaM; AUt he survivors. It was sold, Jemegan, hosrever. Intended to re- began a year ago wbmi w Pftt®* wkteh yaatorttay aopturad P“ ----- bathing scene might have cost War- (UOdtlhaeO on Hogt ElghLI nals crackled from eight ships In The New Haven Weather Bureau main In or near Barcelona Indefi- ner Brothere ss much as 82,000, reported a low at 7 a.
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