THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2 AUGUST, 1955 4445 "2. Taking effect of union. Upon the day when thenceforth become and be absolutely vested in and any Order of Your Majesty in Council affirming this shall and may from time to time be exercised by the Scheme is published in the 'London 'Gazette the union Bishop of Ely for the time being." shall forthwith take effect and the Reverend John And whereas the said Scheme has been approved Haydon Yeo if he is then incumbent of the said by Her Majesty in Council: benefice of Rownhams shall, with his consent (testi- Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by -and with the fied by his signature hereto), be the first incumbent advice 'of Her said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify of -the united benefice. the said Scheme, and to order and direct that the " 3. Parsonage House. Upon the union taking same and every part thereof shall be effectual in effect the parsonage house at present belonging to law immediately upon the publication of this Order the benefice &f. Rownhams shall be the house of in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts. residence of the incumbent of the united benefice. And Her Majesty, by -and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct 'that this Order be forthwith "4. Clerical and lay assistance. Upon the union registered by the Registrar of the said diocese of taking effect the incumbent shall employ such clerical Ely. or lay assistance to assist him in performing the W. G. Agnew. duties of the united benefice as the bishop of the said diocese of Winchester may from time to time direct, and there shall be appropriated as a fund At the Court at Goodwood House, the 29th day towards the cost of providing such assistance as of July, 1955. aforesaid a part of the endowments of the united benefice, .namely, a capital sum sufficient to produce PRESENT, an annual income of £30, being part of a larger The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. capital sum at present held by us for the endowment WHEREAS th6 Church Commissioners have duly of the benefice of Nursling, and the said annual prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council income shall be paid by us to the diocesan board of a Scheme bearing date the 20th day of July, 1955, finance of the said diocese of Winchester as trustees in the words and figures following, that is to say: — to apply the same accordingly. "We, the Church Commissioners, in pursuance of " 5. Archdeaconry -and rural deanery. The united the Church Patronage Act, 1870, and of the Acts benefice shall be in the archdeaconry of Winchester therein mentioned, have prepared the following and in the rural deanery of Romsey." Scheme for effecting a transfer of the ownership' of And whereas the provisions of the Union of the advowson or perpetual right of patronage of Benefices Measures, 1923 to 1952, the Union of and presentation to the church and cure (hereinafter Benefices Rules, 1926 and 1930, and the Pastoral called 'the said benefice') of Boughton in the Reorganisation Measure, 1949, relating to the prepa- County of Norfolk and in the diocese of Ely. ration and submission of this Scheme have been duly complied with: " SCHEME. And whereas the said Scheme has been approved "Whereas we are satisfied that Sir Charles Alfred by Her Majesty in Council: Howard, K.C.V.O., D.S.O., of Castle Rising in the Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the County of Norfolk Brigadier (Retired) in Your advice of Her said Council, is pleased hereby to Majesty's Army, as sole surviving trustee of the affirm the said Scheme and to order that it shall residuary estate of the late Sir William Everard be and become effectual in law immediately upon Browne ffolkes, is the patron or person entitled to the publication of this Order in the London Gazette. present or nominate to the said benefice: W. G. Agnew. " And whereas the said Sir Charles Alfred Howard desires to transfer the advowson of the said benefice to the Bishop of Ely for the time being and is con- At the Court at Goodwood House, the 29th day senting to this Scheme (in testimony whereof he has of July, 1955. executed the same): PRESENT, "And whereas we are satisfied that the transfer will tend to make better provision for the cure of The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. souls: WHEREAS the Church Commissioners have duly "Now, therefore, with the consent of the Right prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a Reverend Edward, Bishop of Ely (in testimony Scheme bearing date the 14th day of July, 1955, in whereof he has executed this Scheme), we, the said the words and figures following, that is to say: — Church Commissioners, humbly recommend and pro- "We, the Church Commissioners, in pursuance of pose that upon and from the day of the date of the Church Patronage Act, 1870, and of the Acts the publication in the London Gazette of any Order therein mentioned, have prepared the following of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this Scheme Scheme for effecting a transfer of the ownership of and without any conveyance or assurance in the law the advowson, or perpetual right of patronage of and other than such duly gazetted Order, the whole ad- presentation to the church and cure (hereinafter vowson or perpetual right of patronage of and called ' the said benefice') of Shepreth in the County presentation to the said benefice shall be transferred of .Cambridge and in the diocese of Ely. to the said Edward, Bishop of Ely, and his successors in the same Bishopric and shall thereupon and thence- "SCHEME. forth become and be absolutely vested in and shall "Whereas we are satisfied that Dora Watkins and may from time to time be exercised by the Wells of Stone Hall, Wallingford, in the County of Bishop of Ely for the time being." Berks, Spinster, and Cecil Francis Wells of Cherry And whereas the said Scheme has been approved Tree Cottage, Kingwood Common, in the County of by Her Majesty in Council: Oxford, mineral water manufacturer, are the patrons Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the or persons entitled to present or nominate to the said advice of Her said Council, is pleased hereby to benefice: ratify the said Scheme, and to order and direct that "And whereas the said Dora Watkins Wells and the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in Cecil Francis Wells desire to transfer the advowson law immediately upon the publication of this Order of the said benefice to the Bishop of Ely for the in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts. time being and are consenting to this Scheme (in And Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, testimony whereof they have executed the same): is pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forth- "And whereas we are satisfied that the transfer with registered by the Registrar of the said diocese will tend to make better provision for the cure of Of Ely. souls: W. G. Agnew. "Now, therefore, with the consent of the Right Reverend Edward, Bishop of Ely (in testimony whereof he has executed this Scheme), we, the said At the Court at Goodwood House, the 29th day Church Commissioners, humbly recommend and of July, 1955. propose that upon and from the day of the date of PRESENT, the publication in the London Gazette of any Order of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this Scheme The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. and without any conveyance or assurahee in the law WHEREAS the Church Commissioners have duly other than such duly gazetted Order, the whole prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a advowson or perpetual right of patronage of and Scheme bearing date the 20th day of July, 1955, in presentation to the said benefice shall be transferred the words and figures following, that is to say:— to the said Edward Bishop of Ely and his successors "We, the Church Commissioners, acting in pur- in the same Bishopric and shall thereupon and suance of the Pastoral Reorganisation Measure, 1949,.
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