NORTON ST PHILIP PARISH COUNCIL MENDIP DISTRICT OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET www.nortonstphilipparishcouncil.co.uk Chair David Smallacombe, The Old Police House, Town Barton, Norton St Philip, Bath BA2 7LA 01373 834339 Clerk Nicola Duke, 21 Hackney Way, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 2GE, [email protected] Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 6th October 2015 at 7.00 pm at The Palairet Hall, Norton St Philip. Present: Cllr D Smallacombe (Chairman), Cllr D Allen, Cllr R Eastment, Cllr V Bolton. In attendance: Ms N Duke (Parish Clerk), Cllr L Oliver and three members of the public. AGENDA ITEM 7566 Apologies for Absence There were none. 7567 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate There were none. 7568 Minutes The minutes of a previous meeting of the Council held on 3rd September 2015 were approved for accuracy and adopted. 7569 Chair’s Announcements The Chair suggested that, in order to provide additional opportunity for public attendance at meetings, the meeting times were alternated between evening and afternoon. This was agreed and the meeting times for December and February therefore adjusted to 3.00 pm. The Clerk would update the website and liaise with the Palairet Hall booking clerk accordingly. 7570 Councillor Reports Cllr Linda Oliver reported the following: A meeting had taken place to hand over highway matters from Jeff Bunting to Chris Betty. Notes resulting from the meeting would be made available when received. It was reported that alternatives were being explored for the cut opposite Town Barton, with a suggestion to curve out the road and add bollards thereby creating a left turn rather than a slip road. It was noted that this would not require planning permission and may well be a quicker and cheaper option than any which have been considered to date. The fingerposts at Tellisford Lane had been removed and it was reported that the cost of reinstalling would now fall to the parish council. It is however thought that the fingerposts sign at the junction of the cut and Bath Road can be up righted and it is acceptable for the PC to organise re painting of the sign. A 20 mph zone was being planned on the B3110 which would start at Chevers Lane and end just past the shop. A 20 mph zone was also being planned on the A366 from just prior to the school on Bell Hill and to the junction with Longmead Close. The 40 mph sign at Longmead Close is to be changed to a 30 mph sign and would be extended further back along the A366. Residents at Chatley Park had raised concerns over speeding and although the speed limit could not be reduced consideration was being given to reinforcing the 40 mph limit by installing roundels on the road and looking to move the 30 mph sign further back along to A366. The yellow lines could be installed by Christmas. A resident had raised concern regarding the light on the corner of the school, which although a subdued light was causing some nuisance to residents. It was agreed that the Parish Council would take this matter forward. The Parish Council was encouraged to ascertain the exact detail of existing village maintenance contracts before considering ordering additional work. Cllr Oliver had contacted MDC to ascertain the exact stance in regard to fracking in the area. 7571 Clerk’s Report The Clerk reported that Cllr Allen had raised concerns from residents in Farleigh Hungerford regarding the number of motocross events. Information was tabled and it was agreed that the Clerk should write to MDC licensing and planning departments accordingly. 7572 Planning applications After discussion with Cllr Oliver and due consideration the following was resolved: 2015/1124/OTS – Lodge Farm, Hinton Charterhouse to Brown Shutters, Farleigh Hungerford – change of use of the existing barn with a single storey extension to provide a 3 bedroom house – it was proposed by Cllr Walker and seconded by Cllr Allen to leave the determination of the application to the planning officer. 2015/2152/FUL – Lower Haven Farm, Farleigh Road – retrospective change of use from agricultural barn to residential dwelling – it was proposed by Cllr Allen, seconded by Cllr Eastment and resolved to object to the application on the grounds that the development was in the green belt and outside of the village development limits. 7573 Planning decisions and updates Update on fracking in the local area – Cllr Linda Oliver would ascertain the position at MDC. Update on the village green application at Shepherds Mead – Mr Maggs had attended a meeting with the Somerset Wildlife Trust to consider establishing a Coronation Meadow at Shepherds Mead. It was noted that an evidence base as to local usage would be required to take both applications forward. 7574 Planning appeals and enforcement It was agreed that the Chairman would attend the Planning Board to speak to the Longmead Close application and would liaise with Cllr Oliver accordingly. 7575 Mendip District Council’s Local Plan Part II Following discussion involving both Cllr Linda Oliver and members of the public present the Parish Council it was proposed by Cllr Bolton, seconded by Cllr Allen and resolved to focus the Parish Council’s efforts on the Local Plan Part II consultation. Members agreed to establish a Local Plan Part II working group to consist of Cllrs Walker, Allen and Bolton with Cllr Oliver and Mr and Mrs Bell. It was agreed that Cllr Oliver would arrange a meeting with MDC to ascertain the next steps required and it was further agreed to convene a parish meeting as soon as practicable to explore options and opinions with the parishioners of the village. It was noted that the budget options could also be included on the agenda for this meeting. 7576 Highways and Rights of Way Members had received relevant reports prior to the meeting and there were no questions arising. It was noted that the Lollipop Lady had resigned and that Cllr Oliver was working with the school on this issue. 7577 Financials a) The following expenditure was approved (proposed Cllr Bolton, seconded Cllr Walker): N Duke Allowance and expenses 17.33 HMRC PAYE September 2015 103.81 Palairet Hall Drop in sessions 244.00 Futurform Tannoy speakers for Palairet Hall 1490.40 The Fleur de Lys Refreshments Council training 38.35 b) The financial report as at September 2015 was tabled and there were no significant budget variances to note. c) Members considered the process for budget/precept setting 2016/2017 and agreed to use the process established in 2015/2016 but to bring forward the public budget meeting as outlined in agenda item 7575 above. 7578 Parish Information Leaflet Members had agreed the draft for the leaflet and it was agreed that Cllr Bolton and the Clerk would explore issues relating to data protection for the next meeting prior to the distribution of the leaflet. 7579 Correspondence Post Office re: Norton St Philip post office – a letter had been circulated to members and was considered. It was noted that Cllr Oliver was in conversation with the stakeholders. 7580 Meeting schedule The date of the next meeting was noted as Wednesday 4th November 2015 to be held at The Old School Room in Farleigh Hungerford. 7581 Confidential Information It was noted that expected information had not been received in relation to agenda 7582 and no confidential session was therefore required. 7582 Village Maintenance The item was deferred awaiting receipt of additional information. There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.50 pm. .
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