ITGBL Local Agents Country: Afghanistan Post: Kabul Bureau: SCA Local Agents: 2) AES Cargo Share-E-Naw, Charahi Ansari Kabul, Afghanistan POC: Greg Forgrave Tel: 93-70-296-492 Cell: 93-70-274-374 Email: [email protected] 1) PAXTON International House #1, Corner of Shura and Park Streets Karte Seh Kabul, Afghanistan POC: Wali Mohammad Wasif Tel: 93 (0) 70 295 329 Cell: 0093 (0) 700 29 53 29 Email: [email protected] Website: www.paxton.com Country: Albania Post: Tirana Bureau: EUR Local Agents: 1) AES Cargo/ Move One Rruga "Brigada e VIII" P. Teknoprojekt Sh.2 Ap 3/2 Nr. 33/1 Tirana, Albania POC: Glenda Pajo Tel: 355 4 225 8103 Cell: 355 69 206 7269 Email: [email protected] 2) AGS Tirana Ish Kombinati I Tekstileve Fabrika e Ngyrosjes Tirana, Albania POC: Genti Jacellari Tel: 355 4 235 2560 x113 Fax: 355 69 208 6315 Email: [email protected] Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Page 1 of 152 ITGBL Local Agents Country: Algeria Post: Algiers Bureau: NEA Local Agents: 2) Algeria Moving and Shipping 13 Lot Beau Sejour La Sapiniere No. 7 Birmandreis Algers, Algeria POC: Mme. Ahlem Menar, GM Tel/Fax: 213-21-56-48-53 Cell: 213-0770-415-261 1) Deminter Algeria Rue Lakhder Manaa Cite 19 & 2 BT C No. 1 Ben Aknoon Alger, Algerie POC: Mr. Mohamed Meghiref, GM Tel: 213-21-91-57-92/ 213-21-91-57-94 Fax: 213-21-91-67-62/ 213-21-91-24-82 Cell: 213-61-51-27-38 Madjid Meghiref Cell: 213- 550 614 494 Amine Meghiref Email: [email protected] Country: Angola Post: Luanda Bureau: AF Local Agents: 1) EMP-TRANS Cargo Center Lds. Rua Gastao de Sousa Dias Nr. 6 r/c Luanda, Angola POC: Hugo Silva or Rodrigo Junior Tel: 244-222-324632 or 244-222-321840 Email: [email protected] 2) Africa International Removals LDA/AGS Frasers Angola Rua do Futungo Bombas de gasolina de Sonangol "Mirantes" Atras do restaurante "Girassol" CP 5040 Luanda, Angola POC: Mr. Gilles de Matos, Director General, Branch Manager Tel: (00244) 228 740 427 Cell: (00244) 923 71 46 44 Skype: manager_agsangola 3) TransPiramide, LDA Travessa da Se, Ingombota Luanda, Angola POC: Rodrigo Celestino Junior Tel: 244 222 396 207/ 928 149 533/ 912 519 039 Fax: 244 222 393 322 Email: [email protected] for inbound shipments only, not for pack outs. Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Page 2 of 152 ITGBL Local Agents Country: Argentina Post: Buenos Aires Bureau: WHA Local Agents: 1) Argentina International Moving SRL Suipacha 612, 3rd Floor Office E 1008 Buenos Aires, Argentina POC: Daniel Oviedo Tel: 54-11-4325-0500 Email: [email protected] 2) Lift Van International Ruta 202, Nro. 3449 Don Torcuato, Buenos Aires, Argentina POC: Tom Evans Tel: 4741-7447 Email: [email protected] 3) Tanspack Argentina Azopardo 1345 1107 Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: 4300-4045 Email: [email protected] Country: Armenia Post: Yerevan Bureau: EUR Local Agents: 3) North-South Transport 4 Charentz Street, Apt. 121 Yerevan 0010, Armenia POC: Irhan Kent Tel: 374-10-571399 Email: [email protected] * shipping only, no packing* 2) Globalink 38/28 Ashtots Avenue Yerevan, Armenia POC: Rajiv Nagri Tel: 374-10-539197 Email: [email protected] 1) Gosselin Yerevan 2/6 Gyulbekyan Street Yerevan, Armenia POC: Vahram Jordan Tel: 374-10-268678/ 374-91-402445 Email: [email protected] Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Page 3 of 152 ITGBL Local Agents Country: Australia Post: Canberra Bureau: EAP Local Agents: 4) Crown Relocations Unit 2/42 Bedford Street Queanbeyan NSW 2620 POC: John Cole Tel: 61 2 6299 2100 Fax: 61 2 6299 21118" 1) Allied Pickfords 184 Gilmore Road Queanbeyan, NSW 2620 POC: Calvin Walters Tel: 61-2-6298-8403 Fax: 61-2-6297-8572 Email: [email protected] *** Bonded Facility *** 2) Grace Removals Group 28 Sheppard St. Hume ACT 2620 POC: Peter Millington Tel: 61-2-6260-1344 Fax: 61-2-6260-1587 email: [email protected] *** Bonded Facility *** 3) Wridgways 39-41 Endurance Road Queanbeyan NSW 2620 POC: Jody Went Tel: 61 2 6297 5444 Fax: 61 2 6299 2253 E-mail: [email protected] *** Bonded Facility *** Post: Melbourne Bureau: EAP Local Agents: 3) Grace Removals Group 195/201 Princess Highway, Hallam Victoria, Australia Tel: 613 9796 5155 Fax: 613 9796 5221 2) Allied Pickfords 228 Greens Road, Dandenong Victoria, Australia 3134 POC: Ron Gates Tel: 613 9797 1533 Fax: 613 9797 1555 Email: [email protected] ** bonded facility ** 1) Wridgways International 93 Heatherdale Road, Ringwood Victoria, Australia 3134 POC: Doug Goodear Tel: 613 9797 1533 Fax: 613 9873 4919 Email: [email protected] ** bonded facility ** Post: Perth Bureau: EAP Local Agents: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Page 4 of 152 ITGBL Local Agents Post: Sydney Bureau: EAP Local Agents: 4) Wridgways 14 Epic Place Villawood NSW 2163 Australia POC: Matthew Philpott, Import Manager Tel: 61 (02) 9645 7706 ( Direct ); 61 (02) 9645 7700 ( Switchboard) Fax: 61 (02) 9644 7111 Cell: 61 419418081 Email: [email protected] ** customs bonded facility ** 3) Grace Removals Group 4 Tucks Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 Australia POC: Kirsty Payne EXPORTS Tel: 61 (02) 98385669 Fax: 61 (02) 98385751 Email: [email protected] POC: Chris Beresford EXPORT SHIPPING Tel: 61 (02) 9838 5640 Email: [email protected] POC: Thi Nguyen IMPORTS Tel: 61 (02) 98385634 Fax: 61 (02) 98385751 Email: [email protected] Website: www.grace.com.au ** customs bonded facility ** 2) Allied Pickfords Unit 2, 1 Foundation Place Pemulwuy, NSW, 2145 Australia POC: Charles Bryceland, International Product Manager N.S.W. Tel: 61 (02) 8868 2818 Fax: 61 (02) 8868 2882 Cell: 0438600627 ** bonded facility ** 1) Unigroup Worldwide UTS - Chess Moving 13 Bessemer Street Blacktown NSW 2148 Australia POC: Jan Skidmore Tel: 61 (02) 9671 8428 Fax: 61 (02) 9671 8485 Email: [email protected] Website: www.chessmoving.com.au ** bonded facility ** Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Page 5 of 152 ITGBL Local Agents Country: Austria Post: Vienna Bureau: EUR Local Agents: 1) A. Kuhner and Sohn GmbH Girakstasse 15 A-2100 Korneuburg Vienna, Austria POC: Erich Bauer-Kuhner Tel: 43 2 262 74544/10 ** bonded facility ** 2) Lang Worldwide Moving Spedition Lang GMBH Obachgasse 4 A-1220 Vienna, Austria POC: Ms. Karin Lang, Manager Tel: 43 1 512-5201/0 Email: [email protected] **bonded facility ** 3) E. Fall International Movers Hans Fronius Str. 13 A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf Vienna, Austria POC: Otto Schmideg, Manager Tel: 43 1 865-9533 Email: [email protected] Country: Azerbaijan Post: Baku Bureau: EUR Local Agents: 1) Gosselin Ltd., Baku-Azerbaijan 8 Nizami Str. 135 Baku, Azerbaijan Tel: 994 12 5981920 Fax: 99412 598-1921 POC: Samir Hasanov, Branch Manager ( Baku- Azerbaijan) Email: [email protected] POC: John Braeckevelt, Coordinator ( Caucasus & Central Asia) Email: [email protected] 3) Global Link Caspian 37 Khojaly Str., Silkway Business Center Baku AZ1025 Azerbaijan "POC: Mir Junaid Ahmed, Branch Manager " Tel: 994 12 447 3111 Fax: 994 12 4473016 Email: [email protected] 2) Interdean Ltd. Shamsi Badalbeyli str. 81/26 AZ1014 Baku, Azerbaijan POC: Mr. Vagiv Samosud Tel: 994 12 4474346 Fax: 994 12 4973570 Cell: 994 50 210 7384 Email: [email protected] Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Page 6 of 152 ITGBL Local Agents Country: Azores Post: Ponta Delgada Bureau: EUR Local Agents: Transpac Canada do Vigario #2 9760-310 Lajes VPV Terceira. Azores POC: Alfredo Goulart Tel: 295517199 Email: [email protected] ** bonded facility ** Oldemiro Cardoso Coelho & Herdeiros Volta do Paul, #4 9760-512 Praia da Victoria Terceira, Azores POC: Mr. Hilario Tel: 295512917 Fax: 295512943 Email: [email protected] ** bonded facility ** Agencia de Navegacao Oceanica. Lda. Av. Alvaro Martins Homen #21 9760-412 Praia da Victoria Terceira, Azores POC: Fernando Lima Tel: 295512080 Email: [email protected] ** bonded facility ** Country: Bahamas Post: Nassau Bureau: WHA Local Agents: 1) Martin's Moving POB N-834 Nassau, the Bahamas POC: Jeff Martin Tel: 242 393-1173 or 242 393 2688 Fax: 242 393-6925 Email: [email protected] 2) Superior Packing and Moving PO Box CB 11069 Nassau, The Bahamas POC: Jackie Rodgers Tel: 242 328-3526 Fax: 242 326-1096 3) Blue Sky Import Export #28 MT. Pleasant Ave P.O. Box N2894 Nassau, Bahamas POC: Wade Wallace, Patricia Coleby Tel: 242-393-5127, 2424-394-6268 Fax: 242-394-5282 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Page 7 of 152 ITGBL Local Agents Country: Bahrain Post: Manama Bureau: NEA Local Agents: 1) Circle Freight International P.O. Box 5069 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain POC: Sunil Kumar Tel: 973-17-735-355 or 973-17-731-904 Fax: 973-17-735-193 Email: [email protected] Country: Bangladesh Post: Dhaka Bureau: SCA Local Agents: Homebound Packers and Shippers Ltd. SW(A) 26, Gulshan Avenue Dhaka, Bangladesh POC: Mr. Henry Jacob [email protected] Tel: 880-2-9894745 Fax: 880-2-8823519 Country: Barbados Post: Bridgetown Bureau: WHA Local Agents: 1) Michael Greaves Associates Carmichael House Carmichael St. George, Barbados POC: Mr. Michael Greaves, Managing Director POC: Mr. Karl Greaves, Operations Manager Tel: 1-246-426-2417 Fax: 1-246-435-1847 Email: [email protected] Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Page 8 of 152 ITGBL Local Agents Country: Belarus Post: Minsk Bureau: EUR Local Agents: 4) Corstjens Worldwide Movers Riga Krasta 103 LV 1019 Riga, Latvia POC: Mr. Olga Petroveca Tel: 371 7 800 800 Fax: 371 7 800 801 Email:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] 5) Interdean International Relocation Novocheryomushkinskaya 61, Floor 3 117418 Moscow, Russia POC: Oleg Fedorchenko ( Minsk) Tel: 375 29 6577880 Fax: 375 17 2057722 Email: [email protected] 3) Cargo Partner, Ltd.
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