A Teaspoon Guide to Australian Ice Creams 2009 A Teaspoon Guide to Australian Ice Creams The following lists set out the Ice Creams on sale in Australia that have the least sugar (the Best 10), those that have the most sugar (the Worst 10) and a complete listing of all of them. The complete listing also includes a handy teaspoon reckoner so you can see how many spoonfuls of sugar you will get in a standard serve of that Ice Cream. I have assumed that lactose accounts for 4.7g per hundred of the sugars listed on the label for products which contain cream (or yoghurt). Besides lactose, most of the sugar in Ice Cream is generally added fructose or sugars associated with the fruit flavourings. In some instances, the sweetener being used is ‘fruit juice extract’ which is pure fructose. So you could safely double the estimate for the teaspoon equivalent. Treat the lists below as the minimum amount of sugar you will get in the product. The percentages used below have been calculated using the ‘sugars’ amount on the label and subtracting 4.7g for lactose for products which contain cream (or yoghurt) in cases where there is likely to be a significant lactose content. The Best 10 1 Nestlé Peters No Sugar Added *^4.0% 2 Gelati Italia Yolati Range (Mango, 6.6%- Raspberry & Baci) 7.0% 3 Norgen Vaaz Vanilla Supreme 10.8% 4 Connoisseur Maple Pecan Pie 5 Bulla Chocolate Lights 12.0% 6 Streets Thickshake Paddle Pop 12.3% 7 Streets Golden Gaytime 12.4% Bulla Lights (English Toffee & Mango) 8 Bulla 98% Fat Free Vanilla 12.5% 9 You’ll Love Coles Reduced Fat Vanilla 12.6% 10 Norgen Vaaz Strawberry Summer & 12.7% Vanilla Choc Fudge Bulla Strawberry Milky Pops * Sweetened with Sorbitol ^ Sweetened with Polydextrose 1 © 2009 Morton Gillespie Pty Ltd - David Gillespie. A Teaspoon Guide to Australian Ice Creams 2009 The Worst 10 1 Streets Blue Ribbon Parlour Style Choc 48.6% Chip Swirl 2 Streets Blue Ribbon Parlour Style 46.4% (Caramel Fudge Twist, Minty Choc Flake & Strawberries and Cream 3 Sara Lee Honeycomb & Butterscotch 43.2% 4 Streets Blue Ribbon Parlour Style 42.0% Cookies and Cream 5 Cadbury Raspberry Triple Decker 41.2% 6 Sara Lee Rocky Road Overload 39.5% 7 Sara Lee Absolutely Raspberry 34.7% 8 Nestlé Peters Smarties Cone 34.0% 9 Sara Lee French Vanilla 32.6% 10 Connoisseur Mint Seduction 32.0% The Complete List I’ve increased the serving size for the ice creams. A 200g serve is about the amount you would give an adult in a bowl. Most ice-blocks are around the 100g mark (so halve these measures if you are looking at children’s serves or ice blocks). For the sake of comparison (and to make this list easy to compare to the yoghurt list) all sizes are have been converted to a 200g (adult) serve. Total Non- Non- Lactose Teaspoons per Serve (200g) Yoghurt Sugar Lactose Bulla ◔●●●●●● 98% Fat Free Chocolate 17.6% 12.9% ◑●●●●●●● 98% Fat Free Raspberry Vanilla Swirl 20.6% 15.9% ●●●●●● 98% Fat Free Vanilla 17.2% 12.5% ◔●●●●●●●● Caramel, Vanilla & Chocolate 22.1% 17.4% ●●●●●●●●● Choc Bars Vanilla 23.9% 19.2% ●●●●●●●● Chocolate 21.7% 17.0% ◑●●●●●●● Creamy Classic Caramel Vanilla Swirl 20.6% 15.9% ◔●●●●●●●● Creamy Classic Chocolate Chip 21.9% 17.2% ◑●●●●●●● Creamy Classic Cookies & Cream 20.4% 15.7% ◔●●●●●●● Creamy Classic Iced Coffee 20.0% 15.3% ●●●●●●●●●●●● Creamy Classic Light Berry Bliss 27.7% 23.0% ●●●●●●● Creamy Classic Light Choc Sundae 19.1% 14.4% ●●●●●●● Creamy Classic Light Vanilla 19.4% 14.7% ●●●●●●●● Creamy Classic Mint Choc Chip 21.3% 16.6% ◔●●●●●●● Creamy Classic Vanilla 20.0% 15.3% 2 © 2009 Morton Gillespie Pty Ltd - David Gillespie. A Teaspoon Guide to Australian Ice Creams 2009 Total Non- Non- Lactose Teaspoons per Serve (200g) Yoghurt Sugar Lactose ◔●●●●●●●●● Creamy Classics Cones Chocolate 24.1% 19.4% ◔●●●●●●●●● Creamy Classics Cones Vanilla 24.3% 19.6% ◑●●●●●●●● Crunch Choc Honeycomb 22.3% 17.6% ●●●●●●●● Crunch Choc Strawberry 21.3% 16.6% ◕●●●●●●●● Crunch Bars Double Choc 22.9% 18.2% ●●●●●●●●● Crunch Bars Honeycomb 23.8% 19.1% ●●●●●●●●● Crunch Bars Strawberry 23.8% 19.1% ◔●●●●●●● Icy Pops All flavours* 15.4% 15.4% ◔●●●●●●●●●●● Lights Blueberry 28.6% 23.9% ◕●●●●● Lights Chocolate 16.7% 12.0% ●●●●●● Lights English Toffee 17.1% 12.4% ●●●●●● Lights Mango 17.1% 12.4% ◔●●●●●●●●●● Lights Raspberry 26.0% 21.3% ◑●●●●●●●●●●● Lights Strawberry 28.9% 24.2% ◕●●●●●●●●●●● Merry Go Round 29.4% 24.7% ◔●●●●●● Milky Pops Chocolate 18.0% 13.3% ●●●●●● Milky Pops Strawberry 17.4% 12.7% ◕●●●●●●●●●●●●● Mini Pops Apple Berry* 28.6% 28.6% ◕●●●●●●●●●●●● Mini Pops Tropical* 26.8% 26.8% ◔●●●●●●●● Neopolitan 22.1% 17.4% ●●●●●● Party Cup 98% Fat Free 17.2% 12.5% ◔●●●●●●●● Slice 22.2% 17.5% ◑●●●●●●● Splits Lemonlime 20.7% 16.0% ◑●●●●●●● Splits Raspberry 20.7% 16.0% ◔●●●●●●●● Vanilla 22.1% 17.4% ◕●●●●●●● Vanilla & Chocolate 20.9% 16.2% ●●●●●●●● Vanilla Choc Chip 21.7% 17.0% ◔●●●●●●● Vanilla Cup 20.0% 15.3% Cadbury ●●●●●●●●●●●● Bar Cherry Ripe 29.8% 25.1% ◔●●●●●●●●●●●● Bar Creamy Chocolate 30.3% 25.6% ◕●●●●●●●●●●● Bar Creamy Vanilla 29.2% 24.5% ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Bar Crunchie 36.3% 31.6% ◔●●●●●●●●●●●●● Bar Dream 32.5% 27.8% 3 © 2009 Morton Gillespie Pty Ltd - David Gillespie. A Teaspoon Guide to Australian Ice Creams 2009 Total Non- Non- Lactose Teaspoons per Serve (200g) Yoghurt Sugar Lactose ●●●●●●●●●●●●● Bar Dream Strawberry Delight 31.9% 27.2% ◑●●●●●●●●● Bar Flake 24.9% 20.2% ◔●●●●●●●● Bar Freddo Rainbow Railslide 22.1% 17.4% ◑●●●●●●●●●●● Bar Fry's Turkish Delight 28.8% 24.1% ◑●●●●●●●●●●● Bar Picnic 29.0% 24.3% ◕●●●●●●●●●●●● Bar Time Out 31.7% 27.0% ●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Bite Size Cherry Ripe 34.0% 29.3% ◔●●●●●●●●●●●●● Bite Size Old Gold Peppermint 32.6% 27.9% ◔●●●●●●●●● Caramello 24.4% 19.7% ◑●●●●●●●●●●● Cherry Ripe 28.9% 24.2% ◑●●●●●●● Chocolate 20.2% 15.5% ◔●●●●●●●● Creamy Vanilla 21.9% 17.2% ◑●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Crunchie 35.2% 30.5% ◔●●●●●●● Cup Creamy Vanilla 20.9% 16.2% ●●●●●●●● Cup Light Vanilla 21.6% 16.9% ◔●●●●●●●● Dairy Milk Chip 21.9% 17.2% ●●●●●●●●● Honeycomb & Chocolate 23.8% 19.1% ◑●●●●●●●● Light Choc Honeycomb 22.5% 17.8% ●●●●●●●●● Light Chocolate Vanilla 23.4% 18.7% ●●●●●●●●● Light Turkish Delight 23.5% 18.8% ●●●●●●●●● Light Vanilla 23.4% 18.7% ◕●●●●●●●● Mini-tub Caramello 23.3% 18.6% ◑●●●●●●● Mini-tub Dairy Milk Chip 20.5% 15.8% ●●●●●●●●●●● Mini-tub Light Turkish Delight 28.0% 23.3% ◑●●●●●●●●●●● Mini-tub Light Vanilla 28.9% 24.2% ◔●●●●●●●● Peppermint 22.1% 17.4% ◔●●●●●●●●●● Picnic 26.0% 21.3% ●●●●●●● Snack 19.3% 14.6% ●●●●●●● Top Deck 19.6% 14.9% ◔●●●●●●●● Triple Chocolate 22.1% 17.4% ◑●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Triple Decker Raspberry 45.9% 41.2% ◑●●●●●●●●●● Yowie Jumble Jax 26.9% 22.2% ●●●●●●●● Yowie Pops 100's & 1000's Rainbow Swirl 21.3% 16.6% ◔●●●●●●●● Yowie Pops Chocolate 21.8% 17.1% 4 © 2009 Morton Gillespie Pty Ltd - David Gillespie. A Teaspoon Guide to Australian Ice Creams 2009 Total Non- Non- Lactose Teaspoons per Serve (200g) Yoghurt Sugar Lactose ◕●●●●●●●●● Yowie Pops Popping Power 25.2% 20.5% Coles ◕●●●●●● Smart Buy Neopolitan 18.9% 14.2% ◕●●●●●● Smart Buy Vanilla 18.9% 14.2% ◑●●●●●●● You’ll Love Coles Reduced Fat Choc Vanilla 20.2% 15.5% ◔●●●●●● You’ll Love Coles Reduced Fat Neopolitan 18.0% 13.3% ●●●●●● You’ll Love Coles Reduced Fat Vanilla 17.3% 12.6% Connoisseur ◔●●●●●●●● Café Grande 21.9% 17.2% ◔●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Caramel Cascade 34.4% 29.7% ●●●●●●● Choc Honey Nougat 19.6% 14.9% ◑●●●●●●●● Choc Obsession 22.4% 17.7% ●●●●●●●●●●●● Chocolate Brownie Temptation 29.8% 25.1% ●●●●●●●●●●● Cinnamon Apple Danish 27.8% 23.1% ◔●●●●●●● Classic Vanilla 19.8% 15.1% ◑●●●●●●● Cookie Cream Commotion 20.7% 16.0% ◑●●●●●●●●●● Dessert Collection Crème Brulee 26.8% 22.1% ◕●●●●●●●● Dessert Collection Passion Panna Cotta 23.0% 18.3% ◕●●●●●●●● Dessert Collection Tiramisu 23.0% 18.3% ◑●●●●●●●●● Expresso & Cream 24.6% 19.9% ◕●●●●●● Macadamia Mambo 18.9% 14.2% ◕●●●●● Maple Pecan Pie 16.6% 11.9% ◔●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Mint Seduction 36.7% 32.0% ◑●●●●●● Old English Toffee 18.6% 13.9% ◑●●●●●●●●●● Rich Café Almond Royale 26.9% 22.2% ◑●●●●●●●●● Rich Vanilla Hazelnut Truffle 24.6% 19.9% ◔●●●●●●●●● Rum & Raisin 24.1% 19.4% ●●●●●●●●●●● Sticky Date Pudding 28.0% 23.3% ●●●●●●●●● Strawberries & Cream 23.4% 18.7% ◕●●●●●●●●●● Strawberry Stravaganza 27.0% 22.3% ◑●●●●●●●● Wildberry Sundae 22.6% 17.9% Gelati Italia ◔●●● Gelato Baci 11.7% 7.0% ◑●●●●●● Gelato Chocolate 18.2% 13.5% ◑●●●●●● Gelato Espresso 18.6% 13.9% 5 © 2009 Morton Gillespie Pty Ltd - David Gillespie. A Teaspoon Guide to Australian Ice Creams 2009 Total Non- Non- Lactose Teaspoons per Serve (200g) Yoghurt Sugar Lactose ◑●●●●●● Gelato Hazelnut 18.6% 13.9% ◕●●●●●●●●●●●● Sorbet Mango* 26.6% 26.6% ●●●●●●●●●●●●● Sorbet Raspberry* 27.1% 27.1% ◔●●●●●●●●●●● Sorbet Lemon* 23.7% 23.7% ◑●●●●●●●● Sorbet Lemon & Lime* 17.7% 17.7% ◔●●● Yolati Mango 11.3% 6.6% ◔●●● Yolati Raspberry 11.4% 6.7% Nestlé ◔●●●●●●● Lifesavers* 15.0% 15.0% ◔●●●●●●●●●●● Milo Scoop Shake 28.1% 23.4% ◕●●●●●●●● Milo Smooth Shake 23.0% 18.3% ◕●●●●●●●● Milo Smooth Stick 23.1% 18.4% Norgen Vaaz ◔●●●●●●● Banana Bongo 19.8% 15.1% ●●●●●●●● Boysenberry Twist 21.4% 16.7% ◔●●●●●●● Bubblegum 19.8% 15.1% ◑●●●●●● Choc Pistachio 18.1% 13.4% ◔●●●●●●●●●● Chocolate Obsession 26.0% 21.3% ◔●●●●●●● Green Tea 20.2% 15.5% ◔●●●●●●●●● Hokey Pokey 24.1% 19.4% ●●●●●●●●●● Honeycomb 25.5% 20.8% ◔●●●●●●● Jaffa 19.8% 15.1% ◔●●●●●●● Licorice Licks 20.2% 15.5% ◑●●●●●● Low Fat Vanilla 18.4% 13.7% ◑●●●●●● Low Fat Watermelon 18.4% 13.7% ◕●●●●●● Macadamia 19.0% 14.3% ●●●●●●●● Mango Magnificent 21.4% 16.7% ●●●●●●● Milk Chocolate 19.5% 14.8% ●●●●●●●● Old English Toffee 21.4% 16.7% ◕●●●●●●● Oreo Cookies 21.2% 16.5% ●●●●●●●● Passionfruit 21.4% 16.7% ◕●●●●●●●●● Pecan Caramel 25.2% 20.5% ◕●●●●●●●● Peppermint Chip 22.9% 18.2% ◔●●●●●●● Rainbow 20.2% 15.5% ◔●●●●●●●●● Rum & Raisin 24.3% 19.6% 6 © 2009 Morton Gillespie Pty Ltd - David Gillespie.
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