U.S. Army Engineer School 573-563-8080 / DSN 676-8080 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: COMMANDANT PETER J. SCHOOMAKER MG R.L. Van Antwerp General, United States Army 563-6158 <[email protected]> Chief of Staff ASSISTANT COMMANDANT BG William H. McCoy, Jr. Official: 563-6192 <[email protected]> REGIMENTAL COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR (OUTGOING) CSM William D. McDaniel, Jr. JOEL B. HUDSON 563-6151 <[email protected]> Administrative Assistant to the REGIMENTAL COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR (INCOMING) Secretary of the Army CSM Clinton Pearson 0316915 563-8060 <[email protected]> Engineer (ISSN 0046-19890) is prepared quar- DEPUTY ASSISTANT COMMANDANT terly by the U.S. Army Maneuver Support Center, 320 COL John (Pat) Leake 563-8080 MANSCEN Loop, Suite 210, Fort Leonard Wood, MO <[email protected]> 65473-8929. Periodicals postage is paid at Fort DEPUTY ASSISTANT COMMANDANT–USAR Leonard Wood, MO, and additional mailing offices. COL Gerald Lago 563-8045 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to U.S. <[email protected]> Army Maneuver Support Center, ATTN: ATZT-DT-DS-B DEPUTY ASSISTANT COMMANDANT–ARNG (Engineer), 320 MANSCEN Loop, Suite 210, Fort LTC Dennis Smith Leonard Wood, MO 65473-8929. 563-8046 <[email protected]> CORRESPONDENCE, letters to the editor, manu- scripts, photographs, official unit requests to receive CHIEF OF STAFF LTC John Drolet copies, and unit address changes should be sent to 563-7116 Engineer at the preceding address. Telephone: (573) <[email protected]> 563-4104, DSN 676-4104. Engineer’s e-mail address TRADOC SYSTEMS MANAGER for ENGINEER COMBAT SYSTEMS is <[email protected]>. Our Internet home page COL John Holler is located at <http://www.wood.army.mil/engrmag/ 563-4081 <[email protected]> emag_hp.htm>. TRADOC PROGRAM INTEGRATION OFFICE–TERRAIN DATA DISCLAIMER: Engineer presents professional in- COL David Kingston formation designed to keep U.S. military and civil- 563-4086 ian engineers informed of current and emerging de- <[email protected]> velopments within their areas of expertise for the pur- COMMANDER, 1st ENGINEER BRIGADE COL Paul Kelly pose of enhancing their professional development. 596-0224, DSN 581-0224 Views expressed are those of the authors and not <[email protected]> those of the Department of Defense or its elements. DIRECTOR OF TRAINING The contents do not necessarily reflect official U.S. LTC(P) Thomas E. O’Donovan Army positions and do not change or supersede in- 563-4093 <[email protected]> formation in other U.S. Army publications. Use of news items constitutes neither affirmation of their DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION Dr. Rebecca Johnson accuracy nor product endorsement. Engineer re- 563-4119 serves the right to edit material. <[email protected]> CONTENT is not copyrighted. Material may be re- CHIEF OF DOCTRINE printed if credit is given to Engineer and the author. LTC Reinhard Koenig 563-7537 OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTION is targeted to all engi- <[email protected]> neer and engineer-related units. HUMANITARIAN DEMINING TRAINING CENTER PERSONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS are available for Mr. Paul Arcangeli $19.00 per year by contacting the Superintendent of 596-3869, DSN 581-3869 Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250- <[email protected]> 7954. Address changes for personal subscriptions COUNTERMINE/COUNTER BOOBY TRAP CENTER LTC BIlly Tollison should also be sent to the Superintendent of 563-7347 Documents. <[email protected]> NGINEE The Professional Bulletin of Army Engineers July-September 2003 EHeadquarters, Department of the Army VolumeR 33 PB 5-03-3 FEATURES UNITED STATES ARMY 04 Victory Sappers: V Corps Engineers in Operation Iraqi Freedom ENGINEER SCHOOL Part I: The Attack to Baghdad and Beyond . By Colonel Gregg F. Martin and Captain David E. Johnson 13 The Inland Petroleum Distribution System in Kuwait and Iraq By Captain Anthony De Simone and Major Norm Gauthier COMMANDANT 19 Engineer Operations in Turkey Support Operation Iraqi Freedom Major General By Lieutenant Colonel Roxanne Nosal, Lieutenant Colonel Randal Fofi, Lieutenant Colonel John McClellan, and Major Shawn McGinley R.L. Van Antwerp 24 Improving the Engineer Battalion’s Combat Power: Lessons Learned in Iraq By Captain Aaron P. Magan 28 Army Diver Missions in Iraq MANAGING EDITOR 544th Engineer Team (Dive) Shirley Bridges By First Lieutenant Christopher F. West 29 74th Engineer Team (Dive) EDITOR By FIrst Lieutenant P.J. Inskeep Rick Brunk 32 Breaching Around Corners: Engineer Operations in Urban Environments By Lieutenant Colonel Anthony C. Funkhouser CONTRIBUTING EDITOR 36 36th Engineer Group Conducts Somber Mission Rena L. Humphrey By Captain Brian Chapuran 37 Transforming the Light Equipment Company GRAPHIC DESIGNER By Captain Paul J. Kremer Jennifer Morgan 42 Helping Iraqis Rebuild Iraq By Colonel James I. Vosler, LIeutenant Colonel Clarence D. Turner, and Captain Kevin J. Schrock 52 Prime-Power Considerations for Engineer Planners Front Cover: By Captain Geoff Van Epps Photo by Andrew 55 Live From Baghdad: It’s Prime Power Wright, courtesy By Staff Sergeant Robert Stephenson McGraw-Hill Construction 59 Engineers Battle Sulfur Fires By Mr. Thomas O’Hara Back Cover: 62 Task Force Neighborhood U.S. Army engineers By Specialist Joshua Hutcheson in Operation Iraqi 63 Kazer Bridge Restoration Freedom By Sergeant Robert Woodward DEPARTMENTS 48 CTC Notes - “Engineer Equipment Platoon Leadership: Operating in Support of a Light Brigade Combat Team” 02 Clear the Way By Sergeant First Class Steven J. SanPedro and Staff By Major General R.L. Van Antwerp Sergeant Joey W. Dunn (JRTC) 03 Lead the Way 49 CTC Notes - “NCO Roles and Responsibilities in C2 Nodes” By Command Sergeant Major William D. McDaniel, Jr. By Sergeant First Class Danny Petersen (CMTC) 23 Letters to the Editor 56 Enlisted PERSCOM Notes 41 Operation Iraqi Freedom Warfighter Conference By Lieutenant Colonel Jack F. Smith 46 CTC Notes - “Subterranean Complex Operations” 58 Regimental Awards - Reserve Component By Sergeant First Class Josue A. Pinos (NTC) 60 Engineer Safety - “Motorcycle Rider Risk Management” 46 CTC Notes - “Antipersonnel Obstacle Breaching By Mr. Fred E. Fanning System (APOBS)” 64 Engineer Update By Sergeant First Class Josue A. Pinos (NTC) 64 News and Notes 47 CTC Notes - “Mine Effects Simulator (MES)” By Sergeant First Class William Sutton (NTC) Inside Back Cover: Subscription Order Form July-September 2003 Engineer 1 Clear The Way By Major General R.L. Van Antwerp Commandant, U.S. Army Engineer School n the last issue of Engineer, we explored Seek out lessons learned articles and the (then named) Objective Engineer AARs from engineer units and senior IForce and its path to transforming our engineer leaders as they are published. Regiment. As you know by now, we are no They are powerful and valuable learning longer using the term Objective Force; in- tools. In some way, virtually all of our stead our focus is the Future Force as we Regiment has been affected by the events continue the Transformation mission. of the past two years, and I solicit your This issue of the bulletin is focused on comments and ideas to help us in the aspects of the major combat operations transformation of our Regiment. phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom.You will It is with immense pride that I serve as the be provided some insights into what hap- Commandant of the U.S. Army Engineer pened during the preparation for, and ex- School. These past months have seen the ecution of, this complex, tremendously chal- truth in the phrase: “One Corps–One lenging and superbly executed engineer Regiment–One Team.” It has been especially support to Operation Iraqi Freedom. I ex- gratifying to see the outstanding readiness pect that discussions of the following ar- displayed on mobilization and arrival at Fort ticles in this bulletin will take place at your professional devel- Leonard Wood of our U.S. Army Reserve and Army National opment (officer and NCO) and command information classes: Guard engineers. Those citizen soldiers have answered the call “Victory Sappers: V Corps Engineers in Operation Iraqi Free- and have done what they were asked to do. With nearly 75 percent dom” by Colonel Martin; “The Inland Petroleum Distribution of our engineer soldiers in the Reserve Component, there is just System” by Captain DeSimone; “Engineer Operations in Tur- no way all the engineer missions would have been accomplished key Support Operation Iraqi Freedom” by Lieutenant Colonel by relying only on the active forces. Nosal; “Army Diver Missions in Iraq” by First Lieutenants It is also important at this time to acknowledge the tremendous West and Inskeep; “Engineer Operations in Urban Environ- support our soldiers have received from their family members. ments” by Lieutenant Colonel Funkhouser; “Helping Iraqis Separation, and especially separation involving a family member Rebuild Iraq” by Colonel Vossler; and “Prime-Power Consid- in combat, is an extra stress component that requires love and erations” by Captain Van Epps. There is much more that we will special handling. Family Readiness Groups have remained key publish in future issues of this bulletin as we write the next chap- elements to keeping the home fires burning and an information ters of Army engineer history. and support group that lend stability to a traumatic situation. Even though Iraq and Afghanistan remain combat zones, Thanks to all of you. we must begin the analysis and begin to answer “What As the Army’s builders, we construct our future from the happened?” From 3 to 5 November 2003, the senior leaders of groundwork of our past experiences. Our true heritage and the Regiment will gather in Savannah, Georgia, to continue the history we hold dear was merged from the cement of our the after-action review (AAR) process at the regimental level values and the blood of our heroes into the enduring con- by coming to grips with the question “Why did it happen?” crete that is our Regiment.
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