Department of Justice: National Security Division FOIA request log, June 2013 - July 2015 Brought to you by AltGov2 www.altgov2.org/FOIALand NSD FOIA LOG From 06/17/2013 to 07/22/2015 Consul- Date Initially Date Request # Last Name First Name Subject of Request tation Date of Request Rec'd by NSD Completed Disposition Reason(s) 2009-161 Grafeld Margaret Daniel Pearl N 6/10/2009 12/23/2013 6 Schechter Ronald A any and all records relating to or N 5/6/2014 reflecting the U S Government's decisions or actions regarding the transfer, release, repatriation, or 2012-019 9/30/2011 10/13/2011 prosecution (by either military commissions or in a United States District Court) of Fayiz Al Kandari and/or of Fawzi Al Odah Schechter Ronald A any and all records reflecting the U S N Government's communications relating to, and decisions concerning the preferral 2012-024 and/or referral of, criminal charges by the 9/30/2011 10/13/2011 Office of Military Commissions against Fayiz Mohammed Ahmed Al Kandari Kraemer Alexander seeks records that will illuminate if and N how agencies responsible for implementing FISA/FAA authorities are interpreting these invasive anti terrorist 2012-056 surveillance powers; how the FISA/FAA 10/10/2011 11/17/2011 spying powers is being used; and if safeguards are in place to prevent abuse of Americans' rights (see FOIA request- 5 & 6, 1-13) Bogardus Kevin Request for any and all records N concerning audits of firms and individuals under the Foreign Agents Registration 2012-082 1/5/2012 1/6/2012 Act since fiscal year 2001 to the present day (see FOIA request page 2) (b) (b) any criminal investigation against (b) N 12/4/2013 2 (b) pertaining to illegal weapons trafficking including but not limited all to correspondence, memoranda, documents, 2012-092 reports, records, statements, applications, 1/5/2012 1/20/2012 diskettes, letters, facsimile logs, electronic mail, tape recordings, video/movie recordings, and any notes Soghoian Christopher requesting all documents created between N 3/2/2015 2 November 1, 2010 and January 31, 2012 related to memos, email messages, notes from meetings and any other documents related to retaliation efforts by 2012-095 1/31/2012 2/1/2012 "Anonymous" supporters of Wikileaks or other Internet activists against Department of Justice and FBI employees; including items 1-3 of this request Jaffer Jameel the fbi's inssuance of national security N 3/9/2015 6 letters (NSLs) including items 1-4 on 2012-112 page 4 This request pertains to the FBI's 3/15/2011 3/5/2012 issuance of national security letters ("NSL") under 18 U S C Ravnitzky requesting copies of each report in the N 12/5/2013 4 National Security Division concerning the 2012-131 operation and effectiveness of the 4/7/2012 4/17/2012 Classified Information Procedure Act (for all years) Smith Grant F Copy of all DOJ FARA letters not N previously released under FOIA/PA# 12- 122 on April 18, 2012 under the precedent set by the Matthew J 2012-171 6/1/2012 6/7/2012 Herrington case 1:11-cv-01330 that FARA determination letters are neither privileged nor exempt from public disclosure and review Schmidt Michael S Documents about articles/stories written N 3/16/2015 3 by the Associated Press in 2011 and 2012 about the New York City Police 2012-191 6/20/2012 6/21/2012 Department's (NYPD) surveillance of minorities and Muslims since the 9/11/2001 terror attacks Levinson-Waldman Rachel any records reflecting, containing, N setting forth, describing, or establishing the statutes, regulations, policies, practices, and/or procedures regarding maintenance, retention, disposal, and/or destruction of records obtained by federal law enforcement officers from wireless carriers, including records obtained as a result of emergency or exigent requests; 2 and/or any limitations on such access; 3 permissible use or uses of, including any limitations on the permissible use or uses of the records; 4 sharing and/or 2012-215 dissemination of the records; 5 types of 7/17/2012 7/23/2012 information federal law enforcement officers may request or have requested from wireless carriers (e g geolocation information, content of text messages, call records, customer information, content of oral communications, etc ); 6 individuals who are subjects of assessment, this includes any records reflecting how long such records are kept, how they are stored, who has access to them, with whom they are shared and under what circumstances, how and when they are Rumold Mark 1 Any written opinion or order, as N described in the statement quoted above (see attachment), in which "the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court held that some collection carried out pursuant to the Section 702 minimization procedures used by the government was unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment; 2 Any written opinion or order, as described in the statement quoted above (see 2012-219 attachment), reflecting or concerning a 7/26/2012 7/31/2012 FISC determination that "the government's implementation of Section 702 of FISA has sometimes circumvented the spirit of the law; and 3 Any briefing provided to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence or the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence concerning the FISC opinions or orders, described in items (1) and (2) above Ravnitzky Michael 1) readily retrieved communications (i e N within 1-2 hours of search time) between the National Security Division and the FISA Court concerning the matter of declassification and/or declassification review of FISA Court opinions and/or FISA Court of Review opinions; 2) memoranda at the National Security Division concerning the matter of 2012-222 7/25/2012 8/6/2012 declassification and/or declassification review of FISA Court opinions and/orFISA Court of Review opinions; 3) reports at the NationalSecurity Division concerning the status of the declassification and/or declassification review of FISA Court opinions and/or FISA Court of Review opinions records from May 1, 2011 to the present Deluccia James Request for all information pertaining to N 5/8/2014 10 training slides, files, work papers, and tools developed and leveraged for the design and delivery of this training (The Justice Department has begun training hundreds of prosecutors to combat and prosecute cyber espionage and related crimes, according to senior department officials: Justice has begun training more 2012-228 8/10/2012 8/10/2012 than 300 lawyers in Washington and nearly 100 more across the county in the legal and technical skills needed to confront the increase in cyber threats to national security); Details on what "legal and technical" skills are being trained, and any legal / industry references being utilized - including legal references, court cases, and relevant laws Abdo Alexander seeking "the following records from the N Department of Justice and all component agencies: 1 Records created since November 1, 2008 including final memoranda, policies, procedures, directives, guidance, reports, legal analysis, inter-and intra-agency correspondence including emails, opinions from the Office of Legal Counsel, and training materials pertaining to the Director of National Intelligence's determination to amend the National Counterterrorism Center guidelines, 2012-232 including, but not limited to: Records 7/31/2012 8/22/2012 pertaining to the 2008 NCTC guidelines requirements regarding the collection, retention and use of U S person information; Records documenting perceived problems caused by limitations imposed in the 2008 NCTC guidelines and/or justifications for amending the guidelines, including training materials; Evaluations and/or audits of NCTC performance under the 2008 guidelines and/or problems and concerns associated with implementation of the 2008 Pertiz Aki requesting information pertaining to N 7/2/2014 2 "OPERATION OVERT" or "OP OVERT" (the British designation for the 2012-235 conspiracy); b "liquid bomb" plot; c 7/26/2012 8/12/2012 Rashid Rauf; d Abdulla Ahmed Ali AKA Abdallah AHMAD ALI; e Abu Faraj al- Libi; f Abu Ubaydah al-Masri Gillum Jack Request access to and copies of N 10/29/2013 4 correspondence to or from Wisconsin Rep Paul Ryan or his staff from Jan 3, 2012-236 8/13/2012 8/12/2012 1999 to present including but not limited to requests in which Rep Ryan or his office wrote on behalf of a constituent Powell Jennifer seeking any and all information that this N 3/13/2014 4 DOJ component has pertaining to you; any information that pertains to the Swiss 2012-247 NGO International Services Trade 9/5/2012 9/6/2012 Information Agency "ISTIA" dating back to 2001 or 2002; information about the PAA or IEEPA 2012-248 Aalto John (b) (6) N 9/20/2011 9/6/2012 9/10/2012 1 Long Susan case-by-case information for all court N 12/15/2013 1 prosecutions pending as of October 1, 2010 or filed on or after that date for each court prosecution counted as an international terrorism or terrorism- related prosecution with any and all of the following specific items of information 1 the federal judicial district; 2 the court docket number; 3 the filing date for each 2012-255 9/20/2012 9/20/2012 case; 4 the name of each defendant prosecuted in the case; 5 for each defendant the charges filed; 6 the date each charge was disposed of; 7 the disposition of each charge, including which charge(s) resulted in conviction; 8 the sentence each defendant who was convicted received; 9 the sentencing date Vance Donald seeking a copy of any email N 9/30/2014 2 correspondence concerning the book, "No Easy Day", pertaining to the operation 2013-009 10/5/2012 10/9/2012
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