H 14236 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE December 7, 1995 Herzegovina and its associated an- (Operations) Chief of Force Development, U.S. Decorations and Badges: Silver Star, nexes. 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal with ``V'' Madam Speaker, I think I told you Carolina. Device (with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters), Purple this yesterday, Colonel General Jul. 1971±Nov. 1971: S±3 (Operations), 1st Heart, Meritorious Service Medal (with Oak Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, later Pro- Leaf Cluster). Leonty, L-E-O-N-T-Y, Shevtsov, S-H-E- curement Officer, Board for Dynamic Train- f V-T-S-O-V, is the chief of staff of the ing, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, Russian forces in Chechnya. He was North Carolina. SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED there from December 1994, when the Nov. 1971±Feb. 1973: Commander, Troop A, By unanimous consent, permission to killing was at its height, ruining our 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 82d address the House, following the legis- Christmas last year with savage pic- Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Caro- lative program and any special orders tures of man's inhumanity to man, and lina. Mar. 1973±Jul. 1973: Student, Officer Rotary heretofore entered, was granted to: he commanded through April of last Wing Aviator Course, United States Army (The following Members (at the re- year. Helicopter Center/School, Fort Wolters, quest of Mr. ABERCROMBIE) to revise By the way, there have been 1,500 in- Texas. and extend their remarks and include stances of the Moslem Chechnyan guer- Jul. 1973±Dec. 1973: Student, Officer Rotary extraneous material:) rillas attacking young Russian boys Wing Aviator Course, United States Army Mr. GIBBONS, today, for 5 minutes. who should not have to die this month Aviation School, Fort Rucker, Alabama. Ms. NORTON, today, for 5 minutes. of Christmas 1995. This Russian com- Jan. 1974±Sep. 1974: Student, Infantry Offi- Mr. POSHARD, today, for 5 minutes. mander who was there when atrocities cer Advanced Course, United States Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, today, for 5 min- were committed has been put in as the Sep. 1974±Jun. 1977: Platoon Leader and As- utes. commander of the Russian forces. sistant Operations Officer, later Platoon Mr. MFUME, today, for 5 minutes. As we approach this Christmas, Commander, and later Regimental Plans Of- Mr. VENTO, today, for 5 minutes. Madam Speaker, there is not a single ficer, Air Cavalry Troop, 11th Armored Cav- Russian soldier, it has been a long, alry Regiment, United States Army Europe, Ms. JACKSON-LEE, today, for 5 min- hard 6 years Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany. utes. Estonia, Hungary, the now-separated Aug. 1977±Jun. 1978: Student, United States Mr. BRYANT of Texas, today, for 5 Czechoslovakia and Slovak Republics, Army Command and General Staff College, minutes. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Czech Republic, there are no Russian Mr. PALLONE, today, for 5 minutes. Jun. 1978±Apr. 1979: Staff Officer, Regional (The following Members (at the re- troops there, but they are on their way Operations Division, Office, Deputy Chief of into the Balkans. They will be subject quest of Mr. HORN) to revise and extend Staff for Operations and Plans, United their remarks and include extraneous to Serbia because they made the Ser- States Army, Washington, DC. bian case. Apr. 1979±Jun. 1982: Aide and Assistant Ex- material:) I close on this, Clinton leading Maj. ecutive Officer, later Executive Officer to Mr. SOUDER, today, for 5 minutes. Gen. William Nash, who fought so hard the Vice Chief of Staff, Army, Office of the Mr. LEVIN, today, for 5 minutes. in Vietnam, and Gen. George Joulwan, Chief of Staff, Army, Washington, DC. Mr. HAYWORTH, today, for 5 minutes. Jun. 1982±Jun. 1983: Deputy Executive As- who fought in Vietnam, leading them Mrs. CHENOWETH, today, for 5 min- sistant to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of utes. down the driveway, not to follow him Staff, Washington, DC. Mr. HOKE, today, for 5 minutes. to Bosnia like Alexander the Great or Jun. 1983±Jun. 1985: Commander, 3d Squad- Caesar but to do his dirty work. ron, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 8th Infantry Di- Mr. GOSS, today, for 5 minutes. Madam Speaker, God forbid it. Let us vision, United States Army Europe, Ger- Mr. HORN, today, for 5 minutes. stop it. many. Mr. DIAZ-BALART, for 5 minutes each Madam Speaker, I include for the Aug. 1985±Jun. 1988: Student, United States day, on December 12 and December 13. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Penn- RECORD the following information: (The following Member (at his own sylvania. request) to revise and extend his re- RESUME OF SERVICE CAREER OF WILLIAM LA- Jun. 1986±May 1988: Assistant Chief of FAYETTE NASH, MAJOR GENERAL COMMAND- marks and include extraneous mate- Staff, G±3 (Operations), 1st Cavalry Division, rial:) ING OFFICER, 1ST ARMORED DIVISION Fort Hood, Texas. Date and Place of Birth: 10 August 1943, May 1988±May 1989: Executive Officer to Mr. WELDON of Florida, for 5 minutes, Tucson, Arizona. the Commander-in-Chief, United States today. Years of Active Commissioned Service: Army Europe, Germany. (The following Member (at his own Over 26. Jun. 1989±Dec. 1990: Commander, 1st Bri- request) to revise and extend his re- Present Assignment: Commanding Gen- gade, 3d Armored Division, United States marks and include extraneous mate- eral, 1st Armored Division, United States Army Europe and Seventh Army, Germany. rial:) Army, Europe Seventh Army, APO AE 09252, Dec. 1990±Apr. 1991: Commander, 1st Bri- Mr. DORNAN, for 5 minutes, today. since June 1995. gade, 3d Armored Division, DESERT Military Schools Attended: The Armor STORM, Saudi Arabia. f School, Officer Basic Course; The Infantry Apr. 1991±Jul. 1991: Commander, 1st Bri- School, Officer Advanced Course; United gade, 3d Armored Division, United States EXTENSION OF REMARKS States Army Command and General Staff Army Europe and Seventh Army, Germany. By unanimous consent, permission to College; United States Army War College. Jul. 1991±Jun. 1992: Assistant Division revise and extend remarks was granted Educational Degrees: United States Mili- Commander, 3d Infantry Division to: tary AcademyÐBS DegreeÐNo major; (Mechandized), United States Army Europe (The following Members (at the re- Shippensburg UniversityÐMS DegreeÐPub- and Seventh Army, Germany. lic Administration. Jun. 1992±Jul. 1993: Deputy Commanding quest of Mr. ABERCROMBIE) and to in- Foreign Language(s): Russian. General for Training, United States Army clude extraneous matter:) Major Duty Assignments: Combined Arms Command, Fort Leaven- Mr. BARCIA. Aug. 1968±Oct. 1968: Student, Ranger worth, Kansas. Mr. TOWNS. Course, United States Army Infantry School, Jul. 1993±Jun. 1995: Program Manager, Mrs. LOWEY. Fort Benning, Georgia. United States Army Office of the Program Mrs. MEEK of Florida. Oct. 1968±Nov. 1968: Student, Armor Officer Manager, Saudi Arabian National Guard Mr. FROST. Basic Course, United States Armor School, Modernization Program. Fort Knox, Kentucky. Promotions and Date of Appointment: Ms. KAPTUR. Dec. 1968±Apr. 1969: Platoon Leader, Troop 2LTÐTemporary: 5 Jun 68; Permanent: 5 Mr. REED. L, 3d Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry Regi- Jun 68. Mr. SERRANO. ment, Fort Lewis, Washington. 1LTÐTemporary: 5 Jun 69; Permanent: 5 (The following Members (at the re- Apr. 1969±Feb. 1970: Platoon Leader, Troop Jun 71. quest of Mr. HORN) and to include ex- A, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regi- CPTÐTemporary: 5 Jun 70; Permanent: 5 traneous matter:) ment, United States Army, Vietnam. Jun 75. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Feb. 1970±Jun. 1970: Executive Officer, MAJÐPermanent: 10 Jun 77. Troop B, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry LTCÐPermanent: 1 Nov 82. Mr. KOLBE. Regiment, United States Army, Vietnam. COLÐPermanent: 1 May 89. Mr. BEREUTER in two instances. Jun. 1970±Jul. 1971: Assistant G±3 (Oper- BGÐPermanent: 1 Mar 92. Mr. NEY. ations) Training Officer, later Assistant G±3 MGÐFrocked. Mrs. FOWLER in three instances. December 7, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 14237 Mr. SOLOMON. to section 565(c)(2) of the Public Health Serv- tember 30, 1995, and management response Mr. BURTON of Indiana. ice Act; to the Committee on Commerce. for the same period, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. app. 1784. A letter from the Director, Office of Mr. WALSH. (Insp. Gen. Act) section 5(b); to the Commit- Management and Budget, transmitting OMB tee on Government Reform and Oversight. Mr. BALLENGER. estimate of the amount of change in outlays 1795. A letter from the Director, Selective Mr. SANFORD. or receipts, as the case may be, in each fiscal Service System, transmitting the annual re- Mr. WOLF. year through fiscal year 2000 resulting from port under the Federal Managers' Financial (The following Members (at the re- passage of S. 395, S. 440, and S. 1328, pursuant Integrity Act for fiscal year 1995, pursuant to quest of Mr. DORNAN) and to include ex- to Public Law 101±508, section 13101(a) (104 31 U.S.C. 3512(c)(3); to the Committee on traneous matter:) Stat. 1388±582); to the Committee on Govern- Government Reform and Oversight. 1796. A letter from the Director, Selective Mr. KING. ment Reform and Oversight. 1785. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- Service System, transmitting the semi- Mr. THOMPSON. ment of Energy, transmitting the semi- annual report of the inspector general for Mr. CALVERT. annual report of the office of inspector gen- the period April 1, 1995, through September Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. eral and management's report on audit rec- 30, 1995, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. app. (Insp. Gen. Mr. PACKARD. ommendations for the period April 1, 1995, Act) section 5(b); to the Committee on Gov- Mr. MARKEY. through September 30, 1995, pursuant to 5 ernment Reform and Oversight. Mr. SHUSTER. U.S.C. app. (Insp. Gen. Act) Sec. 5(b); to the 1797.
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