2003 MdLP Annual Convention The 2003 MdLP convention radio station WIIFM in his own was held Saturday, April 26th at head: what’s in it for me? Tom the Old Station 8 Firehouse in Peters wrote about this concept: Gaithersburg. After the morning every person is the center of his Central Committee meeting, the universe, the star of his own mov- convention proper began with ie. People buy your ideas by turn- speaker Sharon Harris (photo be- ing them into their own. low), who called her talk “How to We are salesmen. We are Get a Second Date, and Other Se- selling the ideas of liberty, and crets of Successful Communica- have to learn the lessons of sell- tion.” She has been the president ing. Sometimes we run into hos- of The Advocates for Self-Govern- tile people; perhaps on a radio ment (TheAdvocates.org) since show. Marshall Fritz [founder of 1995. A tireless activist for the The Advocates and president of Libertarian Party in Georgia, she the Alliance for the Separation of was the campaign manager for School and State] designed a way several Public Service Commis- to handle this: the Ransberger sion candidates which gained the LP statewide ballot access in Pivot. It is a way to establish rapport with the audience, if it is 1998; in 1994 she received over 300,000 votes in her race for hostile and questions your intentions. The pivot is not a way to Commissioner of Agriculture. The Advo- answer the question, but rather to show that cates publish The Libertarian Communicator you have the same intentions as the attacker. and The Liberator Online, the latter of which If your intentions are the same, you can say is read by over 50,000 people in 100 coun- something like “I want to live in a world tries. where children are not being sold drugs on Ms. Harris began by saying that her pur- the streetcorner, and that’s why...” Other pose is to help libertarians become better listeners may be persuaded, if not the ques- communicators. She believes that most of us tioner. Don’t say “but” at the end of it! would like to be better communicators, and Word choices: abolish is bad; people hopes that we will be able to take some nuggets equate “abolish the FDA” with “unsafe from her talk for our own use; the ideas can be drugs”; there are better words, such as “re- used at home and work, in addition to politics. place” and “improve.” Be leery of “reform.” Be a good neighbor and friend. Karl “Unregulated” is bad; “self-regulated” is bet- Hess [LP News editor, 1986-1990; author; ter. Change “legalization of drugs” to Goldwater speechwriter; 1992 West Virginia “relegalization.” “Reprivatize education”; LP gubernatorial candidate] helped people “return it to” is good. “Capitalism” can have build barns in Virginia. Develop relation- negative connotations to some groups; the ships in your community: if you don’t know “marketplace” or “free market” is good. “Ec- local people, you won’t get far in an election. onomic pacifism” is positive. The goal is not to compromise principles, but to say the same Listen. It is important to focus on the things in ways that people can hear them. other person. Once you find libertarianism, One of Ms. Harris’ favorite examples is to you think that you have found the answer to say that “Conservatives tend to be libertarian everything – you don’t need to listen to any- on economic issues, and liberals tend to be one, because you already have all the an- libertarian on social issues” instead of “Lib- swers! Righteous indignation is an addiction. ertarians are conservative on economic is- How many times have you changed your sues, and liberal on social issues.” mind because someone told you that you were stupid first? Everyone is listening to Continued on page 4 Volume 25 Issue 2 www.MD.LP.org Free? State Libertarian 1-800-MLP-1776 Page 1 Chair’s Report The summer is here, The Party is also working to develop local organizations in all and the outreach season counties in Maryland, either with single county organizations or is in full swing. Mem- multiple county organizations. Southern Maryland will soon have bership continues to a local organization for Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary’s counties. climb, and the petition If you are in a county that does not have a local organization and drive continues to get would like to help start one, or you would like to get more in- signatures. But more volved in your existing local organization, please contact me and signatures are needed, let me know. more money is needed, Congratulations to Jim McLaughlin who is the new Chair of and more volunteers are the Prince George’s County Libertarian Party, and Nicholas Sar- needed. How will you wark who is the new Chair of the Montgomery County Libertarian help? Party. Thank you to both for continuing to help the Libertarian Many Libertarian Party, and especially for being willing to take on the challenge of Party activities are in the position of county chair. Thanks also to Nick for his work progress or in development. Membership is growing, thanks to during the past year as the state chair. the work of Steve Sass and others who have helped. And while an Our annual convention brought together libertarians around increasing membership is an important step to achieving our the state with great speakers and great food. Special thanks to goals, we must also focus on our central goal as a political party – Katie Marshall for her stellar work in helping to make the conven- changing the political landscape found in our national, state, and tion a success. local governments. This involves running candidates, supporting I know that outreach, and promoting libertarian ideas, can be them with adequate funds and volunteer efforts, testifying before quite frustrating at times, especially in this state. However, the county councils, contacting our legislators, petitioning for various work we do is important, in part because nobody else is going to reasons, and publicity. It also takes work behind the scenes, do it. Both the Democrats and Republicans continue to demon- writing letters to newspapers, developing policy papers and out- strate that neither of the two major parties understands the value reach materials, making phone calls, stuffing envelopes, and other of limited government. We do. And that is why we will continue tasks. Please let me know what you can do to further the efforts to work for liberty in our lifetimes. of the Libertarian Party, and change our government for the better. In liberty, Roy Meyers III is coordinating the petition drive to reacquire — Chip Spangler official recognition for the Libertarian Party in Maryland. Peti- tioners are out collecting signatures, but more are needed. There are many county fairs and other events and locations at which we Volunteers needed to help with: can collect signatures this year. We need both volunteers to collect the signatures and money to help pay for the effort as well. & Drug Policy Conference If you are interested in helping with the petition drive, please & The Spring MdLP Convention contact Roy and let him know what you can do. Free? State Libertarian ISSN 1076-3155 The Libertarian Party of Maryland The Free? State Libertarian is published three times/year by the P.O. Box 2343, Annapolis, MD 21404-2343 1-800-MLP-1776 Libertarian Party of Maryland. All material is copyrighted 2003 and may be reproduced, provided credit is given as follows: Official List Serve: MdLP-A-subscribe*YahooGroups.com “Reprinted from the Free? State Libertarian.” Other List Serves: www.MD.LP.org/email_lists.html Email: LPMD.Newsletter*ICengineering.com (preferably) Mail: LPMD Newsletter, PO Box 321, Owings Mills, MD 21117 Fax: 801-640-0953. Newsletter submissions are solicited. Editor: Robert E. Glaser If You Are Not a Subscriber Check www.MD.LP.org regularly for the current event calen- The Free? State Libertarian is mailed to all Libertarian Party of dar, news, email listserves, photo album, and more! Be cer- Maryland members and paid subscribers. You may have received tain to submit all of your current event information to a gratis copy (mailing label says “Join the MD Libertarian Party”) LPMD.Event*ICengineering.com to get the information online. because you are registered Libertarian, are a member of the National Libertarian Party, or requested information. We appreci- Content Policy ate you acting to: join the MdLP with the back page form: (if The views expressed by contributors to this publication are you’re a National member, it’s only $5 more than National-only not necessarily the views of the Libertarian Party of Mary- for both Md + National if you renew through us!); join the Central land, its Executive Board, or the Central Committee. The Committee; become a newsletter subscriber only (send $15 to Free? State Libertarian is a first amendment publication, and above address); and/or register Libertarian (when we get 1% of the welcomes diverse participation from many sources. state registered, we can run candidates without petition signatures). Page 2 1-800-MLP-1776 Free? State Libertarian www.MD.LP.org Volume 25 Issue 2 Dundalk Independence Day Parade The Maryland Libertarian Party was well represented at the 69th annual Dundalk Heritage Parade on July 4th . Bill Buzzell drove his car, preceded by the Culpepper Militia Flag (“Don’t Tread on the...”), “Old Glory,” and the Libertarian Party of Maryland banner. A total of 11, including two children, walked the approximately two mile route through Dundalk. As the procession passed by each of the two reviewing stands, they were introduced to the crowd as “The third largest political party in the nation.” State Executive Board Officers Chairman Chip Spangler 301-346-2361 Chair*MD.LP.org Vice Chairman Roy J.
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