10 CHEADLE, NORTHENDEN, [SLATER'S POLICE STATION. oake Knott esq. : the oak reredos and communion table Stockport road, Wm. Skitt, inspector, & three constables have been presented as memorials to John R. Galloway --- esq. : the church Rffords 500 sittings. The register .Barnes Convalescent Home (Rev. J. Bruster, chaplain; dates from the year 1864. 'l'he living is a vicarage, Harold J. Crompton M,B., ch.B., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.c.s. net yearly value £215, in the gift of the rector or & Adrian B. Wynne L.R.C.P. & s.Edin., ~LB. resident Cheadle, and held since 1S98 by the Rev. Henry medical officers; Miss Wright, matrun), Mill lane Tyson, H.A. of l\Iagdalen College, Oxford. The Bap­ (3rd) Volunteer Battalion Cheshire Regiment (F Com­ tist 1chapel in Grove lane, built in I84o, is a small pany), Wilmslow road; John Morton Milne, captain; and plain edifice of brick and will seat 100. The Con­ Pensioner Sergt.-Major James Harris, -drill instructor gregational .church in Swann lane, erected in 1869, is a building of stone in the Gothic style, and has a SCHOOLS. tower with spire : there are 46o sittings. 'l'he W esleyan St. }!ary's National, Wilmslow road (mixed & infants), chapel, jn Station road, erected in I883, is of red brick built in I837 & since enlarged, for 350 children ; with stone facings, and will seat about 300. Th.e princi­ average attendance, 250; John 'f. Ha worth, master; pal landowners are the Countess of Dundonald, the Miss Muriel Dawes, infants' mistress trustees of the late W. C. Brocklehurst esq. of Macclfl&. :National, Councillor lane, Cheadle Heath (infants), field (d. I 900 ), Isaac Storey esq. of Bards ea, William built o.bout I874, for qo children; average attend­ Aldarley esq. and Mrs. Watson. The soil is various; ance, go; Miss Arnold, mistress subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are potatoes British, Cheadle Heath (mixed & infants), built in I887, and turnips. The area of the ecclesiastical parish is for 500 children; average attend~t.nce, 500; Jose ph 5,500 acres; the population in I89I was 1,375. Goodison, master; Miss Anne Fletcher, infants' mist PosT, MoYEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, SAVINGS Wesleyan, Eden place (mixed), built about I875, for BANK & ANNUITY & INsURANCE 0FFICE.-MissCatherine 240 children ; averd.ge attendance, 230 ; George Bates, Potts, Sub-Post Mistress. Letters arrive from Stock­ master; Miss Louisa Rowbotham, :tssistant mistress port at 7 a. m. & 1.15 & 4.30 p. m. ; dispatched at 9.30 a. m. & 12.30 & 8. 30 p. m. ; sunday dispatch, 8.15 p.m RAILWAY STATIONS. WALL LETTER BoxEs :- London & NorthWestern, George Hadfield,station master Cheadle road, cle:u·ed at 7.50 a.m. & 8 p.m. week Cheshire Lines Committee, Albert E. Roberts, station days only master Church Rt. cleared at 8. 10 a. m. & 8 p.m. week days only Albert rd. cleared at 8 a. m. & 8 p. m. week days only CONVEYANCE. Station road, cleared at 8.45 a. m. & 8 p.m. week d?.ys Manchester Carriage Company's 'buses from White Hart only hotel to Palatine road, Withington, every three­ Ads wood, 8.30 a. m. & 8 p. m. week days only quarters of an hour from 8. Io a.m. till~. 55 p. m. daily SCHOOLS. CARRIERS. funchester Ware housemen & Clerks' Orphan, built in To MANCHESTER.-James Osbaldeston Jackson, 27 1869, at a cost of £15,000 & since enlarged; there Jacksrm street and William Chantler every week day are now (Igoz) about 250 children; George Boa'.'d B.A. head master; Miss Bennett, head mistress; Miss CHEADLE BULKELEY AND CHEADLE Warrener, matron; J. P. Reid, sec MOSELEY are hamlets in the parish of Chea.dle All Saints', Church road (mixed), endowed in 1785, by and are included within the UrbA.n Council district of Jonathan Robinson with £15 yearly derived from land; Cheadle and Gatley. Tne gr"ater I.lllmber of the inhabi­ it will hold 243 children; average attendance, 180; tants reside in the hamlet~ of EJgeley and Brinksway, Alfred Boyd, master ; Miss Leather, assistant mistress which are within the borough of Stockport. The London All Saints' (infants), built in I 785, for 50 children; and North Western rail way passes through these places, average attendance, 45 ; Miss Nield, mistress the lands of which are very much intermixed. Bulke­ ley's charity of £30 10s. fOtmded in I669, is for RAILWAY STATIO:N. apprenticing, and Hansby's of £5, founded in I66z, for London & North Western, Frederick W. Burgess, station bread; Down's gift of £z Ios. founded lll 1678, is for master distribution in money; Reginald Fowden in 18 I8 bequeathed £z,ooo, but this has since, under a scheme of the Charity Commissioners, been reduced to £1,137 16s. NORTHENDEN is a township, parish and &~eattered 3d. the interest arising from which is now divided village, on the river :Mersey, with a station on the amongst ten poor aged and blind persons in Cheadle Altrincham and Stockport section of the Cheshtre Lines parish only; in I66z Mrs. Elizabeth Hansby left the mil way, 6 miles south from Manchester, 5 west from interest of £wo for the purchase of bread to be distri­ f:;tockport and 4 north-east from Altrineham, in Altrin­ buted to the poor ; there are also several smaller cham division of the county, Macclesfield hundred, charities. The trustees of the late Edmund Howard Bucklow union, Stockport county court district, Sykes esq. J.P. of Brookfield (d. I 896), the Countess of rural deanery of llowdon, archdea.conry of Mo.cclA~fi.eld Dundonald, James Watts esq. the trustees of the late Sir and diocese of Chester. The church of St. Wilfrid, William Cunliffe Brooks hart. (d. 1900), Mrs. Sykes, of rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in I875, at a Cringle House, and Arthur Henry t:iykes esq. D. L., J. P. cost of £x6,ooo, is an edifice of ~;andstone in the Early of Bishop's Castle, Salop, are the principal landowners. English style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nan of five bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled western CHEADLE HULME is an ecclesiastical parish, tower containing a clock and 6 bells: the tower, the formed from the civil parish of Cheadle,August 4th, I868, only portion now remaining of the old church, belongs to with a station on the .Manchester and Crewe section of the the Early English period: all the windows in the church London and North Western railway ; it is in the are stained, and there are several tablets to membel"!! of Alt.rincham division of the count,y, Macclesfield hundred, the Tatton family, dating from the early part of the 17th Stockport union and county court district, rural deanery ce[j tury ; one to Absalom W atkin, I 861, and another to <Jf Stockport, archdeaconry of l\1acclesfield and diocese Thomas W orthington and his wife, I 854. The register of Chester. All Saints' eh urch, erected in I863, is a dates from 156o. The living is a rectory, net yearly buildiDg of stone in the Gothic style, eonsisting of value £400, with residence and 20 acres of glebe, <Jhan:!el, nave of five bays, aisles, south transept and in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Che&ter, {)rgan chamber, south porch and a western turret con­ and held since 1901 by the Rev. :Francis Cole Lowry taining one bell: the stained east window was erected Hamilton B. .&. of Dul'ham University. St. Hilda's in I873 to the late Rev. C. J. Cummings H.A. formerly church, in Kenworthy lane, was erected in 1901 by Mrs. rector of Cheadle ancl founder of the church, and there Zibba Armitage Ward, as a chapel of ease. The Wes­ are two others to John Rooke Corbett esq. d. April leyan chapel, in \Vythenshawe road, was erected in 19, 1869, and Robert Grey esq. d. July JI, 1872: I 876, and there is a Gospel Mission hall, in Alhert the organ was provided in 1893 ut a cost of £410, and street; built in 1886. At Shadow Nos~, an out­ a brass lectern was presented in 1899 by Thomas Brid.- lying district, is a school room, built about 187o, and .
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