by M. Kurt Goedelman Although he was born and lived a quantum leap into cyberspace with nearly five hundred years ago, Michel several web sites posting his predic- de Nostredame is considered to be tions3 have all combined to amplify one of the most esteemed visionaries his reputation as a “prophet.” of all time. His predictions are said to Despite his refreshed publicity and biographer, Erika Cheetham notes have “mystified scholars.” The oracles that “his parents are listed in 1512 as of the 16th century French physician, fame, the Christian’s awareness and response is greatly lacking. Dr. Robert being part of the new Christian com- scientist and astrologer, more com- 6 A. Morey, in his brief treatment of munity.” His family claimed their monly known as Nostradamus (the Jewish ancestry to be from the “tribe Latinized form of his surname), were astrology, devoted slightly more than 4 of Issachar” (1 Chronicles 12:32) and used by Adolf Hitler during the a page to Nostradamus. Very little else, from a biblical perspective, has this purported pedigree gave Second World War as propaganda to Nostradamus his gift of prophecy. encourage the success of his military been written to evaluate this physi- campaigns. In turn, both Winston cian-turned-prophet. Yet, Cheetham emphasizes the sig- Churchill and the United States re- In a 1983 newsletter, PFO briefly nificance of his exposure to Judaism: sponded by publicizing other of his examined the ongoing fascination “It is important to remember the predictions which they claimed un- with the man and his predictions.5 It Jewish element of Nostradamus’ derscored Hitler’s demise. MGM Stu- is an article that has remained in childhood when trying to decipher dios produced a motion picture news- demand and one, because of its brief- the Prophecies, as he was greatly reel, Nostradamus Says So, which was ness, needs to be revisited. Moreover, influenced by occult Jewish litera- shown in movie theaters across the with the time and seasons of his ture.”7 According to many of his country during the war-torn 1940s. “end-time visions” approaching, and biographers, an appetite for astrology, More recently, Nostradamus has as we settle into the next millennium, magic and the occult was constant gained a significant resurgence of his celebrity status surely will only and a lifelong force. popularity during the last half of the gain new life and increase dramati- In his late teens, Nostradamus at- 20th century. A 1981 feature film cally. tended Montpellier, the most famous narrated by Orson Welles titled The THE MAKING OF A PROPHET school of medicine in France, for Man Who Saw Tomorrow,1 a nationally education in philosophy and the broadcast television special in 1991 Nostradamus, the oldest of five medical arts. His career as a physician adapted from the movie and hosted sons, was born Dec. 14, 1503, in the was accented when his country be- by Charlton Heston,2 numerous full- town of Saint Remy in Provence, came plague-riddled in 1525. The length books and smaller booklets France. His family is claimed to have young healer went from town to town containing his prophecies and their been of Jewish descent and had been treating the sick and dispensing some interpretations, a staple in supermar- converted to Catholicism by the time of his own cures. When he first ket tabloids which have found him Nostradamus turned nine years of married early in life, tragedy struck as useful for their prophecy articles, and age. Oxford scholar and Nostradamus (continues on page 13) 4 · The Quarterly Journal July-September 1998 NOSTRADAMUS “Touching the prophecies of The title is descriptive of his prophe- (continued from page 4) Nostradamus, Théophile de cies, which are delivered in one hun- Garencières gives us an interest- dred sets of four-line verses (also his wife and two young children died ing fact, that, after the primer, it called “quatrains”) in each book. was the first book at school in in 1533. For the next decade, a de- Today’s supermarket tabloid reader which he learnt to read. It was spondent Nostradamus wandered or movie viewer is likely unaware of the custom in France then (i.e. throughout Europe. He remarried in the cumbersome and awkward ver- 1544 and by his second wife had, 1618) to initiate children by that book. They thought the crabbed biage contained in the quatrains of according to one report, four children Nostradamus. The Cyclopaedia of Bibli- (another biographer says six). and obsolete words, such as long survived in the English law, cal, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Litera- Although he enjoyed a prominent would give the scholars some ture describes: and lifelong career as a doctor, what idea of the old French language; “The vaticinations of Nostrada- generates admiration for him today so that the book got republished mus which secured his fame are came for him late in life. It was not from year to year like an alma- in verse, and are written in until 1555, at age 52, that he com- nac.”9 quatrains of rough, rude, unintel- pleted and published the initial part Cheetham also adds that: ligible, and incorrigible French, of his collection of prophecies. His in tottering and halting metre, recognition as an author was enjoyed “Nostradamus is probably the with rugged, harsh, and often for only a decade as he died of only author who could claim that unmanageable rhymes, clattering dropsy in 1566. Additionally, his ac- his work has never been out of or jingling at the ends of alter- ceptance as a healer seemed more print for over four hundred nate lines. ... They remain for the tolerable than that of a soothsayer. years, apart from the Bible. The most part incapable of compre- Author Charles A. Ward observed: interest he generated is extraordi- hension, and are scarcely ren- nary. On an average about thirty “When the work made its ap- dered more perspicuous by the books, either editions of the 12 pearance, it divided the public. English version.” Prophecies, or critical apprecia- Some called the prophet a simple tions of them, have been pub- In some cases, Nostradamus added visionary, or, in coarser phrase, a lished each century since his to the complexity by confusing French fool; others accused him of death.”10 with Latin and Greek words. Remark- magic, and of being in too close ably, it is because of the arduous and treaty with the Devil to be The endurance of his revelations, difficult wording of his prophecies honest. A few held their judg- some say, was itself foretold by the that has given him an added measure visionary himself. In his epistle to ment in suspense, and would of success. Moreover, these prophetic Henry the Second, King of France, pronounce no opinion on the quatrains are quite vague and ex- Nostradamus wrote: subject. A vast number of the tremely general, which further war- grandees and of the learned, “Notwithstanding such as cannot rants a great deal of success. both at home and abroad, be restrained from the exercise of thought that he was endowed the malignancy of the evil spirit, WHAT YOU SEE with a gift supernatural; and [there is hope that] by the lapse of IS WHAT YOU GET amongst these were Henri II. and time, and after my extinction here Catherine de Medici. It remained Much of the good fortune as to the on earth, my writings will be more fulfillment of Nostradamus’ predic- to the esprits forts [i.e., strong valued than during my lifetime.”11 spirits] and the ignorant public, tions lies solely in mind of the inter- who knew nothing of him but HIS CENTURIES preter. There is no clearer example of his name, to pronounce him a OF PROPHECIES this than the prophecies now attrib- charlatan and impostor. There is uted to the assassinations of brothers Nostradamus’ illustrious legacy of one thing certain, he felt much John F. Kennedy in 1963 and Robert prophecy is said to contain over 1000 hesitation as to publishing at all; F. Kennedy in 1968. In Century I, predictions, half of which his propo- and, when he took that step at Quatrain 26, Nostradamus wrote: nents assert have already been ful- last, he addressed the book to his filled. His prophecies are said to “The great man will be struck infant son, and not to any public down in the day by a thunder- 8 know neither time nor geographic character, in the year 1555.” barriers. They claim to comprise nu- bolt. Yet by the next century most suspi- merous centuries and many dealt An evil deed, foretold by the cion seemed to have completely with his homeland of France. Others bearer of a petition. ceased. The distinction, and even embrace the world. His prophetic According to the prediction, an- compulsory reading, of his writings utterances were published under the other falls at night time. became a reality. Ward further in- name, Centuries of Prophecies, but in Conflict at Reims, London, and forms: fact have nothing to do with time. pestilence in Tuscany.” July-September 1998 The Quarterly Journal · 13 To this quatrain, Cheetham in her are. In Century VI, Quatrain 37, the Occasionally the campaign of Nos- 1973 volume ascribes this interpreta- reader is informed: tradamus’ readers may even help to tion: form the interpretation. An illustra- “The ancient work will be accom- tion of this is from Century III, “The first three lines here may plished, Quatrain 10: apply to the assassination of the and from the roof evil ruin will two Kennedy brothers. John F. fall on to the great man.
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