portlAnd Art museum NW April/mAy 2013 filmcenter ThE lyricAl spacE of CLAIRE DENIS the films of PIERRE ÉTAIX PROJEC T VIEWFINDER NORTHWEST TRACKING school of film SPRING CLASSES & WORKSHOPS JuNE 17 – AuGuSt 21 . 664 . no it m R Pe , OR , nd la ort P ID a P 97205 OR d, N Portla ue N ve a Park SW 1219 e G a ost P U.S. NON-PROFIT ORG NON-PROFIT ter ce N film Northwest StaFF WELCOME northwest Film center Director: Bill Foster Education Director: ellen thomAs filmmaker services manager: thomAs phillipson Harry & Rose MOyer eDucation Program manager: pAmelA minty AdministrAtive Offices & northwest Film center membershiP & SponsorshiP manager: kristy conrAd school oF Film exhibition Program assistant: 934 SW sAlmon STREET morgen ruff Public relations & marketing assistants: Special Thanks to our Sponsors All screenings tAke plAce, nick Bruno unless otherwise noted, chelseA Bowen At the eDucation marketing officer: Premiere Sponsors northwest film center AAron schwArtzBord whitsell Auditorium membershiP assistant: portlAnd Art museum sophiA Mackenzie 1219 sw pArk Avenue Administrative coorDinator: AnnA crAndAll Champion Sponsors Mailing Address (for All) Education services coorDinators: JonAthAn dick 1219 SW Park Avenue liz lewis James F. & Marion L. portlAnd, OR 97205 Andrew price Miller Foundation miles spriestmA Education Program assistants: Producing Sponsors Cassie cohn BAlAzs hertlik stephAnie hough Hazel Malone Andrew price Matt reynolds JArrAtt Taylor Karen wennstrom theatre manager & Projectionist: melindA kowAlskA theatre staff: Alaska Airlines Audience Award Winners ChocolaT P.14 lily hudson JAson longwell erik mcclAnAhAn THE SAPPHIRES / Australia / Wayne Blair helmy memBreno *Best Narrative Award and Best New Director Award PIerre ÉtAix ArikA oglesBee pAge 3 ilAnA sol AMERICAN WINTER / United States / Joe Gantz, Harry Gantz michAel steen *Best Documentary Award speciAl screenings veronicA vichit-VadAkAn pAge 4, 16, 17 Joe von Appen THE OTHER SIDE / Israel / Khen Shalem LarisA zimmermAn *Best Short Film Award school oF Film office interns & volunteers: pAge 5 nick CaiAzzA DEAR PETER, WOODCHIPS I / United States / Orland Nutt Andrew Haskell Film Camp Casey hoelting *Best Oregon Short Film Award For kids + teens David Jimenez center pullout NatAshA louie An expanded list of Awards available at: festivals.nwfilm.org/piff36/awards/ CamBriA Matlow literAture into Film AAron richArds pAge 13 Matthew smith lisA Waldo the lyricAl spAce oF clAire denis theatre volunteers: Yasue ArAi pAge 14 JeAn Bellinger the Northwest film center is a non-profit regional media arts resource and service organiza- northwest trAcking lis cooper tion founded to encourage the study, appreciation, and utilization of the moving image arts, to fos- JeAnne devon pAge 18 Gabrielle Foulkes ter their artistic and professional excellence, and to help create a climate in which they may flourish. connie guist douglAs Hanes A d m i s s i o n Pat holmes presenting Film $9 GeNeral Jesse iiAms-Hauser John o’FAolAin WHITSELL AUDITORIUM—located inside the Portland art museum, the whitsell auditorium serves as the primary $8 PAM members, studeNts, seNiors Kay olsen Nandini RangAnAthAn venue for film center programs. each year, the film center presents over 500 programs to over 65,000 people. $6 silver screeN CLUB frieNds HannAh Van loon And Many more All progrAms Are single Admis- FILM FESTIVALS—annual film festivals include the Portland international film festival (february), Portland sion, unless otherwise noted. PORTLAND ART MUSEUM boarD of jewish film festival (june), reel music festival (october), northwest filmmakers’ festival (november), and silver screen CLUB directors, trustees CHAIR: fresh film northwest (ages 13-19, november). producers, BENEFACTORS & SUSTAIN- Jim winkler ERS receive Free Admission to All REGULAR Admission progrAms, vice chairs: including FestivAls. richArd Brown teAching Film janet geAry seAts For AdvAnce ticket And SIL- SCHOOL OF FILM—one of the largest community-based film arts programs in the country, the film center’s VER SCREEN CLUB MEMBERS Are held nw film center committee: school of film offers intensive hands-on classes and workshops in film production to 1,500 emerging artists, until 10 minutes BeFore showtime, don vAn wArt, chairman At WHICH POINT Any unFilled seAts Alice wiewel teachers, avocational adult learners, kids, and teens annually. faculty members are award-winning media artists. Are releAsed to the puBlic. dick ruBinstein Partnering higher education institutions co-offer college credit options in addition to the school’s certificate mAry hinckley Box office opens one-hAlF dAvid mArgulis in film. hour BeFore showtime. LINDA ANDREWS scrip Books: PORTLAND ART MUSEUM YOUNG FILMMAKERS OUTREACH—in k-12 classrooms, after-school settings, school of film facilities, and on marilyn h. & Dr. robert b. $50 (10 tickets) PamPlin, jr. Director: location in the community, the young filmmakers outreach Program promotes media literacy as a core skill for BriAn Ferriso the next generation. over 2,500 students are served annually—half of them low-income, minority, and/or under- NW FILM CENTER served communities. CORRESPONDENCE TO: identiFicAtion stAtement Publication title: Northwest Film Center supporting FilmmAkers Northwest FIlm CenteR 1219 SW Park AvenuE FILMMAKER SERVICES—in addition to its exhibition and teaching opportunities for regional artists, the film Portland, OR 97205 issue Date: center circulates traveling exhibition programs featuring work by regional artists, administers media arts fel- april 2013 EMAIL: [email protected] lowship programs, conducts the regional jurying of the academy student film awards, serves as a fiscal agent for statement of frequency: phone: 503-221-1156 PUblisheD 6 timeS PeR yeaR fax: 503-294-0874 independent producers in need of non-profit sponsorship, and offers low-cost equipment access and consulting authorizeD organization name anD aDDress: services to community producers—with over 750 artists served annually. Northwest FIlm CenteR www.nwfilm.org Portland Art MuseUm 1219 Sw PaRk avenue The Northwest FIlm CenteR is fundeD in Part by The National Endowment for The Arts, ORegon Arts COmmission, OReGON Portland, OR 97205 CUlTURAL TRUST, Regional Arts & CUlture Council, The TeD R. Gamble FIlm Endowment, The Rose e. TuckeR Charitable issue number: Vol. 41; Issue 2 Trust, THE PaUl G. ALLEN FOUNDaTION FOR THE aRTS, The JameS F. And marion l. MilleR Foundation, Mt. hOOD CABLE ReGULATORy COMMISSION, and The support of NUMEROUS CORPORaTe aND eDUCaTION PROGRAM SPONSORS, members, & friends. PAGE 02 Northwest Film ceNter April/may 2013 503-221-1156 www.nwfilm.org le grand amour Feeling Good yO yO the films of PIERRE ÉTAIX Pierre Étaix is one of the great, unsung treasures of french cinema, though his work has remained little known in the united states. after get- ting his start as an assistant to jacques tati on mr. HULOT’s holiDAY in 1953, Étaix subsequently made five feature films and three shorts between 1961 and 1971. Praised by directors as diverse as truffaut, bresson, godard, and David lynch, comedian, illustrator, gagman, and director Étaix’s films combine exquisite physical comedy with inventive sight gags and a slightly surreal visual sensibility. through a col- laboration between the technicolor foundation for cinema heritage, groupama gan foundation for cinema, and janus films, the original negatives have been restored, providing the opportunity to discover a neglected master of comic filmmaking on new 35mm prints. “Pierre Étaix may be the funniest filmmaker you’ve never heard of.”—susan king, the los angeles times. The Suitor aPr 12 14 FRI 7 Pm, SUN 7 Pm aPr 13 14 SAT 7 Pm, SUN 5 Pm aPr 20 22 SAT 2 Pm, MON 7 Pm LE GRAND AMOUR As LONG As YOU’RE HEALTHY THE SUITOR FrANCE 1969 FrANCE 1966/1971 FrANCE 1962 DIRECTOR: Pierre ÉTAIX DIRECTOR: Pierre ÉTAIX DIRECTORS: Pierre ÉTAIX, jean-CLAUDe CARRIÈre Pierre is dutifully married to florence. everything is fine in their relation- co-written by jean-claude carrière, Étaix fashions four playful “Pierre Étaix’s delightful first feature received the Prix louis Delluc, ship and at work. manager of his father-in-law’s factory, he spends his days vignettes that comically dramatize the anxieties of 20th century life. french cinema’s most prestigious award. the actor-director’s love of signing checks and his evenings watching TV. the years pass monoto- “life is tough in the modern era: insomniac Étaix whiles away the the great silent film comedians is evident in this gag-filled, almost nously until a very young new secretary is hired and Pierre, shaken by night with a book on vampires—then his wife wakes up; no seats at dialogue-free tale of an astronomy geek (Étaix) who, under pressure infatuation, starts to dream... “one of those cinematic marvels that leaves a packed cinema, or they’re blocked or immediately reclaimed—and from his parents, sets out to find himself a wife. spurned by his fam- me shaking my head and wondering where it has been all my life.”—the then the adverts begin: a devastating satire on commercials; shrink ily’s swedish maid and not content to settle for the hard-drinking bru- new yorker. “mr. Étaix shows his debt to the great clowns of silent cinema Étaix has it rougher than his patients; and the bickering between a nette who attaches herself to him, our hero sets his sights on—and like buster keaton. sprinkled throughout, though, are involved passages picnicking couple and a farmer escalates into hilarious gunfire and builds a shrine to—a chanteuse he espies on television. the find-a- that spin gloriously, surrealistically, off the narrative rails.”—the new electrocution.”—film forum. (77 mins.) bride-quick plot, of course, recalls buster keaton’s SEVEN CHANCES. york times. (87 mins.) as in many of his films, Étaix makes comic play with exaggerated preceded by sound effects.”—Pacific cinematheque. (83 mins.) preceded by FEELING GOOD preceded by hAPPY ANNIVERSARY FrANCE 1966 FrANCE 1962 DIRECTOR: Pierre ÉTAIX RUPTURE DIRECTOR: Pierre ÉTAIX a comic take on camping that was originally a sequence in AS LONG FrANCE 1961 a young woman sets the table for her wedding anniversary celebration.
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