Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1928-10-03 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1928). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 206. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/206 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Published Weekly hy Students of St Xavier College VOL. XIV CINCINNATI, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1928 NO. 2. TRANSYLVANIA Homecoming Day To Be Featured CALENDAR Alumni Pians For Fall And By Novei Entertainment No event cun{l|(!ting ivitli any of Winter To Be Discussed the following may lie scheduled Succumbs to Xavier Onslaught. Appointment of the chairman loi-the without offlclal sanction. For open Quarterly meeting ,of the St. Xavler Is Large In Other Departments. Aiiiiufil Homecoming Day celebration dates apply to the registrar, Ray­ College Alumni Association will be at the college will he made at the mond J. Fellinger.' held at B o'clock toniglit in Recreation Great Potential Strength Is quaiiteriy meeting of the St. ?Cavier Hall on the campus. Gregor B. Moor­ School of Commerce; College of Today—Ohapel, 8:30 A. M. Displayed'- by Musketeers; College Alumni Association, this eve­ man, president oE the association, has Law Classes Held in Eve­ ning. Homecoming Day will l>e oh­ Thui'sday—Junior Mass, 8:30 A. M. announced. Sophomores inContest. ning; Late Afternoon served November 24 when West Vir­ Priday—Senior Mass, 8:30 A. M. Plans for concentrated support of ginia Wesleyan. plays its traditional Senior sodality, 11:30 A. M. the football team ait all home games Classes. By George E. Winter. game with the Musketeers. Many nov­ Monday—Freshman Mass and So­ wiil be discussed. John W. DeVanncy, Disploying 0 foir amount of ability el entertainment features will be ar­ dality, 11:30 A. M. graduate manager of atliletics, will Both the School ot Commei'ce and and a greater potential power the St. ranged to welcome (graduates and PhUopedian Society, 1:30 P. M.­ place before ^tho alumni a plan by the College of Low of Sfc. Xavior Col­ students, , Xavler College grid team opened the Tuesday—Sophoniore Mass, 8:30 which better support can be given to lege- are serving an unusually lai'ge season In the new $300,000 stadium lost Many classes will have reunion A. M. St. Xavier atliletics. number of sfcudenfcs this semester the Soturdoy with a 19 to 2 victory over luncheons and dinners Homecoming ollicial I'eglsfcrafclon stotlsfcics revealed Wednesday—Chapel, 8:30 A. M. Home-coming Day plans will ibe con­ Transylvania College of Lexington, Ky. Day. There will be a separate section sidered at the meeting. Home-coming by WllUam T. Burns, reglsfcrar ot the The Musketeei's galloped to touch­ of the stadium set aside lor the alum­ Day this year is scheduled for Novem­ down-town departments indicates. downs In the flrst, second and flnal ni class delegations. ber 24 with West Virginia Wesleyan Class sessions In both departments are periods to score a hard earned victory The social functions of Homecoming University as the attraction at the an­ held at the Seventh and Sycamore over Coach Jim Elam's fceam. Tlie Day will he managed by a joint com­ "How To Study" Is Topic Dis­ nual football game. streets buildings ol the college. Pioneer score came In the third quarter mittee of alumni, athletic council when Coptoin "Chip" Cain elected to Classes 111 the iate afternoon and members, and undergraduates. There cussed At Orientation Safcurday conducted under the auspices score a safety to protect his goal Une. will he a dance in tlie evening at the Eight letter men and three sopho-. of fche College of Liberal Arts opened Hotel Ahns. Rev. Daniel M. O'ConneU, S. J., Dean UNION HOUSE Monday at the down-town buildtags. mores were in Coach Joe Meyer's of the college of Liberal Ants, St. Xav­ starting Une-up. Before the final gun A large registration ot nuns and lay ier College, spoke at the first Orienta­ students Indicates ' that fche special sounded eveiy one , of the starting tion Olass held for freslimen, Tuesday. TO BE IMPROVED players had been reploced by a substi­ REV. M. P. O'BRIEN cln.sses are more popular than ever tute and fcho Musketeers were going Dean O'Connell discussed "How To betoro. Regular professors of the llb­ strong ot the finish—something that Study", giving a systematic outline of Expansion Program Sponsored erol arts faculty and a number of spe­ counfcs ta foofcball and will be a valu­ RECEIVES HONOR the best methods for .study. The use By Student Council. cial instructors arc includod on the able assefc in winning fcougher games of notes, group study, iprivate study, faculfcy list tor the late afternoon and various methods were all includ­ closses. loter in tlie season. New Monsignor Received Degree ed in the scope ol Dean O'Connell's Recreational facilities in the new l!xecutive Officers Played as One. At St. Xavier. lecture. Union House, In Recreation Hall, on Orientation "speakers within the year the St. Xavier College campus, will J. D. Cloud, prominent Cincinnati • To pick tlie outstondlng individuals be unsurpassed if contemplated im­ attorney, is dean ot the School ot from the Musketeer^iine-up is a ticklish Rev. Matthew Patricii O'Brien, pas­ will Include prominent Cincinnati bus­ iness and professional men and women. provements are carried out. Rev. John Commerce. Rev. George R. Kister, proposition. Tiie players played os a tor of St, Patrick's church, Northside, J. Sullivan, S. J., fnculty director of S. J., Is iL'gent of the Scliool of Com­ team—one for all and all tor one ns was invested as monsignor at special The classes are open to freshmen merce and the Law School. dnd upperclassmen. the recreation center, hns indicated. their appellation designates. exercises, at which tho^ archbishop, Father Sullivan is considering the Edward P. Moulinier Is dean of the Capt. Cain Most Rev, John P. McNicholas, O. P., addition or one or more pool tables, College or Law. Mr. Moulinier is one picked plays ofRciatcd, Sunday aftdi'noon. the complete reconditioning of the ot Cincinnati's besfc known attorneys. with rare Father O'Brien d'ecelved his baclie- OLEF CLUe DANCE bowling alleys and a general improve­ He has served as dean of the College judg m'ent lor's degree from St. Xavier College in ment program.-' of Law since its inception in 1919. Jul­ and made 1883, and subsequently received a Mas­ J^'unds for the.actual upkeep of the ius Samuels is vice dean of the iaw few m 1 s - ter of Arts and a Doctor of Philosophy OCTOBER 20TH departmenfc. takes, liie Degree. He is widely Icnown in Cath­ Union House will be derived from the ' teiuir s'eems sale-of tickets-to all^students who-wish- . -Numei'ous business • ond professional- olic .'"circles in' the' arcHdidcese' of"Cin-^ Charles EisefiHa'rtIt" Is Chairman men are included on fche faculty ot the to' be in a cinnati, being prominently identified in to avail themselves of the facilities good way of Entertainment. there. School of commerce. Tiie taculty is recent educational expansion programs. fche largesfc ever fco serve the college. tor fleld- Excellent Orator. Supervision of Council. generols this The Clet Club, student musical or­ Out-ot-fcown specialisfcs will lecfcure on Father O'Brien's reputation as a pul­ The Union House is.under the super­ special phases ot business adnUiiisfcra- year with ganization afc Sfc. Xavier Collego, will vision of the Student Council, stu­ Felix Mc­ pit orator and lecturer has spread far give the first frolic of the season ta fcloii during fche firsfc semesfcer. Courses and he frequently must refuse invita­ dent governing body, which unanim­ taught at the School ot Commerce are Carthy and Recreation HaU on the campus, Safc­ ously voted that tickets should be sold Lloyd Ded­ tions to speak since ho regards his urday evening, Ocfcober 20th, aoeording entirely independent from the classes parish work as of primary importance. to as many students as possible so as ill bushiess adminlsfcrafclon of the Col­ dens as re­ to information obtained from Oharles to flnance tho Union House. He was instrumental in the new or­ lege ot Liberal Arfcs. sei've men Eisenhardt, chairnian of ,the enterfcaln- The senior class, setting a precedent for Cain. ganization of tlie system of Catholic menfc committee. Prominent Faculties education In the archdiosese of Cincin­ for otiier classes, voted to buy a block F. O'Bryan nati, and has served In an advisory Eisenhardt has indloated that the of tickets so as to encourage their early The work of tho School ot Conmieroo led the St. capacity to various educational insti­ dance is fche flrst ot a series of social disposal. is distinctly practical. Its aim .is to Xavier play- tutions.in the dty. acfcivlties which the Clef Club iwill educate fche student in the methods ot sponsor during the year. presenfc day business. Tlic courses of ei'sin ground St. Patrick's Cliurch was over-ci'owd- gaining. His To Appoint Committee insfcructlon are so seiecfced os to il­ puntmg was ed at the investure of Father O'Brien. STADIUM FIELD BOXES lustrate principles and facts wliioh the A special choir or seventy-flve voices John King Mussio, direotor ot the student can grasp and as a conse­ fair and singing organization, has signified fchafc should Im- under the personal direction of Charles quence determine upon the besfc busi­ P.
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