Ma'rch 30, 1977 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9553 Commerce, Science, and Technology der Its jurisdiction with a view to re­ ernment a.ccountlng and auditing Consumer Subcommittee porting its final recommendations to practices and procedures. To hold hearings on S. 403, the proposed the Budget Committee by May 15. 3302 Dirksen Building National Product Llablllty Insurance 5302 Dirksen Building MAY 18 Act. Commerce, Science and Transportation 10:00 a.m. 5110 Dirksen Bullding Consumer Subcommittee Appropriations APRIL 28 To bold hearings on S. 957, designed to Transportation Subcommittee 10:00 a.m. promote methods by which contro­ To hold hearings on proposed budget Appropriations versies involving consumers may be estimates for fiscal year 1978 for DOT, Transportation Subcommittee resolved. to hear Secretary of Transportation To continue hearings on proposed budget 5110 Dirksen Building Adams. estimates for fiscal year 1978 for the MAY 6 1224 Dirksen Building National Highway Traffic Safety Ad­ 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. ministration. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Appropriations 1224 Dirksen Building To consider all proposed legislation un­ Transportation Subcommittee Commerce, Science, and Technology der its jurisdiction with a view to re­ To continue hearings on proposed budg­ Consumer Subcommittee porting its final recommendations to et estimates for flscal year 1978 for To continue hearin~s on S. 403, the pro­ the Budget Committee on May 15. DOT, to hear Secretary of Transporta­ posed National Product Liablllty In­ 5302 Dirksen Building tion Adams. surance Act. 1224 Dirksen Building 5110 Dirksen Bullding MAY 9 Environment and Public Works 9:30 a.m. MAY 24 Nuclear Regulation Subcommittee Commerce, Science and Transportation 10:00 a.m. To resume hearin~s on proposed fiscal Communications Subcommittee Governmental Affairs year 1978 authorizations for the Nu­ To hold oversight hearings on the Subcommittee on Reports, Accounting and clear Regulatory Commlsc:ion. broadcasting industry, including net­ Management 4200 Dirksen Building work llcensing, advertising, violence To resume hearings to examine govern­ APRIL 29 on TV, etc. ment accounting and auditing prac­ 10:00 a.m. 235 Russell Bu11ding tices and procedures. Commerce, Science, and Transportation MAY 10 3302 Dirksen Building 9:30 a.m. Consumer Subcommittee MAY 26 To continue hearin~s on S. 403, the pro­ Commerce, Science, and Transportation 10:00 a.m. posed National Product Liability In­ Communications Subcommittee To continue oversight hearings on the Governmental Affairs surance Act. Subcommittee on Reports, Accounting and 5110 Dirksen Building broadcasting industry, including net­ Management work licensing, advertising, violence MAY 3 on TV, etc. To continue hearings to examine govern­ 10:00 a.m. ment accounting and auditing prac­ Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 235 Russell Building 10:00 a.m. tices a.nd procedures. To hold oversight hearings on U.S. Appropriations 3302 Dirksen Building monetary poUcy. Transportation Subcommittee JUNE 13 5302 Dirksen Bullding To resume hearings on propo:;ed budget 9:30 a.m. Commerce, Science, and Technology Commerce, Science and Transportation Consumer Subcommittee estimates for fiscal year 1978 for the Federal Rall road Admlnistra tion Communications Subcommittee To hold hearings on proposed legisla­ (Northeast Corridor). To hold oversight hearings on the cable tion amending the Federal Trade 1224 Dirksen Building TV system. Commission Act. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 235 Russell Building 235 Russell Building To resume oversight hearings on U.S. JUNE 14 MAY 4 monetary policy. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 5302 Dirksen Building Commerce, Science and Transportation Appropriations Governmental Affairs Communications Subcommittee Transportation Subcommittee Subcommittee on Reports, Accounting, and To continue oversight hearings on the To resume hearings on proposed budget Management cable TV system. estimate for fiscal year 1978 for the To resume hearings to examine govern­ 235 Russell Building Federal Highway Administration. ment accounting and auditing prac­ JUNE 15 1224 Dirksen Bailding tices and procedures. 9:30 a.m. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 3302 Dirksen Building Commerce, Science and Transportation To consider all proposed legislation un­ Communications Subcommittee der its jurisdiction with a view to re­ MAY 11 9:30 a.m. To continue oversight hearings on the porting its final recommendations to cable TV system. the Budget Committee by May 15. Commerce, Science, and Transportation Communications Subcommittee 235 Russell Building 5302 Dirksen Building To continue oversight bearings on the CANCELLATION Commerce, Science, and Transportation broadcasting industry, including net­ Consumer Subcommittee APRIL 7 work licensing, advertising, violence 10:00 a.m. To ,.ontinue hearings on proposed legis­ on TV, etc. Energy and Natural Resources lation amending the Federal Trade 235 Russell Building Subcommittee on Energy Production and Commission Act. MAY 12 Supply 235 Russell Building 10:00 a.m. To resume hearings on S. 419, to test the MAY 5 Governmental Affairs commercial, environmental, and social 10:00 a.m. Subcommittee on Reports, Accounting and viablllty of various oil-shale technol­ Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Management ogies. To consider all proposed legislation un- To continue hearings to examine gov- 3110 Dirksen Building HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, March 30, 1977 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. love that we may do great things for our THE JOURNAL The Chaplain, Rev. Edw·ard G. Latch, great people in this great Nation demon­ D.D., otfered the following prayer: strating the fact that a government of The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ We know that in everything God works the people, by the people, and for the amined the Journal of the last day's pro­ I or good with those who love Him.­ people is at work in this House of Repre­ ceedings and announces to the House his Romans 8: 28. sentatives. Fill our minds with wisdom, approval thereof. our hearts with compassion that we may Almighty and Eternal God, make us Without objection, the Journal stands ready for the duties of this new day by think clearly, choose wisely, and act bringing us closer to Thee. Renew our nobly for the good of our Republic and approved. faith, restore our hope, replenish our the good of all mankind. Amen. There w·as no objection. 9554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 30, 1977 ... MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT The SPEAKER. Is there objection to up House Resolution 445 and ask for its A message in writing from the Presi­ the request of the gentleman from immediate consideration. dent of the United States was communi­ Indiana? The Clerk read the resolution. as fol- cated to the House by Mr. Chirdon, one There was no objection. lows: of his secretaries. H. RES. 445 Resolved, That upon the adoption of this REPORT ON RESOLUTION PROVID­ resolution it shall be in order to consider MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE ING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF .the resolution (H. Res. 433) to provide for H.R. 4976 TO AMEND THE PUBLIC the continuation of the Select Committee A message from the Senate by Mr. HEALTH SERVICE ACT on Assassinations, in the House as in the Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced Oommittee of the Whole. Mr. BOLLING, from the Committee on that the Senate had passed without The SPEAKER. The gentleman from amendment a joint resolution of the Rules, submitted a privileged report <Rept. No. 95-140) on the resolution <H. Missouri <Mr. BOLLING) is recognized for House of the following title: 1 hour. H.J. Res. 351. Joint resolution making fur­ Res. 448) providing for consideration of H.R. 4976 to amend the Public Health Mr. PICKLE. Mr. Speaker, I make the ther continuing appropriations for the fiscal point of order that a quorum is not pres­ year 1977, and for other purposes. Service Act, the Community Mental Health Centers Act, title V of the Social ent. I move a call of the House. Security Act, and the program of assist­ The SPEAKER. The gentleman's point PERMISSION FOR COMMITTEE ON ance for home health services to author­ of order is not in order at this particu­ BANKING, FINANCE AND URBAN ize appropriations for fiscal year 1978 for lar time. AFFAIRS TO HAVE UNTIL MID­ health services programs, and for other Mr. PICKLE. Mr. Speaker, I renew my NIGHT, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, purposes, which was referred to the point of order that a quorum is not 1977, TO FILE REPORT ON H.R. 5262 House Calendar and ordered to be present. printed. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes Mr. REUSS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- the gentleman from Missouri <Mr. BOL­ mous consent that the Committee on LING) to move a call of the House. Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs may REPORT ON RESOLUTION PROVID­ have until midnight, Thursday, ING FOR THE CONSIDERATION March 31, 1977, to file a committee report OF H.R. 4975 TO AMEND THE PUB­ CALL OF THE HOUSE on H.R. 5262, to provide for increased LIC HEALTH SERVICE ACT Mr. BOLLING. Mr. Speaker, I move a participation by the United States in the Mr. BOLLING, .from the Committee call of the House. International Bank for Reconstruction on Rules, submitted a privileged report A call of the House was ordered. and Development, the International De­ <Rept. No. 95-141) on the resolution The call was taken by electronic de­ velopment Association, the International (H. Res. 449) , providing for considera­ vice, and the following Members failed Finance Corporation, tJhe Asian Develop­ tion of the bill <H.R. 4975) to amend the to respond: ment Bank, and the Asian Develop­ Public Health Service Act to authorize [Roll No. 108] ment Fund, and for other purposes. appropriations for fiscal year 1978 for Alexander Florio Pepper The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Allen Foley Poage biomedical research and related pro­ Ambro Fountaln Quie the request of the gentleman from grams, which was referred to the House Andrews, N.C.
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