f^f^A Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/colonialecho193840coll W. W. WOODBRIDdEJR. quo OF 19, PRESENTATION OE TWE. TWO HUNDRED AND EOI^TY-FIFTM YEAIi AT "he Collece of William and Mahy IN WILLIAMSBURG, VIHGINIA . 1693 . 1938 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENT BODY giM-J j,' '!i,;|5^iii'^^ -^~^.. EDITOR JOHN (;UY BRITTON, JR, MANACiER ^ <5- <^ ^ S \ O- vP <<^^ "^^ <^(.N ^^ #<.^c4cX^^'-^O^ ^i^X^ > <<t C. J. DUKE, JR. The fonriETH ca,-. YEAf*, ANOTHER CMAPrS ,f°'^^'^4y ^^^^f^ (mums AND ^^^^ WILL fir /(A/n^^^'^/O/v TO COME, Dur TME^tr.'l^O^A/To,''^ 4 PARTICULARLY (NTEag.r,?/-^ ^^ /pf/^'^'^i WHO HAVE T^O PAftTICMr"''^ T^J.^^ Afic BOOK ONE II HEiiORI/m il/lRIOl ¥. §¥/ILE¥ IViuruKi HiuA /ippRriiirr WEivpoRi raEiw§, V/1. BOOK ONE & ^ "--7 K^i THE COLLEGE GATES AND CAMPUS FROM DUKE OF GLOUCESTER STREET THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSE From the Wr CAMPUS POND A MATOAKA TRAIL FRESHMAN WALK Lord of the Freshman Class: Looking Down Towards the Old Capitol JEFFERSON AND PHI BETA KAPPA HALLS FROM THE BARREH PORCH A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT Four years ago the Freshman class of 1937 and I started our career together Graduation then lay far off in a distant and cloudy future; the same dark uncertainties that surround the paths of all travellers through an unknown land beset ours, too, when we began, and yet once more a class has come to graduation, once again the doors of the Wren building open outward on the untried world, for whose mastery, or at least for whose endurance, the class has prepared itself. There before each succeeding body of graduates stretches the broad way of adventure, which none may avoid, for that adventure is life, from which there is no escape so long as life endures. The end and aim of college training Is not escape, but triumph; not avoidance of conflict, but victory in battle. For that testing every class makes ready, to the outcome of that trial every student looks with courage born of difficulties already surmounted, and with confidence sprung from an inner certitude of Increasing strength. it is not the province of Vyilliam and Mary, or any other college, to command success, but even so a higher privilege remains, the development of a spirit in its sons and daughters that overtops alike success and failure: that calm and steady radiance which does not flare and flame in transient prosperity, or flicker out in troublous times, but shineth more and more unto the perfect day. We students of William and Mary—for I am, and of necessity must be, a student, too—though we look back with pride to our great predecessors, we draw from them nothing for the future that does not lie in ourselves. Their examples of fortitude under suffering, of patriotism amidst greed, of resourcefulness in untried conditions, may well call out of the depths of our being courage and generosity and imagination of which we were unaware, but the final answer for Individual triumph or despair lies with each student today, and not with the recorded splendor of the men of other days. For the class of 1938, as for every other class since I have been President of William and Mary, I have observed a steady growth In the essential co-operation that marks real citizens; in the deepening grasp of learning that characterizes the scholar, and above all, In the fineness of feeling that is the highest attribute of the gentleman. These are acquirents. or shall we ratSer say develop ents, that are not recorded on diplomas and cannot be taken away by tli fate. To those who have attained, and to those who yet seek the higher way, I offer my greetings and ny praise. JOHN STEWART BRYAN il&h^ THE COLONIAL ECHO LORD BOTETOURT A D m I N I S T H T H JOHN STEWART BRYAN 9 3 PRESIDENT 8 WILLIAM AND MARY BOARD OF VISITORS James H. Dii.lard Rrtto CJkorge W. Mapp I'ic-Rtilu The N'isitors of the College To .March 7, 1938 James H. Dii.lard Charlottesville, Va (,'ARV r. Gravso>j Washington. D. C, CiEC'Rcr \\'. Mapp Accomack, \'a HiiMKk LiAOiR FtRGLbO\ Ne\vport News, Va Chanmm; M(jore Ham \ViIliamshurj4, \'a To March 7, 1940 A. H. Foreman- Norfolk, \'a Lliu D. Metz Manassas, Va A. Ubici Suffolk, Va (iABRiEi.iA Pace Richmond, Va, John Archer Wilson Roanoke, Va The State Superintexdext of i.-^ Pl'BLIC IxSTRICTIOX Ks-()ffi<in SiDNE-i- B. Hall Richnionil, Va. Secretar\' to the HoARIi 9 OF Visitors Charles J. Dike. Jr. 3 Willianishuru, Va. 8 )&b^ THE COLONIAL ECHO OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION John Stewart Bryan Herbert I.ee Charles J. Duke, Jr. Assistant to the Presijent and Bursar Kremer J. Hoke Doan of tlit- College. J. Wilfred Lambert Dean of Freshmen. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION i>.A., M.A., Li,.i!., i.iii.n., 1.1 .n. [(111 \ M 1\\ \KI IlKl A^ l'i,iiJ,nl 11. A.B., A.M., B.n.. n. II I \MI> HidCKKK \MI I ' I'rof.ssor „l S,„,„h,„y A.B., I.I.B. riiiiiiiuKh Sri I i\AV C'dx . Frnfasar nl J unspn,J,:u,- A.H. A.M. ( . III I 1 \S A, IMMISOS A. IV, I'll. P. Pus \i II W\i iu\ n WIS l'r„f,ssu, „i Iln,h,„y . A.H., A.M., I'h.n. jnllS KlIllhKIs llslihK . I'ldfissoi «/ Mad, I It I aniiutujis . B.S., M.S., C P.A. W A\ M 111 Ml^ < ilBIiS Prnfissiii "/ Inminlan.y rii.n. B.Sc, B..\., ( ;iiiKi,i' (lr\ Wii I I \M ' l',c,f,s.u,r „l Chnnulry rh.n. A.B., A.M., l\(.\ ()i I A IIh vmi I'tnf.sso, aj l-.Juiallou rh.l'. A.M., . A.B., Km S1I K j. IlllKK l',„f,sso, „f l-.Jtnalun, . A.M., I'h.n. A.H., Jl.-- II will HIS JACkSdS . ' I'roj.'isoi ol l:n,jli,l, A.B., A.M. J(iii\ Km nil 11 I. II JiiiiNSON Frnf.sso, „i l:n„lish B.S. licKiK |om;s l',„f,ssi>i ni I'hysnal I.Jiiuilhni mh^ THE COLONIAL ECHO OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION Louis Kmii I K(i(]S 1/ A.i;., A.M., I'h.n. lisili,:,/ l',„f,ssor of C.lamal llislmy Grace W'arrks I.andrim A.H., A.M., I'h.n. Prnffssor of Enijlisli Chari.es Franklin Marsh A.B., A.M., Fli.l). Professor of Eionomus Richard Lee Morton A.H., A.M., Ph.D,, Litt.O. Professor of History \\'ii.i.[.\.\i \\\\RNKR Moss, JR A.I!., A.M., Ph. 11. Professor of Govrrnmint James Ernest P.ate A.B.. A.NL, Ph.D. Professor of PolUual Seienee Robert Gii.chrisi Robb A.B., B.S.. A.\L, Si. P. Professor of On/ame Chemistry Archie Garnett Rveand A.B., A.M., Ph.O. Professor of Frencli Shiriev Donald Southworih A.B., A.NL, Ph.D. Professor nf Eeonomits John Minor Stetson B.A., Pli D. Professor of Miilliemitlus Charles H. Stone B.S., A.M., B.L.S. Professor of Library Science Earl Gregg Swem A.B., A.M., I.iti.I"). I.il)rari(in Ainios c;LTLL(iKn Tai Liik A.B., A.NL, Pli.D. Professor of Politiciil Eionoiiiy Anthony Pelzer W.vgener A.B., I'li.D. Professor of .Indent Lani/uaijes Helen Foss Weeks B.S., A.NL, Pli.ll. Professor of Eitucalinn Dudley Warner WooDnRiDGE A.B.. J.D. Professor of Jurisf'rtulencc RoscoE CoNKLiNG YouNC A.H., H.S., A.M., Pli.n. Professor of Physics George H. Arm.wjst A.H.. A.M. Issoiiate Professor of Education NLartha Elizabeih Harksdale O.D., A.B., A.NL Associate Professor of Physical Education James Oamd Carhr, Jr A.B., Docteur ile ITiiivrrMtc Ac- Tcuiliiiise Associate Professor of French Joseph C. Chandler H.S., A.NL Associate Professor of Physical Edination Gr.^ves Glenwood Clark LL.B., A.B., A.NL Assoiiate Professor of Entjlisli HiBBERT Dell Corey A.B., A.NL 9 Associate Professor of Economics Charles Duncan (Gregory K-S., .A.NL 3 Associate Professor of Mathematics Charles Tr.wvick Harrison A.B., A.NL, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English 8 Andrew Edward Harvey A.B., Ph.D Associate Professor of Modern Languaties WILLIAM AND MARY &^& OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION Aliiiia 111 m A.B., A.M. Issndal,- Profrssor of .his cj llic Tl:,ati, \"iLi(iK liLKKAiuh . A.B., Doctor en Lctra-, University of Madrid .Issoiiale Prufessur of Spanish and Fnndi \V. MEI.V1I.1.F JuNFS A.H., A.M. .Issociate Froftssor of Englisit Bes" Clide McC.^rv A.B., Doctcnr dr ITiiiver^itc dt- Toulouse Associatf Professor of Frenc/i W'li.i.iAM W.M.TER Merrv.vion A.B.. A.M., Ph.D. .-Issoc'uiti- Froftssor of Fliysiis J.x.MES Wilkinson- Miller A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Pliilosophy Peter P.aul Peebles A.B., B.S., A.M., B.L., LL.M. dissociate Professor of Jurisprudence Beul.\h Russell A. 15., A.M. .Issociate Professor of Mathematics George M. Sm.\li Mus.B. .Issociate Professor of Music JE.\N J. SlEW.^RT B.S., A.M. .Issociate Professor of Home Economics T. J. Stlbbs, Jr A.B., A.M. .'Issociate Professor of History Rav.mond Leech Taylor B.S., S.M., Sc.D. .Issociate Professor of Biolocjy K.ATHLEEN" AlSOP A.B.
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