March 20, 1985, Volume 22 Number 12 Offkial Publication oft ational Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s basketball gets its own rules For the first time in the history of women’s intercolleglate basketball, the next season will he conducted under rules formulated by the NCAA Women’s Basketball Rules Commit- tee. The Commlttcc wtll meet March 27-29 In Austin, Texas, to put the fin- ishing touches to a manuscript that WIII bc publishrd and available in June. Howcvcr, it is not likely that there WIII bc any notable change in how the women’s game is played. “Probably the most controversial change in recent years was the dcci- sion to use the smaller ball this sea- son, ” said NCAA Women’s Basket- ball Rules Committee Chair .I. Elaine Hieber. I hat decision already has been made, and I do not seethat there will be anothrr change this year.” ‘The dccislon to adopt the USCofthe smaller ball wa\ made by the National Assoclatlon for Girls and Wotncn in Sports. the olq:ani/.atlon t hc tahulatcd rcsutts Nell he cpnsl- Lnndcrwhose rule\ women‘\ intercol- drrcd hy the committee when II meets. l’cglatc compclition ha5 been toll- “More than I .200 Indlvldual\, durted lor several years. Including NCAA. NAIA and junior “~I he lndlvlduals in the sport who collcgc coachc\, have respundcd to have made the grrateht Impact in the the survey. ‘. \aid Hiebcr. “I bcl~cvc pact the coaches ~~ ~111 arc the Andy- this I\ considerably more Input than widuats who will make the greatest women’< basketball rules ever have contribution,” said Hieber, assistant had before.” athletic:: director at lowa State tlni& Hlcher nored that there had been verslty. “l‘cn of the I3 people on the Scv Women Is,pa ‘iy 12 committee are coaches.” The appolntmcnt of the committee was made at the 1985 NCAA Con- Committee Champions vention and included the same Indi- Iowa’s Barry Davis (top vi+als who had \crvcd for ;I year on a special committee to prcparc a pre- nominations photo) manipulates his Iiminary manuscript. opponent en route to the “I helicvc the grcstrst apparent deadline set . change will bc In the orgamzatrc!rt 126-pound title in the and adminlstratlon of women’s Nominations for vacancies on the NCAA Division I Men’s rules.” Hlcbcr said. “The rules will NCAA Nominating Committee and Men’s and Women.5 Committees on Wrestling Champion- be puhlishcd and available to member institutions the same tlmc each ycat Committees must bc rcccived by Fan- ships. Iowa won its eighth and well in advance of the season nie H. VaUgtliill, admini\tratlvr as% straight team title at the “Also, thcrc will be one national tant. in the NCAA national office no interpreter for the womcn‘r rules. later than April 5 event. In the bottom rather than rcplonat interpreters a\ In The Council wilt appoint individ- photo, North Park’s Lars the past. I helleve thih will result in ualh to fill those vacancies during Its . Anderson goes up for more consistent Intcl~pl~rtations iilld April IS- 17 meeting )n Kansas City, more consistent officiating.” Missouri. two points in the Viking’s Secretary-rules cdltor for the wom- Mrmhers 01 the committees for Division III Men’s Basket- en’s committee and the official mter- 19X5 were listed in the January Con- ball Championship vic- prcter for the rules will be Marcy vention Program. Composition of the Weston, Ccntr;ll Michigan Univcr- three commlttccs appears in Bylaws tory over Potsdam State. sity. 12-2-(g) and (h) of the NCAA Man- ‘lo assILt the committee in dctcr- ual mining the opinions of coaches and Following is a list of those whose other Indlvlduals involved In the sport terms expire, including those eligible toward various rules, a survey was and not cliglhle for reelection. Corn- sent to more than 1,700 individuals. SW CotnttilIlce. page l-7 Tournament expansion keeps pace with basketball parity By James M. Van Valkenburg I6 shows the results of expansion and (1952 third), St. John’s (New York) runnerup, in Final Four and cham- I2 2 8 I ( t 952 second)and Oklahoma ( I947 ~~ pionships won: I2 4 3 2 NCAA DlrecIor of Slatistics parity In Division I basketball. Of the I2 2 3 t St6 HW FFCH The expansion years and the post- remaining 16, only four ~ George- second). The other three have not done II 3 4 1 Kentucky * 2x 12 9 5 II s UCLA years virtually coincide In the town, North Carolina State, North so m the last decade ~ Loyola (Illi- UCLA .,.,,.,,..,.. 21 2 I4 IO II 3 2 1 Nattonal Collegiate Basketball Carolina (the last three champions) nols) in 1963 (champion), Villanova Kansas State I.5 4 4 9 I N,,rth Carohna* ,, 14 2 Y 2 3 2 Championship ~ the first in a scrles in 1971 (second, hut voided) and Y IZ- LOUlbVlllC 14 4 I of expansions came in 1974 (to 32 Memphis State in 1973 (second). x 52 lndlallir 13 2 5 4 Basketball notes X 4 42 teams) and a year later came the 10th A total of 49 different teams have Vlllanova* I.1 4 2 x 2 3 - UCLA championship in a l2-year and Kentucky (third last year) ~ reached the Sweet 16 at least once Ncalrc I~arnr 13 4 I 8 3 3- span. have reached the Final Four in the already m the 1980s. That is, on aver- 8 5 2 Since that turning point, It has been 1980s. age, the largest group for any decade In the News 8 4 2 Six have never made Final Four slncc expansion to I6 teams took x 5 I I a wide-open affair. A total of 25 dif- A baseball coach poses the: queb ferent teams have reached the Fmal Six Sweet I6 teams never have place in 195 I There were 80 differ- 8 2 I - tion of whether his colleagues are 8 2 I Four in the nine seasons since then - reached the Final Four - Louisiana ent teams m the 1970s. 78 In the hypocrites when itcomes to their use Glchl!+an 7 4 3 1960s and 74 in the 1950s. Here are no team more than three times and I7 Tech, Auburn, Maryland, Georgia of alcohol and what they tell their SantaClara 7 4 I Tech, Alabama and Boston College. the 28 teams making the Sweet I6 at St. John’\* 7 2 I just once. No team has won two players to do.. _. 2 Three more have not made the Final least seven times (only six in the cur- *Includes 198s Sweet16. also included:pre- straight men’s titles since UCLA. Championships Results .5-8 An examination of the 1985 Sweet Four in more than 30 years - Illinois rent tield), with times as regional See Tournammt, page 4 2 March 20. I985 The NCAA Comment Are coaches hypocrites when it comes to alcohol? By Dave Altopp Gordie Gillespie, (baseball coach at St. Francis (Illinois), would McAfee, now an oral surgeon at a prestigious Pennsylvanra Head harehall coach, Greenvrllc t‘ollege (Illinors) denounce that philosophy in typical Gordie fashion, as I heard hospital, said he prepared for the end of his career by attending I have got to get this off my chest. I have been coaching now him say very emphatically in a recent clinic. medical school in the off-season. He contended his San for almost 20 years, and there is one thing that has troubled me “Do you have conception of the impact you (coaches) make Francisco 49ers coaches were not pleased with his springtime all these years about this profession. upon your players and in your school? You have an awesome endeavor. As a head coach, I was invited by a sporting-goods salesman responsibility with the power of your influence. We teach skills, McAfee, now 28, said some coaches discourage players from to a company-sponsored display of new equipment. Obviously, fundamentals, etc., etc., but the most important thing is your pursuing a career outside of football, but players must take the I was intereSted and especially so when he said there would be positive influence on young people.” initiative. He also said that although virtually every football plenty to eat and drink. Gordie exemplifies a master teacher who truly cares about player went to college, many ignore the advantages of a free I was totally unprepared when I arrived and discovered that every one of his players from the star to the last man on the education. the free drinks included alcohol. I was dumhfounded. 1 couldn’t bench. “Just about every person playing pro football went to believe my eyes. Here were coaches drinking alcohol and some The point is this: More is learned visually or by doing rather college,” he said. “They have a chance for a free education and very obviously becoming inebriated. I was really shocked. than by words alone. Actions speak louder than words. I read they waste it- they either don’t get a degree or don’t learn Why? Let me explain. Just the other day, I sat down and tried just recently where a man commented on how he teaches things anything. to remember exactly how many different coaches 1 had played to his children. “Being a doctor was my main aspiration; I never really for in my 12 years of interscholastic and intercollegiate compe- His response was, “I just give priority to how objectives are intended on being a pro football player,” he said. “I saw football exhibited in my life.
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