Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-31-1959 The Ledger and Times, August 31, 1959 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 31, 1959" (1959). The Ledger & Times. 3691. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3691 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ••• 1 1919 ILMAN Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper (UPI) — und grand- a 38-Mile Largest ys a week. says Mrs. Circulation In She deliv- letters ee The City en and sills does a lot Largest Circulation In The County United Press International IN OUR 80th YEAR Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, August 31, 1959 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXX No. 206 CHINESE REDS INVADE INDIAN BORDER Khrushchev Will Little Action Seen Murray Rescue Squad Was One Bring Whole Family Chinese Student Lives Four By Police Officers Will Seek To Solve Problem WASHINGTON (UPI) — The City police reported two drunks Of The First To Be Organized State Departmenerannouneed to- Years In Attic After Failing arrested over the_ weekend with By Negotiation Says Nehru day that Soviet Premier Nikita no other action reported. Khrushehey will be accompan- The sheriff's office said they increasing concern of citi- ned group, includang a marine By JERRY CHIAPETTA fantastic story of his self-made By B. K. TIWARI nese territory. The ied on his visit to the United did not Veceive a single call over Detailed reports mobile first aid unit termed by Untied Press International prison to authorities who ques- United Press International rens laving near TVA lakes ovee States by his wife, two daugh- the weekend. are awaited by the intelligence memsbers of the Chattanooga ANN ARBOR. Mich. tun — "1 tioned him in the Washtenaw NEW DELHI. India iupti — The the need for safe water practices ters, one son: and a son-in-law. Added duties will be takn on branch of the government. Prs- the growing num- 'Boat Clieb. 'Expenses are under- was a traitor to my friends, my County jail here, Chinese Communists have made vious Is reflected in The department announcement by city and county officers with reports of massing Chinese rescue written, in part, by the Red Cross. family and my religion. I did not Sail-Imposed Torture new invasions into the Slang and ber of volunteer civilian said Mrs. Mina Petravna Khru- the beginning of school. City of- troops well equipped with mod- region, TVA The first civilian group to be want to go on but I was "I guess you c old call it a Lehat division of India's north ern squads in the Valley eheheva, the prerniet's wife. ,had ficers will aid in the direction of arms have been oneflited." organized without Red Cr oss afreid to dee," . self-imposed torture." Chemz,- said east flontier agency region,unol- said today. There now are 16 accepted the invitation. of Preen - traffic near city school and coun- has a treaty with Bhutan sponserehip was at Kings/pert,. This was the explanation Chi- final reports here said today. such squads in four states. Ewel- dent Eisenhower to a company (conitifiued on back page) ty officers will be watching mo- 'under wheel it gives the tiny Tenn.. in 1948. Nearby Bristol nese student Cheng Guan Lim The reports gave no details of v9are in Tennessee, two in Ken- her husband when he cernes here torists more closely in connection Himalayan country a subsidy and followed the next year. gave for hiding for nearly four the alheed new aggression by the guides tucky, and one each in Virginia Sept. 15. Invitation with school buses. it in foreign affairs. While an of the rescue squads years as a "living deacknan" in a Extended Reds into border area. But and Alabama. The department reported that Motorists are reminded that Nehru has said that Indian Vogel, stress the importance of safe wa- church attic next to the University They came as Prime Minister troops General Herbert D. President Eisenhower was in- To Girl Scout Meet they should come to a full halt would be used to protect ter practices, they do not °uterine of Michigan campus. Jawaharlal Nehru said that India Chairman Of the TVA Board, de- formed of the acceptance in Lon- when school buses are loading or Bhutan as well as Sikkim against their activities to water aocidents. The Singap re school teacher's Air invitation is extended would try to solve its border scribed the efforts of the rescue den. to the unloading, whether meeting a any aggression by Communist- They are called out in cases in- soot who fled- from shame and entire town and problems with Communist squads as a "major contribution The announcement added that especially to the school bus or coming up behind China Chinese troops. voh-ing burns, heart attacks, learn today what contributors, toward water safety" and. lauded Khrushchev's son-in-law, Who is failure. was to to the Colorado it. by nelvtiation rather than war. members hunting lose persone, and a wide authorities planned to do with Round-up Palr...1 Open House Nehru told Parliament his plan the volunteer of the the editor of the Soviet newspa- at varieyt of other causes, including Arbor police were con- was -foreif& reinforce -men onganizatiOnS for "making the per Izvestia, will also be accred- him. Ann thecity..Park Labor pay-efrom if safety promotion drives. bre-Metro and entering 4t3-0 p.m. border forces same TVA lakes safer for the thous- ited as a correeleptiTiderat for cov- idiiii.tg - September 7. while at the Let India -gibs using the for recreation." The civilians who man the charges. All Girl Scouts. prospective Demainner time talking the situation over ering the visit for ,his newspap- squads come then all walks cif officials also were *hal there would be a need er. Immigration Scouts and leaders are invited to with the Peiping government. the life, and time is donated for deportation pro- a picnic for rescue squads in region In his announcement. State De- on hand to start at 5:30 p.m. at the Pare. But even as he spoke Indian emergency calls as well as train- Solve with Problem was recognized more than 20 partment Spokeartan Line o'. n ceedings if he is not charged Bring your own lunch and en- Big Success newspape:s published reports that ing practice sessions. years ago by the American Red White said: any crane in Michigan. joy a program of new songs, the Chinese had entered the tiny -At the present time there are Crow. The ChattanoogasHaimilt- -The Department of State has Cheng. 28, revealed more of the taught by the Round-up Girls and Himalayan country of Bhutan from Ow County Chapter orgamzed a squads in the following locations attendants. and Flag lowering. tibet and had clashed again with Says Cooper learned with pleasure that in re- Date e.f organization also is srnall squad during the onstrue- sponse to the- invitation of the LOUISVILLE (UPI) — A $101)- Indian border guards in the north- shown: than of the Chicicarnauga Dam, President, Mrs. Nina Petrovna Six Year Old a-plate Democratic dinner here eastern frenuex agency. Virginia: Washington County Mrs. Woodbridge To WASHINGTON (UPI) —One- Which has evoleed over the years Khrustiehev will aeeeeimpany Saturday grossed approximately The Nehru government was re- Life Saving C r e w. Abingdon, Raped And Beaten time Ambassador to India Sen. into a well-ecruippecl, well-man- Chairman Khrushchev on his vis- Teach Oral French 5130.000. a spokesman said Sun- ported to have dispatched heavy (1952. John Sherman Cooper R-Ky., it to the United States." day. army reint.reernents to the north -Kentucky: Murray Rescue CINCINNATI. Ohio(-UPI) —A over the weekend said. unless The department announcement Mrs Anne Smith Woodbridge, W. H. Baker. secretary of the with instructions to sheot if nee- Squad, Murreas (1950); Marshall 6-year-old girl who was raped India asks for help the current identified th-e two daughters as wit: teach oral french at the lunch state Democratic finance commit- ressary to drive back encroach- County Emergency Unit. Benton, and crammed into a refrigerator border invasion by the Chineee Girls Big roam of Austin School each Mon- ing Chinese. Julia NIketichna and Rada Niki- (.1951). for 12 hours was reported in Communists should be left to f.chrra. The Soviet leader's 3011, day at 3:15 p.m. star'tin5 Sept. 14. Approximately twenty Demo- Nehru's speech to Parliament. Alabama: Florence R escue "good condition" today in Gin- Prime Minister Nehru's govern- Sergei Nikitovich. and his son-in For a small fee this is available crat& from Murray attended the hewever. was designed to reduce Squad, Florence. (1956). eral Hospital. ment to dea: with. Problem Alexei Ivancivich Addeubei Crawford, 21, was ar- to all Scouts and Brownies. Def- dinner In Louisville last eeek sorne of the tension that has been To Charles Termesee: Knox County Rescue Cooper disagreed with Senate will complete the party. attacker inite troops will be assigned to and the enthusiasm and unity building up. He said war was not Squad, Knoxville, (1956); Sevier rested as her alleged Democratic whip Mike Mansfield assist Mrs. Woodbridge. encouraging the way to settle disputes. County Rescue Squad, Sevier- and was to lee Charged later to- was very they re- Mondani sad *then .whia Save She ppeM one summer at Ike ported.
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