DEAKC Condition^ Com '49 Buick -$2,795 '49 Hash $1,995 Are TOPS in VALUE? Roadmaster 4-Dr.; Dyna., W.- Ambassador 4-Dr.; Heater, Jj__™ W., Seat Covers

DEAKC Condition^ Com '49 Buick -$2,795 '49 Hash $1,995 Are TOPS in VALUE? Roadmaster 4-Dr.; Dyna., W.- Ambassador 4-Dr.; Heater, Jj__™ W., Seat Covers

REAL xK SALE! '48 Chrysler '46 Chrysler New Yorker Windsor sedon, sedan, ^ radio and heater, Cfl green, rodio and $1 Jt A C automatic trans- Am I heater, automatic |**T*V^ mission. transmission. '47 Pontiac '47 Plymouth ’49 FORD_ $1,395 '41 BUICK Special deluxe 4- 04 M pa $495 '8' sedanette, gray, 1 C 0| Custom sedan: Sedan: fine low as door, block, rodio I hardly run; condition; * * " * low as a week. $124 a week. radio and heater. ** end heater. ** $349 down, $10 down, $5 ’46 OLDS_$995 ’48 FORD_$1,095 fine low as '46 De Soto '48 Plymouth Sedan; condition; Sedan; fine condition; low as $248 $8 a week. SMALLNEW AND USED CAR down, Custom sedan, « m Business coupe, « pa $274 down, $8.50 a week. W. VIRGINIA AVE. N.E. 0% ^4 6th AND NEW YORK AVE. N.W. 1913-1915 radio ond rodio and 26 YEARS heater, j tA\m ■ block, I jWj ’41 CHRYSLER. _. $495 FOR AT. 5800 * " * ** M 40 0 40 ’41 CHEVROLET $495 HEADQUARTERS NA. 3000 automatic trans. heater. Sedan; fine condition; low as 1948 FORD fine low as Cars Phoned In 1949 FORD a Coupe; condition; Cars Phoned In ^$1105 $124 down,' $5 week. $1EQC luke h. I I 7 $124 a week. Custom Tudor, r. ond h, I M •# Spec, de Tudor, r., down, $5 '47 '48 Plymouth '48 Ford ’48 CHEVROLET $1,295 '49 Ford Fordor; Olds Sedanette; $1295 194® DE SOTO 1947 FORD $1695 r. and h_*** t17QC ^$1105 Aero sedan; fine ’47 PLYMOUTH Hydro.; * de luxe h. I I 7 W Special deluxe 1 Custom "8" sedan, F condition; $1,0Q5 4-dr., r. ond h. I / M D Spec, Tudor, r., A.A. C ^ ^ '47 Club low as $324 down, $9.50 a Sedan; fine condition; low as Plymouth Cpe.; ■ radio and heater. 295 $225 1947 MERCURY 1947 FORD sedan, gray. week. $274 down, $8.50 a week. t35m ^$005 ^$1345 De luxe r. and h. M M W '41 4-Dr. Conv. r. and h. I v ■ v Tudor, '40 Packard 4-Dr.; Buick coupe, ’49 ’49 $495 $595 1947 CHEVROLET BUICK_$1,995 PONTIAC_$1,995 1947 MERCURY {11QC Sedanette; hardly run; low as Club sedan; hardly run; low ^$1345 r. ond h. ^11 ir w '48 Chav. '42 Plymouth 4-Dr. h. I w "■ 0# Fleet., 2-dr., 2-Dr.; Club coupe; r. and $499 down, small weekly pay- as $499 down, small weekly $750 $M95 r. and h ; block- 1946 CHEVROLET ments. payments. 1947 HUDSON ^MAQC '48 Ford Club '41 Ford Tudor; $1f)QC^ Aero 2-dr., r., h. I W Coupe; Club coupe; r. and h. I W «/ Fleet., 395 ^$635 r. and h--“ r. and h_ 1942 Chevrolet 1949 FORD $1^ Ad5 J/QC Cu*t. Tudor, r., h., o.d. lwltj Inc. 4-dr., r. and h. 4r 0# Frank Small, Jr., Inc. Frank Small, Jr., 1941 Pontiac Penna. Ave. S.E. 2001 Nichols Ave. S.E. 1941 600 Dodgt ^$A05 $AQ 5 r. and h. W w a/ 3200 Penna. Ave. S E. 1301 Good Hope Road S.E. 4-dr., r. and h. ^M o# Torpedo, 1941 Old.. 1941 Ford $005 ~ Trade $7Q5 r., h.. fO#J Terms Trade Terms Convortiblo. M jt *J Sed., Hydro., I-SERVING WASH. SINCE 1906-i "' '-"-'"l.. i Royal specials 4430 Conn. Ave. N.W. 15 Kennedy St. N.W. WO. 9783 TU. 3200 OPENING SPECIALS '49 PACKARD _$2195 8' Late Series 4-Dr. Sed. Htr. '49 PACKARD _ *2195 '42 PACKARD_$695 Series "135" Sed. Htr. 8" Late Clipper Clb. Sed. 6 Cyl. R. & H. '49 FORD _ $1595 '49 FORD _$1595 Clb. R. & H. CONVERTIBLES IS TO Cuit. Cpe. Custom Tudor Sed. R. & H. LO s A N and '48 OLDS_$1695 fi) •78 4-Dr. Sed. R. & H. Hydr. '46 PACKARD _ $1195 SPECIALS "6 4-Dr. Sed. R. & H. 1949 PONTIAC 1947 CHEVROLET '47 OLDS _ --$1395 Rrd) 1948 4-dr. r. and W106AIW SAUK FOR THA^S .0 ..r Conv. R. & H. Hydr. '42 DODGE _ $695 Plymouth sedan, h_$1,395 AUCUSTYV/^'r s'ncERE M Conv. R. & H. ■W ALHQ5T S5M»99i #/l thousands of customers for '46 HUDSON ..- $995 Cpe. CONVERTIBLE 1949 Ford 2-dr. r. and ^:\ M^\ Sed. R. & H. CONVERTIBLE "8", h_$1,495 I ft 1 M (Largest in history). Probably making this achievement pos- Vjj '40 ..—- $595 BUICK * volume sales in United States. sible. '41 CHEV. ..$595 Conv. Sed. 1947 1941 #1 largest _I Club Cpe. Dark "8" radio and Nash_$995 Chevrolet_$445 '42 PLYMOUTH _$645 blue, cylinder; Maroon, heater, ' '40 PACKARD ..$295 Club Coupe 4-J5oor Sedan \ 1 a These Owicr-littd Trade-ies » m Fanis ire IEAL BARCA IKS b, Spc. D U. 2-Dr. Sed. R. & H. Sedan, 6 Cyl. radio and heater, very low very good, excellent condi- 1947 1941 Chevrolet _$395 _$445 Plymouth $1,095 *40 PACKARD. $195 '40 CHRYSLER tion. Coupe Coupe 2-Dr. Sedan. "6'‘ Coupe. Htr. mileage. AT 1111 18th ST. N.W. 1947 Hudson_$1,095 1941 Plymouth_$495 4-Door Commander "8" 4-Door Sedan, Special De Luxe 1949 Ford Fordor—Birch Grey; rodio, spot- 1946 Pontiac Streamliner light, cor visor. This 4-Door; jet black; radio, j "*• cor is • little rough;* heater'' *2,295 tlAQfvOO*1 UwU-«- $1095.00IWWA# sold os is_ guaranteed ROYAL MOTORS 1 Washington's Dealer Washington's Largest Pontiac Dealer LOCAN 1437 IRVING ST. N.W. AD. 8500 3051 M STREET N.W. Ml. 0185 5301 Wise. Ave. 3540 14th St. N.W. 2017 Va. Ave. N.W. 1111 18th St. N.W. 15 St. N.W. Open *TU. 3200 Kennedy 31 Years of Fair OR. 2617 TU. 4100 ME. 2818 Dl. 5803 4430 Conn. Ave. N.W. 9 to 9 WO. 9783 Dealing 1 1 BETTER BUY AT MANHATTAN '47 Olds. "98" conv._ $1,795 '42 Packard Clipper if We Finance You Immediately if No Outside Agencies \1 all accessories. Lower Prices—Lower Rates if Complete Service De- 2-dr. _ $825 if Trade-in Allowance Established '47 Packard partment if High if \ 4-dr_$1,495 35 Years 1 radio and heater. '48 Studebaker Com- CfcftfMT M«fof $0. Shiriington Motor Co. '48 AUSTIN 2-Door '49 '48 Packard 4-dr.^ $1,995 mander _$995 '48 PACKARD _$1,795 FORD_$1,645 \ _$1,6§5 '49 4- 1 de all accessories. '49 Ford Tudor luxe, all accessories. '41 PACKARD 4-Door _ Mercury De uxe “8" sedan; low mi.; r. Custom sedan; low mi.; very Clipper g95 $1695 I $1895 w.-w. Sedan _ Door Sedan and h.; tire*; electromatic clean; fully equipped. '46 Packard 4-dr_$1,195 '41 STUDEBAKER 2-Door R&H clutch, o.d., plus covers. '41 Ford Fordor-.$595 Champion, 495 '48 Ford Con- '49 Chevrolet 2- '48 CHEVROLET $1,645 \ $1495 1 $1745 '47 '37 CHEVROLET _ vertible- Door Fleetliner — PACKARD_$1,495 Convertible coupe; 6,000 actual Coupe 275 Super Clipper; low mi.; equipped, mi.; fully equipped. \ '46 Dodge 4-dr_$995 4- '49 Ford Custom _ '48 Plymouth everything. '36 OLDSMOBILE Coupe 195 $1495 $1595 Door Sedan _ Club Coupe- '46 PACKARD_$1,195 '47 CHEVROLET _ $1,395 \ '41 De Soto 4-dr- $595 '37 CHEVROLET 4-Door "As Is"_ 69 Aero sedan; low mi.; very clean; '47 Dodge 2-Door '48 Ford De luxe Clipper; low mi.; very $1345 1 $1295 equipped. _ clean; fully equipped. fully TRUCKS Sedan _ Sedan '48 BUICK _ This Week's '47 Ford Fordor '47 Nash Club $1,745 '46 PLYMOUTH_$995 '42 CHEVROLET 1’/2-ton Pneu. Speciol I $1095 low r. and $1295 Super sedan; mi.; h.; Sedan; orig. gray; low mi.; clean. De Luxe... Coupe -— a new ... Super w.-w. tires. Stoke. Like truck '42 Pontiac Station Trade & Terms $695 '46 Ford Fordor '46 Plymouth Club '48 STUDEBAKER .. $1,745 '46 DODGE_- $1,145 Wagon $995 I 1195 '41 CHEVROLET 445 Sedan _ Land Cruiser; low ml.; equipped Sedan; very clean; low mi.; car Jjew Pick-Up Coupe Excellent condition with with '41 CHEVROLET Sedon 495 everything. everything. Delivery throufhoat. To see it '42 Buick '46 Ford Fordor '39 CHEVROLET Sedan 125 is to bay $795* * $995 Delivery Sedonette _ Sedan _ of '36 CHEVROLET 1 Stake 295 it. Priced '/2-ton far beloW New Rubber—Good body condition market at only__ USED CAR MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM DEPARTMENT- Lnl LrJ «J 1140 20th ST., INCORPORATED 1923 N. W. SALES AND SERVICE 4 Peak* Says: "It Does Make a Difference Where You Deal!" ■"-igmrrargngi '49 s Way Below List DEAKC Condition^ Com '49 Buick _-$2,795 '49 Hash_$1,995 Are TOPS in VALUE? Roadmaster 4-dr.; dyna., w.- Ambassador 4-dr.; heater, _jj__™ w., seat covers. other extras, $600 under list. Company Official Cars with New- *49 Plymouth i MOTOR _ All Metal Subur- Car Guarantees '49 ex- Plym'th- $2,295 '49 Packard Many ggg $2,595 V Conv.; r. and h.f w-w. k ; « Nash '46 Olds Conv.; r. and h., elec, clutch. '49 De Soto '49 Plymouth '46 $895 $1195 Custom 4-Door Soecial 4-Door 4-Door "78' Sedanette '49 Ford_$1,595 C9AQC ClfiQ1* Fully Equipped_Equipped 36 Oldsmobile 4 dr...$195 40 Chevrolet Conv.. $595 '47 Mercury $1195 '47 Chrysler $1395 Cust. Fordor; r. and h. '48 Chcv. --$1,495 Club Coupe Windsor 4-Door Conv.; r. and h. '47 Chevrolet '47 Buick 38 Chrysler 4 dr..—$295 41 Chrysler 4 dr.-$595 '48 Pontiac-$l,795 Club Roadmaster Sedan- Ford '47 Buick Coupe , Cl 30C '46 $995 $1595 Conv.

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