The NCAA News Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association January 20,1993, Volume 30, Number 3 Membership eyes fbture Convention focus set on certification, gender equity By Jack 1. Copeland 12-l fi meeting, delegates showed a arrendance, including a record MANAGING EDITOR, clear interest in pursuing deregu- number of chief executive oflicers. THE NCAA NEWS lation and rules simplification. Based on an unofficial count, They also focused attention 2,300 delegates, visitors and media Even as it reached what was squarrly on the issue that appears representatives attended the meet- called a landmark on the road to most likely to occupy cenkr stage ing-the second highest figure in reform with its adoption of athlet- at next year’s Convention in San history. The 248 chief executive its certification, the NCAA mem- Antonio-gender equity. officers in attendance surpassed bership used the 83th Convention All in all, the Dallas Convention the previous record of 236. in Dallas to map out a route into was a more eventful meeting than And just like at the past three the future. anticipated-which in part may With their actions at theJanuary account for a surprisingly large See Convention, page 16 ) Schultz praises progress Membership also urged to maintain positive momentum Noting “remarkable” progress concern: financial condirions and cates that the percentage of the in the past three years toward gender and minority concerns. general public and faculties that creating a new model for inrercol- Speaking in the same- Dallas feel athletics is out of control has been reduced from ‘78 percent (in1 legiate athletics, NCAA Executive hotel ballroom where he chal- lenged the Association in 1990 to a 1989 poll) to 47 percent- The Gender-equity report W See complete speech: remarkable 31-point decline is a Pages 19-20 develop a new approach for ath- let&, Schultz cited a Harris poll tribute to your work. The 47 per- President Jams J. Whalen of Ithaca College, cochair of the Director Richard D. Schultz also conducted early last year as evi- cent figure is an indication of-the NCAA Gem&Equity Task Force, reported on that panel’s used his annual “State of the Asso- dence of both progress and the work to be done.” work at the NCAA Convention in Dallas. A sto7y on gender- ciation” address at the 1993 Con- importance of maintaining mom Schultz noted several recent ac- equity discu.ssion.s at the Convention appears on page 16. vention to sharpen the membcr- mentum. ship’s f’ocus on lingering areas of He told delegates “the poll indi- See Progress, page 17 ) Crowley, Dempsey, Executive Committee Undemenn elected gains two members University of Nevada President became director of athletics at the John D. Swofford, athletics di- to a full five-year term Joseph N. Crowlcy was elected Univrrsity of Texas at Arlington. rector at the University of North Windegger replaces Eugene F. N(XA president and University of Charles N. I .indemenn, director Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Frank Con-igan, Atlantic Coast Confer- Arizona athletics dircctnr Cedrir ofathletics at Humholdt State Uni- Windrgger, athletics dirrctor at ence, whose term on the committee W. Dempsey was elcctrd srcretary- versity, was elected to succeed An- Texas (Christian IJnivrrsity, have rxpired. Windegger will bc eligible treasurer at the conclusion of the thony F. Crddia of Shippenshurg heen appointed to positions on to serve until January 199X. 1993 NCAA Convrntion in Dallas. LJnivrrsity of Pennsylvania as Divi- the NCAA Exrrutive Committee. Swofford Crowley, who is the second in- sion 11 vice-president K. Elaine Swofford replaces Ccdr-ic W. stitutional chief executivr officrr Drridame, senior associate director Dempsey of the University of Ati- Swofford is in his 13th yrar as IO serve in thr role, succeeds Judith of- athletics at the IJniversity of Lana, who was clccted NCAA set- athletics director at North (;aro- M. Sweet of the IJniversiry of Cali- Dayton, continues as Division I retary-trrasurer. Swofford’s trrm lina. fornia, San Diego. Dempsey suc- will extend untilJanuary 1995 and crcds B. J. Skelton, who rrccn~ly See Officers, page 22 ) he will be eligible for appointment See Members, page 22 b n In the News 1 N On deck January 22-27 Football Rules Committee, New Orleans January 25-27 Legislative Review Committee, Newport Beach, California February 3-5 Professional Sports Liaison Committee, Indian Wells, California February 4-5 Special Committee to Review Student- Athlete Welfare, Access and Equity, Dallas February 8-9 Research Committee, Kansas City, Missouri Page2 The NC&4 News January20,1993 The NCAA News p)&jEsT A weekly summary of major activities within the Association The Executive Committee has pro- posed extensive changes in the champi- Schedule of key dates for onships program. The plan would base Implementation begins field sizes on sponsorship and would January and February 1993 deemphasize the rcvcnue potential of a for new program championship. Per diem, traveling parties January February and committee structure also would be An athletics certification program for affected. Division I institutions was adopted After reviewing the response from the January 14 at the NCAA Convention in mcmbershtp, the Executive Committee Dallas. hopes to approve a final plan at its May Later this month, the NCAA meeting. Administrative Committee will appoint For more detail, see the Dcccmber 16, the NCAA Committee on Athletics November 30 and October 26 issues of Certification, the duties, structure and The NCAA News. composition of which are set forth in new Next Executive Committee meeting: Bylaw 23. I. JANUARY FEBRUARY May 3-6, Monterey, California. Between February and July, the RECRUITING RECRUITING Division I football Division I football Committee on Athletics Certification will 7-February1 (8 a.m.) .._.__...._.Contact period. 1 (8 a.m.)-5 (6 a.m.) ._.._.__..__...__.Dead period. prepare certification materials, determine Division ii football 5 (8 a.m.)-8 ..__._.._..._.__..._........Contact period. the certification schedule, establish a pool l-31 ______.____.______.__._........... Contact period. 9-28 ..__..__...._._._.._.......................Quiet period. of peer reviewers and refine administrative Men’s Division I basketball Division ii football First meeting scheduled 1-19 Quiet period. 1 (8 a m.)-3 (8 a.m ) .Dead period. for special committee procedures. 20-30 Evaluation period. 3 (8 a.m.)-28. .__._____.__ Contact period. By August, all Division I institutions 31 Quiet period. Men’s Division I basketball will be informed of the initial five-year Women’s Division I basketball 1-l 7 .__.._...__...__..._.......................Quiet period. The first meeting of the Special NCAA certification schedule. (States that conduct winter season) 18-28 ..___..._...._.._................Evaluation period. Committee to Review Student-Athlete 1-16 _..__.__. ____.___._..___..__. Qutet period. For more information, see page 1 of Women’s Division I basketball Welfare, Access and Equity has been 17-24 ___.___.___.__:__.__ Evaluation period. (States that conduct winter season) this issue and also the December 16 and 25-31 _.___.Quiet period. l-7. __.__ ____.Quiet period. scheduled for February 4-5 in Dallas. Deccmhcr 7 issues of The NCAA News. (States that duct fall or spring season) 8-28 Evaluation period James D. McComas, president of Next meeting: To bc determined. 1-31 Quiet period. (States that conduct fall or spring season) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and a mcm- Men’s alld wolnen’s Division IIbaaetbaii l-28 _.._..__..__.._...__.......................Quiet period. bcr of the NCAA Presidents Commission, Evaluation period between prospects’ initial Men’s and women’s Divlslan II bad&ball and final high-school or two-year college Evaluation period between prospects’ initial will chair the special committee. contests. and final high-school or two-year college Student-athlete welfare is the primary Whalen issues report MAILING contests. topic for the third year of the 19 - List of 17 legislative concepts regard- MAiiJNG Commission’s strategic plan. The on task force’s activities ing financial conditions in lntercolleglate ath- 1 ~ Graduation-rates reporting forms to be timetable calls for the special committee letics was mailed to membershlp. mailed to Division I members. to have legislation for the 199.5 Gender-Equity Task Force cochair DEADLINE 15 - Application deadline for NCAA Ethnic Convention. James J. Whalen, Ithaca College, present- Minority and Women’s Enhancement For more detail, see the November 9 cd a report to the opening business session Programs. Application folders may be issue of The NCAA News. of the Convention on the progress of the obtained from the athletics director, senior Next meeting: February 4-S in Dallas. task force. woman administrator or financial aid office at member institutions The task force met January 19-20 in Palm Springs, California. The agenda was to Include a report and November 9 issues of The NCAA Blood-borne treatment from cochairs Phyllis I,. Howlctt, Big Ten News. guidelines mailed Confcrcnce, and Whalen in which they Next meeting: February 10-l 1 in wcrc to review developments from the Chicago. Convention, discuss a timetable for the Financial conditions Guidelines for treating blood on unt- completion ot the task force’s work, focus concepts to be mailed forms and equipment were mailed to ath- on the development of principles and lctics directors and trainers at NCAA member institutions in IIecemhcr. report on other committee activity. A list of 17 “legtslative concepts” was Members to respond Reports also were to bc made on the mailed to the membership January 19 by The guidelines, which were dcvcloped following topics: financial conditions in the NCAA Special Committee to Review to proposed plan by the Committee on Competitive intercollegiate athletics, proposed Financial Condittons in Intercollegiate Safeguards and Medical Aspects of enhanccmcnt of the championships pro- Athletics.
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