P8 GIANT CRYPTIC CROSSWORD I THE GLOBE AND MAIL | SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2020 P8 GIANT CRYPTIC CROSSWORD I THE GLOBE AND MAIL | SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2020 BY FRASER SIMPSON #GLOBECROSSWORD BY FRASER SIMPSON #GLOBECROSSWORD HOW TO DO CRYPTIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CROSSWORDS HOW TO DO CRYPTIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CROSSWORDS 18 19 20 Cryptic crosswords are the wordplay-packed relatives of 21 18 22 1923 24 20 regularCryptic crosswords. crosswords If you’re are the new wtoordplay-packed the game, you relativesneed of 2125 26 2227 23 28 24 to learnregular the differencecrosswords. be- If you’re tweennew regular to the clues game, and you their need to learn the difference be- 29 25 26 30 27 31 2832 33 cryptic cousins. tween regular clues and their 29 30 31 32 33 The importantcryptic cousins. distinction is 34 35 36 37 38 39 that every clue has two parts: a definitionThe important of the answer distinction and is 40 34 41 35 42 43 44 36 37 3845 46 39 47 anotherthat way every of cluearriving has attwo the parts: answera definition through wordof the play. answer and 48 40 49 41 50 51 52 42 43 4453 54 4555 46 56 57 47 Thesea nothertwo parts way are of putarriving next at the to oneanswer another: through You must word play. 58 48 49 59 50 51 52 5360 54 61 55 56 57 figureT heseout where two parts one partare put next ends tando one the another: other begins. You must 58 59 60 61 Theref igureare eight out wheremain types one partof 62 63 64 word-playends andhints, the each other with begins. its own Tspecialhere are signals eight that main types of 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 indicateword-play what to hints, do to each pro- with its duce othewn answer special asignals different that 70 65 71 72 66 73 67 68 74 69 way. indicate what to do to pro- duce the answer a different 75 70 71 7276 77 78 79 73 80 81 74 1. Anagram:way. Coldest cities rebuilt (6) In an 1anagram. Anagram: clue, the letters 82 75 7683 77 84 78 7985 86 8087 88 81 89 that makeColdest up cities the answer rebuilt (6)are givenI nin an scrambled anagram form.clue, the letters 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Besidethat them make is anup anagramthe answer are signal,given a figurative in scrambled word form.or 9094 91 9295 96 97 93 phraseBeside that indicatesthem is an that anagram you musts anagramignal, a figurative letters. (As word or 98 94 99 95 96100 101 97 well, pashrase in any that cryptic indicates clue, that you therem isust a normal anagram definition letters. (Asof 102 98 103 104 99 105 106 100 107 108 109 101 110 the answer.)well, as Inin theany clue cryptic clue, above,there the isanswer a normal ICIEST definition of (“coldest”)the answer.) is a rebuilt In the (i.e., clue 102 111 112 103 113 114 104 10115 5 10116 6 107 108 10119 7 110 118 anagrammed)above, the version answer of ICIEST CITIES.(“coldest”) The digit is 6 ain rebuilt paren- (i.e., 119 111 112 120 121 113 11124 2 123 115 116 124 117 118 thesesanagrammed) tells you the versionanswer ofis a six-letterCITIES. word. The digit 6 in paren- 125 119 120 121 12122 6 123 124 127 theses tells you the answer is 2. Charade:a six-letter word. 128 125 129 126 130 131 127 Churchill gains weight (7) In a charade,2. Charade: the answer is broken into pieces and clued 128 132 129 13130 3 131 Churchill gains weight (7) pieceI nby a piece.charade, WINSTON the answer is (“Churchill”)broken isinto a charadepieces and of clued 132 133 134 135 136 137 WINSp (“gains”)iece by piece. + TON WINSTON (“weight”).(“Churchill”) is a charade of 134 135 136 137 WINS (“gains”) + TON 3. Hidden(“weight”). Word: State in Balkans assailed (6) Sometimes,3. Hidden the Word: clue-writer givesS thetate answer in Balkans spelled assailed out (6) ACROSS DOWN in its Scorrectometimes, order the right clue-writer in the clue. gNoives rearranging the answer is spelledneces- out sary. What “state” is hidden in 1. 100ACROSS or 500 twisted strands? (4) 1. PublicDOWN announcers eviscerate animals? (6) in its correct order right in the BALKANS ASSAILED? Look 4. Sequestered, so behind schedule in documents (8) 2. Hard to get burger order (4) clue. No rearranging is neces- closely,sary. and What you’ll “state” see KAN- is hidden in 10. 1Word. 100 ofor woe, 500 twistedaccording strands? to Calvin (4) Klein (5) 3. Finishes1. Public off announcers drab cult with eviscerate a vampire animals? (7) (6) SAS. BALKANS ASSAILED? Look 14. 4Idiosyncrasy. Sequestered, captures so behind a court schedule stratagem in documents (6) (8) 4. Ladies2. Hard developed to get burger high standardsorder (4) (6) 18. Fashion designer Pierre meets a left winger? (8) 5. Most populous province shaped Iran too (7) closely, and you’ll see KAN- 10. Word of woe, according to Calvin Klein (5) 3. Finishes off drab cult with a vampire (7) 4. Two Meanings: 19. “Romanian mounts vehicle trail,” I answer (11) 6. One of the Argonauts arranged actual backing (7) SAS. 14. Idiosyncrasy captures a court stratagem (6) 4. Ladies developed high standards (6) Doesn’t take pages 21. 1Jordan’s8. Fashion neighbour designer is Pierre retro charactermeets a left with winger? daughters (8) (6) 7. Clutching5. Most populous part of your province body, kittyshaped recalled Iran too place (7) to land (6) from 4a. bookTwo Meanings:(6) 22. 1Drop9. “Romanian level coming mounts from vehiclespeakers trail,” (4) I answer (11) 8. Swimming6. One of orcathe Argonauts due somewhere arranged on actualthe equator backing (7) (7) SomeD wordsoesn’t havetake pagestwo mean- 23. 2Bend1. Jordan’s leaves neighbourin tree (6) is retro character with daughters (6) 9. One7. Clutching with MacLean’s part of golf your clubs body, (5) kitty recalled place to land (6) ings fromfrom differenta book (6) origins. 24. 2Smile2. Drop cut level short coming dull routine from speakers(4) (4) 10. Shows8. Swimming up without orca Romeo,due somewhere free at last, on calmthe equator (7) (7) For theseSome words, words the have clue- two mean- 27. 2Principal3. Bend leavessurrounded in tree by (6) tall grass didn’t leave (8) 11. A9 .StarbucksOne with sizeMacLean’s for any golf reason clubs (2,3) (5) writerings may from just differentgive the origins.two 28. 2Not4. Smilecrazy cutabout short whine, dull precious?routine (4) (7) 12. Finish10. Shows church up sitewithout of St. Romeo, Peter’s (6)free at last, calm (7) definitionsFor these side words, by side. the clue- 29. 2Even7. Principal German surrounded pistol recoils by with tall agrass bit of didn’t resistance leave (8)(7) 13. Stopper11. A Starbucks sending sizeup cry for in any midst reason of endless (2,3) hike (6) LEAVESwriter means may both just give“doesn’t the two 30. 2TDs8. Not are crazyfantastic about sports whine, news precious? (6) (7) 14. Pack12. Finish a location church in Floridasite of St. (5) Peter’s (6) take”d andefinitions “pages side from by a side. 31. 2The9. Even foreign German Microsoft pistol group recoils that’s with shady? a bit of (4) resistance (7) 15. Quash13. Stopper half of sending army forming up cry ina ringmidst (7) of endless hike (6) book.”LEAVES means both “doesn’t 32. 3Maintain0. TDs are a shelffantastic in the sports auditorium news (6) (6) 16. You14. Packare texted, a location flanked in Florida by high (5) schooler serving dish (6) 34. Markets monastery lodgings to an audience (5) 17. Element of change no longer transmitted to the audience (4) take” and “pages from a 31. The foreign Microsoft group that’s shady? (4) 15. Quash half of army forming a ring (7) 5. Container: 35. I located mixed drink (4,4) 20. Informed on actor Richard in discovery (8) book.” 32. Maintain a shelf in the auditorium (6) 16. You are texted, flanked by high schooler serving dish (6) Hot relatives caught in trap (6) 37. 3Dotty4. Markets adores monastery hugging that lodgings fellow to bellyacher an audience (8) (5) 25. Understand17. Element froth of change of a frivolous no longer nature transmitted (3,3,5) to the audience (4) In a container,5. Container: the solution is 40. 3A5. fruit-filledI located pastry’smixed drink reversed (4,4) layers (6) 26. Pair20. Informedof barmaids on spotactor troublemaker Richard in discovery (3,5) (8) formedHot by relatives putting caught one part in trapof (6) 42. 3Having7. Dotty a collaboratoradores hugging return that bag, fellow visibly bellyacher embarrassed (8) (9) 33. Series25. Understand composition froth is includedof a frivolous in lyric nature poems (3,3,5) (8) the answerIn a container, inside (or the outside) solution is 46. 4Date0. A for fruit-filled foolish folkspastry’s instead, reversed I assumed layers (6)(1,6) 36. Suffering,26. Pair of become barmaids depressed, spot troublemaker not using head (3,5) (7) another.formed BAKING by putting (“hot”) one is part of 48. 4Greek2. Having character a collaborator interrupts return flake: bag,“Don’t visibly despair” embarrassed (4,2) (9) 38. Prepare33. Series to compositiontry again rope is rugincluded weaving in lyric(7) poems (8) formedthe when answer KIN inside (“relatives”) (or outside) 50.
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