Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / May 23 997 News Conference With Prime tegic choice for peace. The United States and Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel the international community have made clear May 23, 2006 that Hamas must recognize Israel’s right to exist, must abandon terror, and must accept President Bush. Thank you. Mr. Prime all previous agreements between the Pales- Minister, welcome. I’m particularly pleased tinian Authority and Israel. No country can to welcome Mrs. Olmert to the White House be expected to make peace with those who as well. Thanks for coming. deny its right to exist and who use terror to The Prime Minister and I have known attack its population. each other since 1998, when he was the Today Prime Minister Olmert shared with mayor of Jerusalem, and I was the Governor me some of his ideas; I would call them bold of Texas. And I remember you greeting me ideas. These ideas could lead to a two-state in your office there, and you probably solution if a pathway to progress on the road- thought you were going to be the Prime Min- map is not open in the period ahead. His ister—I wasn’t sure if I was going to be the ideas include the removal of most Israeli set- President. [Laughter] tlements, except for the major Israeli popu- We’ve just had a really productive meet- lation centers in the West Bank. This idea ing. We reaffirmed the deep and abiding ties would follow Prime Minister Sharon’s deci- between Israel and the United States. And sion to remove all settlements in Gaza and those ties include our commitment to de- several in the West Bank. mocracy and our strong belief that everybody I look forward to learning more about the has the right to worship freely. The ties in- Prime Minister’s ideas. While any final status clude growing trade and economic relation- agreement will be only achieved on the basis ships. The ties include important educational of mutually agreed changes, and no party exchange programs that allow Israeli students should prejudice the outcome of negotiations to study at American colleges and univer- on a final status agreement, the Prime Min- sities, and American students to travel and ister’s ideas could be an important step to- study in Israel. ward the peace we both support. I’m encour- In our meeting, the Prime Minister and aged by his constructive efforts to find ways I recalled the great contributions to peace to move the peace process forward. made by Ariel Sharon. I asked the Prime And finally, the Prime Minister and I Minister to convey my very best wishes to shared our concerns about the Iranian re- Ariel Sharon’s sons. gime’s nuclear weapons ambitions. The Prime Minister Olmert and I discussed United States and the international commu- peace and security in the Middle East, which nity have made our common position clear: the people of Israel seek and the American We’re determined that the Iranian regime people support. In 2002, I outlined my vision must not gain nuclear weapons. of two democratic states, Israel and Pal- I told the Prime Minister what I’ve stated estine, living side by side in peace and secu- publicly before: Israel is a close friend and rity. Prime Minister Olmert told me that he ally of the United States, and in the event and his Government share this vision. The of any attack on Israel, the United States will international community seeks to realize this come to Israel’s aid. The United States is goal to the roadmap, which calls for a com- strongly committed, and I’m strongly com- prehensive settlement that resolves all out- mitted, to the security of Israel as a vibrant standing issues between Israelis and Palestin- Jewish state. ians. I believe, and Prime Minister Olmert I look forward to our continuing discus- agrees, that a negotiated final status agree- sions after this press conference. I’m not sure ment best serves both the Israelis and the the delegations realize this yet, but we’re Palestinians and the cause of peace. going to shed ourselves of our delegations Palestinian Authority President Abbas fa- and the Prime Minister and I are going to vors and speaks out for peace and negotia- go up to the Residence and sit down and tions. Yet the Hamas-led Palestinian Govern- have a continued dialog. And if we decide ment does not. Hamas needs to make a stra- to brief our delegations on what we discuss, VerDate Aug 31 2005 13:00 May 31, 2006 Jkt 208250 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P21MYT4.026 P21MYT4 998 May 23 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 we will do so. But if not, they’re going to will take the necessary steps which he com- have to guess. [Laughter] And then I’m look- mitted to in order to move forward. ing forward to dinner. Unfortunately, the rise of Hamas, a ter- Welcome. rorist organization which refuses to recognize Prime Minister Olmert. Thank you, Mr. Israel’s right to exist and regards terrorism President. I thank you for your kind invita- as a legitimate tool, severely undermines the tion to visit Washington, and for the oppor- possibility of promoting a genuine peace tunity to meet with you and discuss the many process. As you stated, Mr. President, the issues on our common agenda. Our meeting Palestinian Authority headed by Hamas Gov- was enlightening, and I look forward to work- ernment must abandon the path of terrorism, ing closely with you in the coming years to dismantle the terror infrastructure, honor deepen the friendship, understanding, and agreements, and recognize Israel’s right to bilateral ties between the United States and exist. By doing so they will find us a willing Israel. partner in peace. However, we will not enter I also recall our meeting in the city hall into any kind of partnership with a party when you and I were strolling around the which refuses to recognize our right to live beautiful building, at the terrace on the sixth in peace and security. floor, watching the walls of the city of Jeru- Despite our sincere desire for negotia- salem. At that time you were the Governor; tions, we cannot wait indefinitely for the Pal- I was the mayor, and I think none of us estinians to change. We cannot be held hos- thought that the day would come that I will tage by a terrorist entity which refuses to have the honor and the privilege of being change or to promote dialog. If we come to hosted by you, as President of the United the conclusion that no progress is possible, States and Prime Minister of Israel. we will be compelled to try a different route. I could sense then your deep connection I presented to the President ideas which to the Holy Land, and your friendship and I believe could help advance his vision and commitment to the State of Israel. I must prevent a political stalemate. According to say, Mr. President, that my instincts did not these ideas, we will remove most of the set- fail me. I, and the entire people of Israel, tlements which are not part of the major appreciate your true friendship and unwaver- Israeli population centers in Judea and Sama- ing commitment to Israel’s security and its ria. The settlements within the population well-being as a vibrant Jewish state. centers would remain under Israeli control Your involvement in the Middle East and and become part of the State of Israel as part personal contribution to the efforts towards of the final status agreement. This process resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict has of realignment would reduce friction be- been significant. The vision, which you out- tween Israelis and Palestinians, ensure terri- lined in your historic speech of June 2002, torial contiguity for the Palestinians, and of two democratic states living side by side guarantee Israel’s security as a Jewish state in peace and security, is the basis of any with the borders it desires. progress towards the solution in this region. The implementation of these ideas would Your unreserved support of the disengage- only be possible with the comprehensive sup- ment plan and your letter of April 14, 2004, port of the United States and the inter- to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon—and I join national community. I anticipate working you in praying for his recovery—were the with you to explore ways to advance this. basis for the success of its implementation. We discussed the Iranian issue. The Ira- What you immediately recognized to be an nian regime, which calls for Israel’s destruc- historic step was later adopted by all those tion, openly denies the Holocaust, and views who were skeptical in the beginning. the United States as its enemy, makes every I intend to exhaust every possibility to pro- effort to implement its fundamentalist reli- mote peace with the Palestinians according gious ideology and blatantly disregards the to the roadmap, and I extend my hand in demands of the international community. peace to Mahmoud Abbas, the elected Presi- The Iranian threat is not only a threat to dent of the Palestinian Authority. I hope he Israel, it is a threat to the stability of the VerDate Aug 31 2005 13:00 May 31, 2006 Jkt 208250 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P21MYT4.026 P21MYT4 Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / May 23 999 Middle East and the entire world.
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