Final Technical Report Contract T2695, Task 53 Bridge Rapid Construction State-of-the-Art Report on Precast Concrete Systems for Rapid Construction of Bridges by David G. Hieber Jonathan M. Wacker Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Research Assistant Marc O. Eberhard John F. Stanton Associate Professor Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC) University of Washington, Box 354802 1107 NE 45th Street, Suite 535 Seattle, Washington 98105-4631 Washington State Department of Transportation Technical Monitor Jugesh Kapur Bridge Design Engineer, Bridge and Structures Office Prepared for Washington State Transportation Commission Department of Transportation and in cooperation with U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration March 2005 TECHNICAL REPORT STANDARD TITLE PAGE 1. REPORT NO. 2. GOVERNMENT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NO. WA-RD 594.1 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. REPORT DATE STATE-OF-THE-ART REPORT ON PRECAST CONCRETE March 2005 SYSTEMS FOR RAPID CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES 6. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION CODE 7. AUTHOR(S) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NO. David G. Hieber, Jonathan M. Wacker, Marc O. Eberhard John F. Stanton 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. WORK UNIT NO. Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC) University of Washington, Box 354802 11. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. University District Building; 1107 NE 45th Street, Suite 535 Agreement T2695, Task 53 Seattle, Washington 98105-4631 12. SPONSORING AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS 13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED Research Office Washington State Department of Transportation Technical Report Transportation Building, MS 47372 Olympia, Washington 98504-7372 14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE Keith Anderson, Project Manager, 360-709-5405 15. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES This study was conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. 16. ABSTRACT More extensive use of precast concrete components, which are fabricated off-site and then connected on-site, could allow bridges to be constructed more rapidly. The increased use of precast components in bridges also promises to increase work-zone safety and reduce environmental impacts for bridges that span waterways. This report discusses precast concrete systems that have been used for rapid bridge construction outside of Washington State and evaluates whether they are suitable for use within Western Washington. The report also identifies key features that are important for successful precast concrete system applications. Information on previously used systems was gathered through an extensive review of published literature. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) design and construction engineers, precast concrete producers, and bridge contractors were also consulted to obtain their input on the positive and negative aspects of applied systems. Most applications have been used in areas of low seismic potential. By contrast, Western Washington is subject to strong earthquakes. Because precast systems contain connections, and connections are typically vulnerable to seismic loading, a qualitative evaluation of the expected seismic performance of each system was deemed necessary. The researchers identified four types of precast concrete superstructure systems: full-depth precast concrete panels, partial-depth precast concrete panels, prestressed concrete multibeam superstructures, and preconstructed composite units. The four systems appear to have acceptable seismic behavior, but there are concerns associated with constructability and durability. Precast concrete substructure systems have received much less attention than have superstructure systems. The use of precast substructure components can provide significant time savings by eliminating the time needed to erect formwork, tie steel, and cure concrete in the substructure. The success of the system depends strongly on the connections, which must have good seismic resistance, have tolerances that allow easy assembly, and be suitable for rapid construction. 17. KEY WORDS 18. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Bridges, precast concrete, prestressed concrete, No restrictions. This document is available to the multibeam superstructures, precast substructures, public through the National Technical Information rapid construction Service, Springfield, VA 22616 19. SECURITY CLASSIF. (of this report) 20. SECURITY CLASSIF. (of this page) 21. NO. OF PAGES 22. PRICE None None DISCLAIMER The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Washington State Transportation Commmission, Department of Transportation, or the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. iii iv Contents Executive Summary................................................................................................. xi 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Motivation............................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Objectives of the Study and Scope ...................................................................... 2 1.3 Report Organization............................................................................................. 3 2: Full-Depth Precast Concrete Deck Panels........................................................ 5 2.1 Description of System.......................................................................................... 5 2.2 Fabrication Details............................................................................................... 6 2.3 Construction Procedure........................................................................................ 6 2.4 Summary of Use .................................................................................................. 8 2.5 Durability Evaluation........................................................................................... 9 2.6 Key Issues ............................................................................................................ 9 2.6.1 Key Issue #1: Bearing of Panels on Girders ............................................... 9 2.6.2 Key Issue #2: Connection of Panels to Bridge Girders .............................. 13 2.6.3 Key Issue #3: Joints between Panels .......................................................... 17 2.6.4 Key Issue #4: Transverse Pretensioning of Panels ..................................... 20 2.6.5 Key Issue #5: Wearing Surface................................................................... 20 2.7 Evaluation of System ........................................................................................... 21 3: Partial-Depth Precast Concrete Deck Panels................................................... 24 3.1 Description of System.......................................................................................... 24 3.2 Fabrication Details............................................................................................... 25 3.3 Construction Procedure........................................................................................ 26 3.4 Summary of Use .................................................................................................. 28 3.5 Durability Evaluation........................................................................................... 29 3.6 Key Issues ............................................................................................................ 30 3.6.1 Key Issue #1: Placement of Panels on Girders ........................................... 30 3.6.2 Key Issue #2: Prestressing Extensions........................................................ 33 3.6.3 Key Issue #3: Development of Prestressing within Panels......................... 34 3.6.4 Key Issue #4: Composite Action between CIP Concrete and Precast Panel 35 3.7 Evaluation of System ........................................................................................... 35 4: Prestressed Concrete Multibeam Superstructures.......................................... 38 4.1 Description of System.......................................................................................... 38 4.2 Fabrication Details............................................................................................... 38 4.3 Construction Procedure........................................................................................ 39 4.4 Summary of Use .................................................................................................. 39 4.5 Durability Evaluation........................................................................................... 41 4.6 Key Issues ............................................................................................................ 42 4.6.1 Key Issue #1: Design of Individual Girders ............................................... 42 4.6.2 Key Issue #2: Longitudinal Joint Design.................................................... 44 4.6.3 Key Issue #3: Load Distribution among Beams ......................................... 47 v 4.6.4 Key Issue #4: Limits on Length and Weight of Beam................................ 48 4.7 Evaluation of
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