Volume VI.—N o .7 ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1894. Whole N o . 259 Orr A enuine bfirgains In .Jewelery and Op- Ri< hard Guy was at Hillsdale yester ­ THE CLINTON COUNTY FAIR. nesB forms, business corresjiondence, THE NEWS timil (.looiis. Kyes tested Free day. The Fair thlH Year wan one of the Hext actual business practice and banking. Ever Held. An Independent NewHpaper, Kukpps , D k Witt & Bo ’s. Read the Rochester (Jlothiiig Co. ’s ad. The advantages offered in the branch in this issue. college will be equal in respect to those PobllHhed every Tuenilay at 1IH HtateStreet Tak** yonr watch, clock, and jewelry Had good weather prevailed, tlie A. E. Dutcher has an interesting shoe offered nt the Inteinntional Business repairing to C. S. .Vllison. the old reliable Clinton (bounty Fair this year would HOLLIS CORBIN, ad. in t his issue. College of .Saginaw. jeweler. have undoubtedly been the most success­ Editor and l’roi)rletor, .\h the college will only continue for a .Mr. ami Mrs. Theo. Price returned from ful and largely utti’iided exhibition ever At 76 cents s Year strictly in Advance. JVEWWLJETS. term of tliiiH’ months it will be necessary Old Misr-ion last week. held in this county. As it was the at- Car<iH of tiiankH 25 centa eacii. for those wishing to take the full course LeKal Notifea at atatute ratea. The Mercantile Co. ’s shoe department attendunce wixs greatly reduced Marriage aixi Death noticea free. The board of snixTvisors are now in to enti*!* at the opening. have a change of ud. in this issue. by wet, cold weather the lost two days. Buaiiieaa loeala 5 centa per line each time. session . The general public slionid give this col ­ Buaineaa Dlrrctorv carcia $1 a iiiie per year. The exhibits, however, were mimer- Tranalent afivertlalnK |>ayat>le in advance. Buy your Baked (Joods at Place & Geo. Siiiedley, of Owosso. visited u lege a Icairty siqiport as every effort will Yearly advertialnii? ratea made known on (dear) friend in this place over Sunday. erouH and iiiucb more elaborate than Application. Robiats ’. be made by the management to conduct usual. Almost all of the St. .Johns busi­ Anou.vtnoiia communlcntiona will never re­ Advertising cannot fail to injure a man a first class institution. ceive notice. lOvenitig chnrch services now begin at ness firms had exhibits while the stock Loeala ainonK readliiff matter 10 centa per T:.*!!) o ’clock. when it is all done by his business com ­ The college is located just sonlh of the line each Inaertlon. petitors. display was immense. First National Bank, nji stairs. Those Obituary poetry or reaolntiona will poal- Louis W’olcott is now clerking in u Below we give the result of the three ttvely not be inserted unleaa paid for at 5 Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Clark, from Roches ­ wishing to take the course should call centa per line. drug store at .Mason. days races: Addreaa all coininnnicatlona to ter, N. Y., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. and complete arrangements at once. Will 11. Russell, of Ithaca, has engaged WEDNESDAY. ST. JOHNS NEWS, St. Johns, Mich. D. W. Fcageles. HiirtfHlns ill Fur Capes with Fildew iV: Millmaii. 2:30 TROT—I’UHSE |!200. Frank Selden, who has been working At John Hicks’. (\ .S. A lli.soii wjis called to Vernon yes ­ Name. 1 2 3 4 .5 Business D irectory . on Grand Rapids papers for some weeks, Mount wood ...................................3 3 2 3 terday by the death of liis annt. .Alisdore Girl.................................2 2 .3 2 is spending a few days in St. Johns, (Jeo . j. Foeruil Byron Danlv . V - Afi ailverfiseiiient does not sell goods, Harvev Belmont .....................1 111 ATTORNEYS. Married, in St, Johns, Sept. 2Gth by Ti 111^2:30, 2:34, 2:34J4. but it helps the seller to sell them. Rev. E. M. Blanchard, L. B. .Stevens and .3:00 MINUTE TROT—COUNTY RACK—CURSE & OSItOKN. Office over Mr. and .Mrs. A. Lumbie, of (Jrand • ^75. FOERCH DAHLY, f V Aillaon’a jewelry atore, St. .lolina. Miss Nina Kirly, both of Eureka. Ledge*, wei-e in St. .Johns last week. Married, in St. Johns, October 5th, by Dot Cale.......................................1 111 Dealers in Flour, Ground rAUI.I>INfi, NOKTOX & WKIMKK, Of­ .Mrs. Su.sari Brown is speialing four Col. Wilkes................................... 4 4 4 fice over National Hank. Bev. E. M. Blanchard, Walter R. Gates Buy Fi-ltz......................................3 .3 3 3 Feed, Corn, Oats, Middlings, S weeks jit Holly and Bochester, N. Y. and Miss Maiy Maria Thomas, both of Wilmoiit .........................................2 2 2 2 Bran, Potatoes, Beans, Tim­ yon & DOOLING, Attorneya at Law, Seaiator .John Patton, ,Ir., will sfieak Time—2:49j4, 2:5,3, 2:57. St. .lolina. lu;} Binglium. othy, Clover Seed, Bailed L at Newton hall next .Monday evening, A course of sermons on “(inestions of THi’RSDAY. KOKWA & W.VLHKIIXIK, Attorneya (lov. McKinley, of Ohio, is billed to the Day ” will be begun nt the Congre ­ 2:40 TROT—I’URSE $175. Straw, Salt, Kerosene r V at Law. Oflice over Corner Druj? Store. F sjuaik at Ionia next Friflay jifternoon. gational church next Sunday evening by Momitwood ...................................1 1 1 Oil, Live Poultry, Fur, Hides, Billy R.............................................5 4 2 "TTT'ILL 11. It KUN.SON, Attorney at I.aw Rev. and Mrs. F. ,J. Bnidner, of Delta, Dr, Butler, Pelts and Game. W St. .lolina. • 12+ Lnella Chilly ................................ 2 2 3 spefit the fore part eif hist week visiting Married, in St. .Tohns, September 19, .lay G.............................................. 3 2 4 KWIS SKVKIIANCK. A. H., Attorney, in St. .Johns. Bnfus C. (Jifford, of St.Johns, and Miss Hazelwood ....................................4 5 5 .‘»pe iul .Sule Over I’litt’a Grocery. I'ime—2:30, 2:345^, 2:35. L .Miss l]thel D<*nnis and Miss Tompkins, .\gnes Hamer, of Bengal, by Rev. E. .M. On Ribbons this ww.*k at .John Hicks’. of Ovid, took in the Clinton county fail- Blanchard. 2:30 PACK—CURSE. Keej) an eye on oiir Bargain Window. rilYSlClANS. last Thursday. Elegance ........................................ 4 3 3 The congn*gation of Bev. 11. E. Buth'r, Ida S............................................... 2 2 2 J. T. Cole & Co. 1 thaca .louniiil : “.Miss Millie Vroman pastor of the Congregational clnirch and K. A. J. WliiGINS, I’liyaician and Siir .lack Riley .................................... 3 4 4 $<>.> Casli Keon. Oflice over .Sullivan'a Clothlnji was visiting friends in St. .Johns the fore friends of the family are invited to a Patti.................................................1 1 1 DStore. 4Htf Mill imrchase a gi^oil second-hand part of the week.” reception at the parsonage on Tuesday Time—2:31 2:32 2:32. Bradbury piano. For jiarticniars call at evening. RUNNINIJ RAI-E. this otfice. r; / M. I’OST >1. 1). I’liyaician, Siirjreon and D.ince at Bcfigal Grange liall Friday S• Notary I’lifilic. Olfice east aide of main Y’on don ’t employ salesmen wearing Florida ............................................1 1 1 at., Eureka, Midi. evening, Oetober 19th. Bill, ."jG cents in­ Molly ............................................... 2 5 Gun and (ieneral Ropairin)-. cluding horses to hay. dirty and rugged clothes, with an odor- Michigan Girl............................. ,3 3 3 I arn fircfiared to do all kinds of Gun AUV P. havens , m, i>. Oflice overII. suggestive of “a long time between Lady B........................................... 4 2 2 and Umbrella repaiiing and have full .J. WoodruiT ’a atore, St. .lolina. Oflice The Kinzie Conu'dy Company en­ houra:M 9 to 11 am and 2 to .5 pm. 1 baths.” Your stationery and circulars Kity Girl....................................... .'5 4 stock of supplies foi- same. Locks re­ tertained large audiences every night last 3'ime—.50 .00. pail ed and keys fitt* ‘d. Everything first- should be as dressy us your salesmen. class and fully guarantved. "T J. TK.AVI.S, M. 1). Office at Iteaidence week at Scriven’s oiiera house. FRIDAY. The (Quarterly communion was ob G eo . D. Cooi ’er. V fiver Fildew a .Millmaii'a drui; atore. 2:50 TROT OR CAI-E—cur .se $175. Dlaeasea of Women and Clilldreii a apecialitv. The Home find Foreign Missionary served at the Congregational cliurcb last CloakN ! CI(><-kH! Society of the M. E. church will meet with NoteV .............................................0 2 3 3 Sunday and eleven persons were received Billy R............................................ 4 ,3 0 4 All styles of Cloaks at John Hicks’. DENTISTS. .Mrs. Manii Friday afternoon,Octoberl 2. to membership in tjie church. A large Gyp F..............................................2 12 2 2 .Second Hand White .Sewinj-Machine. Durand Express: “Mis. Robert Chick audience and large intere.st was mani­ Glenn Mack..................................,3 7 7 3 KTIIPIt <;OKniN, I). I>. S.—Crowiia, Ola R..............................................7 4 In first class condition, fur sale cheap. ‘‘Brld^te Work” (tw*tli witliout platea) went to St. .folms Monday to makeatwo fested. Aand all tlie Lateat I’roceaaea. Idas.................................................1 .'Sill MIIS. C. M. Merrill. week's visit in that place and Maple The grange will have a basket social at Silverton .......................................5 (i 4 Rnpid.s.” Coal ! Coal! Coal ! the grange hall on Friday evening, Oct. Time, 2:35J^, 2:38, 2:32*4. Buy your Coal of John J licks’. RARBERS. .Married, in St. .lohns, October 4th. by 12th for the benefit of Mrs. IMiilip FREE-FOR-ALL TROT OR CA(-E—CI’RSE. Rev. E. M. Blanchard, Earnest R. Mosher Stevens, who is blind. Come one, come Leverne..........................................3 3 4 2 Finest line of I’erfumesA'J’oilet Articles ILSON & CAKL’SS, Barliera. Ivadlea’ Loretta B..................................... 2 4 2 2 AtJ’RAvisA Baker ’s.
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