R. H. CARR MRS. R. F. CARR T. E. CARR GRIDER COAL SALES AGENCY, Inc. Mine Agents OVER 3.000.000 TONS ANNUALLY BEST GRADES ALABAMA STEAM and DOMESTIC COALS R. He CARR LUMBER CO. Railroad Fuel a Specialty 1414-18 American Trust Building JASPER, ALABAMA BIRMINGHAM. ALA. "STRONG AS EVER FOR THE FRISCO" Dense Timbers-Car Decking-Siding-Finish-Framing CHAS. R. LONG, JR. RAILROAD MATERIAL OUR SPECIALTY COMPANY LOUISVILLE CHICAGO C. W Booth & Co. "AB", THE NEW FREIGHT DRAKE-Through new features Railway Supplies in design and mechanism, pro- RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. vides efficiency and economy I CHICAGO, ILL. heretofore impossible. THE NEW YORK AIR Manufacturers of Steel BRAKE COMPANY Logan Iron and Co. 420 Lexington Avenue All kinds of Railway and In- Genuine Wrought Iron NEW YORK CITY dustrial Paints. Varnishes and Lacquers. WORKS: BURNHAM, PA. Plant-Watertown, N. Y. Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS NEW YORK CHICAGO -- CHAS. a. SCHWEIZER CO. BROOKSIDE-PRRTT MINING CO. RUBBER & STEEL STAMPS Producers of Time Stamps-Datere-Self-inkers STEAM AND DOMESTIC COAL Pave the way fe n nama and addrak. Y.--u. Tie Hammers Mines on Frisco. Southern and Y.L.-- Stamp Pads-Numbering Machines I. C. Railroads Get them from the original compilem ' Comer Building of basic list information-up to date 422 N. 3rd St. St. Louis, Mo. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. accurat-nnteed. Tell ua about your buainesn. We'll help vou find the-- oroswcts. NO ob- I A iGlion for CAruitation ~mice. CENTRAL BOARDING & SUPPLY COMPANY COMMISSARY CONTRACTORS F. .I. ESGLEAIAN, President JOS. 31. O'DOWD, Supt.. Sprlnt$leld, 310. G. I. FITZGERALD, Vlce-Pres. and Sec'y GUY KRESS, Su~t..Springfield, Jlo. CHAS. GRAY, Manager, Sprlngfleld, 310. M. S. ESGLDIAN, Viee-Pres.. Dallas. Tex. General Office: Railway Exchange Bldg., KANSAS CITY, >IO. Branch Offices: ST. T.OUIS. 310.. SPRIKGFIELD, MO.. FY. WOHTH. TEY.. DALl..\S. TES. I riroriciand line of businem. Auto lisu of all kinds. Shows you how to use the mails to aell your producn and servicen. Write today. " HERCU LES " Your -Red Strand- R. L. POLK & CO. Polk B1dg.-Detroit, Mich. I WIRE ROPE Branches in Principal Cities World's Largest City Directory Publinhen Mailing List Corn ilers. Budnesa Statir Fire Pail dcs. ~roducersof 8irect ail ~dveRisin6 and Barrel We Fill Your Hospital Prescription8 he PRICHARD-BLATCHLEY DRUG COMPANY Equipment The Rexall Store S. W. Cor. Main C WalI Phone 170 FT. SCOTT. KANS. Becomes Much More I GArlleld 2870-2871 BLUE PRINTING I C. A. ROBERTS CO. I "SHELBY" IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN I ART a DRAWING MATERIALS I Seantless Steel Tubing 11 10 Locust Street St. Louis. Mo. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS when DETROIT INDIANAPOLIS W. H. (Bill) REAVES LAUNDERING--- 1169 Arcade Bldg. At Popular Prices From 21/52 Per Pound Up St. Louis, Mo. JEfferxon 0414 Representing the P. & M. Co. BECHT LAUNDRY CO. I is added to the water Write today fw prices and valuable booklet on flre extinguislbing St. Louis Surfacer and systems. Paint Company Ask for booklet 8255. SOLVAY SALES CORPORATION RAILROAD PAINTS, VARNISHES Alkalies and CIbemloal Products Manulactured bz~ ENAMELS The Solvay Proocss Company 01 Drondwny New York Arlington Ave. and Terminal Belt Ry. ST. LOUIS, MO. nuum a>, rnmLu DU~LDIN JOHN W. NOURSE, Gc In Ch: MARTHA C. M _ _ , Vol. XI1 NOVEMBER, 1934 No. 11 Railroads Affect Millions What do the railroads mean to the American people? The Sevierville (Tenn.) Vindicator raises this ques- Permission is given to reprint with or without credit, tion in a current editorial. It con- in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine. tinues : "The financial condition of the liues affects the financial status of about .... 50 per cent of the population, who . i, elther own railroad securities them- selves or own them indirectly through Contents of Thd Issue insurance, banking, educational, and similar institutions, which are heavy investors in railroad stocks and Pages bonds. "The railroads give employment to Public's Favorite Movie Actor Rides Frisco Meteor ............3 abut 1,000,000 people, whose jobs are imperiled when the lines operate Transport Prophecies of the Past by R. S. Henrr.......... 4-7 at a loss. Millions of other workers, 67% of Rail Mileage Now Operating at a Loss......... : .......... 7 in mines, factories, and all types of industry are dependent on railroad The Honor Roll ............................ ....................................................8 purchases for their livelihood. In Important Conventions 1934-1935.............. ..........................10 nornlal times, railroads are the great- .. est single purchaser of supplies in News of the Frisco Clubs ......................................................11-14 the nation. Frisco Employes' Hospital Association Statement............. 14 "Government itself-local, county, state, and national-is dependent on In Memoriam ................................................................................15 the lines for much of its tax revenue. Flashes of Merriment ................... ................................................16 Railroad money paves roads, builds public buildings, carries on all kinds News From the Mechanical Department ............. .........17-20 of government activities, and edu- Frisco Family News 20-32 cates thousands of our children. ................................................................ "Every person benefits when rail- roads prosper-every person feels the ill effects when' they are depressed. It is an excellent sign that thousands of industrialists, representing all lines of business are behind the movement to give the rails a fair deal." MEMBER I THE FRlsco EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE n I The RIaco Employw' hh$wzlne 14 I monthly publlcatlon devoted primarily 10 IhC hleresta of the actire an11 retired employes of the Frlsco Lines. It contains storles. itelm of Cur- rent news, personal notes aliout employes and their famllies, articles dealing with rarloua phase8 of railrond work, poems. cartoons and notices regardin.. the service. Go&! cleAr photographs sulrable for reproduetlon are elpecially desired, and will be returned only u,hen requested. All cartoons and drawings must be in black India ink. Ernplows are lnrlted to wrlte nrtlcles tor the mn%nine. Contrlbu!lons should be type- wltten, on onc slde or the sheet only, and shouId he addressed to the EdiLor, Frisco Bulldina. St. Louis, 310. ' Dlstrlbutcd lrce~ - anmw drisco Emfh9M. To arhers, orice 13 cents a copy:- ~ aubscriptlon 1 0 a ear Adiehrig rate wll,bs made known upon aP9!lCfitlon. 176 W. Adnms St.. Chicago. Ill. I November, 1934 The Public's Favorite Movie Actor Rides Frisco Meteor By M. C. MOORE HE big Union Station at St. I approached the group, there were Will Rogers Sees Two Louis teemed with life on the emitted peals of laughter. Tmorning of Friday, October 5. Will Rogers started toward the Series Games Before Special trains brought in thousands news stand and I walked up to him. of ball fans from states surrounding "I'm Miss Moore, Mr. Rogers," I Leaving for California St. Louis. Approximately 300 of them said. "I came down to greet you and to see that you were properly es- came all the way from Oklahoma When the crowd realized that he corted to your train." City via Frisco Lines to witness the was leaving, about thirty of their games over the week-end, and all He shook hands with me and to the number rushed up to get an auto- visitors that day smiled in anticipa- amaseinent of the crowd said: "No graph. Will Rogers complied most tion. The score for the series was lady has ever put me on a train yet." graciously. No request was turned even, one game for the Cards and one I told him there always had to be a down. for the Tigers. first time. I a180 told him that I un- As we approached the train and the It seemed hours before the station derstood he had about deserted train car in which he had a stateroom, I was cleared of its visitors. But they service for airplanes. spied the photographer. finally mattered to all parts of the "That's wrong. I was on a train "We're going to take pour picture," city. Many of them went to the ball for nine days going across Siberia. I said. park immediately upon arrival; many Anybody that rides on a train nine "Snre, that's fine," he said, and I to hotels and many to the homes of days must like it all right, don't yon relaxed considerably. friends. think?" He stood at the steps of the Pull- And then came the tense afternoon. "How did you like the ball game?" man, R. L. Cole, depot passenger Thousands and thousands of persons someone asked. agent, on one side and myself on cheering tbe players; radios broad- "Well, sir," replied Will Rogers, "it the other. The photographer made cast the game, play by play, and at mjt great. I saw the game in three attempts to take the picture, the close of the afternoon the Detroit y terday and this one today. but there was some difficulty with the Cardinals had won their second game That \Scho lboy Rowe is a great kid. flashlight. apparatus. And did I get of the series. You St. Louis fans had better be care- worried? Here he was all ready for St. Louis ball fans heaved a sigh ful. The Tigers may slip up on you the picture and the camera or some- of relief and the Detroit rooters for they've got a crackerjack team. thing out of order! But Will Rogers. hoped for better luck the next day. It's too bad there aren't more in base- in his easy way said, "Give the boy Most of them stayed, of course for ball like this boy Rowe. The only time. He's OK. So far there are the games on Saturday and Sunday, trouble with the Rowe family is that three errors and no score." More but there were always some who had they didn't breed enough boys.
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