Series Summary Index Vols

Series Summary Index Vols

SERIES SUMMARY INDEX VOLS. XXXI-XL (1962-1971) R. H. THOMPSON Abbreviations: c. century; exh. exhibited, exhibition(s) (by); i.m. initial mark: obit. obituary (of): obv. obverse; pl(s). plate(s); rev. review of, reviewed, reverse. Omissions: Accounts, elections within the Society, and other regular features (dates of election being given in each List of Members); subject entries for most reviews. Deaths, exhibitions, readers and their subjects, reviews, are entered under their individual head- ings, as also are finds, with references from Finds . according to the series and date of the material. References to places in the British Isles are collected by county. Aberdeen, mint (James III), XL. 82-4, pi. v /Ethelred II, Last Small Cross type, obv. pointed Aberdeenshire, see also Birse parish helmet, xxxix. 201, 204, pi. ix Aberystwyth, mint (Charles I, unites), see Chester — Long Cross type, see also Lincoln, London, Stam- Addedomaros (Trinovantes), see also British Lx ford, mints — staters, xxxvir. 190, pi. xxi subsidiary issue, xxxiv. 37-41, pis. ii-iii; exh., Advertising (Imitation spade guineas), see Imitation 189; read, 188 spade guineas, advertisements — types, chronology, xxxv. 37; xxxix. 200 Alfred, see Alfred /Ethelred (Canterbury), coinage, xxxi. 43-4, pi. iii; /Ethelbald, coins, see Forgery exh., 173 /Ethelred I, coins, exh., xxxvu. 215 /Ethelstan, see Athelstan — type i, lunettes unbroken, moneyer Ethelred, /Ethelwald Moll (Northumbria), coin, xxxvi. 216 xxxvi. 33-4 /Ethelwulf, coinage, xxxn. 19; xxxvii. 226-7; exh., /Ethelred II, see also Chester, Northampton, South- 215 ampton, mints; Southampton/Winchester die- /Ethered (Canterbury), see /Ethelred linking Alderwasley (Derbys.), find 1971 (16-17 c.), XL. 197, — coins, finds, Lummelunda, xxxvi. 83-4 198; exh., 192 finds, Mullingar, xxxv. 12-21 Aldfridus, see Ealdfrith (Lindsey) 'Tingstade, xxxvi. 64-78, pis. viii-ix Alen?on (Orne), find 1840 (12-13 c.), xxxix. 41-2 — Crux type, transitional, xxxvi. 70, pi. ix; xxxvii. Alexander III, 1st coinage, see also Burns, E.; Lockett, 16-24 R. C. — First Small Cross type, see Horncastle, Lincoln, — 1st coinage, finds, Colchester 1969, xxxix. 77 mints — 2nd coinage, farthings, rev. 2 mullets, xxxv. 141 — Hand type, xxxix. 199 pennies, chronology, xxxv. 136 n. — First, see also 'Brygin'/'NiwanVShaftesbury classification, xxxv. 139-41 die-linking; Horncastle, mint Alfred, see also London, mint bust left, xxxin. 37-8, pi. i; xxxv. 191-2 — 1st coinage, lunettes unbroken, moneyer Dealinc, finds, Ipswich 1863, xxxin. 34-8, pi. i; exli., xxxvi. 34 xxxn. 229 moneyer Liabfinc], exlu, xxxvi. 211, pi. i First/Second alteration, xxxv. 22-4 Allcard, H., donation by, xxxn. 231 — Helmet type, see Lincoln, London, mints ALLEN, D. F., appointed Secretary, British Academy, imitations, see Hiberno-Norse coins, phase 1 xxxvii. 240; elected to honorary membership, XL. — imitations, see Olof Skotkonung (Sweden); 187, 188 Poland, coins, 10-11 c. — Celtic coins from the Romano-British temple at —Intermediate Small Cross type, xxxvii. 16-24 Harlow, Essex, XXXIII. 1-6, pi. v; xxxvi. 1-7, pis. — Last Small Cross type, exh., xxxin. 186 v-vi; xxxvii. 1-6, pis. vi-vii •—• — See also Cissbury/London die-linking; East — Celtic iron bar currency, read, xxxv. 219 Anglia, mint; Exeter/'Gothaburh', 'Gotha- — A Celtic miscellany, xxxiv. 1-7, pi. xvi burh'/London, Huntingdon/London, London/ — Exh., xxxii. 228 Stamford, Wallingford/Lincoln, die-linking — The Haslemere hoard, xxxi. 1-7, pi. i; read, 171 bust to outer circle, xxxi. 49-51; exh., xxxvi. — The Haslemere hoard again, xxxv. 189-90, pi. xiv 211-12, pi. i — Presidential address, 1962, xxxi. 174-9 initial distribution of dies, xxxv. 34-7 1963, xxxii. 230^4 C 9039 P 210 SERIES SUMMARY INDEX Allen, D. F., Rev., Sylloge of coins of the British Isles, Archibald, Marion M., Four 18th-20th-centuries 8, xxxv. 210-11 hoard reports, XXXIII. 156-63 — Three Ancient British notes, xxxvi. 8-10, pi. xiv — Medieval die-output, read, xxxvn. 210 — Three notes on Ancient British coins, xxxvil. 7-9 — The 1969 Colchester hoard, read, xxxix. 190 Alpheton (Suffolk), find 1964 (19-20 c.), xxxm. 161-3 — Recent Edwardian coin hoards, read, xxxvm. 200 Amber Hill (Lines.), find 1964 (19 c.), xxxv. 207 — Rev., English hammered coinage, volume 1, xxxm. Amiens (Somme), find 1950 (15 c.), xxxvi. 110 177-9 Analysis (Coins, composition), xxxv. 224 — The Skegby, Notts., 1967 hoard, XL. 44-56, pi. iii — See also Anglo-Saxon coins; Henry VIII (Ireland), — A Thetford penny of Stephen type VII, xxxvi. coins; Imitative sterlings; Sceattas, silver; Scot- 192-3, pi. xv land, gold coins; Short Cross coins — Three nineteenth-century hoard reports, xxxv. Ancient Britain, coins, see Celtic coins 205-7 Andrew, W. J., xxxn. 231-3 — Two fifteenth-century notes, xxxiv. 168, pi. xvi Angers (Maine-et-Loire), find 1911 (14-16 c.), xxxvn. — The Willesborough, Ashford (Kent), hoard, XL. 73-84, pis. i-iv 120-2 Angevin party, see Henry of Anjou; Matilda; William Ardglass (Co. Down), find 1971 (15-16 c.), XL. 197 of Gloucester Ardquin (Co. Down), Abbey, find 1845 (13-14 c.), Anglo-Gallic coins, see Finds of ...; Forgery xxxiii. 101 Anglo-Saxon coinage, 7-8 c., rev., xxxi. 167—8 Argyll, see Inchkenneth; Iona; Islay — 9-11 c., xxxix. 193-204, pi. ix Armagh, archdiocese, currency, 1379, Scotland, — 10-11 c., rev., xxxix. 171-80 groats, 14 c., xxxvi. 93-5 Anglo-Saxon coins, exh., xxxi. 172; read, 170 Armagh, Co., see Carnbane; Lurgan; Mullynure — See also names of rulers', Canterbury, archbishopric; Abbey East Anglia, kingdom; Kent, kingdom; Mercia; Arnold d'Oreye (Rummen, 1331-65), imitation of Northumbria; Sceattas; Thrymsas; Viking in- David II, 2nd coinage, half-groats, xxxv. 195, pi. vaders; Wessex; York, archbishopric xiv; read, xxxvi. 210 — collections, see Austen; Westminster School Art Union of London, medals, xxxvi. 179-85, 10 pis. — composition, analysis, rev., xxxix. 179 Ascham, Anthony, medal, xxxv. 155-62; xxxvn. — denominations, xxxvm. 204-20 193-5; read xxxiv. 189 See also Halfpennies Ashby-de-la-Zouch (Leics.), find 1788/9 (12 c.), xxxv. — finds, see Finds of Anglo-Saxon coins 102; xxxvii. 35-8 —• forgery, see Forgery ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM (Early medieval treasures), read, — gold, xxxvm. 207-8 xxxvn. 210 — symposium, xxxi. 170 — Exh., xxxv. 220; xxxix. 192 — historical problems, xxxvi. 215-21; xxxvu. 216-38, — Sylloge ... 9, see Thompson, J. D. A. pls.xxii-xxiii;xxxvm. 204-22; xxxix. 193-204, pl.ix Askeaton (Co. Limerick), Desmond Castle, find 1830 — legends, see M in field; 'Mot'; Runic . (14 c.), xxxvi. 102-3 — mint organization, see Mint organization; Money- — Friary, find 1828 (16 c.), xxxvii. 91 ers; Muling — Moig South, find 1954 (14-16 c.), xxxvii. 85-92, — mints, see Buckingham; Warwick pis. viii-xi Anjou, Henry of, see Henry of Anjou Association wreck (Scilly Is.), finds (17-18 c.), xxxvi. Anlaf Sihtricsson (York), Two-line type, obv. AN-, 223 XL. 3-6, pi. vi Astley, Jacob, Baron Hastings, see Hastings, Jacob Antrim, Co., see Belfast; Carrickfergus; Cushendall; Astley, Baron Derrykeighan; Glenavy; Kilroot; Lakefield; Lis- Aston (Warwicks.), Church, find 1879 (13-14 c.), burn; Monkstown; Stoneyford xxxi. 164-5 Aquitaine, 839-58, Pippin II, see Melle, mint Aston Rowant (Oxon.), find 1971 (7-8 c.), XL. 197 ARCHIBALD, MARION M., The Aston Church find, Athea (Co. Limerick), find 1928/9 (13-14 c.), xxxm. xxxi. 164-5 100 — The Atherstone hoard of 19th- and 20th-century Athelstan, Circumscription (Cross) type, see Lympne, coins, xxxiv. 173-5 Winchester, mints — The Attenborough, Notts., 1966 hoard, xxxvm. — coinage, exh., xxxv. 221-2; read, 219 50-83, pis. ii-iii mules, exh., xxxix. 191; read, 189 — The Benenden hoard of 19th- and 20th-century Atherstone (Warwicks.), find 1957 (16-17 c.), xxxvii. gold coins, xxxiv. 175-6 140-1 — A boy bishop token of profile type, xxxvi. 195, pi. xv — find 1964 (19-20 c.), xxxiv. 173-5 — The Canterbury half-groats of Edward IV, read, ATKINSON, J., A new groat of Richard II, xxxvm. 189 xxxvi. 210 Atrebates, see also Tincommius; Verica — Disposition of the Chester (1950) hoard, xxxvi. 189 — quarter staters, xxxiv. 167, pi. xvi — Exh., xxxvi. 213, 214 Attenborough (Notts.), find 1966 (13-15 c.), XXXVIII. — The Fishpool hoard of 14th- and 15th-century 50-83, pis. ii-iii gold coins, read, xxxvn. 209 — find 1966/8 (13 c.), XXXVIII. 81 211 SERIES SUMMARY INDEX Austen, Robert (Anglo-Saxon coins), xxxix. 12-18 Beaumont (Cumb.), find 1884 (13-14 c.), xxxm. 85-9, Australia, coinage, read, xxxiv. 188 103 — tokens, 19c., see Holloway, Thomas Beauworth (Hants.), xxxvi. 192 Aviron (Eure), find (12-13 c.), xxxix. 42 Bedford, mint (Edmund), XL. 18-20, pi. iv Awbridge (Hants.), find 1902 (12 c.), xxxv. 106 — mint (Stephen), xxxi. 71, pi. iv Ayrshire, see Craigie Bedfordshire, see also Cople; Wymington Beeston Tor (Staffs.), find 1924 (9 c.), xxxiv. 18-19; B.P. reproductions, see Tresor des pirates xxxvii. 235 Baginton (Warwicks.), The Lunt, find 1970 (1 c. B.C.), Beganne (Morbihan), find 1883 (12-13 c.), xxxix. 43 xxxix. 210 Belfast, see also Strandtown BAGNALL, A. E., death, xxxv. 219, 231; obit., 217 — 'Belfast Gate', find 1839 (17 c.), xxxvi. 104 — Exh., xxxi. 172 — imitation spade guineas, xxxiv. 170-2 Bais (Ille-et-Vilaine), find (12-13 c.), xxxix. 42-3 Belford (Northld.), find c. 1860 (14 c.), xxxiii. 103 Balcombe (Sussex), find 1897 (13-14 c.), xxxni. 104 BELL, R. C., A Burslem token?, xxxvi. 198-9 BALDWIN, A. H., death, xxxvi. 222; obit., 208; essays — Commercial coins, 1784-1804, rev., xxxii. 223-4 dedicated to the memory of, see Carson, R. A. G. — Life in Georgian England depicted on copper Mints, dies and currency tokens, read, xxxii. 227 — Exh., xxxv. 220-1 •— A new Tavistock token (?), xxxix. 167-8 BALDWIN, A. H., & Sons, Exh., xxxiv. 190; XL.

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