International Society for Neuroethology Newsletter July 2003 will chair this Committee, with Martin Giurfa (Université Paul Sabatier, France) as Vice-Chair. The International Society for Neuroethology Chairs will be soliciting nominations (including self Website. The Society is actively searching for a c/o Panacea Associatesnominations) for membership Voice/fax: on +001 this (850)Committee 894-3480 shortly. part-time web designer who can upgrade the 744 Duparc CircleIn addition, later in theE-mail: spring, [email protected] the Congress Committee appearance of the Society website and enrich its Tallahasee, FL 32312 USAwill issue a Request Website: http://neuroethology.org content. We have developed a job description for this position and posted it on our website. The Web 2003 International Society for Neuroethology. Authors may freely use the materials they have provided. ISN Officers T HIS I SSUE I NCLUDES President: Albert S. Feng, Dept. Molecular & Integra- 1 The ISN President’s Column tive Physiology, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana IL 61801 USA. Phone: 1-217-244-1951; Fax: 1-217-244-5180; 2 Update from the Congress Committee: Call for [email protected] Symposium Proposals What do Neuroethologists Want? Summary of the Sheryl Coombs, Parmly Hearing Institute, Treasurer: 3 ISN Membership Survey Loyola Univ. of Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago IL 60626 USA. Phone: 1-773-508-2720; Fax: 1-773-508-2719; 4 Book Review: Behavior and its Neural Control in [email protected] Gastropod Molluscs by Ronald Chase Hotel Nyborg Strand: the 2004 ISN Congress Venue Secretary: Janis C. Weeks, Inst. of Neuroscience, 5 Univ. of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403 USA. Phone: 1-541-346- Meeting Announcements and Job Adverts 4517; Fax: 1- 541-346-4548; [email protected] 5 Past-President: Malcolm Burrows, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Cambridge, Downing St., Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK. The ISN President’s Column Phone: 44-(1)223-336628; Fax: 44-(1)223-330934; ([email protected]) [email protected] Albert S. Feng, ISN President Univ. of Illinois,. Urbana, Illinois, USA The summer before a congress year has traditionally : Edward A. Kravitz, Dept. Neurobi- President-Elect been a busy time for us, and this year is no exception. ology, Harvard Medical School, 220 Longwood Ave, Boston MA 02115 USA. Phone: 1-617-432-1753; Fax: 1-617-734- Planning for the 2004 Congress is well underway. The 7557; [email protected] Congress Committee is working feverishly preparing for the Congress, and the deadline for submitting sympo- Councilors: Horst Bleckmann; Catherine E. Carr; Alli- sium proposals August 1, 2003 is rapidly ap- son J. Doupe; Martin Heisenberg; Martin Giurfa; Gwen A. proaching (see article from the Congress Committee on Jacobs; Eric I. Knudsen; Ian A. Meinertzhagen; Alison R. page 2). Mercer; Michael R. O'Shea; F. Claire Rind; Mandyam V. The Executive Committee has additionally been Srinivasan; Harald Wolf; Harold Zakon busy handling several other matters: Management. The final bids from eight manage- Next International Congress: August 9-13, ment firms are in and the Executive Committee will meet 2004. Hotel Nyborg Strand, Nyborg, Denmark on August 2 to conduct the final screening. Once a firm is selected and the new contract signed, the new firm will work with Panacea Associates immediately to begin the transition. Website. With a recommendation from the Web Oversight and Education Committee (WEOC), International Society for Neuroethology 1 Albin/Walker Web Design has been selected to be the • why the symposium topic is timely, interesting, & web design company for the ISN (see article on page 3). important Keith Albin will be working with WEOC to jazz up the • the overall objectives of the symposium Society website. Diversity guidelines. Symposium organizers should Questionnaire. The membership survey carried out make every effort to include: by the Long Range Planning Committee has been con- • appropriate representation of women and cluded. I am delighted by the turnout: the Committee individuals from underrepresented (minority) groups received 291 responses! The Committee did a wonder- • a good balance between established and new ful job getting members to respond to the questionnaire investigators and appreciates the membership’s response. Art Pop- per, Committee Chair, summarizes the survey results in • broad international representation an article on page 3. • the Committee may make suggestions for substituting speakers Membership Committee. A new ad hoc committee was recently created with the charge to: (1) evaluate and Answers to FAQ’s: approve membership applications; (2) develop strategies You should obtain a commitment from all four of for recruiting new and young members to ISN; and (3) your speakers that they will attend the meeting if the implement new and improved avenues for recruiting new symposium is approved. members and connecting with existing members. I am Regarding reimbursement of costs for speakers, at pleased that Don Edwards (Georgia State University, this point in time you can tell people that we may be able USA) has agreed to chair this Committee; other to help cover some portion of attendance costs. How- members of the committee are being selected. ever, we won't know our exact financial situation until we Nominating Committee. Election of new officers see how many people register for the Congress and how will take place in the fall of 2004. I am consulting the much funding we obtain from various granting agencies, ISN Council for membership of the Nominating Commit- etc. tee. Once constituted, the Committee will issue a Call People who spoke at the last Congress are ineligible for Nominations for new officers. Please start thinking to speak at this one, and in general it is preferable to about whom you would like to nominate. propose people who have not spoken at the last two With best wishes for a pleasant and productive Congresses. summer! The complete membership of the Congress Committee follows. We look forward to seeing you in Denmark next summer! Update from the Congress Sarah Bottjer (Chair), Los Angeles, CA, USA Martin Giurfa (Vice-Chair), Toulouse, France Committee: Call for Barbara Beltz, Wellesley, MA, USA Symposium Proposals Elke Buschbeck, Cincinnati, OH, USA Ken Catania, Nashville, TN, USA Greetings from Sarah Bottjer and Martin Giurfa, Heather Eisthen, East Lansing, MI, USA Chair and Vice-Chair of the Congress Committee for the Wulf Gronenberg, Tucson, AZ, USA next International Congress of Neuroethology, and Axel Ron Harris-Warrick, Ithaca, NY, USA Michelsen, Chair of Local Organizing Committee. Other Martin Heisenberg, Würzburg, Germany members of the Congress Committee are listed below. Hans Hofmann, Cambridge, MA, USA The Congress will be held in Nyborg, Denmark, on Gwen Jacobs, Bozeman, MT, USA August 9th through 13th, 2004; mark your calendars now! Ryohei Kanzaki, Tsukuba, Japan The purpose of this report is to remind all members that Eric Knudsen, Stanford, CA, USA the deadline for submitting a proposal for a symposium Hector Maldonado, Buenos Aires, Argentina is AUGUST 1, 2003. The original instructions follow, Alison Mercer, Dunedin, New Zealand along with some additional information. Cindy Moss, College Park, MD, USA Symposia: All symposia will be two hours in length Axel Michelsen (Chair of Local Organizing Commit- and will include four speakers (that way, people can tee), Odense, Denmark switch between talks in different symposia if they wish). Albert Feng (President of ISN), Urbana, IL, USA Proposals should be e-mailed to Sarah Bottjer ([email protected]), with the following information: • your name and affiliation • the title of your proposed symposium • the basic theme or area the symposium would rep- resent • a list of the proposed speakers and a brief (2-5 sentence) summary of each presentation International Society for Neuroethology 2 research (or have had a paper manuscript accepted for New Members of the ISN publication) by the time of application; and (3) be com- Team: Albin/Walker Web mitted to attending the 2004 Congress in Denmark. Each awardee will receive a waiver of the Congress Design registration fee, a monetary prize of $1,000 (which may In February, 2003, The Executive Committee and be used toward the costs of participating in the Con- the Web Oversight and Education Committee (WEOC) gress), and an invitation to give a short research talk in developed and disseminated a request for proposals for the program at one of the symposia at the Congress. a web designer to work with the Society webmaster and Each candidate should submit (five copies of each WEOC to redesign the Society website. The goal is to item) a letter of application, a published paper or manu- create a new content-rich Society website that serves as script that has been accepted for publication, and his/her a focal point for promoting research and education in Curriculum vitae. In addition, he/she should arrange for neuroethology. The new website should help foster a two letters of recommendation to be sent directly by sci- sense of community among current ISN members and entists who know him/her well. These materials must be serve as an educational outreach tool for communicating received, no later than the deadline date of 1 November the importance and excitement of this work to scientists 2003, by the President of the ISN: Dr. Albert S. Feng, and non-scientists outside of the field. Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews After analyzing bids from six firms, Albin/Walker Avenue, Urbana, Illinois, 61801, USA. Web Design was selected for the job. Keith Albin and Applications will be evaluated by a Selection Com- Wanda Walker of Eugene, Oregon, USA, have a com- mittee appointed by the President and the Chair of the bined experience of 10 years in web design and mainte- Congress Committee. The three top-rated candidates nance. Their additional 20 years of experience in will be notified as soon as possible, and no later than 1 graphic arts, desktop publishing and print design as- February, 2004.
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