THE Vol 28 FORDHAM COLLEGE, NEW YORK, DECEMBER 9, 1948 No, 9 Cardinal Dedicates War Memorial Military Ceremonies Mark Cmirch Rites y TOM HANEY His Eminence, ^rancis Cardinal Spellman, yesterday dedicated the itajvljj/remodeled Fordham Universitj ffhurch as a memorial to the university's 229 alumni who died dur- ing World War II. Immediately afterward, the Cardinal, a Fordham alumnus, celebrated a Solemn Pontifical Military High Mass at the altar of the 103-year-old church, * In attendance were many of the leading churchmen of the arch- Delegates Ready diocese of New York, prominent Jesuits of the New York Province For Second Round and the relatives and friends of the Fordham men who made the Of Convention supreme sacrifice during the war. The military functions of the The Student Council will re- ceremony were discharged by the sume its article-by-article exami- Fordham Company of the Na- nation of the proposed new Con- tional Honorary Society of Persh- stitution in the second session of ing Rifles. View of the three main altars of the University Church which was dedicated as a mem oral to Ford- the Constitutional Convention scheduled for the evening of Tues- Cardinal Blesses Church m'K war dead yesterday by Cardinal Spellman before the annual Memorial Mass. day, Dec. 14, Michael DiLegge, '49, Convention Chairman, has an- After the national and school nounced. colors had been saluated and plac- Forum Discussing The assembly will be held in ed in the sanctuary, the notes of, the senior lecture room, Keating "Church Call" signalled the; Follow Mary, Father Gifts Hall, and will begin at 7:30 p.m. emergence of Cardinal Spellman Spanish Issues and the attending clergy from the The final ten articles of the sanctuary. The blessing of the Slated for Dec. 15 constitution still await the coun- Tells Marian Congress church and its dedication as a war "•• ''Spain and the Defence of "the cil's approval. DiLegge expressed memorial look place in the vestib-™ By TED ST. ANTOINE West" will be the topic of the the hope that the work would be ule of the church where the names completed at this session and The Rev. James M. Gillis, C.S.P., noted author and form- forum sponsored by the Interna- of the University's war dead are tional Club of Fordham University stated that, if such were the case, inscribed. er editor of the "Catholic World," addressed the delegates at to be held at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, the constiution would shortly be the second annual all-student Marian Congress in the Fdrd- December 15, in Keating Hall. submitted to the student body for His Eminence then retired to The purpose of this symposium ratification by a referendum* the sanctuary and celebrated the liam Gymnasium last Saturday, urging them to strive at all Mass. Assisting his Eminence times for a better imitation of the virtues of the Blessed is to obtain a sincere expression The first session of the conven- of the attitude of American stu- tion succeeded only in approving throughout the services were the Virgin. dents toward Spain, and to get a the first two articles and two sec- Right Rev. Msgr. Henry P, Ham- hue, Auxiliary Bishop of New mer, '10, as Assistant Priest, and Father Gillis warned particular- Yorlc, presided at the Congress clear picture of the Spanish atti- tions of Article III. That meet- ly against making Mary an in- tude, toward the United States, as ing, held on Monday, Nov. 8, was as Deacons of Honor, the Very and delivered a short talk in which Rev. John J. McMahon, S.J., Pro- accessible, incomparable master- he denounced modern secularism interpreted by a distinguished of- highlighted by a two-hour discus- piece. "We do not say beautiful ficial representative of the Span- sion, inaugurated by Joseph Va- vincial of the New York Province things about Mary for poetic im- and appealed for vigorous Catho- ish government, Senor Don Pablo lerio, '49, editor of The Ram, which of the Society of Jesus; and the agery," he declared; "we have a lic action against this movement. Merry del Val, head of Spanish concerned the Student Council vot- Very Rev. Joseph A. Murphy, S.J., practical, realistic purpose in "We must turn'the floodlight of Cultural Relations at the Spanish ing system as proposed in~Article Rector of Fordham. mind. Quite frankly, the Church (Continued on Page 3) Embassy in Washington, who will II, Section III. be the principal speaker. The in- Glee Club Sings Mass expects its members to be like The length of the discussion on Mary." troduction of Senor Merry del Val this subject prevented the dele- The Right Rev. Msgr. James H. will be made by Dr. Ross J. S. Griffiths, Chancellor of the Mili- Refuting the objection that a Maroon Institutes Hoffman, chairman of the History gates from passing judgment on !ess perfect model would be more tary Ordinariate, preached the ser- Department of the Graduate the remaining articles. As a re- mon. Two former chaplains, the suitable for imitation, Father Gil- Installment Plan School at Fordham. fe pointed out that the human sult the council, at its November Rev. Stephen J. Meaney, S.J., ™e in general has taken to the For Payments Don Pablo Merry del Val comes 15 meeting, fixedNthe date for a Chaplain of the 166th Infantry, devotion of Mary more spon- from a family of well-known second session to complete con- and the Rev. Arthur R, McGratty, taneously than to the devotion of William McGovern, '49, business diplomats; his father was Spanish sideration of the constitution.", (Continued on Page 2) a"y saint. Without her glorious manager of the Maroon, announc- ambassador to England, his bro- example and feminine influence, ed this week that a novel pay-as- ther is the actual Minister to he concluded, the spreading of our you-go plan will be instituted for Uruguay, and his uncle, Rafael, JJhristian civilization itself would subscribers to this year's Maroon. Cardinal Merry del Val, was Secre- nave been delayed, more difficult Representatives in each senior sec- tary of State of the Vatican. Holly Hop Lines Up • an'l less successful. tion will take partial payments of Prof. Samuel P. Telfair, chair- Th Most Rev. Stephen Dona- as little as twenty-five cents. man of the History Department of "There is no reason," McGovern Fordham College, will be in charge Brant Band, Show said, "why students should be of the program. DePaulists Play Santa Jack Brant's orchestra, the Eight Christmas cheer to the dance. Dick p asked to come up with the whole or 35 Children Dec. 75 price of the book at one time. NY Civil Service Exam Knights Before Christmas, Santa Leahy, '51, is chairman of the de- The St. Vincent de Paul So- These payments may also be made Claus and a Snow Queen all will corations committee. Scheduled for Jan. 15 be on hand to highlight the fes- Blotters advertising the dance ™ty of Fordham will sponsor at the Maroon office and at the tivities of the sophomore Holly J, Christmas party for thirty- Maroon booth in the Cafeteria, Careers in fourteen special- have been distributed throughout llv ized fields will be open to col- Hop on Friday, December 17. e under-privileged children open daily from 12 o'clock noon the school under the direction of al 3 lege seniors who succeed in the The Knights are a double quar- Dave Forward, '51, chairman of P.m. in Bishops' Lounge, to 2 in the afternoon." »n Friday, December 15. Santa New York State civil service tet from the Glee Club who will the publicity committee. At the same time John D'Al- examination scheduled for Jan- sing during intermissions. Wause, in the person of Wil- bora, Maroon editor, said that uary 15, 1949. Expect 500 Couples Queen Contest Ends Fri. '•"» O'Malley, '50, will dis- each purchaser's mime will be Application blanks are avail- Ed Costigan, sophomore class "iliuto presents along with ice stamped in gold on the cover of able for the test in the Alumni The Snow Queen will be select- president, announced that ticket "'•am, candy and soda. Master his own copy of the yearbook. He Office, Dealy Hall. There is a ed from photographs submitted to sales have been good and that he "' ".'ixmonies at the affair will urged thoHu interested to put in fee of $2 for admittance to the Ted St. Antoine at the Ram of- expects about 500 couples to at- '"' '''.'hn Chandler, '49. fice or the Keating cafeteria tend the dance. Tickets are on lls their orders as soon as possible exam, and all applications must . " is the second year that as this personalized cover order be filed by December 11. ticket booth before 5 p.m. tomor- sale every day from 12 to 2 in >™ dc; I'aulists have hosted the must be sent to the manufacturer Tlie fields to be covered are row. Santa Claus will give a pres- Keating Cafeteria. Tickets may be ['•"'y- To help finance the af- before Christmas. accounting, administration, eco- ent to uach girl attending the purchased by any student. •'"'• Hie .society will take up dance. : Suggestions and requests will be nomics, statistics, law, educa- Chairmen of the various dance •J '"lli.'ction in all religion cluss- taken core of, the editor added, tion, library science, psychol- Elaborate decorations, including committees include Ken Flavia, ._• '"'xt week. A mite book will if those interested wi(l visit the ogy, social service, journalism, a white crepe paper ceiling, snow ', -" ™ placed in the Recrea- bacteriology, chemistry, engin- men, Christmas trees and a large '61, general chairman; Phil Smith, hll| Maroon office in the basement of '51, entertainment; nnd Art Fal- ,;,!!' l to receive contribu- the Administration Building any eering and geology.
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