Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 90, pp. 9625-9629, October 1993 Immunology Hematopoietic stem-cell defects underlying abnormal macrophage development and maturation in NOD/Lt mice: Defective regulation of cytokine receptors and protein kinase C DAVID V. SERREZE, JENS W. GAEDEKE, AND EDWARD H. LEITER* The Jackson Laboratory, 600 Main Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609 Communicated by Elizabeth S. Russell, July 19, 1993 ABSTRACT The immunopathogenesis of autoimmune in- I-Ek, Db) of NON blocked the development of diabetogenic sulin-dependent diabetes in NOD mice entails defects in the T cells from NOD bone marrow (4). In addition, the inability development of macrophages (M$s) from hematopoietic pre- of NOD APCs to activate immunoregulatory T cells in a cursors. The present study analyzes the cellular and molecular syngeneic mixed-lymphocyte reaction was also found to be basis underlying our previous finding that the MO growth associated with homozygous expression of H-2g7 (5). factor colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1) promotes a reduced Interactions between the H-2g7 haplotype and non-MHC- level of promonocyte proliferation and MO development from linked background genes also underlie the MO developmental NOD bone marrow. CSF-1 stimulation of NOD marrow in- anomalies characteristic of NOD mice. NOD bone marrow duced Mos to differentiate to the point that they secreted levels cells proliferate poorly in response to several myeloid growth of tumor necrosis factor a equivalent to that of controls. factors (6, 7). The myeloid growth factor, colony-stimulating However, CSF-1 failed to prime NOD M$s to completely factor 1 (CSF-1) generates fewer phenotypically mature differentiate in response to y-interferon, as shown by their (Mac-3+) M6s from NOD marrow than from diabetes- decreased lipopolysaccharide-stimulated interleukin 1 secre- resistant strains (6). This is consistent with the finding that tion. These defects, in turn, were associated with an inability peritoneal Mos from NOD mice are poor interleukin 1 (IL-1) of CSF-1 to up-regulate c-fms (CSF-1 receptor) and Ifgr secretors (5, 8), since M0s reportedly do not acquire the (y-interferon receptor) expression. Even though the combina- ability to secrete IL-1,8 until the later stages ofdifferentiation tion of CSF-1 and y-interferon up-regulated c-fins and Ifgr (9). Further evidence for dysregulated monocyte function in transcript levels in NOD M#s to levels induced in control M$s NOD mice is reflected by the aberrant responses of cells in by CSF-1 alone, the protein kinase C activities coupled to these this lineage to y-interferon (IFN-y) stimulation. As expected, receptors remained 4-fold lower in NOD M#s than in Mos IFN-y, which induces MO differentiation and activation, derived from the marrow of diabetes-resistant NON and SWR inhibited CSF-1-stimulated proliferation of bone marrow control mice. Despite expressing the diabetogenic H-2g7 hap- cells from diabetes-resistant strains (6). In contrast, IFN-y lotype, Mos derived from cytokine-stimulated marrow of the aberrantly increased CSF-1-stimulated proliferation of NOD NON.H-2g7 congenic stock were functionally more mature than bone marrow cells and increased the number of Mac-3+ similarly derived Ms%s from NOD mice. Whereas diabetes progeny generated to levels equivalent to that produced from resistance was abrogated in 67% of irradiated (NOD x the marrow of control strains stimulated with CSF-1 alone NON)F1 females reconstituted with NOD marrow, no recipi- (6). In addition, as a result of defects in background-specific ents became diabetic after reconstitution with a 1:1 mixture of trans-regulatory factors, IFN- y also aberrantly down- marrow from NOD and the congenic stock. Thus, failure to regulated H-2g7 MHC class I expression in NOD peritoneal develop functionally mature monocytes may be of pathogenic Mos (6). Collectively, these results indicate that non-MHC- significance in NOD mice. linked genes either independently or through interaction with the diabetogenic H-2g7 haplotype contribute to impairments NOD is an inbred mouse strain characterized by a high in monocyte differentiation and function in NOD mice. incidence of T-cell-mediated autoimmune insulin-dependent Antigens that are processed and presented in an ineffi'cient diabetes (1). Genetic outcross of NOD with the closely fashion can continue to stimulate T-cell proliferative re- related but diabetes-resistant NON inbred strain has shown sponses in the periphery but are unable to induce tolerance that diabetogenesis results from complex polygenic interac- (10, 11). Similarly, activation-driven T-cell death requires tions between the rare H-2g7 major histocompatibility com- quantitatively more antigenic stimulation than is required to plex (MHC) haplotype (Kd, I-AM7, I-Enuil, Db) of NOD and trigger T-cell proliferation (12). In addition, the stimulation of non-MHC-linked susceptibility modifiers (2). These diabeto- immunoregulatory T cells requires a more highly activated genic interactions are initiated at the hematopoietic stem-cell APC than is required to trigger effector T cells (13). Thus, in level since diabetes resistance in (NOD x NON)F1 hybrids synergy with the diabetogenic H-2 7 haplotype, the non- is abrogated by lethal irradiation and reconstitution with defects in NOD bone marrow but not NON/Lt or F1 bone marrow (3, MHC-linked background genes contributing to MO 4). Several lines of evidence indicate that H-297-expressing development may contribute to diabetogenesis in NOD mice antigen-presenting cells (APCs), such as macrophages (M0s) by decreasing the ability of APCs to process and/or present derived from NOD stem cells, fail to mediate the clonal (-cell autoantigens in a manner quantitatively sufficient to deletion of f-cell autoreactive T cells and/or to activate induce tolerance. Therefore, the present study was con- immunoregulatory T cells. These include the finding that ducted to assess the functional consequences ofimpaired MO marrow-derived APCs, but not thymic epithelial cells, ex- pressing the diabetes-resistant H-2nbl haplotype (Kb, I-Anbl, Abbreviations: APC, antigen-presenting cell; CSF-1, colony- stimulating factor 1; IFN-y, y-interferon; IL-1, interleukin 1; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; MO, macrophage; MHC, major histocompatibil- The publication costs ofthis article were defrayed in part by page charge ity complex; PKC, protein kinase C; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" a. in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. *To whom reprint requests should be addressed. 9625 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 9626 Immunology: Serreze et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90 (1993) development in NOD mice and to analyze the mechanisms washed with 75 mM phosphoric acid and 75 mM sodium underlying these maturational defects. phosphate (pH 7.5), and then radioactivity was measured in a 8 scintillation counter (LKB) to assess PKC-driven phos- MATERIALS AND METHODS phorylation of the synthetic substrate. Data are presented as cpm (mean ± SEM) corrected for nonspecific 32p incorpo- Mice. NOD/Lt and NON/Lt mice have been maintained in ration obtained in the absence of substrate and for the protein our research colony by brother-sister mating since being concentration of the reaction supernatant. obtained from George Eisenbarth (Joslin Diabetes Center, Competitive Bone Marrow Reconstitution Studies. Diabe- Boston) at the 32nd and 35th generation of inbreeding, tes-resistant (NOD x NON)F1 female mice were lethally respectively. The previously described (2, 14) diabetes- irradiated (1000R; 1R = 0.258 mC/kg) at 4 weeks of age and resistant NOD.NON-H-2nbl (designated NOD.H-2nbl) and reconstituted as described (4) with a 1:1 mixture of T-cell- NON.NOD-H-2g7 congenic strains (designated NON.H-2g7) depleted NOD and NON.H-2g7 bone marrow cells (2.5 x 106 were utilized at the 21st and 13th backcross generations, marrow cells from each strain). Controls consisted of F1 respectively. SWR/Bm (H-2q) mice were kindly supplied by hybrids reconstituted with NOD bone marrow alone. Chi- Wesley Beamer (The Jackson Laboratory). Nondiabetic fe- meras were monitored through 40 weeks of age for the male mice between 8 and 12 weeks of age were used for all development ofglycosuria with Tes-Tape (kindly supplied by experiments and were maintained under specific pathogen- Eli Lilly). Upon diabetes onset or reaching 40 weeks of age, free conditions and allowed free access to food (diet 96W, splenocytes from the chimeras were typed as described (4, Emory Morse, Guilford, CT) and acidified drinking water. 22) by two-color flow cytometric analysis with the Thy-1.2 IL-1 and Tumor Necrosis Factor a (TNF-ea) Production by (NOD type)-specific monoclonal antibody HO13-4.9 and the Bone Marrow-Derived Mos. Bone marrow cells were sus- Thy-1.1 (NON.H-2g7 type)-specific monoclonal antibody pended at 2.0 x 106 cells per ml in culture medium (5) HO22-1 to estimate the percentage of leukocytes derived containing recombinant human CSF-1 (Cetus) at 500 units/ml from each marrow population. with and without recombinant rat IFN-y at 10 units/ml (kindly supplied by P. van de Meide, Rijswijk, The Nether- lands) and cultured for 4 days at 37°C in a humidified 5% RESULTS C02/95% air atmosphere. The proliferative responses and Comparison ofIL-1 and TNF-a Secretion by Bone Marrow- level ofMac-3 expression ofthe cells emanating from marrow Derived M#s from NOD Mice and Diabetes-Resistant Strains. cultured with this source and concentration of CSF-1 were Fig. 1 compares LPS-stimulated IL-1 secretion of Mis de- found to be equivalent to that induced by CSF-1 at 25 rived from NOD marrow cultured in CSF-1 with and without units/ml [obtained from Genzyme-the CSF-1 used in our IFN-y to that of similarly derived Mis from diabetes- previous study (6)].
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