John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 12-6-1968 The aC rroll News- Vol. 51, No. 7 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 51, No. 7" (1968). The Carroll News. 311. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/311 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cagers {JptLJ.. 'r· Dt ' n iJ'J-.~~0w~ ~ 'ltv ,~,ton Win Opener The ~ ~ ~ I f/J/JtP "!o ~f)rm Page 5 John Carroll 0mJJer$ity '1/ OfnO'S BEST BI-WEEKLY COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Volume ll, No. 7 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, OHIO Julian Bond Speaks at JCU, Glee Club Joins Calls for Liberal Coalition Borat Chorus Dy PETER )IINARIK Last Tuesday, Dec. :3, the Honorable Julian Bond ad­ dressed an estimated crowd of 1,000 people in the John For (ontert Carroll g_vmna :-~ in m . T hC:' entire program lasted for nn hour. and wa.~ spon11or•'d bv lhc Pnlitical The Glee Club of John Car­ Scienr·l' Club. · roll University, along with The Honorable Rol~<•rt E. Hagan nnd a man who does not care for the Barat College Chorus of County Commissioner of Trubull them. He ridiculed )h·. Nixon's Lnke Forest , 111. will present their Count.y, ac'l'd ns ~!nstt-J' of Cl•re· Pl'ogrnm of 'black capitalism' as Winter Concert tomorrow night at monif.'s nnd S~ltcd ns his lhP!ne one which would replace "white 7:30 p.m. in Kulas Auditorium. that l !J G8 hus bt•!'ll a \'!'at· markcJ exp!oitation" with "black exploita- .. ~ion.' ' b f In keeping 'vith the holiday at­ r rustrations. Fr. Uirkenhau<'r, G8 then. acting fur Fr. Schell. offi- A quest1on and answer period mosphere, the members of the cially welcoml'<l l\Ir. Ronrl, ,;tating followed the talk in which Mr. Bamt chorus v.ill present Christ­ that J ohn Carroll is a Sl·ho •I th:tt Uond stated a belief tha t Black mas carols from the world over , ~<lands for values and in Jikl' mnn- Xationalism has not gone far including England, Germany, Spain, ncr :llr. Bond stands for ,·alues. enough to do any harm, and that Sweden. and Appalachla. The therefore we wnlcome him. militancy is necessary to over- ~up is under the direction of ~tr. Karl F. Kuss. :llr. Thomas Westropp. President throw w~ite suprem~y. H~ con· of Women's Federal S:wings and cl ud~ his remarks _by agatn. ~­ Carroll's Glee Club will present Loan .·\ ssociation and a member of· ''oca t m~ a ne~ political coahho? c;"ngs ranging from "11-etoria" to the National Committee of Civic I of all lJ ber~ls m t.!t~ hope of sen­ JULIAN BO ND, controversial Ckorgian legislator addresses an "Goin' Out of ~f y Head" and Responsibility followed, officially ously affecting pohtlcs by 1972. attentive audie nce in the Carroll Gymnasium. "Somewhere M v Love ." Both groups \viii join. together for the introducing the featured speaker. Ala vf r n ll hil!'h point of the concert- thf' He offered the opinion thtlt Bond's lltwA F ull nomination, although seven years 48 "Hallelujah Chorus" from Han· premature, and his actions ai the del's Messiah. Also performing will be the ·15 me111bers of the_. Carroll band, wh11 will offer work such ~!. Beetho­ ~~~;:~o~hew:~~ir!h~hr~:~~lt~~:~ght1\lr. Bond then mountl'd the po- Co-eds To Dorm on Campus ven's "Egmont Oveli.u1-e" and se­ dium and addressed the audience lertions from "Umbrellas of Cher· on the possibilities of political bourg'' and "Sound of Music." change in the next four vears. His By JOSEPH R. W ASDOVICII 6 double rooms, and two individual to be increased to 60 by 1970, and Both the Glee Club and Band are theme r<'volved m-ound the grndual units. eventually all three floors of Mur­ under lht' direction of :Mr. Jack T. displ.'rsal of the old roalition, com· ·women will be admitted to Laundry facilities and a combi· phy Hail's west wing will be oc­ Hearns. Admission is $1.50 for posed of labor, the ethnic groups. on-campus housing facilities cupied by women students. arlults, $1.00 f or students. and the ;-.;<'gro, which wns now on begi1mi ng ne::\.1; fall as recent­ nation TV, recrea tion lounge \\ill th(' Ycrge of tot,'ll cnlapRe, anrl a ly announced by the administra­ be located for the girls on the new mo,·ement wns necessary to tion. Applica tions are now being ground floor of the west wing. Dean of Women, ~Irs. )!ary Kirk­ replace it. ;.\ccepted by the Admissions Of· ho~~t. ia c:urrenUy ill the proc:eaa of .,.....-~~ Thl~ '1tt!;t.• onmtt;, .., r Jn)1ll'tll,. ~r;:: t? ::::ct':'!':xhtte 1S ;Prls on the selecting a t'ull·tlme woman pre­ must be independent of anrl work first floor of ~Iurphy Hall's west fect for the girls' complex. outside the two major partie~ . l t wing. would offer a progmm appealing Vice-President for Stu- tent Af· When :\Iurphy Hall was con­ to the needs of e\·eryonc and fairs, J ames M. La"i n, explained structed in 19GI , the architectural design of the dormitory was origin­ w~uld strive to not only elect can- that the residence quarters for the The Academic Senate, at its No\·ember meeting, dis­ d1dates, but to permeate every girls will be a self-contained dor­ all~· gearPd toward sepemte oc­ pbase of American life with their mitory, seperated !rom Ute rest of cupancies for men and women. As cussed two matters of major concern to t he student body. programs and ideas throughout the ~1urphy Hall by a fire wall. Ac· a result, the conversion of Mur· Mr. Francis J. McGurr, chair­ year. cess to the women's housing facili- phy's west \ving into a women's man of the Committee on Aca­ A<'cord!ng to the re~trwturing Mr. Bond also spoke on the tles will be apart from the main residency will be nominal, ~cord­ demic Procedures, presented the proposal, these sturlent members specific plight of the Negro in enh-ance to Murphy. ing to Mr. Lavin. Senate with a draft proposal for would also serve on ~h--ee of the our country, particularly no·w that rn total 17 units ha\>e been pro· Ronovnlion of the ground floor the complete restructuring of the fou1· standing <'ommi"ees of the Academic SeMte, including slu­ a man has been elected presiden~ vided for the girls in the west recreation lounge will begin ne:A-t Academic Senate. The,-;c include <i ent representation as reported in whom the Negroes did not want wing and include 9 four-bed suites, summer tlnd is expected to be com· the Curri<'ulum Committee, the pletcrl by the opening of the 1969 the Nov. 16 issue of the Carroll ConunilLee on Academic Personnel, ftlll semester. News. and t.he Committ("e on Academic Open discussions on this topic l't-oced ures. Mr. Lavin further stated that­ were held yesterday and Wcdnes· The Curriculum Committee aleo Mello- Tones Ring in Camelot preference will he given to in· day in Bohannon Science Center <'Oming freshmnn girls from out· reported on the progress it has for all those interested in voicing made in evaluating curriculum re­ c;ide the Cleveland area in filling their opinions. the nlloted sp:tce. Those coeds who quirements at the same meeting. ~s DAT Sponsors Xmas Ball Basic purposes and primary rc· Fr. Laurence V. Britt, chairman of apply for residence in ~furphy and sp,nsibilities of the Senate were at-e now living off-campus in Uni­ the Senate, indicated that this re· The Brotherhood of Delta Alpha Theta will sponsor set forth in the proposal. The sec· versity appro,·ed private housin~ vamping of the core requirements .John Carroll Unh·ersity's Eighth Annual Ch1istmas Ball on 'lnd p -:> int of the recommendation will most probably be a continu­ will be placf.'d on a waiting list im·olved the composition of the DC<'. 21, in the gymnasium. The dance will run from .'lnd given second consideration by ous enterprise consisting of a Senate: the President and Vice· 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., with the music of the Admissions office. Girls now th-:>rough study of the entire cur­ President, various aclmirustmtors. riculum. the Mello-Tones, one of the top living in Greater Cleveland who faculty members, and two students Cleveland area dance bands, crent;.. 'lpph• for residence ";u be next in elected by the Student Union Sen· An interim measure Qrought up IXY Mixer Aids ing a romantic and seasonal at­ consideration. · :tte. before the senate by Fr. Glenn F. mosphere. As of this week 20 girls who Williams, chairman of the com­ Inner-City Kids Ach·ance tickets will go on sale hwe applied for housing in the mittee, called for Yoluntary ROTC, ~londay in the Student Activities new women's complex have been Rains Cause wit.h a possible substitution of Center, according to ticket chair­ offe1·ed leltel'S of acceptance. Ac­ physical education, a reduction of Iota Chi Upsilon is spon­ man Richard C. Harkey, at four soring the annual Christmas cot•ding to Mr.
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