Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 3-4-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 04, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1992 Volume 77, Issue 116 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. · .1 years of ' 75 publicatlo , Daily Egyptian -- - . - --- Soulhern Ill inois Un iversil y al Carbondale Wednesday, March 4, 1992, Vol. 77, No. 11 6, 20 Pages " ... \ Senate committee approves loan bill Simon, D-Makanda in a press release, ''The Banking lobbyists new PJ'01!!'lIl1 benefits students and schools a ~ deaI ," slue finandal aid administrators have influence senators supponed the proposal but say they will have to take a careful look at how the test program to soften legislation will provide for students. "slue will cen ainl y consider it," said By Todd Welvaert Pamela Brinon, SIUC financial aid director. Politics Writer " It will depend on the particul ars but it is something we will definitely look at." A watered-down version of a biU designed Banking and secondary markets lobbied to restructure the c. urrent gUC!lCll1 tccd sturent heavil y against the legislation to save the loan system and eliminate the role of banks $4.8 billion GSL market. GSls represent the passe d thro ugh the Se nate F inance third most lucrati ve loans banks award Committee Tuesday. behind credit car.; and automobile loans. The legislation has been scaled down from The American Banke", Association called the original plan to a test. mostly a result of the plan " ineffi cient and expensive;' citing heavy lobbying from banking institutions. the plan would cost taxpaye", and students n.e proposal now is a ('est available to 500 more :n the long run because students would colleges nationwide, The colleges would be have up in 25 year.; to repay the loan. on a volunteer basis. 1lle U.S. Depanment of "lbe purpose of the federal student loan Education is choos ing volunteers 10 program is to help provide access to higher participate. education," Sen. Durenberger, R-Minn said "We are positive there will be no lack of volunteers for the program : ' said Se n. see LOAN, page 5 Party proposals Council hears debate for Springfest, Halloween By Terf Lynn Carlock recommendations will haclc fire, said Brad City Writer Cole, USG chief of staff, " We fear that so me of the City Council memb<n say Spiingfest has recomme ndations might solicit morc boc:om.1 the ghost of RaIIowecn's past. activities than in the past," be said. "We want The City Council initiated discussion of to better understaod these matte", and get the Staff pquor Advisory Commiuee's six our opinion across before action is taken," Fishy business recommendations fn. controlling the 1992 Councilman Keith 1.xhorn sa id the HalloweCfl and Springfest oelebralions. Carbondale community has not been unified Paul Wills, a PhD in fisheries irOl" Louisiana, gathers a net near Carbon­ SLAC me mbers recommended early cnough on the issues of HaUm';een and Lale Reservoir, Wills was seining for carp Tuesday to be used for research, closing hour.; for all liquor establishments, a Springfest in the past. ban on the retai l sale of kegs a nd a "SIUC students are our bread and butter, res Lriction on morning liquor sales. The and when we consider these propositions we commiuee also requesred a ban on the sale have to look at them through the eyes of 20 Official: Economy warming but 'glacial' of glass container.; and changing the year­ year-<>Ids," he said. ''There's no way in hell around closing time for liquor sales from 2 y u're going to slOp Halloween because we WASHI NGTO (I,; PI)-Federal Reserve the fac t that :he "extent of the decline has a,m. to I :59 a.m. to avoiQ th, problem of have forces outside of Carbondale: ' Chainnan Alan Grecn s p~ said Tuesday the been qui le . mall. " He said the spring of 199 1 extended lifl uo r hours whe '1 the time The City Council needs to consider nalion's economy is oul of the recession. but probably was the low point of the recession. changes.the l3St Sunday of October, s t udcnl~ warn to be J...:l". of a group activity. he described lhr recovery as "glacial:' 11lc r .x:cs~i on pIT'''Jably was unavoidable, Councilman John Yow said he is in favor Thxhom said. " I think we are already out of il. The Greenspan said, given the IOllg period of of al l six recommendations made by SLAC. "I think if you 're going to stop the sales al question is what happens (rom here," su'tained economic growth during the I980s. "This will be Lhe fi 7'Sl time we can make a j 0 p.m .. then students will be out on the Greenspan !Old the cong rr: sional Joint He saId the possibility of cont inui ng without dent ,n the problems arising from Halloween streets earlier," Ite said. " I th inl:. if you're Economic Comrniucc. "some form of adjustment ... was ; 1!mo~ l a nd Spring fest," he said. " I th ink the going to stop sales, SlOp them at midnight " Rarely have I seen a reeo"cry as anemic" non-existenL.. recommendations of SLAC arc well-thought instead of throwing everyone out on the as the current one, Greenspan said. calhng it He said the s pecific t rigger for the out and well presented" street with four to nve hour.; left to party." " little more than glaciaJ," But SIUC's Unde rgmdua te Student Grecn!o.pan 311ribUied the sin'"" rebound to see ECONOMY, page 5 Government is concerned the proposed see SPRINGFEST, page 5 Salad replaces 'meHing pot' on teaching menu By Shenri L. Wilcox American. Jackson, S IUC professor of product, they still can hang r,n to General Assignment Writer " I am not j ust OIlC thi ng," said curriculum and instruction. their own cultural divetsity withOLt WinslOn , 3 senior in adven is ing T hi s country shoul d not be being smotl.crcd in a nothe r. he slue student SCOIt Winston is from Skokie. " J am many things thought of as a "meltin1! pot" said. p ::-. rl Irish. French, Native combined into one." t-ecause the concept of ma ny " In a salad . a tomato is a American. African and Russian­ But some educat rs no longer cultures melting inio one' suggests tornale.," he said. "No matter how and he wa..'\ raised Jewish. teach the idea of a melti ng pot. that people must "melt and refonn" you slice it, dice it, or mix it with Winston said he believes in the saying th l! theory is, at best. out­ giving up many of the na ilS which o ther ingredie nts. it 's still a mcll ing pot theory, the idea that the dated. should be enhanced, he said. lomato." • United Stales auracts a mult itude of Many professors now leach their The tossed salad klea suggests But Winston said the tossed Gus says this melting pot ethnic people. mixes them together students to compare th e United while cultural groups combine with idea s eems t o get a lot of and creates a mull i-cult ured Slates to a tossed sa lad. said Jamc.'\ others to c reate a bCllcr fina l see :lALAD, page 5 people steamed up, • • J .~.~"~', , .,., • • I - ~ J ~ I Well ness Center Students leave for Opinion English soccer team - See page 4 SIUC ge,ologists use gets $117,OOO-grant spring break; sales Business satellite' network returns to Italy for for awareness plan in Carbondale drop -See page '1 to study quake zone first time since riot Classified - See page 13 -Story on page 3 -Story or. pal Ie 8 -Story on page t3 -Story on page 20 Page <0 March 4. 1992 Sports n.lIh I :.!'1I 11 .1I1 .... ~ \ Still haunted English team returns to Italy 7 years • after fatal soccer uprising in Brussels GENOA. Italy (UPI) - Shadowed by Repons of the worst stadium hooliganism mcn'ories of the 1985 soccer tragedy in in two ye(i.TS in Birmingham and London Belgi-lm. the English ;Iub LivelJ>OOl plays during two English League games last Gen"" Wednesday ir. ,t.o ~uarterfina1s of the weekend added to police apprehensions in UEFA Cup. Genoa. Liverpool will be playing its first game in Working with British polir;e. the Genoa haly ... in~e the ni ght a l Hcysel Stadium in plice and city council announced elaborate Bru,..,ls when 39 fans. mostly Italians. died precautions aimed at minimizing the ri sk ill 3 stadium riot. 1be deaths came before the from the visiting Liverpool fans. arriving in start of the European Champions Cup final Genoa aboard seven special planes and in between Liveraxx>l and Juvcntus. buses. The European Football Union (UEFA) These incl ude herding the most suspect banned all Engli sh clubs from European Liverpool fans into a city square on the competition unt il 1990. Liverpool however. Genoa waterfront. under special police remained in exile an extra year. watch. There will be extra police guards at .• A lmost se ven years have passed." tourist lies and other places fans arc likely Italy ·s leading sports newspaper La Gauclla to visit.
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