Stearman Aerobatics

Stearman Aerobatics

( SFA'OUIFI" OCIOBEF1990 3 AEROBATICS U.S.NAVY Fep ntedlbm: U.S.NAVY PRIMARY FLIGHT TFAINING MANUAL 1 Juy, I945 NAVALAIF TRAINING COMMAND CHIEFOF NAVALAIB PRIMAFYIFAINING o sFA 'OUrFrr'. @TOAEB1990 5 AEROBATICS Import it Regsrdl6 oI sherhd o! not . part.llar manelver lsdecrib€d in th€ lollowlngp!s.i you aE to prc. Youare now !e.dy lor rhar shse in yrlr tEinlnsas a Nav.l dc. only thosemaneuveB d€m6nst6i.d .nd p@scdbedby Aviarlor rowad {hlch you have been lookins loMad wlrh you LndrucrorIn rh2 oda preserr€dby ih€ syllabus keenanricLp,rion, p€rhars nor unmix€dwih 5omeI€€tinqs ot AII .ercb.ric d|l be comDl.r..l !r lad 2,0lr0 f€€r missrvlns.Uk€ manybclore you, 9ou are piobably wondelhg sherhff or nor you can \ak€ i1" ai dre same6me |rboilng Tl ! L nor h.nated .ldtud€ trt .cr!.I .ldtude uider rhedelusionrhanh?maitolasood pilor b hcsktllh aeob.hca $e aE,e'. ol .ou6e. is rhai you qtn be .bl. to "rake ",bu|h? querion$ltbe lnethsornoryouon "h-ue I Yourel€ry b€ll lr sh@ld b. lan.ned snugly.bur mr b Ll" T@ rony c.d?a helore ylo hde (fie ro Ei.t in C, rsh& d ro inrerl€e s h yor les @€m€nis. Ah. simplybea u.e rheyrs'e tanied aky" birthdr entolnenr ol ch4* rh€ shouldq h.66 aerob.rt and r d6n€ ro bercm€ aerbaric expds Tiey 2 Be €@ nor akn in l@kjns lor dhq airEft in your nesleded rh€ prc.kion ert iirrodlc€d i. A .nd A i.s6, vicini9. The sinsove. rype cbanns tum t! prcleded a loisetLns rhar rhe N.vy do6 noi *pe.r rhem ro becon€ t helps you ro .l€a. .bde r.d b.low as *ell d skilledsunr p loc, ihat evena p6r pilor can b€comeplolt. ii a€bb.rics and rhai adobaiic naneuveE ale . pan ol 3. Oncethe area is th$ughly cleard and I s.n as your rheFnmary sylLabB lor onlyrh@e reasons: prcflciencypemib. pa.dce mlneuv 1. To re.. h a prloi ro rehain onenbd in an9arirude which serueborh rime and ahiude. 4 Upon .ohpledoi ol each naneuvar or sedes ot 2 Baause they requiE more elabo€ie and spe€dLsr maneuves, concenini€ up.n EgaLnlngas much as m.nipuLarlonof the .ontrols,L\e, steadyimpove cooF pGdble rhe.lblude you haveloi Conv€nex.e$ lpe€d 3 Tolncr.ase a [email protected] inhimselland ln rhe 5, Be 6urcyolr pa€.hute t, propenybuc[ed. .only afier he isonce convinc€d lhar he on pur 5. Ke.p you sosltg don and hak. lure rh6. c no rh. airpl,ne in lny pGsrbleatrtude and '!@6 16nor looe s@r on rh€ dal tr in ydr l.p rhd nishr Lll our @l 0lgh. *{l he loe his ld lingennsre.ol flyins,(t, ti and hit lou or aoulthe conrbk. 7. Rehzmbaaldrrdeandetery so htnd In hlnd yo!tall In C sg. you mun kcepa sa@ ol prp.ddn Prolicienc] our oI a mmuq you u,tll ..d nde rlrihd€ ro in the pradnon flrrnq ah€adytaushr you. nud nor only be mainrainedbur Lhprcved.{orri5rhErFeolfl yjnguponrhich CHECK OFF USI FORAIROBATICS: all 9!ur l.!€r nahing is based.Fw. ue'y Id, ol ihe aercSrrc t 5aI€9 beh and sh6uide. han6. naneuveroyou are gaing ro l€an haeeanypaninthe acrual racticsolcomb.rflyins Dunigwo dwdl..enaLnaercbaric manelueEwere d€v€loped b9 piLobas a meansol borh atackinsandevrdinsenemy.inaftThedesignand pedoF man.eolmodehlshtsBmakeaerobaitsin serc6Lle$ use, tulinpGeitdlycombat Howeveirh€gconrinueiobeus?lul anr.ihey enabl. you ro WINGOVER recd.r con.dly .nd €lliciently Irom ihe many unu$rl .t ud6 in uhr.h you nay lind gouGelf as the rcsuLrol oellnltion:Alingdarsa.lhblngtumlolloredbyadivjns tuh Buldns h a changein hadrngol l80r AeDbad.s,tn th. brcdd senp. in.lude all nan€urec not Br p?di.ins winsoei you lan ro contol rhe 'tdana naegry ro mmal flight A€rcb.tic naneuv*.E ol tuo sMhle in baldc€d flisht fi@gh @Bomt chansins basi. ryp6: dq rhos2 In *tich rhe airelam rs "llom d[ud6 and speerls*til€ n.inbinins oddlliron and nak. rhDugl,{loop. Inndn.nton.andsl@bn):M.rh@ln hg d6ired chans6 in the dn4don ol flEhr. The ch.ns6 in lnich rhe.l'Dbn€ rsrn a irdlled or tsnially srdll.d cddinon, lhrrde,E rrm uns tewlor ftish nrsh ro ne€p bant and drh rh. prloi! chlel comm rharol Eouery ra nomal lrghr lom a nce-his! or climbinsro nse.lN or divins .niuda attlde lrnv€ned3prns,snapolls,catuhel,er).ftfr llbeural AlEp€e& €ry lron dishlly above.ruElng ro dighrly above ro your surt?* li rhe perlotraice ol rhee tuneuveE rhlr youovercomerh€naruEllendencylorhr.kandadlnremrol liaddirionbrhis, helpsyoutol€,mthcpopercombln.- 'up and down Thesooner9ouconrolthisrendencyrnd ilon ol allcontbl lre$ure n@essrytoaliaLnihe ahirud€s IorceyouEe, io connder.onkol manlpulatLonmerelg a desl4d and alsoihe rcosnitlon, by leel ol vln,LnsarEpeed, meansolhak nsrhetrilplanzpn.h.vasa.d6llahouirluas apivorl3: d?lcabedioyouin EffecrofC.ntols).rhenorc Th. uinsda L a tundam€ntalpEdrce man€uver rhar Epldlyrlu wllLacquirerhai sense ol odenraitontor whkh thts lncorroEres ih6e elehenis and Lran be se.n ihal thereare m,ny v,natuns ofL\e aftise th.rrculd.ko bdnsrheh inio 0661UIAO100 . lljlno, V35{ SFA'OUTFIT"OCTOBEF 1990-7 r,b9, p€6ap6auell. *i,l tdh The h,nas i5 bd pallmed in a en6 o, foi lM l. rnd rll .hck pilots liu apd rh€ eme Dnue4 .rt tn ochddio,ahm.bly).Thnenabl6Fubdclop.l€cl sp€ciliations lodhe qnsoq ar€laid dM, whi.h m*2 tr , l.g ol lh€ 6rr'l pt6lG dd tE nt$m o( [E mn.lM. pr.crsionEneuuei fr$ a padd and sequ4ce ol.nitod€ HINTS AND COMMONERRORS Whd dli..fio. h6 absoluleb.o €fied d lhe p€dom.rce wren rhe snsllq i5 inrroduc€db you, is ot pnm.'y of dngdm aepr d it ddlt rhe dlplre d6 ihe rhporl,rrce that you ,id . cul piciue parh sond sd oI rh€ Solely ld this reNn it is.dvis.ble b ftn your sens o{ rhrdsh uhi.h rh€.rrpbne isro be flo$nand hwrh?,tlpbn. lrnsd6had€d.c$rndabd@k lh€rlmsinrod€{4nd .pp6ts ro yu in rer.don brhe qround.nd honzon.5 you 3[ l. rh. .ekprt. orr€ se€rhjs, i b lou a oanq ol nyng AlBpeedsin rhe sinsNe. vary fnm j6r .bove crhlns !o rhe in a bala.ced ond ion, (enhour drp o',kid), abde dallrns.For the N2s,sp€€dsjlsr abde.nking ai€ rhbughrhispdem vrsbtirelhatinnyinsrhisp.nem,rhc )ud .6ndd€rcd ro be r. rhe35-90 knot Ensa. Youshould lean io ns€deslibesasm6thsemicirtrlara(abov€theho,on cohplete a uinsover ar ihe sme speed uezd lor enr'v, lid ihen an equalarc belowrhe honzo. lhrrevs i may be,w hin the authonzedanse. Speed' Ea€codon: Tlre d.sover is ph.liced ar an . rilude ol )61 abovsstllrns @n ua!, betueen 45 and50 tnot!. ( rsbsst to 3,000leer or nore aboverhe gbund a ldlslacrory speedabde sbllins enrlrelyby leel. Rreionenryomelwhrapelroanhciparedhzadrnssand ludge Sinceyou ar€leanins to fly theaiplane in a pedet€mln€d headins.rh€ !'our Pr6enr parien, k€ep your.96 our ol the cockpit,in odar i,o li.€p opp.dt. headLngand rhe p.inr abeamTne nos€pa$es tack ol the .npbnCs atrud6 in Ehrio. to rhe lnd rhbush Ihe honzonoile on rhae ihr€eheadLnss smund Cofte. honzon Inshmenb arc onlg lor an dcasional rclercnce,ro .a lainb andshould be rt. paredbetore hand Ai al1orher poin6 rh€ nolg willb€ ln the besr.hing,rt dll b€ helplullo c€ a lons @d or s€c. ron line ro help one gouell in $e rao' .hans€ol Fromnbiqhr and tevelcru6ins a rud€ and speed..dd lhonk b .ppronoarelv beeen trtrGns and .thbing 'Ih $o rabehould b€ us"d to Mr rheaiiplan€ lor t)mal p@r ror rhepulpce ol Mddins rhewinstrr d s2d.5ot nDtshr a')d ldel flishr beiore sdns rhe onsmr, b rhd lt.sovets lithour appraialt 16 o. ol ah ude sain you eill l4l rhehe p'6ur6 m rhelnhk rhrcushourrhs fto l@ rh€n6e b irc'ue ihe speed!o sliqhrlyabove n.nuer. ll90! lind rharyou are.dsjsre.tly t@ 3kr 6r@ ftr.inq and bnns d ba.i{ !p !o rh€ honzd. ar rhir potnr a.srtn rhedivinsrun,lne hbbnaybeadjd.droari&r roD.drat€ly b€sina $m6 .limShs l!n. leie& rhe bank 9ru in .pplyins cod pr5$c d $e nicL ,nd rhe.lihb simulra@61y. The incrw in bankrnolld be Th€ 'w shorld alhys re ar a mrrni Er€ ., r d6. plann.d - rharappdmralga vedialhanl k Mch.d wh.n .nh6 .n .q lict aboveand rhen b?-lo, rh€ honzon. rh. lirrlan€ h6 tun€d b rh€ Foinr 'b6m ol rh€ oiidnal h..dlns.Th€.liEbshouldbeDhnnedsorh.rasmrchrldlld. Thr6nl€ setltis nay be Ened b cmp€net€ lor a ndic€. able l6s or h alr$uda du'1nsrhe s.r16 ol urisd6. 6 po*rble h g.ined, and ro arow lhe nM ro lNer thbush sa|n The uLnsouz!ts . relatuelysloq delibeare man.uvs Do ihe honzonon inrs abam hadins drh sulltctentspeed !n nor rush fi, but mainhin eslla. rhylhm. .bove dalllns, ro pmvide sooolh contol. Keeprburban!and€reolclhbordtva.hanshslnprcp€r At thrspoht in the linsovo( ihe arlptaneultt hav€rachcd propon|on,ro abi. rhe coft*i atittrd€ 'i your abam r.d rs haximum bank and rhe nose nomenradly InteEeclsih€ Apply3ltfi.ient conlrol pr6sure, rh.rea $q/ noy b., To marniah sm6th balar.ed flighr ar this poinr In a shr to marntah em@ih balancednrshr ar all trn6.

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