2236 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 16TH FEBRUARY 1973 Pleasant and Branch Street to the junction with Front OLDHAM COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL Street at the Winlaton Congregational Church. The line CLEAN AIR ACTS, 1956 AND 1968 then continues in an easterly direction along Front Street and Tyne Street to the junction with Axwell View, pro- The County Borough of Oldham No. 20 (St. James— ceeding southerly along Axwell View and then along the Moorside) Smoke Control Order, 1973 rear gardens to the east of Nos. 2 to 28 Axwell View Notice is hereby given that the Council of the County and to the north of Park Gate Farm and Park Gate Borough of Oldham in exercise of the powers conferred on Lodge and continues in a south-westerly direction following them by section 11 of the Clean Air Act, 1956, on the 14th the line of the Ward Boundary as far as Hag Hill and day of February 1973, made an Order entitled The County then continues in a south-westerly direction to meet the Borough of Oldham No. 20 (St. James—Moorside) Smoke River Dement at a point directly south-west of Hag Hill. Control Order, 1973, declaring the area described in a The line then proceeds in a north-easterly direction follow- Schedule hereto to be a Smoke Control Area, which Order ing the course of the River Derwent and the Urban is about to be submitted to the Secretary of State for the District Boundary to its starting point at the New Denvent Environment for confirmation. Bridge. Subject to the exemptions provided by the Order and (519) A7. Graham, Clerk of the Council. by virtue of section 11 (4) of the Clean Air Act, 1956, if, on any day after the Order has come into operation smoke is emitted from a chimney of any building within the MEXBOROUGH URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL Smoke Control Area, the occupier of that building shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding £20 The Mexborough Urban District Council No. 3 Smoke unless he proves that the emission of smoke was not Control Order 1972 caused by the use of any fuel other than an authorised Notice is hereby given that the Mexborough Urban District fuel. The authorised fuels include anthracite, coke and Council, .in exercise of the powers conferred on them by other carbonised fuels, gas and electricity. section 11 of the Clean Air Act 1956 on the 15th day of Copies of the Order and of the map referred to therein November 1972, made an Order entitled the Mexborough may be inspected free of charge at the Town Hall, Oldham, Urban District Council No. 3 Smoke Control Order, 1972, at all reasonable times during the period of 6 weeks from declaring the area described in the Schedule hereto to be the 1st March 1973. a smoke control area, which Order is about to be submitted Within the said period any person who will be affected to the Secretary of State for the Environment for con- by the Order may be notice in writing to the Secretary of firmation. State, Department of the Environment, 2 Marsham Street, Subject to the exemptions provided by virtue of section London, SW1P 3EB, object to the confirmation of the 11 (4) of the Act if, on any day after the Order has come Order. into operation, smoke is emitted from a chimney of any SCHEDULE building within the smoke control area the occupier of that building shall be guilty of an offence and liable to The area (coloured green on the map) covers approxi- a fine not exceeding £20 unless he proves that the emission mately 1,227 acres and has the following boundary: of smoke was not caused by the use of any fuel other An area the boundary of which commences at the junc- than an authorised fuel. The authorised fuels include tion of Shaw Road—Huddersfield Road and thence north- anthracite, coke and other carbonised fuels, gas and west and north along Shaw Road to the borough bound- electricity. ary, north-east along the borough boundary to Cop Road, If confirmed the Order will not come into operation before thence east along Cop Road and Sholver Lane to Rippon- the 1st day of November 1974, or before a later date den Road, north-east along Ripponden Road to the determined by the Secretary of State for the Environment. borough boundary, thence east and south-west along the After the operative date of the Order, any person who borough boundary to Huddersfield Road, west along acquires any solid fuel other than an authorised fuel for Huddersfield Road to Sharpies Hall Street, north-west use in a building, boiler or industrial plant in the Smoke along the rear of 2-92 Sharpies Hall Street and along Control Area, or sells by retail for delivery by him or on Herbert Street to Ripponden Road and finally south- his behalf to a building or to premises in which there is west along Ripponden Road and Huddersfield Road to a boiler of industrial plant within the Smoke Control Area, the commencing point, i.e. the junction of Shaw Road— will be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding Huddersfield Road. £20. Dated the 15th February 1973. Copies of the Order, and of the map referred to therein 5. Mottram, Borough Solicitor and Deputy Town may be inspected free of charge at the Council Offices, Clerk. (563) Adwick Road, Mexborough, Yorkshire, at all reasonable time during the period of 6 weeks from the 24th February 1973. Within the said period, any person who will be affected SUTTON COLDFIELD BOROUGH COUNCIL by the Order may by notice in writing to the Secretary CLEAN AIR ACT, 1956 of State, Department of the Environment, 2 Marsham The Borough of Button Coldfield Smoke Control . Street, London, SW1P 3EB, object to the confirmation Order No. 27, 1973 of the Order. SCKSDULE Notice is hereby given that the Sutton Coldfield Borough Council in exercise of the powers conferred on them by The area is all that area bounded on the west from a section 11 of the above-mentioned Act on the 5th February point at the junction of Doncaster Road and Pitt Street, 1973 made an Order entitled the Borough of Sutton Cold- and running in a northerly direction to a point where a field Smoke Control Order No. 27, 1973, declaring the area pathway forms a junction with Pitt Street opposite to described in the Schedule hereto to be a smoke control No. 106 Pitt Street. From this point, the line again runs area which Order is about to be submitted to the Secretary northwards along the footpath to the junction with Clay- of State for the Environment for confirmation. field View. The line then turns north-eastwards on die Subject to the exemptions provided by virtue of section south side of Nos. 81 to 91 Clayfield View to a point 11 (4) of the Act, if on any day after the Order has come opposite No. 58 Clayfield View. The line then turns into operation, smoke is emitted from a chimney of any east by south, north of No. 56 Clayfield View, until it building within the smoke control area, the occupier of meets the footpath immediately to the east side of Clay fields that building shall be guilty of an offence and liable to Avenue, i.e., to the south of No. 22 Clayfield Avenue. a fine not exceeding £20 unless he proves that the emission The line then follows the footpath in a northerly direction of smoke was not caused by the use of any fuel other to the U.D.C. boundary. On meeting the U.D.C. northern than an authorised fuel. The authorised fuels include boundary, the line turns in a south-easterly direction and anthracite, coke and other carbonised fuels, gas and follows the boundary to Pastures Road. From this point electricity. the line turns south-westwards and follows Pastures Road If confirmed, the Order will not come into operation through to Doncaster Road, and on to the junction with before the 1st day of November 1973 or before a later Pitt Street. date determined by the Secretary of State for the Environ- Dated 17th February 1973. ment. Copies of the Order and of the Map referred to therein R. B. Davison, Clerk of the Council. may be inspected, free of charge, at the Council House, Council Offices, Adwick Road, Sutton Coldfield, at all reasonable times during the period of Mexborough, Yorkshire, S64 OBX. (767) six weeks from the 16th day of February 1973..
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