PUBLIC BODIES 2001 PUBLIC BODIES Explanation of Row Headings and Abbreviations (Lift out flap) PUBLIC BODIES 2001 Enterprise Pensions Business Link Shop Front PensionerPensioners Quilter ALCOHOL EDUCATION & RESEARCH COUNCILSmall Business | ANIMALPensions PWELFAREensions Ombudsman ADVISORY COMMITTEE | ARTS COUNC Enterprise Unit Ombudsman NORTHERN IRELAND | ARTS COUNCIL OF WALES | BETTER REGULATION TASK FORCE | BRITISH BROA CORPORATION | BRITISH COUNCIL | BRITISHCommunity LIBRARYTr |ansport BRITISH TOURIST AUTHORITY | CENTRAL RA CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE | CIVIL JUSTICEFundraisers COUNCILLPG |Garage COAL Sign AUTHORITY | COMMISSION FOR INTEGR TRANSPORT | COMMISSION FOR RACIALNational EQUALITY Lottery | EnergyCOMMITTEE Advisory ON STANDARDS IN PUBLIC LIFE | CO Charities Board Panel COMMISSION | COUNTRYSIDE AGENCY | CRIMINAL CASES REVIEW COMMITTEE | CRIMINAL INJURIES T COMPENSATION AUTHORITY | DEFENCE NUCLEAR SAFETY COMMITTEE | DESIGN COUNCIL | EMPLOYME Health Public Services Published by The Stationery Office and available from: The Stationery Office TRIBUNALS | ENGLISH NATURE | ENVIRONMENTParamedics/Ambulance AGENCYCounty |Library EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION | EQU (mail, telephone and fax orders only) PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELANDMedical | WorkforceEXPERT ADVISORYPublic Lending GROUP Right ON AIDS | FOOTBALL LICENSING A Telephone orders/General enquiries 0870 600 5522 Standing Advisory Advisory Committee Fax orders 0870 600 5533 HEALTH & SAFETY EXECUTIVE | HUMANComm FERTILISATIONittee AND EMBRYOLOGY AUTHORITY | HUMAN GENE www.clicktso.com www.thestationeryoffice.com COMMISSION | LOW PAY COMMISSION | MEAT & LIVESTOCK COMMISSION | MENTAL HEALTH REVIEW T The Stationery Office Bookshops MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY IN MANCHESTER | NATIONAL ARMY MUSEUM | NORTHERN IRELAN 123 Kingsway, London WC2B 6PQ 020 7242 6393 Fax 020 7242 6394 RIGHTS COMMISSION | OCCUPATIONAL PENSIONS REGULATORY AUTHORITY | PAROLE BOARD | PENSIO 68–69 Bull Street, Birmingham B4 6AD 0121 236 9696 Fax 0121 236 9699 33 Wine Street, Bristol BS1 2BQ COMPENSATIONS BOARD | RACE RELATIONS FORUM | REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES | ROYAL CO 0117 926 4306 Fax 0117 929 4515 9–21 Princess Street, Manchester M60 8AS 0161 834 7201 Fax 0161 833 0634 ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION | ROYAL NAVY MUSEUM | SCOTTISH ENTERPRISE | SCOTTISH SCREEN 16 Arthur Street, Belfast BT1 4GD 028 9023 8451 Fax 028 9023 5401 ENGLAND | TATE GALLERY | TEACHER TRAINING AGENCY | UK ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY | UK SPO The Stationery Office Oriel Bookshop 18–19 High Street, Cardiff CF1 2BZ 029 2039 5548 Fax 029 2038 4347 WALES TOURIST BOARD | WELSH LANGUAGE BOARD | WOMEN’S NATIONAL COMMISSION | ZOOS FORUM ISBN 0-11-430182-4 71 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9AZ 0870 606 5566 Fax 0870 606 5588 The Stationery Office’s Accredited Agents (see Yellow Pages) and through good booksellers £26.50 9 780114 301828 final cover 1 11/02/02, 4:13 PM PUBLIC BODIES 2001 THE STATIONERY OFFICE © CROWN COPYRIGHT 2002 Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to Her Majesty’s Copyright Unit, St Clements House, 2—16 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQ First published 2002 ISBN 011 430 1824 ii CONTENTS Executive Summary iv Public Bodies by Sponsor Department UK Government Cabinet Office 1 COI Communications 4 Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster’s Office 5 Department for Culture, Media and Sport 6 Ministry of Defence 20 Department for Education and Skills 25 Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 29 Export Credit Guarantees Department 41 Food Standards Agency 42 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 45 Department of Health 48 Home Office 63 Inland Revenue 69 Department for International Development 70 Lord Chancellor’s Department 72 Northern Ireland Office 78 ORR (Office of the Rail Regulator) 80 Royal Mint 83 Scotland Office 84 OFTEL (Office of Telecommunications) 85 Department of Trade and Industry 87 Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions 100 Her Majesty’s Treasury 107 OFWAT (Office of Water Services) 109 Department for Work and Pensions 110 Devolved Administrations National Assembly for Wales 113 Northern Ireland Assembly 121 Scottish Executive 143 Annex A : Local Public Spending Bodies 164 Annex B : Statistical Tables 168 Index 175 iii Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Public Bodies 2001 is a report on Public Bodies operating across the UK in the year ending March 2001, it sets out spend and membership. It provides a range of factual and statistical information on those public bodies that operate at arm’s length from Government but for which Ministers are ultimately responsible. It also provides summery information on certain local public bodies. As part of the devolution agreement, those public bodies operating in devolved areas in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are no longer the responsibility of the UK Government as a whole, the devolved administrations have provided information on their public bodies for inclusion in Public Bodies 2001. This edition of Public Bodies also reflects those public bodies which have moved sponsor department after the general election of June 2001. Non Departmental Public Bodies An NDPB is a body that has a role in the process of national Government but is not a Government Department or part of one and which accordingly operates to a greater or lesser extent at arm’s length from Ministers. There are four types of NDBP: executive NDPBs, which carry out executive or commercial duties; advisory NDPBs, which provide independent, expert advice to Ministers and officials; tribunal NDPBs, which have semi-judical functions; and boards of visitors to penal establishments. All NDPBs in existence at the end of the 2000/2001 financial year are listed in Public Bodies 2001. NDPBs are set up to carry out functions that are best delivered at arm’s length from Government. For example, some regulatory functions (such as those carried out by the Health and Safety Commission and Executive) and certain funding functions (such as those carried out by the Further Education Funding Council and Science Research Councils) are best carried out “ independently” of Ministers. Additionally NDPBs provide expert independent advice to Ministers on a range of technical or highly specialised issues and provide a useful vehicle for creating partnerships and bringing together Government and local communities. NDPBs cover an extensive range of subjects and operate at both a National and Local level. As at March 2001, there were 1,025 NDPBs in existence across the UK (approximately 16% of these operate in devolved areas and are the responsibility of the National Assembly for Wales, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Scottish Executive. New NDPBs are only established after careful scrutiny and proven need. NDPBs, their members and staff play an important role in public life, the contribution they make is extensive. iv Executive Summary Figure 1. Total Number of NDPBs. 1979—2000 NUMBER OF NDPBS Number 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 1979 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2001 Membership Thousands of people participate in public life through service on the boards of schools, NHS trusts, NDPBs and by serving as a magistrate or member of a tribunal. Public involvement provides accountability, brings a wealth of skills and experience into the running of Public Bodies and supports democracy by allowing “ ordinary” people to play an important and constructive role in the process of local and national government. As at March 2001, there were over 29,499 men and women serving on the boards of those Public Bodies listed in this publication. Of these, 34% were women; and 4.8% were members of an ethnic minority. The Government remains committed to increase the range and diversity in all its public appointments. It is committed to equal proportion of men and women and a pro-rata number of people appointed from an ethnic minority background. and increase the number of people with disabilities to public appointments. Figure 2. Total Expenditure by Executive NDPBs. 1979—2000 EXPENDITURE OF EXECUTIVE NDPBS £ million 25,000 Funded by Government Total expenditure 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1979 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2001 v Executive Summary Spend NDPBs come in various shapes and sizes. Some are very small and have negligible expenditure, others are very large and spend hundreds of millions of pounds. This publication lists the details of spending for all NDPBs, executive NDPBs spend significant amounts of money. In 2000/2001, executive expenditure amounted to around £25,000m. The vast majority of this was programme expenditure such as the awarding of grants, legal aid, funding for further education etc. Only £20,000m of the £25,000m was funded by the Government, with the remainder being financed through a combination of fees, statutory levies and other charges. These figures represent a slight increase in both the expenditure and funding of NDPBs in 2000/2001. Figure 3. Proportion of women holding a public appointment PER CENT 2001 34% 2000 33% 1999 33% 1998 32% 1997 32% 1996 31% 1995 30% 1994 30% 1993 28% 1992 26% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Figure 4. Proportion of ethnic minorities holding a public appointment PER CENT 2001 4.8% 2000 4.4% 1999 4.7% 1998 3.7% 1997 3.6% 1996 3.3% 1995 2.9% 1994 2.6% 1993 2.3% 1992 2.0% 0 1234567 vi Executive Summary Public Bodies 2001 In addition to the information on NDPBs, Public Bodies 2001 provides information on certain Public Corporations, including National Industries and NHS bodies. It is the latest in a series of annual publications setting out summary information on UK Public Bodies. The pull out flap at the back provides a detailed explanation of the categories of information provided on Public Bodies. Broadly this is summarised as: • Contact details, for all public bodies, their full address, telephone, email address and websites. • Their remit and terms of reference for each public body. And ordered by the Government Department which sponsors them. Details of staff numbers employed by each executive NDPBs. Executive NDBPs directly employ staff, as do some Advisory NDPBs although these are usually supported by civil servants from the parent department rather than directly employed.
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