Thirteenth Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics May 29 – June 3, 2018 Palm Springs, CA Search for Non Standard Model Higgs Boson Ana Elena Dumitriu (IFIN-HH, CPPM), On behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration 5/18/18 1 Introduction and Motivation ● The discovery of the Higgs (125 GeV) by ATLAS and CMS collaborations → great success of particle physics and especially Standard Model (SM) ● However.... – MORE ROOM Hierarchy problem FOR HIGGS PHYSICS – Origin of dark matter, dark energy BEYOND SM – Baryon Asymmetry – Gravity – Higgs br to Beyond Standard Model (BSM) particles of BRBSM < 32% at 95% C.L. ● !!!!!!There is plenty of room for Higgs physics beyond the Standard Model. ● There are several theoretical models with an extended Higgs sector. – 2 Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM). Having two complex scalar SU(2) doublets, they are an effective extension of the SM. In total, 5 different Higgs bosons are predicted: two CP even and one CP odd electrically neutral Higgs bosons, denoted by h, H, and A, respectively, and two charged Higgs bosons, H±. The parameters used to describe a 2HDM are the Higgs boson masses and the ratios of their vacuum expectation values. ● type I, where one SU(2) doublet gives masses to all leptons and quarks and the other doublet essentially decouples from fermions ● type II, where one doublet gives mass to up-like quarks (and potentially neutrinos) and the down-type quarks and leptons receive mass from the other doublet. – Supersymmetry (SUSY), which brings along super-partners of the SM particles. The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), whose Higgs sector is equivalent to the one of a constrained 2HDM of type II and the next-to MSSM (NMSSM) are among the experimentally best tested models, because they provide good benchmarks for SUSY. – General searches – Invisible decaying Higgs boson 2 Search for doubly-charged scalar bosons decaying to same-sign W bosons HIGG-2016-09: Phenomenology ● The scalar sector of the Standard Model is one of the main candidates to host new particles and forces beyond the SM ● A variant of such an extension: a hypercharge Y = 2 scalar triplet, ∆, complements the SM scalar doublet H. ● The renormalizable scalar potential V(H, ∆) is defined in its most general form by: Pair production (done in Rel 20.7): pp →γ*,Z* → H±±H∓∓ Associated production: pp → W*+ → H±±H∓ Single production: pp → W±*W±* → H±± (proportional to vt, negligible) ● Benchmark points considered: mH±± ranging from 200 − 700 GeV in steps of 100 GeV ● As in all analysis: – SR: 3 channels considered, optimized using TMVA CutsSA ● Dominant backgrounds: – 2Lss : WW , WZ, Vγ contribute to the prompt sources; Z+jets, tt contribute to fake backgrounds; +QmisID from W ±W ∓ and Z+jets. – 3L: WZ, ZZ, Vγ, ttV contribute to prompt backgrounds.; Z+jets and tt contribute to fakes. ; No QmisID. – 4L: ZZ and tt Z contribute to prompt sources; Fakes originate from Z+jets and tt . ● Prompt sources are estimated from MC. ● Fake estimation: – 2Lss and 3L: Data-driven fake factor method is used (FF) – 4L: using MC, with corrections applied based on MC-data agreement in the control regions. 3 Search for doubly-charged scalar bosons decaying to same-sign W bosons HIGG-2016-09: Results mH++ = 200 GeV ● A search for the pair production of doubly charged Higgs is performed through the selection of multi-lepton events with MET + jets. ● No significant excess is observed in data. Combining those channels, the model is excluded at 95% C.L. for masses of up to approximately 239 GeV. ● Further steps: – Perform the analysis with the two AP and PP production modes – Optimize the SR definition, fake estimation – Use of the ttH analysis synergy and derived data set – Goal: Increase drastically the observed limit (>300GeV) with PP+AP production mode @ 80fb-1 4 Search for doubly charged Higgs boson production in multi-lepton final states, 36.1 fb-1 (link) ● This analysis focuses on BSM theories that contain a doubly charged Higgs particle H±± using the observed invariant mass of same-charge lepton pairs. The analysis targets only decays of the H particle into electrons and muons, denoted by ℓ (with 2,3,4-lepton SR) + further divided into unique flavour categories (e or μ) to increase the sensitivity. ● Doubly charged Higgs bosons can arise in a large variety of BSM theories, namely in left-right symmetric (LRS) models, Higgs triplet models, the little Higgs model, type-II see-saw models, the Georgi–Machacek model, scalar singlet dark matter, and the Zee–Babu neutrino mass model. ● No significant excess above the Standard Model prediction was found → lower limits are set on the mass of doubly-charged Higgs bosons: ±± ±± ± ± ±± ± ± – 770 GeV and 870 GeV for the H L mass and for B(H →ℓ ℓ ) = 100% and >450 GeV for B(H →ℓ ℓ )≥10% for any combination of partial branching ratios. ±± ±± ± ± ±± ± ± – on the H R mass vary from 660 GeV to 760 GeV for B(H → ℓ ℓ ) = 100% and are above 320 GeV for B(B(H → ℓ ℓ )≥10% ● The observed limits are consistent with the expected limits. 5 Search for an invisibly decaying Higgs boson or dark matter candidates produced in association with a Z boson (link) ● -3 The Higgs boson (H→ZZ→ νννν) has a branching ratio BH→inv of 1.06x10 for mH = 125 GeV, a larger BH→inv can exist in many extensions of the SM (a Higgs boson can decay to light neutralinos, graviscalars in extra-dimension models, Majorons, neutrinos, or dark matter (DM) through the Higgs portal model). ● Observation of a BH→inv significantly above the SM value would give a strong indication for physics BSM. ● Moreover, models with a sizable BH→inv often involve a Higgs boson decaying into WIMPs. ● miss The search is carried out in the ℓℓ + E T final state, no significant data excess above the expectation of the SM backgrounds. ● An observed (expected) upper limit of 67% (39%) is set on BH→inv at the 95% CL for mH = 125 GeV [75% (62%) derived in the same final state using the ATLAS data √s= 7 and 8 TeV] ● The corresponding observed (expected) limit on the production cs of the ZH process with prompt Z→ ee and Z → μμ decays and invisible Higgs boson decays is 40 (23) fb at the 95% CL. ● Exclusion limits are placed on masses in a simplified dark matter model with an axial-vector mediator and fermionic WIMPs: mmed is excluded up to 560 GeV at the 95% CL for a light WIMP, while the WIMP mass m is excluded up to 130 GeV for mmed = 400 GeV. 6 Search for additional heavy neutral Higgs and gauge bosons in the ditau final state produced (link) ● Heavy Z' gauge bosons appear in many extensions of the SM. In particular, models in which the Z' boson couples preferentially to third-generation fermions may be linked to the high mass of the top quark or to recent indications of lepton flavour universality violation in semi-tauonic B meson decays. ● Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons as well as high-mass Z' resonances in the ditau decay mode, in the lephad and hadhad decay modes (lep represents the decay of a τ-lepton to an electron or a muon and neutrinos, had represents the decay to one or more hadrons and a neutrino). ● Narrow resonances with masses of 0.2–2.25 TeV and tanβ of 1–58 for the MSSM Higgs bosons. ● No indication of an excess over the expected SM background is found, upper limits on the cross section for the production of scalar and Z' bosons times the branching fraction to ditau final states are set at 95% CL: 0.78–0.0058 pb (0.70–0.0037 pb) for gluon–gluon fusion (b-associated) production of scalar bosons with masses of 0.2–2.25 TeV and 1.56–0.0072 pb for Drell–Yan production of Z0 bosons with masses of 0.2– 4 TeV. ● In the context of the hMSSM scenario, the most stringent limits for the combined search exclude tanβ> 1.0 for mA = 0.25 TeV and tanβ> 42 for mA = 1.5 TeV at 95% CL. ● In the context of the Sequential Standard Model, Z'SSM bosons with masses less than 2.42 TeV are excluded at 95% 2 7 CL, while mZ'NU < 2.25–2.60 TeV is excluded in the range 0.03 < sin φ < 0.5 in the non-universal G(221) model. Search for Higgs boson decays to beyond-the- Standard-Model light bosons in four-lepton (link) ● Exotic Higgs boson decays have been proposed as a way to search for evidence of new physics → the addition of even a small coupling to a new light state could open up sizeable new decay modes. In addition, new particles may couple preferentially to the Higgs boson since it provides a possible “portal” for hidden-sector particles to interact with SM particles. ● The processes under study here are referred to as pp → H → ZX/XX → 4ℓ, with Z being the SM Z boson and with X representing a possible new vector boson Zd or a new pseudoscalar boson a; same-flavour decays of the new particle to pairs of electrons and muons are considered. ● Two well-motivated benchmark models that predict exotic decays to light beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) bosons: – higher mass range: the SM is extended with a dark-sector U(1) group, denoted U(1)d, leading to the appearance of a BSM vector boson, Zd. – lower mass range: two Higgs doublets and an additional singlet scalar field (2HDM+S).
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