GCSE Design and Technology: Product Design Unit A554: Designing Influences General Certificate of Secondary Education Mark Scheme for June 2017 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA) is a leading UK awarding body, providing a wide range of qualifications to meet the needs of candidates of all ages and abilities. OCR qualifications include AS/A Levels, Diplomas, GCSEs, Cambridge Nationals, Cambridge Technicals, Functional Skills, Key Skills, Entry Level qualifications, NVQs and vocational qualifications in areas such as IT, business, languages, teaching/training, administration and secretarial skills. It is also responsible for developing new specifications to meet national requirements and the needs of students and teachers. OCR is a not-for-profit organisation; any surplus made is invested back into the establishment to help towards the development of qualifications and support, which keep pace with the changing needs of today’s society. This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which marks were awarded by examiners. It does not indicate the details of the discussions which took place at an examiners’ meeting before marking commenced. All examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and the report on the examination. OCR will not enter into any discussion or correspondence in connection with this mark scheme. © OCR 2017 A554 Mark Scheme June 2017 Annotations Annotation Meaning Blank Page – this annotation must be used on all blank pages within an answer booklet (structured or unstructured) and on each page of an additional object where there is no candidate response. Green Tick - Creditable point Seen - Use to indicate that an answer has been seen. Only to be used where no credit is given. L1 Level 1 Use in banded mark scheme responses only L2 Level 2 Use in banded mark scheme responses only L3 Level 3 Use in banded mark scheme responses only 3 A554 Mark Scheme June 2017 Question Answer / Indicative Content Mark Guidance 1 (a) (i) Hand 3 Award 1 mark for each correct answer Ergonomic/fit hand/ hand held/comfortable handle Grip able/non-slip Left and right handed Do not accept: Strong, Lightweight, aesthetics, sharp, safe, Function handle or blade on their own unless qualified. Removes thinly the skin of vegetables Good evacuation of peel Do not accept Peels Vegetables (in question). Ease of rotation around vegetable curves/agile Tip to dig out bruised or sprouting eyes Accept peels easily Safe to use/ blade in middle and not on edge/ tip is rounded Does not corrode/stainless steel Sharp blade Pointed end to dig out potato eyes Size- able to remove certain amount Maintenance Washable/easy to clean Dishwasher safe Durable/long lasting/hard wearing Waterproof Means to hang/store/fit in draw Simple/ 2 part Up to two marks for an explanation e.g.: 2 1 (b) Ridged/textured/non-smooth surface(1) good grip(1) Do not credit any references to: Provides good grip (1) even when wet (1). Cost/cheapness of the string Good grip(1) doesn’t slip/holds firmly(1) Looks/aesthetics/colour/appeal of the string Doesn’t slip(1) no cuts to hand(1) Surface to latch on to(1) Improves control(1) 4 A554 Mark Scheme June 2017 Question Answer / Indicative Content Mark Guidance Certified tests/registered – flame resistant 2 Award 1 mark for each correct answer 1 (c) Details of how to store the product Information about maintenance Allow suitable alternative answers End of life disposal information Age appropriate warnings/dangers Instruction for safe use of the product/how not to use/hazards Contacts for faulty products Ingredients – protects for dietary/allergy requirements Identifying genuine brands - fake dangerous products Set up standards of quality for products 1 (d) Prepare and promote the adoption of British 3 1 mark each for up to two of the given points (2) plus 1 mark Standards across manufacturers for discussion/exemplification/explanation/justification. Revise, alter and amend standards constantly as circumstances change, reliable and up-to-date OR Standards are for voluntary use and do not impose any regulations 1 mark for any one of the given points plus up to 2 marks for BSI documents include: specifications, methods, detailed exemplification/explanation/discussion/justification. vocabularies, codes of practice, guides Refers to laws and regulations of standards where Maximum of two marks for three or more separate creditable compliance is compulsory points Tests and compliance, test for CE certification. Look e.g. 3 Award 1 mark for each correct answer 2 (a) Bright, primary colours that appeal to children, interesting shapes, contrasting colours, shiny, textured Allow suitable alternative answers symmetrical/curvy/simplistic/large /attractive/ bold numbers Large/big on its own = 0 marks, unless qualified Smell e.g. Natural hardwood smell, synthetic plastic smell No marks for coloured plastic numbers/hands, in question. Touch/feel e.g. Texture of hardwood, smooth feel of moulded 5 A554 Mark Scheme June 2017 Question Answer / Indicative Content Mark Guidance plastics, pleasure of holding numbers, satisfying feel of fitting the numbers into the recesses. Smooth-easy turning hands 2 (b) (i) Green 1 2 (b) (ii) Purple or Orange 1 Addition of handle/peg, easier to get hold of 2 2 (c) Clock on stand and can be pushed out from back Reward a viable modification (1) and an explanation of Picked out using picker how/why the modification will allow the child to Recess or finger holes for child to get fingers into grip remove/replace the numbers (1) more easily. the numbers Numbers slightly raised, so fingers can pull number out Clock faces without recesses(1) using velcro and magnets(1) Less waste accumulating in landfill - reduction of 3 1 mark for each of two points (2) plus 1 mark for 2 (d) smells and possibility of toxins escaping into rivers exemplification/explanation/discussion/justification of one of and harm to wildlife the points. Reduce air pollution - better quality of air Less emission of toxins from products – safer to use OR Stop toxins entering the food chain – healthier and safer food 1 mark for any one of the given points plus up to 2 marks for Reduce the waste going into the landfills – sustain detailed (two or more additional statements of support) finite materials exemplification/explanation/discussion. Easily biogradable materials, such as paper, card, wood, natural fabric fibre – encourage regeneration Maximum of two marks for three or more separate creditable Reduce the use of materials which are unable to be points recycled/reused/biodegradable Do not credit: better for the environment, environmentally Make the product energy efficient friendly, eco-friendly, etc. 6 A554 Mark Scheme June 2017 Question Answer / Indicative Content Mark Guidance Consumers have become more aware of environmental issues Eco/environmental products in fashion 3 (a) Adjustable- Zoom/re-size function, Fonts can be 3 1 mark each for up to 3 different benefits. changed, Able to read in different light conditions, brightness Accept simple three/four word statements, as in given No need for additional lighting answers. Slim-easy to store Store large number of books on memory Easy purchase books on internet/research Do not accept: information less paper used, good for environment Easy to share with friends Lighter to carry not necessarily lighter than a book Read landscape or portrait, page flat/easy to turn Less likely to get water damage/rip pages/no stiffness of new book spine Portable - not necessarily more portable than a book Video/animation/sound Easier to read Ebooks cost less than paper Less clutter in home Connectivity with other devices Ebook always in good condition Searchable/Highlight - key words/phrases 3 (b) Small battery can be make product slimmer, more 2 1 mark each for up to two different reasons. attractive/aesthetic, customer preference Larger battery -less space for components- hence bigger Size of product battery, must fit into hands Easy storage/carry due to size, in bag/case, pocket Not heavy to hold Lightweight/slim easy to carry around, more ergonomic If too small, battery will last short time between charges 7 A554 Mark Scheme June 2017 Question Answer / Indicative Content Mark Guidance 3 (c) Gender/family differences in perception of colour 2 1 mark each for up to two different reasons. Greater choice for consumers Sell more/ increase sales Consumers will want in other colours Fashion/trends Match other furniture clothing environments Personal preferences Marketing opportunity/broaden target market Cultural/gender sensitive colours 3 (d) Social media, e.g. Facebook/Twitter/Snapchat 3 1 mark for each of up to two of the ‘examples’ plus 1 for Email marketing discussion/explanation/justification/exemplification Loyalty and referral OR Web community and reviews 1 mark for any one of the ‘examples’ plus up to 2 marks for Telemarketing detailed (two or more additional statements of support) Web data collection explanation/discussion/justification. Mobile marketing Potential customers are emailed with special offers(1), Popup advertising having expressed interest in similar products(1) previously Video
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