Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1973-74 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 11-15-1973 The thI acan, 1973-11-15 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1973-74 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1973-11-15" (1973). The Ithacan, 1973-74. 11. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1973-74/11 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1973-74 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. -------~. -~~-- I, '·-· Pub/is~ea For The I.C.· .. Community B J.C. Students .ithaca coll~ge, ithaca, n.y. november 15,197.3. volume 47/'no. 11 :Baiz·er El•cted AAUP President. DIVINE MISS M. By Karen Sperling reemerged due to renewed interest in tfie need for a body Ashur Baizer, Professor of that would co.ncern itself with .English, has been elected rights of professors. ROCKS ITHACA ;President of the newly Heinz Koch, Professor of By Bill Henk •resurrected American Chemistry and Baizer's It is indeed a rarity when a ·Association of University opponent for the office of performer lives up to all his ( or · Professors Chapter on the President, feels that the AA UP her) advance notices. Especially College Campus. Today the chapter, "has its cycles." This when those notices are as Association is meeting to fill the refers to the varying periods of impressive as were those of the other offices of the Association interest. ·. Divine Miss M.. Publicity can be . and to discuss the future plans Tenure has emerged as the a deadly weapon when used of the Association. major issue that the Association properly by the The American Association of ·will be confronting. The recent image-creating, masters of the :University P~ofessors (AAUP) is Mieczkowski affair spurred the recording industry. As the goal (a nationwide organization which more long reaching questions of their publicity 1s always to : was founded 50 years ago. concerning tenure to be make money or return same on ; Present membership is estimated discussed. According to that already invested, industry at 90,000 college professors. Its Assistant Professor Paul McBride hype is naturally overstated and function is to protect the of the History Department, the _ overrated more often than not. 'academic freegom of professors concerns "tra'nscend Thus myself and 3600 others and to promote economic Mieczkowski" because the were in for a pleasant surprise i interests. As, in the words of Dr. "precedents (to be set) will have Friday night in the Ben Light iBaizer, it can be seen as, "a far reaching implications for job Gymnasium. For Bette Midler in jwatchdog organization"; in that security at Ithaca College." concert is _everything they say I if a faculty member feels his Dr. McBride sees this present she is and much much more. An , rights have been violated, he has wave of action as a "last gasp" exciting multi-talented actress, ) somewhere to turn. here at the college ·in that "if the performer and entertainer, Bette : After a year and a half silence, I AA UP can't provide an~wers, totally captivated and enthralled : the Ithaca ~ollege Chapter has 1m~nr in the faculty wm opt for a mix~d Ithaca audience. B'"efte -w·as bai:ked by. a conti11ued 011 pa,:e 2 four-piece rhythm section led by her pi an 1st-producer-arranger, Barry Manilow, and a female No Calendar Change vocal trio whom the Divme Miss By Rick Bernstein _even so, several changes in the M introduced as "Three . traffic code for on campus cars barmaids from the lcha bod." · Bette Midler Last mght, the Commun_ity were proposed by Jeff Gebardt. Describing her act as ''good ol' Photo hy Ric ha Id Sharp . Council . met in the Umon ' Since 90% of all ticketing is American trash", Bette began stage. "Keep an eye on him'/" . !The majonty ol hl'I lwlWl'l'll . C'afetena_ . with the current· done between the hours of one the -- evening with Buzzy she went on, "Ile'~ got his eye .~ong ~kelche~ had l'ilhc'I polit1cal . encrg~ cns1s on the t_a_p. The . and four 10 the morning, Linhardt's "Friends". on me." A pau~e. "'lle's got or ~exual con11otal1011,. "Jusl a : council ~nded t~e controven:y members of SASP might be Few performers make uw of lus eye up me." : surroundmg possible changes_ 10 enlisted to ticket during the day. the stage as -Bette Midler doe~. lilllc morl' l1t-,hal._111' ,111d !)11~ Bette Llevelop~ a la11ta~11c '. the I.~. calender. After meetmg Another proposal was to place She's all over, constantly group will lw t[llllt' happy" rapport with IH:r auuience Jnd : last night, the energy task force violators on a two list after their moving: side to side· and back I· VL'll whl'll 1nlrod11c1ng the .devefops it throughout . the ; headed by Vice President of fourth unanswered violation. and forth, reach Ing out l1ant.l. Belle couldn't h..:lp hut -evening, rapping constantly l St~dent A~fairs, Con_stantine Also, since only 200 of 9000 affectingly and 1mplonng the·· L'Olllllll'lll. "(.1:1·~ ~larl Oil .l Penalas,__ decided that since the ticketed heeded their first ticket between songs. Rather than an organ," ~he say,. p.1tJs1ng a audience to join m the fun. Not aside to her act, a, is the ca~c j offic~s in the towers and quads as a warning and received no one segment of her audience is JJ10llle111 lo allow the with most performers. the~c 1would still .necessitate heating m_ore, a charge of S3 might be neglected. "Ho~ ya doing in the ,ugge,11ve~nL'" ol lhl' lint· lo I these --entire buildings, any implemented. "spontaneous" rap, arc Jn ,mk 111 .... , 11.it', a good placl' lo back'/", she inquires. "Ya damg t change in the school calendar Cykes rntegral part of Bette·, overall ,tart." ok?''. Even the security officers pcrtorm..tncc. Developed with l this year would be unproductive. I~ got some attention. "How ya lier act COJ11('0~L'd ol (WO Changes of - this· sort are still Concerning those students the aid of a profcs~1onal gag ~1 doing, officer'!", she intoned as a parts Jot.I l hree cost u lllL''· the being considered for future with motorcycles, Gebardt ·writer, Belle kept the audience la~! ot wlrn.:h occur, nght on security guard walked by the :l years. suggested separate parking and in ~l1tches most of the night. stage. The Harlettc~ were connnued 011 pa!(e 2 1111t1ally co~tumed 111 tacky ~tyled doth111g of the 50'~. ! complementi:d with a lllakcup look related lo theatre. Rati1er t Delta· ~appa To Construct New Lodge than attempt the impo,s1hle ta~k of de~c.:rihmg to· you Bt:l te's ·1 The Delta Kappa fraternity is ,=,,--------- inside siding work. quite 1mprc~sive wardrobe and planning -to reconstruct its .;;:; ~-· · I The lodge this time around costume changes, I shall let the fire-destroyed Lodge before the - :-:_._:-i · - - · • · will have a steeper roof, with 8 accompanying photos Lio that Christmas break, according to ·_: 0m}@R~-· .. -~------rp._-:-_rn _j.- .,,,-- foot walls and a I<, foot top·. tor me. The matcnal. while the·decision reached in the frat's The plumbing and heating arc rarely original, combined ~ornc Monday night meeting. J=~~~-=~=-~=~~~~~~liii::::::J...J~~"~!~~~- additions which lhe old huilding ot the more well-known hits of The . B & · D Contactors, of did not have. There will he the SO's and ~omc contemporary Newfield, will begin work o'n the . insulation in the rest rooms, as ~ong, of the late <,O's and early new building on-Uecember 1. there....were before, hut insulation din.-::' . 70's. To give you ~ome it.lea of The, rebuilt lodge wil\ cost the on,.,.K.. ,,,... for the whole building will cost ~ ·,inn,- the music, let me run down a frate"rnity $12,180 for the V. _ •• Willl.__ Llr_i:,_.. ~.., ·L~~!':;' thefrat$800-Sl,000morethan partial list of the song.~: "Leader building itself, as· well. as an ~- presently alloltt!d for the of the l'ack", "(.'hapel uf Love", estimated $300 for plumbing, =====c...:::.==:::L...r reconstruction. "Da Don Ron Ron", '"Do You heating, e~ctricity and a 'circular Neal "Smokey" R·ohinson, - Wanna· Dance" and Boogie fiiei>l;ice .. Furniture is not .,.-....,..=-i.---=~--=---....... ~..,... - prcs1dent of DK, said_ that they Woogie Bugle Boy" represented inc_luded in the pric,e .. ,: hope to get the lodgc ready for (. · ..__ __. -;-·-=~·-Bar "· · _{,,.; l .· The basic building will~ put -.~ · .__ ____, partying and finished hy finals the music of the 50's. while "Superstar", "I Shall Be up,'by B &_D in:a..matter of days, :,.,·i week, hy working solid through 1 Released", "Hello In There" and but much of the work will be .., O the first two weekends aftcr ha~e_d bj'--~he DK. brothers. :.,;;_- f Thanksgi_ving and as . much ''.Drink·ing Again" were ~ l representative of the <,Q's and themselves.· B & D will put up ··-·-· Flrepi.iice Dance I during thc week as pos.'iible .. He one'" side of-· the flitch-board. I. i!vcertain that the. new building early ?O's. Bette, the fantastic entertainer that she is, was able siding, . instructing the. brothers ·. is. "definitely better" than the i to carry the diverse and varying Ii?~ .to, co~sfruc~_.t.!!_e_r~m~~~g __ ·.; ..._:.: '<!::-OIL ·:.
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