•i. vW «yC' .V ^ -/• 4 » /», N * ^ j *J ' ■>' S ........■*¥ ' ■' ■ V ttH ^ ForeoaBi 1^ ^ n ib t p b b s s b u n _ V. ^rt<“S a v e r a g e d a i l y OIBOtJLAtlON ,Conn. State Library— Coiiqp. for fte Month of Aprll» 19S0 Ctonenlty IMr tn^{ht 5,527 dny^ witfiner toiri|^ ^ Blembera o f tlie Aitilt Bureau of Clrenlatloae y . FOURTElBN PAGES PRICE THREE SOUTH*MANGHESTERrCONN.^ THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1930. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) VOL. XLIV., NO. 199. a’ :-,I FIREWORKS THE GRAF ZEPPEUN AND HER PRESENT TRIP, GRAF ZEPPELIN NEARS ROCKS THIS AREA S^ted Off Braziliio Coatt One Injured and Four Mills | HOSPITAL FUND Expected to Land at Per- II nambneo TUs Afternoon; ATNOONTIHIAY Pr^radons Under Way Of Explosion Heard Here.| Philadelphia, May 22.—CAP.)—^624,454; Brown 618,109 Md Th<>^ ^W. Phillips, Jr,, wet candidate, 260,- With 108 districts missing In unollll' ’•‘•'•■♦!*3i**^»:**Jw*J**I*^***»^^ 979. for Reception When Di­ Thompsonville, May 22.—(AP) Commanders of Drive for ! cial returns from Tuesday's pri^ Remaining ■ misshig districts are Four mills, two of which w-ere flUed niary, Gifford Plnchot had a lead of mostly In isolated rural territo^Tj^ rigible Arrives; Weather with aerial bombs, were destroyed 11,845 over Francis Shimk Brown in a series of explosions at the New $36,000 Plan New Con­ for'toe ^publican nomination for l i b e b a l c a n d i d a t e England Fireworks Company locat­ govemot of Penxisylvania. Philadelphia; May 22.—(AP.)— Conditions Splendid Over Announcement that a "coalition lib - • The latest' figures showed a re­ ed on the Bralnard Road, two and a test for Balance of the The Graf Zeppelin is shown eMd candidate” for governor would duction of ic few hundred in the half miles east of here, this morn- above with a map of her latest Pinchot plurality-as a result of tab­ take the field at the .November elec­ Ae Ocean. ing. • , tion in opposition of -GUfdrd Plnclwt Campaign; Ends. Monday. flight across toe South Atlantic to ulation' of all but seven districts of One of the four employes at work Allegheny county, which includes was made today by Robert K. .Cas­ satt, chairman c: the Pennsylvania was injured. He suffered from Brazil and then northward to Lake- the city of Pittobui^h, complete. LOG OF THE ZEPPELIN The loss was estimated at S16,500. T he total for 8,598 districts out vision of the Association Against At a meeting of the five Division­ hurst, New York'and then home to e Prohibition Amendment. Cause Unknown al Commanders, known as Majors of 8,701 in toe state gave Pinchot By Associated Frees The cause of the first explosion is Geiroany. Latest reports place her g unknown. It occurred in one of the iB toe Hospital Campaign, which near Pernambuco. (All times are Eastern Standard mills, or sheds, about fifteen feet was presided over by General Chsdr- Time) square, containing aerial bombs for man, Arthur A. Knofla, in the Simday: Fourth of July celebrations, a.nd Chamber of (Commerce rooms this spread ^ to a second building also WET-DRY FINISH FIGHT 11:18 a. m. — Left Friedrich? morning, toe total report to date of shafen for Se-ville. packed with bombs. A third mill toe entire organization was $12,385, was blasted from its foundations Monday: and in making a stujiy of the ac­ 12:40 p. m.—Arrived Seirllle. while the fourth, the largest, was complishments and standings of toe McBRIDE'S PREDICTION Tuesday: fired by burning debris. various' teams and diviaoiis, it was <fe- 3:30 a. m.—Left Seville for Per­ Thompsonville and the surround­ brought out that Division I, imder ing community were shaken by toe nambuco. toe commsuad o f M ajor E. L. G. 4.45-a. m. ;— Passed over Cadiz force of toe explosion. Sever^ win­ Hohentoal, Jr„ was in the lead, but dows were shattered in buildings lODEAD and out to sea. was being vety closely followed by Says AgitatioR'He^ Along 12:25 p. m.—Sighted by S, S. here. It was said that Hartford and Division 2 imder toe command of Segura. Rockville, fifteen miles away, also Major W. Robertson, who was the C a u s e -& y s Dry 10:00 p. m.—Passed over LaA felt the blast. represented at toe meeting by J. ASSTEAMERBm Pahnas, Canary islands. Fire Follows Blast E. Rand, on account of Mr, Robert­ TELEVISION HERE 11:00 p. m.—^Passed to east of The plant was situated in a wood^ son being out of to^, and also League Has Been '' Teneriffe, Canary Islands, al­ Fire following toe explosion started Division 3, under toe command of though -within sight of ite a forest fire which was extinguish­ Major C. Elndore Watkins. French Liner Had 1,500 lights. ed by the North ThompsonvUle fire New Contest EXPERIMENT A Oyer 18 Miffions. Wednesday: department Firemen were endan­ It was decided by the .five divi­ 12:00 a. m. — Sighted by S. S. gered for a time when toe blMe sional Commanders and toe General Moslem Pilgrims Aboard Carnarvon Castle near Afri-. burned towards a shed containing Chairman that a new competition SAIJDEPOTS Washington, May 2 2 .— (A P ) A MEN W ERE APES finish fight between those fOT ^ d can coast. high explosive bombs. by toe five Dirtsions be carried on Shown at Schenectady Thea­ 3:20 a. m.—Reported 500 miles The injured man was Ferdinand from this morning imtil toe closing BIT LONGER AGO against prohibition waa her^ded On Way to Mecca. northwest of Cape 'Verde lannini, of 143 Union street. Spring- of toe campaign next Monday eve­ before, the Sena^: Islands by S. S. Sierra Cordoba. field, Mass. He was taken to a ning with an award of an additional ter Today: Audience Sees For Fint Time Troops Are today by Fo Scott: McBrWe* 12:15 p. m.—^Wlrele'ssed she was Springfield hospital in an ambu­ $500 to be added to the total of toe Scientist Reports" That EvoUi- Questioned by Chairman Cafaway, Port Sudan, Anglo-Egyptian half way between Porto Praia lance. The other employes were Division tunfing" in toe greatest, re­ the witness: said it was probably a , and St. Paul’s Rocks. Lawrence Carabine, 57 Hebron port in dollars for these, last five and Hears Ufe Size Or­ tion Theory is Somewhat Used to Stop Riot$ Report good thing” for. the issue to be agi­ Sudan, May 22.—(AP)—The 8:00 p. m.—Gave position about street; Romeo D. Bernier, 48 Adams days, ending next Monday evening. Mistaken as to Time of Sep­ tated by the. wets. ^ F raich steamer Asia, with 1,500 400 miles northeast of St. street and Albert Gaundry, Sterling This mak^ It possible for the Divi­ chestra on Screen. aration. 634 Natives Were Injored “I think it will have to be fought pilgrims aboard, bound for Red Sea Paul’s Rocks. street,-all of Springfield. sion doing the best work, for toe out and settied for aU time by a Thursday: Patsy J. Neopolitan. Union street, ports, was on fire in Jeddah harbor balance of toe period, to not only New York, May 22.—(AP)— contest of that 3:45 a. m. E. S. T.— Wirelessed Springfield, ovms toe plant. add to their previoi:^'; total, the The discussion followed testi/ t o i ^ y , and it was feared 100 lives 300-miles northeast of Fer Four persons, not employes, were Schenectady, N. Y., May 22.— . Man lyas .;M ]^ated somewhatt hj Police Yesterday. amount of their work, but by bring- f|rther from ’ toan, hqratb- inooy that the league was trying to had^ lost. " nando do Norbnha in position killed at toe p la it in Jime, 1928. —^The television radio talkie,! been fore. in eyolutiqn’aJT -versfon^ i ;® -ff-fu n d of $300,000 a* The- fire proved uncontrollable 2N. SOW, (Contlnoed en Page 2) yoi^gest. and most dhi^ of | cfeatijim as Yapwrtad .t o to^ V Bombay, :^ay 22s— (AP) —firiUsh inake a campaign in *a.vor o f toe ftnrf toe AUjq was abandoned. This 10:45 a. m.—Flew oyer Fernan­ The.Thompsonville explosion was electrical science, had" its'w orld pre- ft do do Noronha off toe Brazil plaihry telfhere in Manchester by American Society o f Maifi|nolo-. trodps-^a contingent frbm Hypera- S^teenth Amendment similar to -afternoon it was impossible to ap­ miere as a theater attraction here was ian coast. many people. Several called The gista. tod ^ by Dr. Bnist Hliber, had regiment—was sent today to the one before pfohlhltion proach toe vessels. The pilgriios today. of Johns Hopkins. Herald office by telephone to inquire toe government-operated salt depot were enroute to Mecca, Mosl6 ANTKlUMriES Audiences witnessed the unprece­ Comparing jEacial muscles of ^R^«)tds also had been Introducsa if there had been an ^rthquake. dented; spectacle of an orchestra in holy city. Fernando Do Noronha, Brazil, One wOinan called in with the re­ men and great , apes. Dr. Huber at Dharasana to prevent further showing toe organization had beqn (The Steamship Asia, a vessel of toe theater being led by toe life size found that if .man descended raiding by Indian Nationalist volun­ May 22.— (AP)—^The huge dirigible port that she understood 100 per­ radio television image of its conduc­ pledged future coiitributions of 3,655 tons, left Marseilles April 5, from toe same common ances­ teers. Graf Zeppelin rapidly nearing the sons had been killed in a terrible LOSE AT PAElEy tor, who in a laboratory a few miles $18,715,922.
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