THE MCKINLEY TIMES December 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume VI in the middle make sure that the finger this year we can still send the same feel- doesn’t go all the way through the dough. ing, and there are many ways to do this. (when I made it some of the cookies The first is to record your songs from came out with a small hole in it so try to home and send them to friends and fam- make a deep hole but don’t go through ily or people you would have caroled for. the dough). If you are using the hersheys Also, McKinley is doing a holiday mes- put them in before baking. Bake for 15 sage FlipGrid where you can sing a song, to 18 minutes, rotating the sheets from play an instrument, or give a message. top to bottom and from the back at the These would all be great ways to send Midway point the cookie should be only the holiday spirit. slightly colored. They may even look under done which is fine: they should The final tradition that we will be bright- not look over baked. what cookies are ening up today is a holiday party! We baked, remove the baking sheets from won’t be having a real, in person holi- the oven and let the cookies rest on the day party but we can still have a party! sheets for 2 minutes before transferring Here are some ways to do that. The first them to cooling racks and sifting confec- is a Zoom party. You can invite all your tioners sugar over them. Put the jam in friends and family and have all of that Almond Thumbprint a Ramekin or small bowl and put it in fun, just through a screen. The final way Cookies the microwave for about 1 minute and to have a holiday party is a family one. 30 seconds, let it cool slightly and then 4 This will be just the family that you live by Jonah C. into the holes in the cookies let cool for with to make it 100% safe. Don’t worry, another 5 minutes then enjoy. I’m sure all of our families would have 7 ounces ground almonds a blast. 7 ounces all purpose flour 1 stick butter at room temperature Ways To Brighten Up These are some ways to brighten up the ¼ cup sugar holidays. Although we can’t be there to- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract The Holidays! gether we still can be in a way. I hope you ¼ teaspoon almond extract enjoyed! Confectioners sugar by Sage M. ¼ cup jam or ¼ hershey kisses or both Have a wonderful week! We all know that the holidays will not be Preheat the oven to 350° Fahrenheit. the same in many ways, although, this Line two baking sheets with parchment just opens up many ideas to make the or silicone mats. Whisk together the holidays even better! ground almonds and flour. Working with a stand or hand mixer, beat the but- One thing that we usually do but won’t ter and sugar together on medium speed be able to this holiday season is get to- until life and fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes. Add gether with our families! Instead of just the extracts and beat to blend. Reduce celebrating holidays with only our imme- the mixers to low and gradually add the diate family, we can call them. It’s just like nut flour mixture, mixing only until it is being there, especially when you can’t be. incorporated into the dough. working Another way we can brighten up being with a teaspoonful of do at a time, roll with our family is to see them from far the dough between your palms the form away with a mask on. If your family lives small balls and place the balls 2 inches close by, this would be a great option for apart on the baking sheets setting eat you! cookie with the song and a finger of one hand use your some you poke a hole Another famous tradition is caroling. Al- though we wont be going door to door, December 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume VI CURRENT EVENTS New Year’s 2021 - Watch a movie. Pick any flick to watch, I mean by outer circle is grandparents just not one that will make you fall asleep! and cousins as well as family friends and by Juliet S. - Make dinner. If your family makes a friends. This year, we need to think of special New Year’s Eve dinner every gingerbread structures as an activity that The new year is approaching! 2020 is year, there’s no reason to stop! You can you can enjoy with members of your in- coming to an end and 2021 is about to also make a special dinner for the occa- ner circle. begin. In 2020, we were met with and sion. overcame many challenges, such as the - Make New Year’s glasses or hats. Just A new tradition that my family has presidential election, the Black Lives use whatever you have at home! thought of is for the holiday week. Each Matter issue and the Coronavirus. While day can be a different theme just like not all of these issues have been fully ad- 2020 has been a tough year for the world, Spirit Week. I think that this tradition is dressed, 2021 may be a light at the end but it’s time to put a smile on our faces, pretty cool because you can get creative of the tunnel for COVID19. and put our best foot forward into the with what you do and it’s something to new year! look forward to. I like the idea of having Vaccine: Hope for COVID19 something like a Movie Marathon Mon- day or Treat Tuesday. If you like Spirit On November 9, 2020, it was announced New Traditions for the Week, you will probably like this. that a successful vaccine, made by Pfizer, had been developed and had passed the Holidays Other traditions that are catching on final test stages with encouraging results. are Zoomebrations, Google Meets, This gave people hope that the other by Shayla A. Whatsapp calls, or FaceTime etc. This vaccines being made would also turn out tradition is becoming more popular by to be as successful. Pfizer’s vaccine was Are you seeking new traditions for this the minute. People are glad that these approved by the FDA (Food and Drug holiday season because you cannot do apps and programs allow them to com- Administration) on December 11, 2020. things you usually do during the holi- municate with other people in their out- The vaccine has been made available to days? Well, if so, then you should take a er circle. Zoomebrations are the most some of the most vulnerable groups. close look at this article. popular. As we get closer to the holidays, Zoom is getting more and more busy. If Celebrating New Year’s Eve Some of our favorite traditions for the you are using Zoom for the holidays, it holidays are meeting up with family and might get glitchy! Many families in the US on New Year’s friends, going to holiday parties and trav- Eve throw big parties and stay up late. eling. However, Covid 19 is preventing Thanks for reading my article and I hope This year, however, only the latter will those traditions this year. People have you try out some of the stuff that I sug- be available. Due to new COVID restric- been trying to find new traditions for the gested. Until next time readers. tions, no gatherings of any kind outside holidays to replace these old traditions, your household are allowed. The famous because we still want to try to have fun. ` Pasadena Rose Parade has been canceled It is also important that we try to input due to the virus and the New Year’s Eve new traditions because some of our old New York ball drop is going virtual. traditions are just not safe. If you still go However, there are still many other fun somewhere for the holidays, I recom- ways to celebrate New Years Eve. mend that you wear a mask. - Stay up till midnight. Even though no Building gingerbread houses and ginger- parties can be held, you can still have a bread people is also a tradition but it’s family party where you can stay up as late an old one that we need to make some as you want! twists to. Building gingerbread structures - Make New Year’s Resolutions. You is usually done with members in your can write yours together with your fam- outer circle, not only your inner circle ily and share. (mom, dad and possibly sibling). What 2 December 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume VI CURRENT EVENTS now it’s important to keep our physical I guess this is the holiday season, so you distance (6ft. or 1.82 m.) and masks. could just make your house festive! Go There are still ways to have fun during into some boxes with decorations and the holiday season! you can decorate your room, the interior, the exterior, even the doors! Go all out, First, you can always call your friends! and have some fun! There are many ways to contact your friends or distant family members, Maybe you can start like a small fun through FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, Goo- business for close friends and family gle Meet, and many more!! There are members.
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