Xavier PRÉVOST Professor of Legai history Université de Bordeaux — Faculté de droit et science politique 16, avenue Leon Duguit — CS 50057 33608 Pessac cedex (France) AREAS OF RESEARCH - Histon' of legai thought, politicai thought and legai education of thè early modern period - Materia! history of law (teg3' pnnted materia! of thè early modern period) - History of business law EDUCATION Feb. 2015 Archiviste paléographe (graduated from Ecole nationale des chartes, La Sorbonne) Dissertation: Lespremères bis imprimées: étude des actes wyaux imprimé* de Charles Vili a Henriìl (1483-1559); Advisor: Prof. Patrick Arabeyre Dissertarion brought to thè actcnrion of thc Sccretary of State for Education Feb. 2014 Agrégatìon in Law (Legai history) Laureate of thè external civil service competitive examination to become a tenured fui! professor— Ranked lst in France Sept. 2012 Doctorat (=Ph.D.) in Law (Legai history) - Summa cum laude Sorbonne Law School, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne Dissertation: Jacques Cujas (1522-1590), 7^ droit a l'épreuve de l'humanisme / Advisors: Prof. Anne Rousselet-Pimont & Prof. Jean-Louis Thireau Prizes: Prix Corbay de l'Académie des scicnccs moralcs et politiques (Instimi de France} Prix Robert Dennery de la Chanccllerie des universités de Paris Prix Alfred Duméril de i'Acadcmic des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lcttrcs de Toulousc Prix de thèse de Flnstitut de droit romain (Université Panthéon-Assas - Paris II) Sept. 2007 Magistère (=Three-year postgraduate degree) in Law and Management École normale supérieure de Cachan & Université de Rennes I Master ,2(=LL.M.) in Legai history - Magna cum laude Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) July 2006 Agrégatìon in Economics and Management Laureate of thè external civil service competitive examination for a teaching position — Ranked 91*1 in France June 2005 Master 1 (=Masters) in Law specialized in European law - Magna cum laude Université de Rennes I & École normale supérieure de Cachan June 2004 Licence de Droit (=LL.B.) - Cum laude Université de Rennes I June 2003 Graduated from Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan - Summa cum laude Admitted, after a national competitive examination, in Department of Law, Economics and Management - Ranked lst in France 2001 - 2003 DEUG (-Two-year degree) in Law - Magna cum laude Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne July 2018 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Since 2014 Professor of Legal history Université de Bordeaux (France) Present: - Introduction to legal history (Licence 1 Droit – Since 2016) - History of legal thought (Licence 3 Droit – Since 2014) - European history (Master 1 Droit – Since 2016) - Historical analysis of current legal issues (Master 1 Droit – Since 2016) - History of political thought (Master 2 Droit – Since 2016) Past: - History of public institutions (Licence 1 Droit – 2014-2016) - Late modern social history (Licence 1 AES – 2017-2018) - History of contract law (Licence 3 Droit – 2014-2016) - Political history of great powers (Licence 3 AES – 2015-2016) - European social history (Licence 3 AES – 2016-2018) - General knowledge (Licence 3 to Master 2 Droit/Économie/AES – 2015-2017) - History of commercial law (Master 2 Droit – 2014-2016) 2011 – 2014 Teaching assistant of Prof. Benoît Frydman Sciences Po (Paris) – Law School - Regulations and global norms (Master 1) 2011 – 2012 Teaching assistant (Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche) Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) - Legal history and Methodology (Licence 1) 2006 – 2012 Lecturer in Law, Economics and General knowledge Classes préparatoires for the national entrance examination to École normale supérieure 2010 – 2011 Teaching assistant (Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche) Université Paris-Descartes - History of public institutions (Licence 1) - Legal history (Licence 1) 2007 – 2010 Teaching assistant (Allocataire-Moniteur Normalien) Université Lille II - European idea and General knowledge (Master 1) - History of public institutions before 1789 (Licence 1) - History of public institutions after 1789 (Licence 1) ACADEMIC HONORS AND GRANTS Since 2017 Recipient of the scientific grant “Prime d’encadrement doctoral et de recherche” (PEDR) 2018 Promoted to the « first class » of the professorship by national decision. 2012 – 2014 École nationale des chartes, La Sorbonne Fellowship 2007 – 2010 Université Lille II & École normale supérieure de Cachan Fellowship 2003 – 2007 École normale supérieure de Cachan Fellowship COLLECTIVES RESPONSIBILITIES Scientific responsibilities Since 2017 Expert for the Revue historique de droit français étranger (RHD). Since 2016 Member of the editorial board of the review Clio@Themis. Since 2016 Director of the Institut de recherche Montesquieu (IRM - EA 7434). Since 2015 Deputy director of the Centre aquitain d’histoire du droit (CAHD/IRM). 2018 Project manager for the Graduate School (EUR – École universitaire de recherche) “Legal Excellence for Innovation” of the université de Bordeaux. 2 July 2018 2017 Expert appointed by the French national research agency (ANR). 2017 Expert for the Presses universitaires de Bordeaux (PUB). Administrative and academic responsibilities Since 2018 Member of two recruitment committees. - 2018: Full professor of legal history – Bordeaux university. - 2018: Assistant professor of modern history – Bordeaux Montaigne university. Since 2016 Member of the board of the doctoral school of law (ED 41) of the university of Bordeaux. Since 2016 President of the jury of the first year of law degree of the university of Bordeaux (about 2000 students). 2016 – 2018 Director of the Master (1&2) Legal history – Legal culture of the university of Bordeaux. 2015 – 2016 In charge of the creation of a Master 1 in Legal history and the reform of the Master 2 in Legal history (Université de Bordeaux). SCIENTIFIC EVENTS ORGANIZATION Conferences and workshop organization Since 2018 Co-director (with Luisa Brunori et Olivier Descamps) of the program “PHEDRA – Pour une histoire européenne du droit des affaires” [For a European history of Business Law] (https://phedraproject.wordpress.com). Since 2018 Co-organizer (with Luigi-Alberto Sanchi) of an annual multidisciplinary and international seminar (at least four sessions between January and May) on Legal humanism, at the university Panthéon-Assas (Paris II). - 2018: Définir l’humanisme juridique par les sources: quelques textes des XVe-XVIe siècles. e e - 2019 : Définir l’humanisme juridique par les sources : quelques textes des XV -XVI siècles (2). 2018 Co-organizer (with Luisa Brunori) of the international workshop Argent et marchandises en e e voyage (XII -XX siècle) , Université de Lille, Lille, 22 June 2018; for the publication of a thematic issue of Clio@Themis. 2016 – 2017 Co-organizer (with Nicolas Laurent-Bonne) of two international conferences: - Penser l’ordre juridique médiéval et moderne, École de droit de l’université d’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, 21-22 January 2016. - Penser l’ancien droit privé, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 9-10 March 2017. 2015 – 2017 Co-organizer (with Luisa Brunori, Serge Dauchy and Olivier Descamps) of an international cycle of conferences, entitled Histoire de l’économie sans travail. Finances, investissements, spéculation de l’Antiquité à nos jours (https://economiesanstravail.wordpress.com): - “Les sources intellectuelles”, Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), Paris, 2 December 2015; - “Les acteurs”, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 1 April 2016; - “Les résolutions des conflits”, Université Lille II, Lille, 18 November 2016; - “L’approche internationale”, Vila Finaly, Florence, 8-10 June 2017. Scientific board member Since 2018 Allocation of the chaire d’excellence Montaigne and organization of the « Moi(s) Montaigne » at Bordeaux Montaigne university. 2019 International conference Langues et langages juridiques, traduction et traductologie - Didactique et pédagogie, Bordeaux, 13-14 June 2019, organized by the CERCCLE, the CERIC, the CPJP and the LACES, chairing by R. Baumert, A. Geslin, S. Roussel and S. Schott 2018 3 July 2018 2018 International conference Italia-Francia andata et ritorno: influenze, porosità e legal transplants – France-Italie allers-retours: influences, porosités et legal transplants, Benevento, 28-29 September 2018, organized by the università del Sannio, chairing by C. Ciancio and L. Brunori. 2018 International conference Pierre de la Ramée (Ramus). État des lieux et perspectives de recherche, Paris, 5-6 July 2018, organized by the université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, the universitat de les Illes Balears and the université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, chairing by M.-D. Couzinet, R. Ramis Barceló and L.-A. Sanchi. PUBLICATIONS Monographs [3] Les premières lois imprimées. Étude des actes royaux imprimés de Charles VIII à Henri II (1483-1559), Paris, École nationale des chartes (Mémoires et documents de l’École des chartes), release in October 2018 [preface de Patrick Arabeyre]. Prix Madeleine Lenoir 2018 de la Société de l’École des chartes. [2] Histoire littéraire de la France, t. 46 : Jacques Cujas (1522-1590), Paris, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres / De Boccard, release in September 2018, 160 p. [1] Jacques Cujas (1522-1590), Jurisconsulte humaniste, Genève, Droz (Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance, n°DXLI), 2015 [preface Anne Rousselet-Pimont and Jean-Louis Thireau; printed version: 592 p.; digital version: 864 p.]. Premio speciale del Consorzio Interuniversitario Gérard Boulvert per lo studio della civiltà giuridica europea e per la storia dei suoi ordinamenti.
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