DATE ; 02'10 20 4 DAY NI014016m • m in IhNT Strategic Communication and Initiative Service • STRATEGIC LII COMMUNICATION utm FACE! BANNER EDITORIAL CARTOON STORY HORT IN FACE WEB SERVICE. 0-.a AlinwinhAnUnimiltrinen brio 20 FACE 1/ DATE 'REDUCING DEMAND FOR PANGOLINS NIPS TRADE IN THE BUD' HE Asean Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) commended the rescue of pangolins, Tand other threatened species, in Palawan and South Cotabato in the Philippines, citing the role of communities in combatting wildlife trafficking. "The recent rescue of wild animals demonstrates the seriousness of the Philippine government, with the help of community organizations, in enforcing its wildlife trafficking law and its commitment to strengthening cooperation with fellow Asean member-states in campaigns to end wildlife trafficking," said ACB Executive Director Theresa Mundita Lim. Twenty live pangolins (Manis culionensis) were reportedly recovered from a wildlife trafficker over the weekend PHILIPPINE pangolins GREGG VAN in El Nido, Palawan. According to reports,the joint operation Pangolins, which are found throughout Lim stressed the need to raise public was conducted by the Palawan Council for Southeast Asia, are considered one of the awareness on the important roles of Sustainable Development, Bantay Palawan world's most trafficked mammals. pangolins, which provide pest control and Task Force, Naval Forces West, Joint Task "Stopping the poaching of pangolins, improve soil quality in ecosystems. Force Malampaya, third Marine Co. of which is an Asean-wide problem, entails In a separate incident, an adult male Marine Battalion Landing Team 3, local the reduction of the demand for it. There is tarsier that found its way into the hands of environment office, and the Department no scientific evidence that shows pangolin children in Koronadal City, South Cotabat,o, of Environment and Natural Resources. scales have high medicinal value,"Lim said. was rescued by a villager. The Philippines is enforcing the Republic Act 9147, or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act, which provides for the conservation and protection of wildlife, and their habitats and prohibits trade, and transportation, of wildlife species. "On several occasions, members of communities have become first responders in the rescue of wild animals.The success of wildlife conservation greatlydependson the people's awareness of and attitudes towa rd wildlife conservation,"Lim, former chairman of the Asean Wildlife Enforcement Network, and former director of the Philippines's Biodiversity Management Bureau under the Department of Environmentand Natural Resources, said. The Philippines, and the rest of the Asean member-states, are parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, an international agreement among governments, aimed at ensuring that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. Rritxrsolc 1=1 , COMMUNICATION 8 PAGE I BANNER MURIA& CARTOON tummy es El HORT MOTT PAGE town SERVICE 0 Alt v4r114411 1i/1'311'am 02' 1 0 20 MIE: DATE 8.9K waterbirds in S. Kudarat wetland documented OTABATO CITY—Envi- personnel of Tacurong's Commu- ronment officials have nity Environment and Natural monitored thousands C Resources Office (Cenro), Sultan of waterbirds freely moving Kudarat's Provincial Environ- embarked on massive informa- around the wetlands of Sultan ment and Natural Resources Of- tion dissemination around Lake Kudarat province. fice (Penro), Tacurong City's Pro- Buluan to increase public aware- Dr. Sabdullah C. Abubacar, tected Area and Wildlife Section ness of the importance of the executive director of the Depart- (PAWS), and the local government waterbirds. ment of Environment and Natu- of Lutayan. Abubacar again reminded the ral Resources (DENR) 12 (Socc- "We are conducting this public and the local residents liv- sksargen), said the big number activity every year so that we ing near the wetlands not to harm of waterbirds were found in the can compare the current con- and capture the birds "because marshland and inland waters of dition and population of vari- they contribute a lot to a balanced Sultan Kudarat during the census ous waterbirds to our data in ecosystem." of waterbirds in the region that the previous years," said Mama Soccsksargen comprises the began on January 23. Mulimpay, chief of Tacurong's provinces of South Cotabato, The birds were monitored and Cen to-PAWS. North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, sighted in the 6,300-hectare Lake and Sarangani, and the cities of Buluan in Lutayan, Sultan Kuda- Cotabato, Kidapawan, Tacurong, rat, Abubacar said in a statement Korortadal and General Santos, PNA last week. Forester Sainoding Hadji- During the conduct of the manan of Penro-Sultan Kudarat 'annual Asian Waterbird Census said that besides bird counting, (AWC), personnel of the environ- the AWC also helps the DENR in ment offices of Tacurong City monitoring possible illegal ac- and Sultan Kudarat documented tivities, such as bird hunting, in the marshland. some 8,928 species in the. lake and its environs. "The DENR, in cooperation Among the documented water- with the local government units , bird species, also known as of Lutayan and Buluan, Maguin- "aquatic birds," were the great danao, conducts regular monitor- bittern, cinnamon bittern, black- ing in the area not only during crown night heron, Rufous Nh, the celebration of AWC. We are cattle egret, little egret, inter- doing this to protect andpreserve mediate egret, great egret, purple the various species of waterbirds heron, grey heron, javan pond in the lake," Hadjimanan said. heron, white-breasted waterhen, Mulimpay said the DENR has barred rail, banded rail, water rail, common crane, Philippine duck, lesser whistling duck, se r pent eagle, Brahrniny kite and wandering duck. The census was conducted by t 1 IF , k ' 1 i 1 A RARE purple heron was seen by personnel of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources 12 (Soccsksargen) at Buluan Lake in Lutayan, Sultan Kudarat. The DENR-12 said thousands of waterhirds were monitored roaming freely in the adjoining wetlands of Sultan Kudarat and Maguindanao provinces since January 23 following the conductof a census. DE5R-12 N i kili 171711C • I I Em I I I I ( 0 NmItINICATION Int FACET 'AMMER t1/11011141. C/M10014 STORY STORY !MITA:II:vs 0 Hai IITOT PAGE Fe 026'10 20 TAI:r I/ DATE MIGRATORY BUMS A flock of egrets congregate on a newly plowed rice field in Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. The migratory freshwater birds feed on aquatic organisms like fish OT MIMS. 1FASARM PERANTE STRATEGIC PHILIPPINE DAILY SALANCED NEWS • FEARLESS VIEWS UPPER RAMMER EDITORIAL CARTOON COMMUNICATION LII PAGE I STORY ea INITIATIVES PAGE LOWER lOMMIRMEIW SERVICE INQUIRER belt) 2n PAGE I/ CIAIE Marikina River dam readied World Bank lending $400111 for Si-meter high, 350-meter long project By Ben 0. de Vera The Washington-based will still leave a financing gap in the world, with 24 percent @bendeveraINQ multilateral lender will extend of $265 million for the project of Filipinos seen vulnerable by next year a two-million to be implemented by the De- to natural disasters. To avoid a repeat of the mas- loan for the $200-million Pa- partment of Public Works and In Metro Manila alone, sive flooding in eastern Metro sig-Marikina River Basin Flood Highways (DPWH) over a 6s- "migrants who typically have Manila similar to that caused Management Project, docu- year period. low-paying jobs are unable by Tropical Storm "Ondoy" in ments showed. The World Bank noted that to afford decent housing and nog, the government will build Besides the World Bank's the World Risk Index report often end up as informal-set- a massive dam in Marikina Riv- investment project financing, for 2019 showed that the Phil- tler families living in er with the help of the World the Philippine government will ippines was the third-riskiest ards-prone zones," the 64 Bank. shell out $35 million, which natural hazard-prone country World Bank said. MARIKINA RIVER DAM READIED Citing the experi- (MB) already jointly funded earthquake magnitude of 6.2 FROM 111 ence when "On- the master plan's ongoing ur- to 2.2. The design has consid- doy" hit the coun- ban drainage improvement ered the required strength try ii years ago, the World component. and stability of the maximum Bank pointed out that "there Specifically for the Pa- earthquake as the consequenc- were over 200 fatalities, many sig-Marikina River Basin, es of a dam failure would be in the Pasig-Marikina River Ba- the DPWH plans to build an extreme due to the large popu- sin due to severe flash floods, Si-meter high, 350-meter long lation and infrastructure value and it caused substantial dam- Marikina MultiPurpose Dam concentrated downstream," age and losses, equivalent to across a Marikina River gorge. the World Bank said. about 2.2 percent of GDP (gross "The spillway capacity of Besides floodwater man- domestic product)." the dam is designed for the agement, the project will also Post-"Ondoy," the World probable maximum flood of develop early warning and flood Bank supported the crafting around 6,300 cubic meters forecasting systems as well as of a flood management mas- per second. The dam would emergency-response planning ter plan for Metro Manila and be constructed within the Val- and inundation mapping. surrounding areas, whose im- ley Fault System containing The World Bank said the plementation over a 25-year two active faults close to the indigenous peoples and small period has been estimated to dam—West Valley Fault and farmers to be displaced by cost P352 billion. East Valley Fault with distance the project would be provid- The World Bank and the of 5.4 kilometers and 9.5 ki- ed not only with new housing Beijing-based Asian Infra- lometers, respectively, to the but also sustainable liveli- structure Investment Bank dam site with the estimated hood.
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