LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Pasevento Ferainana V12, P8 Pasevento Ferdinand V14, P10 Pasevento Giovanni V14, P225 Pasintini Valentini V12, P378 Pasjerini Michele V8, P130 Pasliahngo Umberto V10, P479 Pasliahnza Umberto V10, P479 Paslialinza Umberto V10, P479 Pasmore William John V8, P146 Pasoventa Domminico V9, P83 Pasqual D'Alfonso B2, F2, P165 Pasquale Marroni V16, P15 Pasquale Orro V10, P96 Pasquali Baldelli V8, P348 Pasquali Giovanni B1, F2, P260 Pasquali Giovanni V23, P34 V23, P34 Pasqualle Righi V12, P314 Pasqualli Righi V14, P336 Pasquantonio Rondanino B2, F1, P315 Pasquantonio Rondanino V28, P52 V28, P52 Pasqucale Morani V10, P366 Pasquinni Guiseppe V8, P422 Passari Gio V12, P194 Passari Gio V14, P209 Passavento Dominico V14, P196 Passerini Enrico B1, F2, P127 Passerini Michele V8, P130 Passi Giovanni V14, P61 Passi Giovanni V12, P53 Passudetti Camillo V13, P880 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 401 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Passudetti Camillo, M.D. V15, P1055 Pasten Mose B2, F2, P413 Pasten Mose B4, F1, P1872 B4, F1, P1872 Pastore George V14, P49 Pastore Giorgio V14, P49 Pastore Martin V12, P186 Pastore Martin V14, P201 Pastori Alberto V16, P114 Pastori George V12, P43 Pastori Martin V11, P155 Pastori Martin V15, P1075 Pastuchow Feodor B3, F3, P2239 Pastuchow T. Feodor B6, F2, P2410 B6, F2, P2410 Paszi Giovanni V14, P61 Patacconi Alesandro B1, F3, P287 Patacconi Alesandro B1, F3, P287 Patacconi Alessandro B2, F2, P141 Patacconi Alessandro V31, P57 Patacone Alessandro V31, P57 Pataconi Giovanna B6, F3, P2456 Pataconi Giovannina Giovannetti B6, F3, P2456 Pataconi Rudolf B2, F2, P440 Pataconi Rudolph B4, F1, P1853 B4, F1, P1853 Patermani Domenico V8, P422 Patermoster Mose B1, F3, P4 Paternoster Alberto B1, F2, P292 Paternoster Alberto V24, P14 V24, P14 Paternoster Beniamino V16, P63 Paternoster Beniamino V15, P63 Paternoster Dante B1, F2, P24 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 402 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Paternoster Dante V22, P53 V22, P53 Paternoster Giovani V10, P316 Paternoster Giovanni V18, P13 Paternoster Mario B1, F3, P420 Paternoster Mario B1, F2, P107 Paternoster Mario B1, F3, P420 Paternoster Mose B1, F3, P4 Paternoster Mose B1, F3, P4 Paternoster Mose V24, P15 V24, P15 Paterson Andrew V12, P36 Patient Sam V17, P79 Patragoni Luigi V10, P174 Patregnani Giuseppe V10, P183 Patregnani Giuseppe V13, P929 Patregnani Giuseppe V15, P1111 Patregnani P. V9, P150 Patrick Albert B2, F2, P439 Patrick Albert B3, F3, P2101 Patrick Albert B5, F2, P2089 B5, F2, P2089 Patrick Ann B3, F3, P2115 Patrick Henry William B2, F1, P236 Patrick Henry William V28, P62 V28, P62 Patrick Shizuko Takahata B6, F4, P2574 Patrick Steve V17, P24 Patro Andrecki V10, P387 Patrosso Dominick V12, P242 Patrosso Dominick V14, P255 Patrosso Frank N. V11, P85 Patrosso Frank W. V15, P794 Patterson Charles B1, F3, P386 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 403 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Pattjn Romi V8, P447 Pattyn Remi V20, P102 V20, P102 Paucheri Alexandro V8, P72 Paucheri Isadoro V12, P108 Paudreri Luigi V9, P65 Paudriri Luigi V9, P65 Paul Elizabeth B6, F3, P2489 Paul Emanuel Arthur V29, P24 V29, P24 Paul Joseph V15, P730 Paul Joseph V11, P69 Paul Joseph Mikle V29, P18 V29, P18 Paulet John B1, F1, P48 Paulet John V21, P170 V21, P170 Pauletti Enrico V10, P171 Pauletti Frank V9, P131 Paulic Frank V26, P39 V26, P39 Pauline Paolo V11, P88 Pauline Paolo V15, P801 Paulini Giuseppe V11, P152 Paulini Giuseppe V15, P1062 Paulson Swan V8, P154 Paulsson Charly V10, P327 Paunkavitz Frank V13, P742 Paveglio August B1, F3, P95 Paveglio August B1, F3, P95 Paveglio August V24, P26 V24, P26 Paveglio Luigi V8, P401 Paveglio Luigi V23, P11 V23, P11 Pavolo Giovanni V26, P45 V26, P45 Payne Alick V22, P45 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 404 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Payne Austin Miller V22, P46 Payne Emily Edith B6, F3, P2513 Payne James B5, F1, P2047 Payozna Giovanni V13, P660 Peaquin Luigi V19, P14 V19, P14 Pearson Axel B1, F3, P384 Pearson Axel B1, F3, P384 Pearson Axel V28, P17 V28, P17 Pearson Carl Hilding B2, F2, P190 Pearson Erick Victor B2, F1, P124 Pearson Erick Victor V27, P22 V27, P22 Pearson Gust V9, P10 Pearson Henninf V21, P39 Pearson Henning V8, P408 Pearson John V11, P40 Pearson John V15, P613 Pearson Nils V15, P969 Pearson Nils V13, P809 Pearson Olof B2, F2, P246 Pearsson Henning V21, P39 Pedersen Bertha Karolina B2, F2, P342 Pedersen Bertha Karolina V32, P97 V32, P97 Pedersen Hans Frederik B2, F2, P344 Pedersen Hans Frederik V32, P96 V32, P96 Pederson Andrew V12, P365 Pederson Andrew V14, P389 Pederson August V20, P87 Pederson Peter V12, P484 Pederson Peter V14, P522 Pederson Peter V12, P96 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 405 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Pederson Peter V8, P52 Pedo Demetrio V10, P306 Pedo Demetrio V20, P108 V20, P108 Pedo Elmo B2, F1, P403 Pedo Latanzio V20, P128 V20, P128 Pedo Latazonio V20, P128 Pedo Louis B2, F2, P62 Pedo Luigi V10, P242 Pedo Luigi V10, P306 Pedo Luigi V14, P537 Pedo Luigi V11, P26 Pedo Luigi V28, P99 V28, P99 Pedo Paulo V13, P665 Pedo Paulo V15, P759 Pedretti Antonio V9, P54 Pedretti Giovanni V9, P61 Pedretti Giovanni V16, P430 Pedri Romano V13, P801 Pedri Vincenzo V16, P398 Pedrotti Antonio V13, P724 Pedrotti Bartolo V13, P622 Pedrotti Bartolo V15, P702 Pedrotti Bertolo V11, P59 Pedrotti Bertolo V15, P701 Pedrotti Camillio V11, P27 Pedrotti Camillio V14, P539 Pedrotti Celeste V10, P449 Pedrotti Ceprian V14, P58 Pedrotti Cipriano V12, P50 Pedrotti Francesco V15, P683 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 406 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Pedrotti Francesco V13, P608 Pedrotti Leopoldo V10, P357 Pedrotti Luigi V8, P560 Pefaretti Giovan V10, P419 Pegarella John V10, P241 Pegg Orville B. V10, P375 Peglisi Giovanni V8, P543 Pegoraro Elvira V31, P55 V31, P55 Peintoli Mariano V26, P34 Peiritoli Mariano B1, F3, P186 Peiritoli Mariano B1, F3, P186 Peiterson James Christan V13, P940 Pekstadt Adolf V10, P370 Pelfalk Karl Henry Josefson B1, F3, P416 Pelfalk Karl Henry Josefson B1, F3, P416 Pelfolk Karl Henry Josefson B3, F2, P2059 Pelfolk Karl Henry Josefson B5, F2, P2096 Pelland Harry B2, F1, P406 Pelland Harry V28, P91 V28, P91 Pellegrini Carlo B2, F2, P169 Pellegrini Cipriano V12, P107 Pellegrini Concezio V15, P839 Pellegrini Giovanni V10, P27 Pellegrini John V8, P423 Pellegrini Rosa B5, F2, P2106 Pellegrino Antonio (Tony) V31, P45 V31, P45 Pellegrino Batbistoni V8, P415 Pellegrino Battistoni V16, P353 Pellegrino Mary Assunta B4, F3, P1997 Pelliccioni Narciso V8, P217 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 407 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Pelliccioni Narciso V13, P689 Pelliccioni Narciso V15, P798 Pellicheri Luigi V26, P132 Pellichero Giovanni B1, F3, P264 Pellichero Giovanni B1, F3, P264 Pellichero Giovanni V26, P195 V26, P195 Pellichero Leigi V10, P439 Pellichero Luigi B1, F3, P326 Pellichero Luigi B1, F3, P326 Pellichero Luigi V26, P132 V26, P132 Pellichero Mario V10, P439 Pelligrine Cipriano V14, P119 Pelligrini Ornnibale B2, F2, P400 Pelligrini Roberto V10, P80 Pelligrino Tony B2, F2, P144 Pellini Costante V14, P556 Pellini Costanti V11, P29 Pelsmeker Frank V8, P410 Peltier Arthur B2, F1, P329 Peltier Arthur V28, P63 V28, P63 Peltoma Edward V8, P462 Peltoma Henry Frank B6, F2, P2425 Peltoma Niklas V8, P442 Peltoma Niklas V21, P223 V21, P223 Penachini Frank V8, P513 Penault A. F. V8, P151 Penchall Richard V14, P180 Penet Emil B2, F2, P118 Penet Emil V30, P69 V30, P69 Pengrazzi Alfonso V20, P114 V20, P114 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 408 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Pengrazzio Alfonso V10, P307 Penna William V10, P405 Penni Domenico V8, P258 Pennoni Giuseppe B1, F3, P268 Pennoni Giuseppe B1, F3, P268 Pennoni Giuseppe V25, P14 V25, P14 Pentrall Richard V12, P165 Pepps Theodore B3, F1, P30 Peps Theodore Steve V30, P68 V30, P68 Pera Hilma B6, F3, P2522 Pera Konsta B3, F3, P2161 Pera Konsta B6, F1, P2269 B6, F1, P2269 Pera Mauno Kaleva B3, F3, P2185 Pera Mauno Kaleva B6, F1, P2322 Perakyla Hilma B6, F3, P2522 Perakyla Konsta B3, F3, P2161 Perakyla Konsta B6, F1, P2269 Perakyla Mauna Kolena B3, F3, P2185 Perakyla Mauna Kolena B6, F1, P2322 Perakyla Mauno Kalevi B6, F1, P2322 Perakyla Mauno Kalvi B3, F3, P2185 Perakyla Mauno Kalvi B6, F1, P2322 Percella John V13, P680 Percello Toney V8, P333 Perchate Augusto V14, P337 Perchato Augusto V14, P337 Perenthaler Germano V10, P461 Peretto Nicola B1, F3, P266 Peretto Nicola B1, F3, P266 Peretto Pietro B2, F1, P179 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 409 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Pergvall Johan Victor V15, P58 Pergvall Johan Victor V16, P58 Perigny Arthur B2, F1, P294 Perigny Arthur V29, P6 V29, P6 Perin Antonio B2, F1, P5 Perin Antonio V26, P133 V26, P133 Perino Antonio V12, P332 Perino Antonio V14, P354 Perino Francesco V14, P298 Peripoli Emilio B1, F3, P447 Peripoli Emilio B1, F3, P447 Peripoli Emilio V26, P46 V26, P46 Peripoli Giuseppe B1, F3, P262 Peripoli Giuseppe B1, F3, P262 Peripoli Giuseppe V28, P74 Peripoli Giuseppe V26, P44 V26, P44 Perkinig Jakob V8, P494 Perkinig Jakob V18, P75 Perkins Samuel J. V12, P348 Perkins Samuel J. V14, P370 Perko Ivan B3, F3, P2227 Perko John B3, F3, P2227 Perkovic Marie B5, F1, P2080 Peroccschi Pietro B1, F3, P306 Peroceschi Attilio B1, F2, P239 Peroceschi Attilio V23, P72 V23, P72 Peroceschi Giavanni V22, P208 V22,
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