Niger J Paediatr 2020; 47 (2):119 –187 PANCONF 2020 ANNUAL GENERAL CONFERENCE Abstracts of Proceedings CC –BY 51th Annual General and Scientific Conference of the Paediatrics Association of Nigeria (PANCONF), 21st - 24th January, 2020 OCAR1 mary hypertension among apparently healthy secondary Large cardiac rhabdomyoma in two infants; good students in Osogbo, Nigeria. response to medical management: A brief report Materials and methods: A school-based cross-sectional study involving 404 students selected from 6 different Chinawa JM 1*, Swati G 2, Trivedi B 2 schools in Osogbo. Six BP measurements were taken at 1 Department of Paediatrics, University of Nigeria/ different visits using auscultation method after a nega- University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu State, tive urine dip stick test result in every subject. Anthro- Nigeria. pometry was also done while those with persistently 2 Fortis Hospital limited, Bhandup (West), Mumbai, elevated BP had electrocardiography, echocardiography India. and renal scans. *Email: [email protected] Results: Of the 404 students studied, 14 students (3.5%) had hypertension while 25 (6.2%) had prehypertension. Background: Rhabdomyomas are rare tumours in chil- All students with elevated BP had normal renal scans. dren often associated with tuberous sclerosis. They are However, 7 (29%) of the 24 students who had echocar- usually diagnosed during antenatal period as an inciden- diography and electrocardiography done, had evidence tal finding. of left ventricular hypertrophy. Case presentation: The first case is a 2.5-month-old Conclusion: Hypertension with evidence of target organ who was diagnosed to have rhabdomyomas at gesta- damage exists among adolescents in Osogbo. All were tional age of 24 weeks. Electrocardiogram revealed left due to primary hypertension. axis deviation and multiple premature atrial contrac- Keyword: Primary hypertension, Nigeria, Secondary tions. Echocardiography showed massive tumour occu- School. pying the right ventricular cavity. Tuberous sclerosis was seen on magnetic resonance imagery. He was com- menced on Everolimus with obvious regression of tu- OCAR3 mour. The second case is an 8-month-old male who was Point prevalence of hypertension among school referred to us for cardiac evaluation. Echocardiography children using mercury sphygmomanometer and showed two masses of rhabdomyoma. He was also oscillometric device in Ilorin, Nigeria placed on Everolimus but was lost to follow up. Conclusion: Rhabdomyomas are rare tumours of the Ibrahim OR1*, Abdulkadir MB2, Afolabi JK2, Adedoyin heart which respond well to chemotherapy. OT2, Mokuolu OA2, Ojuawo A2 Keywords: rhabdomyoma; tuberous sclerosis; ever- 1Department of Paediatrics, Federal Medical Centre, olimus; echocardiography Katsina, Katsina State 2Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Univer- sity of Ilorin & University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, OCAR2 Ilorin, Kwara State Primary hypertension among apparently healthy *Email: [email protected] secondary school students in Osogbo, south-western Nigeria Introduction: Oscillometric devices are preferred method for measurement of blood pressure in younger Kayode OV 1, Oyedeji GA1, Oninla SO1, Okeniyi JAO2 children. Despite their widespread use, due to global Odeyemi OA1, Adesokan FJ 1 phase-out of mercury containing devices, the issue of 1Department of Paediatrics, LAUTECH teaching hospi- uncertainty in their accuracy has remained a draw back. tal Osogbo, Osun state Thus, this study compared the point prevalence of hy- 2Department of Paediatrics, Obafemi Awolowo Univer- pertension among school children using the mercury sity Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile Ife, Osun State sphygmomanometer and oscillometric device (Omron *Email: [email protected] 705 IT®). Methods: A total of 1745 school aged children were Introduction and Objectives: Hypertension in young recruited across threelocal government areas in Ilorin children is defined as systolic or diastolic blood pressure using systematic random sampling method. Each pupil (BP) greater than or equal to the 95th percentile for a had two serial BP measurements done with a mercury given age, gender or height on repeated BP measure- sphygmomanometer, which was followed by two BP ments. Incidence of hypertension with its complications measurements using a validated oscillometric device among young persons, is globally on the rise. The objec- (Omron 705 IT®). The data were analysed using SPSS tive of the study was to determine the prevalence of pri- version 25. Niger J Paediatr 2020; 47 (2) 120 Results: Mean age was 8.77 ± 1.97 years. Males were quired heart disease. The mean age, weight and height 872. For mercury sphygmomanometer, the prevalence of were 4.5±3.7years, 13.9±10.0kg and 95.3±24.8cm re- systolic prehypertension, and hypertension were 6.2% spectively. The mean serum urea, sodium, potassium (109) and 163 (9.3%) respectively while the prevalence and creatinine were 4.3±2.9mmol/L, 135.6±5.4mmol/L, of diastolic prehypertension and hypertension were 71 4.4±0.8mmol/L and 51.0±19.6µmol/L respectively (no (4.1%) and 95 (5.4%) respectively. For Omron 705 IT®, significant difference in children with congenital and the prevalence of systolic prehypertension, and hyper- acquired heart diseases). The mean eGFR was found to tension were 148 (8.5%) and 315 (18.1%) respectively be 76.1±31.9ml/min/1.73m2 in all the children (no sig- while the prevalence of diastolic prehypertension and nificant difference in children with congenital and ac- hypertension were 71 (4.1%) and 117 (6.7%) respec- quired heart diseases P=0.680), however 80% of the tively. Prevalence of systolic prehypertension and hyper- children had abnormal eGFR (less than 90 ml/ tension using Omron was higher than mercury sphyg- min/1.73m2). momanometer (χ2 =315.790, p<0.0001). Prevalence of Conclusion: Abnormal eGFR was found to be high in diastolic prehypertension and hypertension using Omron children with both congenital and acquired heart dis- was higher than mercury sphygmomanometer eases attending the Paediatric cardiopulmonology clinic (χ2=77.671, p<0.0001). of AKTH, Kano. This highlights the need for routine Conclusion: Prevalence of prehypertension and hyper- screening in all children with both congenital and ac- tension was higher using the oscillometric device. quired heart disease. Keywords: Hypertension, children, oscillometric, mer- Keywords: Congenital heart disease, Acquired heart cury sphygmomanometer. disease, Children, Kano OCAR4 OCAR5 Serum electrolytes, urea and creatinine profile of Arterial blood pressure in children with sickle cell children with congenital and acquired heart diseases anaemia and controls: a comparative study in Kano, Nigeria- a preliminary report Farouk AG1*, Ibrahim HU2, Ibrahim BA1, Elechi HA1, Mustafa O. Asani1*, Ahmadu Ibrahim1, Nuhu Garba1, Idrisa JA3, Mustapha MG1 Abubakar Muhammad Shakur 1, Umma Abdulsalam 1Department of Paediatrics, College of Medical Ibrahim1, Halima Umar Ibrahim2, Ibrahim Aliyu1 Sciences, University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria 1Department of Paediatrics, Aminu Kano Teaching 2Department of Paediatrics, Federal Medical Centre, Hospital, Kano Birnin-Kudu, Jigawa State, Nigeria 2Department of Paediatrics, Federal Medical Centre, 3 Department of Medicine, College of Medical Sciences, Birnin Kudu, Jigawa State University of Maiduguri, Nigeria *Email: [email protected] *Email: [email protected] Background: The evaluation of electrolyte, urea and Background: Sickle cell anaemia (SCA) is a common creatinine profile is important in children with both con- disorder among indigenous people of north-eastern Ni- genital and acquired heart diseases. This is because im- geria. It is characterized by recurrent bone pain from balances of these parameters maybe associated with occlusion of blood vessels by sickled RBCs. Hyperten- significant morbidity and mortality. sion in children with SCA is rare and when present may Aim and objectives: This study aimed to assess the elec- be secondary to other disease process and more rarely trolyte, urea and creatinine profile of children with con- essential hypertension. genital and acquired heart diseases. Specific objectives Objectives: To compare the arterial blood pressure (BP) include determination of the prevalence of abnormal of children with SCA in steady state with age- and sex- serum sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine and estimated matched controls. glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in children with con- Methods: The study design was cross-sectional. Mini- genital and acquired heart diseases. mum sample size of 44 was determined using Taylor’s Materials and Method: This was a cross-sectional study formula. Subjects were recruited systematically as they conducted at the Paediatric Cardio-pulmonology Clinic present at Paediatric Haematology Clinic when they met of AKTH, involving children with both congenital and the inclusion criteria. Controls were apparently healthy acquired heart diseases. The biodata of the children were HbAA children attending follow up at Paediatric Outpa- obtained and their anthropometry measured. Results of tient Clinic. Anthropometry and BP were measured and their recent serum electrolyte, urea and creatinine were recorded appropriately. BP was classified using pub- reviewed and the eGFR was calculated using the lished normative data. Schwartz formula. Results: A total of 54 SCA children in steady state and Results: A total of 45 children were studied, out of 159 normal children as controls were studied.
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