STAR K KOSHER CERTIFICATION rtnhyktcs ,urafv sgu Kashrus K Kurrents VOLUME 23 NO. 3 Summer 5763-2003 Food Fit for a King Inside This Issue Food Fit for a King: Reviewing the Laws of Reviewing the Laws of Bishul Akum and Bishul Yisroel ......................Page 1 Bishul Akum & Bishul Yisroel President’s Message ............................................Page 4 RABBI MOSHE HEINEMANN, RABBINIC ADMINISTRATOR Liquor & Liqueur List............................................Page 5 It is not uncommon for food manufacturers to call us with a keen interest Pas or Pas Nisht: in kosher certification but who don’t have the slightest idea what it takes to pro- Reviewing the Laws of Pas Akum ..................Page 6 duce a kosher product. What complicates matters is that they would like to have Consumer Air Conditioner Caution ..............Page 8 a kashrus tutorial capsulized into a telephone conversation. Obviously, we can’t give a thorough kashrus course over the phone, but we can categorize practical kashrus into three main areas: ingredients, equipment, and process. New Under Star-K Certification: Occasionally, there may be circumstances where both ingredients and equip- ment are 100% kosher and through a violation of a Rabbinic ordinance some Establishments........................................................Page 8 foods or food products would be prohibited, while other food products undergo- Consumer ..................................................................Page 3 ing the very same process would remain 100% kosher. This disqualifying process occurs when certain foods are totally and exclusively cooked by an aino Yehudi, Star-D ..........................................................................Page 3 a person who is not required by the Torah to keep kosher. When a kosher raw chicken is boiled in a pot of water by an aino Yehudi it is as non-kosher as chick- Industrial....................................................................Page 7 en cooked in butter! Our Rabbis call this disqualification bishul akum, literally, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 K National Kashrus Lecture Series K Tuesday, July 29, 2003 • 8:30 P.M. Wednesday, July 30, 2003 • 8:30 P.M. at Young Israel of Midwood at Landfield Avenue Synagogue Avenue L & Ocean Avenue •Brooklyn, NY 18 Landfield Avenue • Monticello, NY Beware! Glatt may not always be Kosher: Beware! Glatt may not always be Kosher: The Truth about Kosher Meat and Poultry The Truth about Kosher Meat and Poultry RABBI MOSHE HEINEMANN RABBI MOSHE HEINEMANN Kashrus on the Rocks: Medicines & Vitamins An Analysis of Wine, Whiskey & Beer Kashrus Issues and Shabbos Usage RABBI TZVI ROSEN RABBI DOVID HEBER Medicines & Vitamins Shabbos & Yom Tov Appliances Kashrus Issues and Shabbos Usage The Newest Ovens & Refrigerators RABBI DOVID HEBER RABBI TZVI ROSEN MODERATOR: AVROM POLLAK MODERATOR: AVROM POLLAK ADMISSION FREE • SEPARATE SEATING • COMPLIMENTARY REFRESHMENTS PRIOR TO PROGRAM FOR EVENT DIRECTIONS AND INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 718-692-0999 1 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 food cooked by a person not required by main ingredient does not qualify for manner, they are further processed in the Torah to keep kosher. There are two bishul akum would be acceptable as long sauces or casseroles. Therefore, in the U.S. reasons why our Chachomim, Sages, as all the ingredients are blended togeth- canned mushrooms would not be subject enacted this ordinance: First, as a precau- er. An example of such a product would to bishul akum restrictions. In Israel, how- tion against inadvertently eating non- be brewed coffee which is a combination ever, where mushrooms are not eaten raw kosher food; second, as a prevention of water and roasted coffee beans. Cooked and mushrooms are considered a presti- against unnecessary socialization that water does not qualify for bishul akum. gious food, the restrictions of bishul akum could lead to intermarriage. Although roasted coffee beans cannot be may apply. In situations where bishul akum used without brewing, coffee is a presti- Interestingly, certain Third World would present a problem, our gious beverage which is served at wed- countries view potato chips as a presti- Chachomim have instructed us that this dings. Nevertheless, since the water is gious food. The U.S. considers potato disqualification can be avoided by having considered the main component of the chips junk food. Obviously, in countries the observant Jewish homemaker or a beverage and the coffee is considered a fla- where potato chips reach a king’s state mashgiach, a kosher supervisor, perform voring, freshly brewed coffee would not dinner, potato chips would also be subject an integral part of the cooking process, be subject to the restriction of bishul to the laws of bishul akum. such as turning on the fire. When a akum. ? Does bishul akum apply to rice? Yehudi, an observant Jew, assists in the Foods that are microwaved by an Instant rice and minute rice are products preparation, we say that the food is pre- aino Yehudi. Bishul akum does not apply to that are fully cooked and then re-dried so pared through bishul Yisroel. microwaved food. The Rabbinical prohibi- that the product can be easily rehydrated, In order for the consumer to under- tion of bishul akum applies only to con- e.g. boil in the bag rice. This product is stand these important kosher laws clearly, ventional cooking methods, eg. cooking, subject to bishul akum because the rice we will delineate the circumstances where frying, roasting. Food prepared through was fully cooked and would be fit for a the prohibition of bishul akum does not microwaving is not included in the prohi- state dinner. Parboiled rice is steamed apply. bition. with the outer shell on in order for the I. PROHIBITION OF BISHUL nutrients of the hull to be cooked into the AKUM DOES NOT APPLY TO . kernel. The kernels are then pearled and Foods that can be eaten raw. This sold as raw rice. A good example of par- applies even to food that tastes better boiled rice is Uncle Ben’s converted rice. cooked or baked than raw (e.g. baked Parboiled/converted rice would not be apples or applesauce). The reason subject to the laws of bishul akum. why our Chachomim permitted ? Does bishul akum apply to these dishes is because we can Rice Krispies? The raw rice is eat this food without the inter- precooked before being popped vention of the aino Yehudi. We Food Fit for a King into crisp rice. Would the pre- do not feel obliged to the cook cooked rice be subject to the for his assistance in preparation bishul akum prohibition? The of these products, thereby less- Reviewing the Laws of Kelloggs’ technical staff explained ening any social bond created Bishul Akum & Bishul Yisroel to the Star-K that although it is by the food. true that the rice is precooked Foods whose form and before toasting, this pre-popped taste do not change through cooking. Foods that are prepared by brining rice is rubbery and edible but not fit for a This applies even to food that would nor- or smoking would not be prohibited. king’s repast. The subsequent popping, mally not be eaten without cooking (e.g. FREQUENTLY ASKED BISHUL which is not a disqualifying bishul akum pasteurized milk or distilled water). AKUM QUESTIONS... heat process, makes the rice edible. Since Foods that are still inedible and ? Does bishul akum apply to canned the precooked rice is technically edible, require more cooking to make the food goods? The answer is that it depends. although not appealing, any subsequent edible. This would apply to partial Canned soups and canned pasta would process (popping and flavoring) would preparation by the akum and the finishing present a problem of bishul akum without not subject the rice to the restrictions of process by the Yehudi or partial prepara- proper supervision. Canned fruit would bishul akum. Rice Krispies are not oleh al tion by the Yehudi and the finishing not present a bishul akum problem shulchan melachim. process by the akum. because fruit is usually eaten raw. As long ? The White House State Dinner Foods that are not prestigious and as the fruit has been processed on kosher Policy - The Star-K asked the White would not be served at a kings’ table equipment with kosher ingredients it House executive chef what the White when hosting an official state dinner would be permitted. Canned vegetables House banquet policy is regarding the use (e.g. baked beans or corn flakes). These that are either eaten raw or are not elegant of canned products for state dinners. A foods are permitted because a person does enough to be served at a state dinner specific question was what is the policy not experience deep feelings of gratitude would not have a bishul akum problem. regarding canned cranberry sauce? We and appreciation when someone warms Whole asparagus, when served alone, is a also asked whether potato chips are up a can of string beans. Therefore, cook- prestigious food. Therefore, canned served at state dinners. The chef’s ing non-prestigious food would not bring whole asparagus should only be used with response was as follows, “We would serve on feelings of closeness between preparer a reliable hechsher which surely addressed whatever the guest wants, however, we and recipient. Any food that would not be the bishul akum issue. never served potato chips, nor do we ever served at a wedding feast because it is not ? Is bishul akum subjective? The use canned goods...everything is prepared elegant (e.g. doughnuts) would certainly bishul akum prohibitions can change fresh!” not qualify for bishul akum. depending upon the different culinary Note 1: Even though the White Foods which are generally not eaten customs of the country in question. House may never use canned foods, if the together with a meal or are not eaten for Canned mushrooms is an example of this food was first cooked before the canning healthy nutrition (e.g.
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