RESULTS OF MAPPING PROJECT NEAR RAY PINAL CbUNTY, ARIZONA'- RESULTS OF MAPPING PROJECT NEAR RAY PINAL COUNTY, ARIZONA BTJPLI ,A TJ 01:7 ~1:7('\,T()GY ,'" ",'$, ' ~.' "':~GY I by I Stanley B. Keith f I STATE OF ARIZONA BUREAU OF GEOLOGY I AND MINERAL TECHNOLOGY I OPEN - FILE REPORT 83- 14 t ' Thl:s report is preliminary and has not been edited or reviewed fOI conformity wi til Arizona BUieau of GeOlogy and Minerai Technology standards. CONTENTS RESU LTS OF THE RAY MAPPING PROJEC T • • • • • c 1 Low-Angle Faults ••••••••••••• . 1 Low-angle rever se faults . 1 Low-angle normal faults. 1 High-Angle Normal faults • • • • • • • • • ••••• 4 West- to Northwest-Trending Structures of the Texas zone. 5 l ~ The Mineral Creek Fault Zone ••••••••••••••••••••• 5 DISC USSION • • • • • • ••• . · . 6 I ' Megabreccias •••••• . 7 I Tertiary Stratigraphy. '7 I ' SUIl1..Irla. r y . • • iii • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • 0 " 8 Exploration Significance · . 8 APPENDICES Addendum to Stan Keith's Ray Report ••••••••••••• 0 •• A-I-l Bowman Basin }'ault System ••••••••••••••••••••• A-l-I I Tortil1a-Northern Galiuro Mountains Cross Section C-C roo A-1-2 Crozier Peak Structure Cross Section A-A' •••••••.• A-1-2 Tortilla-Northern Galiuro Mountains Cross Section B-B' A-1-3 L Ray Structural Study Cross Section B-B' · . A-1-3 Correlation of Low-Angle Faults ••••• . A-1-4 Letter from Fred Zoerner • • • • • • • • • • • • (I • • • • , • • • • • • • • A-2-1 I Reply Letter by Stan Keith. A-3-1 Explanation to Map s and Structure Section A-4-1 Rocks .. • • . • ... • c • • A-4-2 1 _ Structure . , 0 • 0 • • • • • • • A-4-42 Table 1. Correlation of late Cretaceous - early Tertiary I igneous rocks from Saddle Mountain to Ray, Ari zona . ......... · . A-4-17 L Table 2. Age data for Madera diorite. • .. • • • • • • • • • c • A-4-39 Figure 1. Tentative correlation of Tertiary. rocks, Superior to Aravaipa Canyon, Arizona •• · . A-4-5 :r Page Figure 2'. Schen.atic cor relation of late Cretaceous, !r early Tertiary intrusives, Ash Creek to Superior, Arizona .................... A-4-16 }~igurc 3. Schernatic correlation of PrecaITlbrian, Paleozoic, and Mesozoic rocks, Ash Creek to Superior, Arizona ••••••.•••••• A-4-26 Figure 4. Correlation of older Precambrian rocks, Ash Creek to Superior, Arizona •••••• A -4-38 References. 0 Cit •••• '" ............................ A-S-I PLATES 0°, Plate I. Geologic map of the eastern part of the Mineral Mountain a.nd western part of the Teapot Mountain 7.5 minute I .' I ';(I (H"', 'J quadrangles, Pinal County, Arizona •..••••••••• 0 in pocke jl Plate II. Geologic map of the eastern part of the Teapot Mountain '/ 'f__ ;,p,) 7.5 nnnute quadrangle, Pinal County, Arizona •••••• " i r 1-- ,; Plate III. Geology of the west part of the Sonora 7.5 nnnute quadrangle, Pinal County, Arizona •••••••••• • • • e II " J Plate IV. Geology of the east part of the Crozier Peak and the west part of the WinkelITlan 7.5 minute quadrangles, Pinal County, Arizona •••••••••• '. " . " " jl- Plate V. Geologic map of the western part of the WinkelITlan 7.5 ITllnute quadrangle, Pinal and Gila Counties, \' I ( I ,:) d _,l Arizona .... 1;0 •••••••••••••••• " " L r.J Plate VI. Geologic map of the western part of the Saddle Mountain : ( ?J ,,·Y ),-) 7.5 ITlinute quadrangle, Pinal County, Arizona •••••• II II ~ Plate VII. Geology of the northeast part of the Saddle Mountain I; 1'(, J ,).~ 7.5 IT'linute quadrangle, Pinal County, Arizona ••• ... " If "\ Plate VIII. ) Structural cros~ section A-A'to accornpany Plates II~ III, a.nd III, Pinal County, Arizona < •••••••• . " " 1, Structural cross section B-B' to accompany Plates I, II, and III, Pinal County, Arizona ••..•••••••••• Structural cross section A-A' to accompany Plate IV, Pinal COtulty I Arizona ...................... jL , Plate XI~. Structural section B-B' to accompany Plates IV and VII, Pinal County, Arizona •••••••••.•.•••••••••• Structural section C-C' to accompany Plates IV and VII, Pinal County} Arizona •••••••••••• ," ••• , •• Plate ~III. ' " Correlation chart, Superior area, Dripping Springs ) Mountains, Tortilla Mountains, Galiuro Mountains, Pinal and Gila Counties, Arizon.a •••••• , •••••• l , RESULTS OF THE RAY lv1APPll"JG PROJECT (The following notes were transcribed fron~ an informal tape-recorded talk presented by Stan Keith at the Ray mine, April 15, 1976) The area rnapped by Stan lies north and west of Ray and comprises an I ~ area of about 14 by 5 lniles. Mapping scale is pi = 1000 1 and the base is I enlarged USGS topographic maps. I Low-Angle Faults .Low-angle reverse faults. -- - A series of n1ajor low-angle reverse faults exists northwest of Ray. The nearest of these thrust faults to Ray is the Walnut Canyon fault which has a north- south trace north of Teapot Mountain (see index map). Deformed Paleozoic rocks lie in the footwall of this fault, and a section of Paleozoic and Apache group rocks completely inverted lies in the hanging wall. The block of inverted rocks is truncated on the east by a steep-angle normal fault, the Sleeping Beauty fault, with Whitetail conglomerate in the hanging wall and Paleozoic and Apache group rocks in the footwall. The Walnut Canyon fault has a complex history. An early period of reverse movement probably accompanied overturning of the footwall rocks. A second period of normal moven1ent produced a synclinal drag and further overturned the overturned rocks such that the rocks are now overturned overturned! Thrusting along the Walnut Canyon fault is thought to be associated with a compressional event, probably of Laramide age, which produced shortening in this area of at least 12 miles (assunnng a continuous overthrust from Telegraph to Walnut Canyon). It is important to mention here that there is no positive evidence for a decollement along the base of the sedimentary section in contact with the crystalline basement. The base of the Apache group section where well exposed is generally and almost always in normal sedimentary contact with the crystalline basement. Very little evidence for shearing is apparent. Indeed, the crystalline base­ ment, which includes some diabase sills, appears to have been folded along wi th the overlying Phanerozoic section. Low-angle normal faults. -- - The Copper Butte fault west of Ray is a low-angle norm.al fault of lnajor extent. It extends southward into the Grayback Mountain quadrangle, through the Kearny quadrangle, (the Ripsey fault of Schmidt, 1971) to the vicinity of Crozier Peak, Winkleman 15 1 quadrangle. (the Camp Grant fault of Krieger, 1974) and probably extends on to San Manuel. This fault is a member of a group of faults which extend along the west margin of the Tortilla hinge line and as a group is charac­ terizedby a period of low-angle normal displacement. One rnember of this group offsets the San Manuel-Kalamazoo orebody. -1- m .- - - ~ .... f : o -..;; I: ' ,~~ ~ 1 J ,.' [ : , , He.Hs , LJ. \ ) ... Pk \ , I \ " '\ ... lY\d.elC mar +0 ClCc.I)mfCl"j L S. 6. ~elt~·.s no-ks o z I, J 1, The low-angle nonnal di splacement on the Copper Butte fault can be dated in the Ray l'nap area. In the SW ~ sec. 12, T. 3 S., R. 12 E. , Apache Leap tuif, dated at 20 m. y., lies in low-angle normal fault contact with Pinal schist and Whitetail conglomerate. The low-angle fault is interpreted to be an irnbricale slice of the Coppe r Butte fault. One mile farther northwest, the Copper Butte fault is overlapped unconformably by volcanics which postdate the Apache Leap tuff and which yield age dates of 18 to 16 m. y. Thus the period of low-angle normal . faulting occurred between 20 and 18 m. y. It should be noted that this fault :may have had an earlier period of reverse displacelnent, but the present juxtaposition of stratigraphic units indicate the latest nor:mal move:ment occurred during the 20 to 18 m. y. period. Also, move:ment on the Copper Butte fault appears to be younger than mOVClnent on the Battle Axe fault because of truncation relationships in swt sec. 12, T. 3 S., R. 12 E. Geologic relationships to the south do not substantiate but are consistent with nornlal displacerncnt along the entire system. at about the same time as in the Copper Butte area. For example, in the vicinity of San Manuel, the San Manuel forrnation is conrrnonly offset by normal displacement, and age dates of the San Manuel yield 24 m. y. Thus much of the movement in the south is post-24 m. y. Also, the Big Dome formation (14-17 m. y.) is not g0nerally Imown (with one exception of the White Canyon fault) to be involved in the low-angle normal faulting, although it occurs in close proximity to normally faulted San Manuel for:mation. Hence normal faulting ~ : rnay be pre-I? m.y. in age. One interesting feature of the Copper Butte fault is the contrast in structural coherency of the Pinal schist in the hanging wall and footwall blocks. Pinal schist in the hanging wall of the fault is strongly deformed, broken. and shattered. Pinal schist in the footwall bloc;k appears to exhibit only the lnetarnorphic structures da.ting from Precambrian time. This shattering is thought to be related to near- surface movement on the Copper Butte fault under low confining pressure. Examination of small fold structures in the Pinal schist indicate s pos sible early reverSE; movement on the Copper Butte faults but the latest movement appears to be low-angle normal. Likewise, exposures of a similar 10w-angJ.e fault in Walnut Canyon (near CB-9) provide some indication of an early reverse movement period. Here, Big Dome- equi valent rocks lie in the hanging wall of the fault and Whitetain conglomerate in the footwall, but the drag in the Whitetail suggests reverse movement on the fault.
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